- Timestamp:
- Aug 31, 2021, 2:17:47 PM (4 years ago)
- Location:
- trunk
- Files:
- 13 edited
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r605 r618 30 30 31 31 ; Almost all of the CMOS locations are vendor specific and 32 ; there is very little standard ation32 ; there is very little standardization. 33 33 HARD_DISK_TYPES EQU 12h ; Windows 9x reads this to check if IDE drives 34 34 ; are present so it should be safe to access this. -
r592 r618 99 99 mov dl, %1 100 100 %endif 101 101 call IdeIO_InputToALfromIdeRegisterInDL 102 102 103 103 %endif -
r615 r618 102 102 103 103 ; Subcommands for COMMAND_SET_FEATURES 104 FEATURE_ENABLE_8BIT_PIO_TRANSFER_MODE EQU 01h ; CFA feature set only105 FEATURE_ENABLE_WRITE_CACHE EQU 02h106 FEATURE_ENABLE_ADVANCED_POWER_MANAGEMENT EQU 05h107 FEATURE_DISABLE_8BIT_PIO_TRANSFER_MODE EQU 81h ; CFA feature set only108 FEATURE_DISABLE_WRITE_CACHE EQU 82h ; Can also be used to flush cache109 FEATURE_DISABLE_ADVANCED_POWER_MANAGEMENT EQU 85h ; Might not be supported even if FEATURE_ENABLE_ADVANCED_POWER_MANAGEMENT is110 FEATURE_SET_TRANSFER_MODE EQU 03h ; Transfer mode goes to the Sector Count Register111 PIO_DEFAULT_MODE EQU 0h112 PIO_DEFAULT_MODE_DISABLE_IORDY EQU 1h113 PIO_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE_xxx EQU (1<<3) ; Bits 2...0 hold the PIO mode104 FEATURE_ENABLE_8BIT_PIO_TRANSFER_MODE EQU 01h ; CFA feature set only 105 FEATURE_ENABLE_WRITE_CACHE EQU 02h 106 FEATURE_ENABLE_ADVANCED_POWER_MANAGEMENT EQU 05h 107 FEATURE_DISABLE_8BIT_PIO_TRANSFER_MODE EQU 81h ; CFA feature set only 108 FEATURE_DISABLE_WRITE_CACHE EQU 82h ; Can also be used to flush cache 109 FEATURE_DISABLE_ADVANCED_POWER_MANAGEMENT EQU 85h ; Might not be supported even if FEATURE_ENABLE_ADVANCED_POWER_MANAGEMENT is 110 FEATURE_SET_TRANSFER_MODE EQU 03h ; Transfer mode goes to the Sector Count Register 111 PIO_DEFAULT_MODE EQU 0h 112 PIO_DEFAULT_MODE_DISABLE_IORDY EQU 1h 113 PIO_FLOW_CONTROL_MODE_xxx EQU (1<<3) ; Bits 2...0 hold the PIO mode 114 114 115 115 -
r616 r618 43 43 ; Nothing 44 44 ; Corrupts registers: 45 ; A L45 ; AX 46 46 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- 47 47 .DetectPowerManagementSupport: 48 mov al, [es:si+ATA6.wSetSup82] 49 mov ah, [es:si+ATA6.wSetSup83] 50 and ah, A6_wSetSup83_APM 51 shl ah, 1 ; APM bit 3 to bit 4 52 and al, A6_wSetSup82_POWERMAN ; A6_wSetSup82_POWERMAN (bit 3) is the same 48 mov ax, A6_wSetSup83_APM << 8 | A6_wSetSup82_POWERMAN ; Both of these flags are bit 3 49 and ah, [es:si+ATA6.wSetSup83] 50 and al, [es:si+ATA6.wSetSup82] 51 eSHL_IM ah, 1 ; APM bit 3 to bit 4 (same as FLGH_DPT_APM_SUPPORTED) 53 52 or al, ah 54 or [di+DPT.bFlagsHigh], al ; bit asFLGH_DPT_POWER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORTED and FLGH_DPT_APM_SUPPORTED53 or [di+DPT.bFlagsHigh], al ; FLGH_DPT_POWER_MANAGEMENT_SUPPORTED and FLGH_DPT_APM_SUPPORTED 55 54 %endif ; MODULE_POWER_MANAGEMENT 56 55 … … 118 117 cmp BYTE [di+DPT_ATA.bDevice], DEVICE_32BIT_ATA 119 118 ja SHORT .NoAdvancedControllerDetected 120 119 121 120 mov bx, [di+DPT.wBasePort] 122 121 call AdvAtaInit_DetectControllerForIdeBaseInBX -
