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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#3 invalid Problem formatting in 1.2 MByte drive somebody dergrell

hi: formatting 1.2 Mbyte disks shows many many bad sectors only on the NuXT. No errors occur on a Pentium II PC using the identical two drives, which work properly there on. My suspicion: Error in INT 13h not deleting the double stepping that is used for 360 KB disks. And of course HD disks were used. XUB was BIOS 0.9.8

#2 fixed issue with partition detection in XT-CF lite Rev 2 XUB R602 somebody twospruces

Problem described in some detail here:

This issue relates to the detection of the single partition on working, correctly formatted CF cards.

Environment is:

  • Zenith Z-171 XT compatible
  • XT-CF lite Rev2 work-alike custom card with R602 firmware incl boot loader
  • firmware has been configured


  • first off, on EVERY boot up (cold or warm) XUB reports correctly the presence of the CF card.
  • CF card is known good, and is capable of booting MSDOS 3.1. The MBR is correct, the partition is native to MSDOS 3.1
  • Detection of the boot partition generally does not associate the C drive with the primary partition.
  • as shown in post #534 in the XTIDE sw support thread, XUB boot loader seems to detect the CF card differently depending on (1) if it was started with a cold (hard) power cycle or (2) the number of successive warm restarts of the PC.
  • After a power cycle (10 sec), XUB boot loader menu does not report any CF card partitions, it solely reports the 2 FDDs.
  • on the first successive warm restart, XUB boot loader menu correctly reports the CF card, and normal boot up occurs
  • on subsequent warm restarts, XUB boot loader menu reports a number of "Foreign HDD" of very small size kB. The number of these HDD reported = number of warm restarts -1. The CF card is listed as the last entry. Please see photos of the boot loader menu in the support thread posting.

Process to correctly boot the machine 1) hard restart/power cycle with at least 10sec off time 2) boot into boot loader menu, observe listed drives. if 2 FDD listed only, warm restart. if 16 "Foreign HDD" listed, repeat hard restart 3) after warm restart allow machine to boot to C drive.

I can be contacted at twospruces at gmail for additional info. Thanks for any assistance.

#5 fixed XTIDE cannot boot from hard disk somebody 16bitPM

I have a clone 80286 computer with 5MiB of RAM and a Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 8 drive. XTIDE is configured on a network card with EPROM socket. XTIDE has been configured for 1 IDE controller, with interrupts enabled.

This system was working successfully before, until the drive slowed down more and more, notably during the boot process. At a given point, the computer started to hang at the point "Loading MS-DOS..." needing a hard reset.

I made the following attempts:

  • define manufacturer recommended CHS-settings in BIOS and skip XTIDE initialisation with CTRL-key : computer boots perfectly
  • move NIC and harddisk to another (386-class) computer: computer and XTIDE both work
  • (in 286-computer:) boot with XTIDE from A-drive. The disk is the MS-DOS 6.22 boot disk #1. The OS starts, but the install fails with "Internal Stack Overflow".
  • as before, but skip install by pressing <F5>. This works and I get a command prompt. But the moment I access the drive (dir, chkdsk, fdisk, ...) the computer hangs with "Internal Stack Overflow"
  • reconfigure the NIC to have its interrupt relocated from 5 to 10 (since the stack message may be related to an interrupt conflict) : no effect.
  • re-flashing to another EPROM : no effect
  • get fresh copies of the MS-DOS 6.22 install disks, wipe the partition table, boot from floppy without install. The moment that FDISK tries to access the disk, the computer hangs.
  • skip XTIDE-init, install DOS on 512MiB-partition, reboot without XTIDE and do auto-config in XTIDECFG. The moment I start autoconfig, the computer freezes (no error message).

As a final resort, I will try to manually configure with interrupts disabled, but theoretically this shouldn't make any difference since both IRQ lines on that computer are free anyway.

Please let me know if you need further information.

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