Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracReports

Jun 6, 2024, 9:53:06 AM (5 months ago)



  • TracReports

    v1 v2  
    1 = Trac Reports
     1= Trac Reports =
    5 The Trac reports module provides a simple, yet powerful reporting facility to present information about tickets in the Trac database.
    7 Rather than have its own report definition format, TracReports relies on standard SQL `SELECT` statements for custom report definition.
    9   '''Note:''' The report module is being phased out in its current form because it seriously limits the ability of the Trac team to make adjustments to the underlying database schema. We believe that the [wiki:TracQuery query module] is a good replacement that provides more flexibility and better usability. While there are certain reports that cannot yet be handled by the query module, we intend to further enhance it so that at some point the reports module can be completely removed. This also means that there will be no major enhancements to the report module anymore.
    11   You can already completely replace the reports module by the query module simply by disabling the former in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini]:
    12   {{{#!ini
     4The Trac reports module provides a simple, yet powerful reporting facility
     5to present information about tickets in the Trac database.
     7Rather than have its own report definition format, TracReports relies on standard SQL
     8`SELECT` statements for custom report definition.
     10  '''Note:''' ''The report module is being phased out in its current form because it seriously limits the ability of the Trac team to make adjustments to the underlying database schema. We believe that the [wiki:TracQuery query module] is a good replacement that provides more flexibility and better usability. While there are certain reports that cannot yet be handled by the query module, we intend to further enhance it so that at some point the reports module can be completely removed. This also means that there will be no major enhancements to the report module anymore.''
     12  ''You can already completely replace the reports module by the query module simply by disabling the former in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini]:''
     13  {{{
    1314  [components]
    1415* = disabled
    1516  }}}
    16   This will make the query module the default handler for the “View Tickets” navigation item. We encourage you to try this configuration and report back what kind of features of reports you are missing, if any.
     17  ''This will make the query module the default handler for the “View Tickets” navigation item. We encourage you to try this configuration and report back what kind of features of reports you are missing, if any.''
    1819A report consists of these basic parts:
    2324 * '''Footer''' — Links to alternative download formats for this report.
    25 == Changing Sort Order
     26== Changing Sort Order ==
    2727Simple reports - ungrouped reports to be specific - can be changed to be sorted by any column simply by clicking the column header.
    2929If a column header is a hyperlink (red), click the column you would like to sort by. Clicking the same header again reverses the order.
    31 == Changing Report Numbering
     31== Changing Report Numbering ==
    3332There may be instances where you need to change the ID of the report, perhaps to organize the reports better. At present this requires changes to the trac database. The ''report'' table has the following schema:
    3433 * id integer PRIMARY KEY
    3837 * description text
    3938Changing the ID changes the shown order and number in the ''Available Reports'' list and the report's perma-link. This is done by running something like:
    40 {{{#!sql
    41 UPDATE report SET id = 5 WHERE id = 3;
    42 }}}
    43 Keep in mind that the integrity has to be maintained, ie ID has to be unique, and you don't want to exceed the max, since that's managed by SQLite someplace.
     40update report set id=5 where id=3;
     42Keep in mind that the integrity has to be maintained (i.e., ID has to be unique, and you don't want to exceed the max, since that's managed by SQLite someplace).
    4544You may also need to update or remove the report number stored in the report or query.
    47 == Navigating Tickets
     46== Navigating Tickets ==
    4947Clicking on one of the report results will take you to that ticket. You can navigate through the results by clicking the ''Next Ticket'' or ''Previous Ticket'' links just below the main menu bar, or click the ''Back to Report'' link to return to the report page.
    5149You can safely edit any of the tickets and continue to navigate through the results using the ''!Next/Previous/Back to Report'' links after saving your results, but when you return to the report, there will be no hint about what has changed, as would happen if you were navigating a list of tickets obtained from a query (see TracQuery#NavigatingTickets).
    53 == Alternative Download Formats
     51== Alternative Download Formats ==
    5552Aside from the default HTML view, reports can also be exported in a number of alternative formats.
