1 | ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS
2 | ; Description : Functions for preparing data buffer for transfer.
3 |
4 | ; Section containing code
5 | SECTION .text
6 |
7 | ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
8 | ; PrepareBuffer_ToESSIforOldInt13hTransfer
9 | ; Parameters:
10 | ; AL: Number of sectors to transfer
11 | ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK
12 | ; Parameters on INTPACK:
13 | ; ES:BX: Ptr to data buffer
14 | ; Returns:
15 | ; ES:SI: Ptr to normalized data buffer
16 | ; Exits INT 13h if error
17 | ; Corrupts registers:
18 | ; BX
19 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
21 | PrepareBuffer_ToESSIforOldInt13hTransfer:
22 | ; Normalize buffer pointer
23 | mov bx, [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.bx] ; Load offset
24 | mov si, bx
25 | eSHR_IM bx, 4 ; Divide offset by 16
26 | add bx, [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.es]
27 | mov es, bx ; Segment normalized
28 | and si, BYTE 0Fh ; Offset normalized
29 |
30 | ; Check if valid number of sectors
31 | test al, al
32 | js SHORT .CheckZeroOffsetFor128Sectors
33 | jz SHORT .InvalidNumberOfSectorsRequested
34 | ret ; Continue with transfer
35 |
37 | .CheckZeroOffsetFor128Sectors:
38 | cmp al, 128
39 | ja SHORT .InvalidNumberOfSectorsRequested
40 | mov ah, RET_HD_BOUNDARY
41 | test si, si ; Offset must be zero to xfer 128 sectors
42 | jnz SHORT .CannotAlignPointerProperly
43 | ret ; Continue with transfer
44 |
45 | .InvalidNumberOfSectorsRequested:
46 | mov ah, RET_HD_INVALID
47 | .CannotAlignPointerProperly:
48 | jmp Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH
49 |