r596 r618 250 250 pop WORD [RAMVARS.xlateVars+XLATEVARS.wFDandHDswap] 251 251 cmp dl, [RAMVARS.xlateVars+XLATEVARS.bXlatedDrv] ; DL is still drive number? 252 je SHORT Int13h_ReturnFromHandler AfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH252 je SHORT Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerWithoutStoringErrorCode 253 253 mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.dl], dl ; Something is returned in DL 254 254 %endif 255 jmp SHORT Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH 255 jmp SHORT Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerWithoutStoringErrorCode 256 ; We cannot return via Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH! 257 ; 1. If the other BIOS returns something in DL then that is assumed to be a drive number 258 ; (if MODULE_SERIAL_FLOPPY is included) even though it could be anything. 259 ; 2. Any non-zero value in AH will cause the CF to be set on return from the handler. 260 ; This breaks INT 13h/AH=15h for drives handled by the other BIOS. 256 261 257 262 -
r615 r618 106 106 ; Enable/disable advanced power management command can be used to scale 107 107 ; power consumption and performance. Drive supporting Enable APM might not 108 ; support Disable A MPso we set the drive to max performance if stand by108 ; support Disable APM so we set the drive to max performance if stand by 109 109 ; timer value is 0 (idle/standby disabled) 110 110 ; … … 126 126 test dl, dl 127 127 jnz SHORT .EnablePowerSave 128 dec dx 129 dec dx ; DL = FEh = Maximum performance 130 jmp AH23h_SetControllerFeatures 131 128 mov dl, 0FEh ; Maximum performance 129 SKIP2B f 130 132 131 ; TODO: We should add power management level to IDEVARS to be adjustable with xtidecfg 133 132 .EnablePowerSave: 134 133 mov dl, 0BFh ; For Toshiba 1.8" HDD: 80h...BFh = Mode 1 135 jmp AH23h_SetControllerFeatures136 %endif ; %ifdefMODULE_POWER_MANAGEMENT134 jmp SHORT AH23h_SetControllerFeatures 135 %endif ; MODULE_POWER_MANAGEMENT -
r617 r618 65 65 ; Parameters: 66 66 ; AH: INT 13h error code 67 ; CX: Number of sectors that was meant to we verified67 ; CX: Number of sectors that was meant to be verified 68 68 ; DS:DI: Ptr to DPT (in RAMVARS segment) 69 69 ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK … … 74 74 ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN 75 75 AH4h_CalculateNumberOfSuccessfullyVerifiedSectors: 76 xchg cx, ax ; Store error code to CL76 xchg cx, ax ; Store error code to CH 77 77 call Device_ReadLBAlowRegisterToAL 78 mov ah, [bp+IDEPACK.bLbaLow] 79 sub al, ah ; AL = sector address with verify failure - starting sector address 78 sub al, [bp+IDEPACK.bLbaLow] ; AL = sector address with verify failure - starting sector address 80 79 xor ah, ah 81 xchg cx, ax ; Number of successfully verified sectors in CX, error code in AH80 xchg cx, ax ; Number of successfully verified sectors in CX, error code in AH 82 81 stc 83 82 ret -