    5653At the bottom of the report page, you will find a list of available data formats. Click the desired link to
    5754download the alternative report format.
    59 === Comma-delimited - CSV (Comma Separated Values)
     56=== Comma-delimited - CSV (Comma Separated Values) ===
    6157Export the report as plain text, each row on its own line, columns separated by a single comma (',').
    6258'''Note:''' The output is fully escaped so carriage returns, line feeds, and commas will be preserved in the output.
    64 === Tab-delimited
     60=== Tab-delimited ===
    6661Like above, but uses tabs (\t) instead of comma.
    68 === RSS - XML Content Syndication
     63=== RSS - XML Content Syndication ===
    7064All reports support syndication using XML/RSS 2.0. To subscribe to an RSS feed, click the orange 'XML' icon at the bottom of the page. See TracRss for general information on RSS support in Trac.
    72 == Creating Custom Reports
    74 Creating a custom report requires a comfortable knowledge of SQL.
    76 Note that you need to set up [TracPermissions#Reports permissions] in order to see the buttons for adding or editing reports.
    78 A report is basically a single named SQL query, executed and presented by Trac. Reports can be viewed and created from a custom SQL expression directly in the web interface.
    80 Typically, a report consists of a SELECT-expression from the 'ticket' table, using the available columns and sorting the way you want it.
    82 == Ticket columns
     68== Creating Custom Reports ==
     70''Creating a custom report requires a comfortable knowledge of SQL.''
     72'''Note that you need to set up [TracPermissions#Reports permissions] in order to see the buttons for adding or editing reports.'''
     74A report is basically a single named SQL query, executed and presented by
     75Trac.  Reports can be viewed and created from a custom SQL expression directly
     76in the web interface.
     78Typically, a report consists of a SELECT-expression from the 'ticket' table,
     79using the available columns and sorting the way you want it.
     81== Ticket columns ==
    8482The ''ticket'' table has the following columns:
    8583 * id
    105103Example: '''All active tickets, sorted by priority and time'''
    106 {{{#!sql
    107 SELECT id AS ticket, status, severity, priority, owner, time AS created, summary
    108 FROM ticket
    109 WHERE status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
    110 ORDER BY priority, time
    111 }}}
    113 == Advanced Reports: Dynamic Variables
     105SELECT id AS ticket, status, severity, priority, owner,
     106       time AS created, summary FROM ticket
     107  WHERE status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
     108  ORDER BY priority, time
     111Dynamic variables can also be used in the report title and description (since 1.1.1).
     113== Advanced Reports: Dynamic Variables ==
    115114For more flexible reports, Trac supports the use of ''dynamic variables'' in report SQL statements.
    116115In short, dynamic variables are ''special'' strings that are replaced by custom data before query execution.
    118 === Using Variables in a Query
     117=== Using Variables in a Query ===
    120118The syntax for dynamic variables is simple, any upper case word beginning with '$' is considered a variable.
    123 {{{#!sql
    124122SELECT id AS ticket,summary FROM ticket WHERE priority=$PRIORITY
    127 To assign a value to $PRIORITY when viewing the report, you must define it as an argument in the report URL, leaving out the leading '$':
     125To assign a value to $PRIORITY when viewing the report, you must define it as an argument in the report URL, leaving out the leading '$'.
    132 To use multiple variables, separate them with an '&':
     132To use multiple variables, separate them with an '&'.
    137 === !Special/Constant Variables
     140=== !Special/Constant Variables ===
    139141There is one dynamic variable whose value is set automatically (the URL does not have to be changed) to allow practical reports.
    141143 * $USER — Username of logged in user.
    143 Example: List all tickets assigned to me:
    144 {{{#!sql
     145Example (''List all tickets assigned to me''):
    145147SELECT id AS ticket,summary FROM ticket WHERE owner=$USER
    148 == Advanced Reports: Custom Formatting
    150 Trac is also capable of more advanced reports, including custom layouts, result grouping and user-defined CSS styles. To create such reports, we will use specialized SQL statements to control the output of the Trac report engine.
