Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracRepositoryAdmin

Jun 6, 2024, 9:53:06 AM (5 months ago)



  • TracRepositoryAdmin

    v1 v2  
    44== Quick start #QuickStart
    6  * Manage repositories in the "Repository" admin panel, with `trac-admin` or in the `[repositories]` section of [wiki:TracIni#repositories-section trac.ini].
     6 * Enable the repository connector(s) for the version control system(s) that you will use.
     7 * Add repositories through the //Repositories// admin panel, with `trac-admin` or in the `[repositories]` section of [wiki:TracIni#repositories-section trac.ini].
    78 * Set up a call to `trac-admin $ENV changeset added $REPO $REV` in the post-commit hook of each repository. Additionally, add a call to `trac-admin $ENV changeset modified $REPO $REV` in the post-revprop-change hook of repositories allowing revision property changes.
    8  * Set the `[trac] repository_sync_per_request` option to an empty value to disable per-request syncing.
    9  * Make sure the user under which your Subversion hooks are run has write access to the Trac environment, or use a tool like `sudo` to temporarily elevate privileges.
     9 * Make sure the user under which your hooks are run has write access to the Trac environment, or use a tool like `sudo` to temporarily elevate privileges.
     11== Enabling the components
     13Support for version control systems is provided by optional components distributed with Trac, which are disabled by default //(since 1.0)//. Subversion and Git must be explicitly enabled if you wish to use them.
     15The version control systems can be enabled by adding the following to the `[components]` section of your [TracIni#components-section trac.ini], or enabling the components in the //Plugins// admin panel.
     18tracopt.versioncontrol.svn.* = enabled
     22tracopt.versioncontrol.git.* = enabled
    1125== Specifying repositories #Repositories
    12 Starting with 0.12, Trac can handle more than one repository per environment. The pre-0.12 way of specifying the repository with the `repository_dir` and `repository_type` options in the `[trac]` section of [wiki:TracIni trac.ini] is still supported, but two new mechanisms allow including additional repositories into an environment.
    14 It is also possible to define aliases of repositories, that act as "pointers" to real repositories. This can be useful when renaming a repository, to avoid breaking all the links to the old name.
    16 A number of attributes can be associated with each repository, which define the repository's location, type, name and how it is displayed in the source browser. The following attributes are supported:
     26Trac supports multiple repositories per environment, and the repositories may be for different version control system types. Each repository must be defined in a repository configuration provider, the two supported by default are the [#ReposDatabase database store] and the [#ReposTracIni trac.ini configuration file]. A repository should not be defined in multiple configuration providers.
     28It is possible to define aliases of repositories, that act as "pointers" to real repositories. This can be useful when renaming a repository, to avoid breaking links to the old name.
     30A number of attributes can be associated with each repository. The attributes define the repository's location, type, name and how it is displayed in the source browser. The following attributes are supported:
    1832||='''Attribute''' =||='''Description''' =||
    2438||The `dir` attribute specifies the location of the repository in the filesystem. It corresponds to the value previously specified in the option `[trac] repository_dir`. The `alias` and `dir` attributes are mutually exclusive. ||
    2539||`hidden` ||When set to `true`, the repository is hidden from the repository index page in the source browser. Browsing the repository is still possible, and links referencing the repository remain valid. ||
     40||`sync_per_request`||When set to `true` the repository will be synced on every request. This is not recommended, instead a post-commit hook should be configured to provide [#ExplicitSync explicit synchronization] and `sync_per_request` should be set to `false`.||
    2641||`type` ||The `type` attribute sets the type of version control system used by the repository. Trac supports Subversion and Git out-of-the-box, and plugins add support for many other systems. If `type` is not specified, it defaults to the value of the `[trac] repository_type` option. ||
    2742||`url` ||The `url` attribute specifies the root URL to be used for checking out from the repository. When specified, a "Repository URL" link is added to the context navigation links in the source browser, that can be copied into the tool used for creating the working copy. ||
    2944A repository `name` and one of `alias` or `dir` attributes are mandatory. All others are optional.
     46For some version control systems, it is possible to specify not only the path to the repository in the `dir` attribute, but also a ''scope'' within the repository. Trac will then only show information related to the files and changesets below that scope. The Subversion backend for Trac supports this. For other types, check the corresponding plugin's documentation.
    3148After adding a repository, the cache for that repository must be re-synchronized once with the `trac-admin $ENV repository resync` command.
    95112=== Explicit synchronization #ExplicitSync
    96 This is the preferred method of repository synchronization. It requires setting the `[trac]  repository_sync_per_request` option in [wiki:TracIni#trac-section trac.ini] to an empty value, and adding a call to `trac-admin` in the `post-commit` hook of each repository. Additionally, if a repository allows changing revision metadata, a call to `trac-admin` must be added to the `post-revprop-change` hook as well.
     113This is the preferred method of repository synchronization. It requires setting the `sync_per_request` attribute to `false`, and adding a call to `trac-admin` in the `post-commit` hook of each repository. Additionally, if a repository allows changing revision metadata, a call to `trac-admin` must be added to the `post-revprop-change` hook as well.
    98115 `changeset added <repos> <rev> [...]`::
    182199=== Per-request synchronization #PerRequestSync
    183 If the post-commit hooks are not available, the environment can be set up for per-request synchronization. In that case, the `[trac] repository_sync_per_request` option in [wiki:TracIni#trac-section trac.ini] must be set to a comma-separated list of repository names to be synchronized.
     200If the post-commit hooks are not available, the environment can be set up for per-request synchronization. In that case, the `sync_per_request` attribute for each repository in the database and in [wiki:TracIni#trac-section trac.ini] must be set to `false`.
    185202Note that in this case, the changeset listener extension point is not called, and therefore plugins using it will not work correctly.
    188204== Automatic changeset references in tickets
    198214For more information, see the documentation of the `CommitTicketUpdater` component in the //Plugins// admin panel and the [trac:CommitTicketUpdater] page.
    200 == Migration from a single-repository setup (Subversion) #Migration
    201 The following procedure illustrates a typical migration from a Subversion single-repository setup to multiple repositories.
    203  1. Remove the default repository specification from the `[trac] repository_dir` option.
    204  1. Add the main repository as a named repository.
    205  1. Re-synchronize the main repository.
    206  1. Set up post-commit and post-revprop-change hooks on the "main" repository, and set `[trac] repository_sync_per_request` to an empty value.
    207  1. Add an alias to the main repository as the default repository (by leaving out the the `name`, e.g. `.alias = main`). This ensures that all links predating the migration still resolve to the main repository.
    208  1. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 to add other "named" repositories as needed.
    210 == Migration from a single-repository setup (Mercurial) #MigrationMercurial
    211 The following procedure illustrates a typical migration from a Mercurial single-repository setup to multiple repositories. Please note that at the time of writing, no initial resynchronization or any hooks are necessary for Mercurial repositories - see [trac:ticket:9485 #9485] for more information.
    213  1. Upgrade to the latest version of the [trac:TracMercurial] plugin.
    214  1. Remove the default repository specification from the `[trac] repository_dir` option.
    215  1. Add the main repository as a named repository.
    216  1. Add an alias to the main repository as the default repository (by leaving out the the `name`, e.g. `.alias = main`). This ensures that all links predating the migration still resolve to the main repository.
    217  1. Repeat step 3 to add other "named" repositories as needed.
    219216== Troubleshooting