r616 r618 204 204 mov dl, [cs:ROMVARS.bIdleTimeout] 205 205 push dx 206 push dx207 206 test dh, FLGH_DPT_APM_SUPPORTED 208 207 jz SHORT .NoAdvancedPowerManagementSupport … … 213 212 ; COMMAND_STAND_BY seemed to do the trick 214 213 pop dx 214 push dx 215 215 mov al, COMMAND_STAND_BY 216 216 mov bx, TIMEOUT_AND_STATUS_TO_WAIT(TIMEOUT_BSY, FLG_STATUS_BSY) -
r617 r618 41 41 AH44h_HandlerForExtendedVerifySectors: 42 42 call Prepare_ByLoadingDapToESSIandVerifyingForTransfer 43 push WORD [es:si+DAP.wSectorCount] ; Store for successful lnumber of sectors transferred43 push WORD [es:si+DAP.wSectorCount] ; Store for successful number of sectors transferred 44 44 mov ah, [cs:bx+g_rgbVerifyCommandLookup] 45 45 mov bx, TIMEOUT_AND_STATUS_TO_WAIT(TIMEOUT_DRQ, FLG_STATUS_DRDY) -
r592 r618 39 39 mov bl, 3Fh ; Load sector number mask 40 40 and bl, cl ; Sector number now in BL 41 %ifndef USE_186 41 42 sub cl, bl ; Remove from cylinder number high 42 eROL_IM cl, 2 ; High bits to beginning 43 rol cl, 1 ; High bits to beginning 44 rol cl, 1 45 %else 46 shr cl, 6 47 %endif 43 48 mov bh, dh ; Copy Head number 44 49 xchg cl, ch ; Cylinder number now in CX -
r614 r618 49 49 50 50 ; Only correct cylinders since there are no reports that head or sectors could be wrong 51 MIN_U WORD [es:si+ATA1.wCylCnt], MAX_PCHS_CYLINDERS ; Limit to max allowed value 51 mov cx, MAX_PCHS_CYLINDERS 52 MIN_U [es:si+ATA1.wCylCnt], cx ; Limit to max allowed value 52 53 53 54 ; Note! There are ATA ID words 54-58 that also need to be modified! However, -
r614 r618 3 3 # # 4 4 # Valid makefile targets are: # 5 # all Removes existing files and builds binary files in \Build # 6 # small Builds 8 kiB binaries only (without checksum) # 7 # large Builds 12 kiB binaries only (without checksum) # 5 # all Removes existing files and builds binary files in \Build (without checksums) # 6 # small Builds only binaries smaller than or equal to 8 kiB (without checksums) # 7 # large Builds only binaries larger than 8 kiB (without checksums) # 8 # custom Builds custom binary without checksum (change DEFINES_CUSTOM / BIOS_SIZE_CUSTOM first) # 8 9 # clean Removes all files from \Build # 9 # checksum* Builds all and then generates checksum byte to all binary files#10 # checksum* Same as 'all' but also applies checksums to the binaries # 10 11 # strings* Compress src\Strings.asm to src\StringsCompressed.asm # 11 12 # unused* Checks if there are any unused functions that can be removed to save space # … … 37 38 # RELOCATE_INT13H_STACK ** Relocates INT 13h stack to beginning of stolen conventional memory # 38 39 # NO_ATAID_VALIDATION *** Excludes code that tries to ensure proper communication with drives # 39 # NO_ATAID_CORRECTION 40 # NO_ATAID_CORRECTION Excludes code that corrects illegal CHS values from some CF cards # 40 41 # USE_186 Use instructions supported by 80188/80186 and V20/V30 and later # 41 42 # USE_286 Use instructions supported by 286 and later (defines USE_UNDOC_INTEL)# … … 104 105 105 106 106 ################################## ###############################107 # Assembler preprocessor defines .