1 | ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS
2 | ; Description : Functions for printing drive detection strings.
3 |
4 | ;
5 | ; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools
6 | ; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2012 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team.
7 | ;
8 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 | ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 | ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 | ; (at your option) any later version.
12 | ;
13 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 | ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 | ; GNU General Public License for more details.
17 | ; Visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
18 | ;
19 |
20 | ; Section containing code
21 | SECTION .text
22 |
23 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
24 | ; BootMenuPrint_InitializeDisplayContext
25 | ; Parameters:
26 | ; Nothing
27 | ; Returns:
28 | ; Nothing
29 | ; Corrupts registers:
30 | ; AX, DI
31 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
32 | BootMenuPrint_InitializeDisplayContext:
33 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY InitializeDisplayContext
34 | ret
35 |
36 |
37 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
38 | ; Prints BIOS name and segment address where it is found.
39 | ;
40 | ; DetectPrint_RomFoundAtSegment
41 | ; Parameters:
42 | ; Nothing
43 | ; Returns:
44 | ; Nothing
45 | ; Corrupts registers:
46 | ; AX, SI, DI
47 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
48 | DetectPrint_RomFoundAtSegment:
49 | push bp
50 | mov bp, sp
51 | mov si, g_szRomAt
52 | ePUSH_T ax, ROMVARS.szTitle ; Bios title string
53 | push cs ; BIOS segment
54 |
55 | jmp DetectPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
56 |
57 |
58 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
59 | ; DetectPrint_StartDetectWithMasterOrSlaveStringInCXandIdeVarsInCSBP
60 | ; Parameters:
61 | ; CS:CX: Ptr to "Master" or "Slave" string
62 | ; CS:BP: Ptr to IDEVARS
63 | ; SI: Ptr to template string
64 | ; Returns:
65 | ; Nothing
66 | ; Corrupts registers:
67 | ; AX, SI, DI, CX
68 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
69 | DetectPrint_StartDetectWithMasterOrSlaveStringInCXandIdeVarsInCSBP:
70 | mov ax, [cs:bp+IDEVARS.wPort] ; for IDE: AX=port address, DH=.bDevice
71 | mov dx, [cs:bp+IDEVARS.bDevice-1] ; for Serial: AL=port address>>2, AH=baud rate
72 | ; DL=COM number character, DH=.bDevice
73 | %ifdef MODULE_JRIDE
74 | cmp dh, DEVICE_JRIDE_ISA
75 | eCMOVE ax, cs ; Use segment address for JR-IDE/ISA
76 | %endif
77 |
78 | push bp ; setup stack for call to
79 | mov bp, sp ; BootMenuPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
80 |
81 | push cx ; Push "Master" or "Slave"
82 |
83 | mov cl, (g_szDetectPort-$$) & 0xff ; Setup print string for standard IDE
84 | ; Note that we modify only the low order bits of CX a lot here,
85 | ; saving code space rather than reloading CX completely.
86 | ; This optimization requires that all the g_szDetect* strings are
87 | ; on the same 256 byte page, which is checked in strings.asm.
88 |
89 | %ifdef MODULE_SERIAL
90 | cmp dh, DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT ; Check if this is a serial device
91 |
92 | jnz .pushAndPrint ; CX = string to print, AX = port address, DX won't be used
93 |
94 | mov cl, (g_szDetectCOM-$$) & 0xff ; Setup print string for COM ports
95 | push cx ; And push now. We use the fact that format strings can contain
96 | ; themselves format strings.
97 |
98 | push dx ; Push COM number character
99 | ; If the string is going to be "Auto", we will push a NULL (zero)
100 | ; here for the COM port number, which will be eaten by the
101 | ; print routine (DisplayPrint_CharacterFromAL), resulting in
102 | ; just "COM" being printed without a character after it.
103 |
104 | mov cl, (g_szDetectCOMAuto-$$) & 0xff ; Setup secondary print string for "Auto"
105 |
106 | test dl, dl ; Check if serial port "Auto"
107 | jz .pushAndPrintSerial ; CX = string to print, AX and DX won't be used
108 |
109 | mov cl, (g_szDetectCOMLarge-$$) & 0xff ; Setup secondary print string for "COMn/xx.yK"
110 |
111 | mov al,ah ; baud rate divisor to AL
112 | cbw ; clear AH, AL will always be less than 128
113 | xchg si,ax ; move AX to SI for divide
114 | mov ax,1152 ; baud rate to display is 115200/divisor, the "00" is handled
115 | ; in the print strings
116 | cwd ; clear top 16-bits of dividend
117 | div si ; and divide... Now AX = baud rate/100, DX = 0 (always a clean divide)
118 |
119 | mov si,10 ; Now separate the whole portion from the fractional for "K" display
120 | div si ; and divide... Now AX = baud rate/1000, DX = low order digit
121 |
122 | cmp ax,si ; < 10: "2400", "9600", etc.; >= 10: "19.2K", "38.4K", etc.
