{6} All Tickets By Milestone (Including closed) (7 matches)

A more complex example to show how to make advanced reports.

(empty) (7 matches)

Ticket Summary Component Status Resolution Version Type Priority Owner Modified
#1 XT-IDE not working on Amiga Janus board (bridgeboard or sidecar) component1 new defect major somebody 3 years ago
#4 xtide kills fdd bios extension (1.44+1.2M) on xt computer component1 new 2.0 defect major somebody 22 months ago
#7 XTIDECFG hang, possibly regression component1 new defect major somebody 6 months ago
#6 Windows Helper component1 closed invalid defect major somebody 4 months ago
#5 XTIDE cannot boot from hard disk component1 closed fixed defect major somebody 23 months ago
#2 issue with partition detection in XT-CF lite Rev 2 XUB R602 component1 closed fixed 2.0 defect minor somebody 3 years ago
#3 Problem formatting in 1.2 MByte drive component1 closed invalid defect trivial somebody 4 years ago
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