#108 ################################## ###############################107 ################################## 108 # Assembler preprocessor defines # 109 ################################## 109 110 DEFINES_COMMON = MODULE_STRINGS_COMPRESSED MODULE_HOTKEYS MODULE_8BIT_IDE MODULE_EBIOS MODULE_SERIAL MODULE_SERIAL_FLOPPY MODULE_POWER_MANAGEMENT NO_ATAID_VALIDATION CLD_NEEDED 110 111 DEFINES_COMMON_LARGE = MODULE_BOOT_MENU MODULE_8BIT_IDE_ADVANCED MODULE_COMPATIBLE_TABLES … … 113 114 DEFINES_XTPLUS = $(DEFINES_XT) USE_186 114 115 DEFINES_AT = $(DEFINES_COMMON) USE_AT USE_286 MODULE_IRQ MODULE_COMPATIBLE_TABLES 116 DEFINES_386 = $(DEFINES_AT) USE_386 MODULE_ADVANCED_ATA MODULE_WIN9X_CMOS_HACK 115 117 116 118 DEFINES_XT_LARGE = $(DEFINES_XT) $(DEFINES_COMMON_LARGE) 117 119 DEFINES_XTPLUS_LARGE = $(DEFINES_XTPLUS) $(DEFINES_COMMON_LARGE) 118 120 DEFINES_AT_LARGE = $(DEFINES_AT) $(DEFINES_COMMON_LARGE) 119 120 DEFINES_XT_TINY = MODULE_STRINGS_COMPRESSED MODULE_8BIT_IDE NO_ATAID_VALIDATION CLD_NEEDED121 DEFINES_386 = $(DEFINES_AT) USE_386 MODULE_ADVANCED_ATA MODULE_WIN9X_CMOS_HACK122 121 DEFINES_386_LARGE = $(DEFINES_386) $(DEFINES_COMMON_LARGE) 122 123 DEFINES_XT_TINY = MODULE_STRINGS_COMPRESSED MODULE_8BIT_IDE NO_ATAID_VALIDATION NO_ATAID_CORRECTION CLD_NEEDED 124 125 DEFINES_CUSTOM = ? 123 126 124 127 … … 132 135 BIOS_SIZE_SMALL = 8192 133 136 BIOS_SIZE_LARGE = 10240 137 BIOS_SIZE_CUSTOM = ? 134 138 135 139 # Add -D in front of every preprocessor define declaration … … 143 147 DEFS_386 = $(DEFINES_386:%=-D%) -DBIOS_SIZE=$(BIOS_SIZE_SMALL) 144 148 DEFS_386_LARGE = $(DEFINES_386_LARGE:%=-D%) -DBIOS_SIZE=$(BIOS_SIZE_LARGE) 149 DEFS_CUSTOM = $(DEFINES_CUSTOM:%=-D%) -DBIOS_SIZE=$(BIOS_SIZE_CUSTOM) 145 150 146 151 # Add -I in front of all header directories … … 149 154 # Path + target file to be built 150 155 TARGET = $(BUILD_DIR)/$(PROG) 156 151 157 152 158 ######################### … … 223 229 @$(AS) "$(SRC_ASM)" $(ASFLAGS) $(DEFS_386_LARGE) -l"$(TARGET)_386l.lst" -o"$(TARGET)_386l.bin" 224 230 @echo * Large 386 version "$(TARGET)_386l.bin" built. 231 232 custom: 233 @$(AS) "$(SRC_ASM)" $(ASFLAGS) $(DEFS_CUSTOM) -l"$(TARGET)_custom.lst" -o"$(TARGET)_custom.bin" 234 @echo * Custom version "$(TARGET)_custom.bin" built. 225 235 226 236 strings: src\Strings.asm -
r614 r618 144 144 jne SHORT .IdeDeviceFound 145 145 mov al, DEVICE_8BIT_XTCF_PIO8 146 jmp SHORT .IdeDeviceFound146 ret ; With CF cleared 147 147 .ContinueDetection: 148 148 shr bx, 1 … … 331 331 dw 320h 332 332 dw 340h 333 dw 360h 333 dw 360h ; Acculogic sIDE-1/16 (same controller type as XT-IDE rev 1) 334 334 dw 380h 335 335 dw 3A0h
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