123 | jae .pushAndPrintSerial
124 |
125 | mov cl, (g_szDetectCOMSmall-$$) & 0xff ; Setup secondary print string for "COMn/XXy00"
126 |
127 | .pushAndPrintSerial:
128 | .pushAndPrint:
129 | %endif
130 |
131 | push cx ; Push print string
132 | push ax ; Push high order digits, or port address, or N/A
133 | push dx ; Push low order digit, or N/A
134 |
135 | mov si, g_szDetectOuter ; Load SI with default wrapper string "IDE %s at %s: "
136 |
137 | jmp SHORT DetectPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
138 |
139 |
140 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
141 | ; DetectPrint_DriveNameFromBootnfoInESBX
142 | ; Parameters:
143 | ; ES:BX: Ptr to BOOTMENUINFO (if drive found)
144 | ; Returns:
145 | ; Nothing
146 | ; Corrupts registers:
147 | ; AX, SI
148 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
149 | DetectPrint_DriveNameFromBootnfoInESBX:
150 | push di
151 | push bx
152 |
153 | lea si, [bx+BOOTMENUINFO.szDrvName]
154 | mov bx, es
155 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintNullTerminatedStringFromBXSI
156 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintNewlineCharacters
157 |
158 | pop bx
159 | pop di
160 | ret
161 |
162 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
163 | ; DetectPrint_FailedToLoadFirstSector
164 | ; Parameters:
165 | ; AH: INT 13h error code
166 | ; Returns:
167 | ; Nothing
168 | ; Corrupts registers:
169 | ; AX, CX, SI, DI
170 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
171 | DetectPrint_FailedToLoadFirstSector:
172 | push bp
173 | mov bp, sp
174 | eMOVZX cx, ah
175 | push cx ; Push INT 13h error code
176 | mov si, g_szReadError
177 | jmp SHORT DetectPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
178 |
179 |
180 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
181 | ; DetectPrint_TryToBootFromDL
182 | ; Parameters:
183 | ; DL: Drive to boot from (translated, 00h or 80h)
184 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
185 | ; Returns:
186 | ; Nothing
187 | ; Corrupts registers:
188 | ; AX, SI, DI
189 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
190 | DetectPrint_TryToBootFromDL:
191 | push bp
192 | mov bp, sp
193 |
194 | mov ax, g_szHDD
195 | test dl, dl
196 | js SHORT .NotFDD
197 | mov ax, g_szFDD
198 | .NotFDD:
199 | push ax
200 |
201 | call DriveXlate_ToOrBack
202 | push dx ; Push untranslated drive number
203 | call DriveXlate_ToOrBack
204 | push dx ; Push translated drive number
205 |
206 | mov si, g_szTryToBoot
207 | jmp SHORT DetectPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
208 |
209 |
210 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
211 | ; DetectPrint_NullTerminatedStringFromCSSIandSetCF
212 | ; Parameters:
213 | ; CS:SI: Ptr to NULL terminated string to print
214 | ; Returns:
215 | ; CF: Set since menu event was handled successfully
216 | ; Corrupts registers:
217 | ; AX, DI
218 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
219 | DetectPrint_NullTerminatedStringFromCSSIandSetCF:
220 | ;
221 | ; We send all CSSI strings through the Format routine for the case of
222 | ; compressed strings, but this doesn't hurt in the non-compressed case either
223 | ; (perhaps a little slower, but shouldn't be noticeable to the user)
224 | ; and results in smaller code size.
225 | ;
226 | push bp
227 | mov bp,sp
228 | ; Fall to BootMenuPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
229 |
230 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
231 | ; DetectPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
232 | ; Parameters:
233 | ; CS:SI: Ptr to string to format
234 | ; BP: SP before pushing parameters
235 | ; Returns:
236 | ; BP: Popped from stack
237 | ; CF: Set since menu event was handled successfully
238 | ; Corrupts registers:
239 | ; AX, DI
240 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
241 | DetectPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP:
242 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI
243 | stc ; Successful return from menu event
244 | pop bp
245 | ret