    152 === Special Columns
    154 To format reports, TracReports looks for 'magic' column names in the query result. These 'magic' names are processed and affect the layout and style of the final report.
    156 === Automatically formatted columns
     152== Advanced Reports: Custom Formatting ==
     153Trac is also capable of more advanced reports, including custom layouts,
     154result grouping and user-defined CSS styles. To create such reports, we'll use
     155specialized SQL statements to control the output of the Trac report engine.
     157=== Special Columns ===
     158To format reports, TracReports looks for 'magic' column names in the query
     159result. These 'magic' names are processed and affect the layout and style of the
     160final report.
     162=== Automatically formatted columns ===
    158163 * '''ticket''' — Ticket ID number. Becomes a hyperlink to that ticket.
    159164 * '''id''' — same as '''ticket''' above when '''realm''' is not set
    166 {{{#!sql
    167172SELECT id AS ticket, created, status, summary FROM ticket
    172177See trac:wiki/CookBook/Configuration/Reports for some example of creating reports for realms other than ''ticket''.
    174 === Custom formatting columns
     179=== Custom formatting columns ===
    176180Columns whose names begin and end with 2 underscores (Example: '''`__color__`''') are
    177181assumed to be ''formatting hints'', affecting the appearance of the row.
    195199'''Example:''' ''List active tickets, grouped by milestone, group header linked to milestone page, colored by priority''
    196 {{{#!sql
    197201SELECT p.value AS __color__,
    198202     t.milestone AS __group__,
    199203     '../milestone/' || t.milestone AS __grouplink__,
    200204     (CASE owner WHEN 'daniel' THEN 'font-weight: bold; background: red;' ELSE '' END) AS __style__,
    201 AS ticket, summary
    202 FROM ticket t,enum p
    203 WHERE t.status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
    204   AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
    205 ORDER BY t.milestone, p.value, t.severity, t.time
    206 }}}
    208 '''Note:''' A table join is used to match ''ticket'' priorities with their numeric representation from the ''enum'' table.
     205 AS ticket, summary
     206  FROM ticket t,enum p
     207  WHERE t.status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
     208    AND AND p.type='priority'
     209  ORDER BY t.milestone, p.value, t.severity, t.time
     212'''Note:''' A table join is used to match ''ticket'' priorities with their
     213numeric representation from the ''enum'' table.
    210215=== Changing layout of report rows === #column-syntax
    212 By default, all columns on each row are display on a single row in the HTML report, possibly formatted according to the descriptions above. However, it is also possible to create multi-line report entries.
     216By default, all columns on each row are display on a single row in the HTML
     217report, possibly formatted according to the descriptions above. However, it's
     218also possible to create multi-line report entries.
    214220 * '''`column_`''' — ''Break row after this''. By appending an underscore ('_') to the column name, the remaining columns will be continued on a second line.
    221227'''Example:''' ''List active tickets, grouped by milestone, colored by priority, with  description and multi-line layout''
    223 {{{#!sql
    224230SELECT p.value AS __color__,
    225231       t.milestone AS __group__,
    232238       description AS _description_,                    -- ## Uses a full row
    233239       changetime AS _changetime, reporter AS _reporter -- ## Hidden from HTML output
    234 FROM ticket t,enum p
    235 WHERE t.status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
    236   AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
    237 ORDER BY t.milestone, p.value, t.severity, t.time
    238 }}}
    240 === Reporting on custom fields
     240  FROM ticket t,enum p
     241  WHERE t.status IN ('new', 'assigned', 'reopened')
     242    AND AND p.type='priority'
     243  ORDER BY t.milestone, p.value, t.severity, t.time
     246=== Reporting on custom fields ===
    242248If you have added custom fields to your tickets (see TracTicketsCustomFields), you can write a SQL query to cover them. You'll need to make a join on the ticket_custom table, but this isn't especially easy.
    248254Beyond the relatively trivial replacement of dynamic variables, the SQL query is also altered in order to support two features of the reports:
    249255 1. [#sort-order changing the sort order]
    250  1. pagination support (limitation of the number of result rows displayed on each page)
     256 2. pagination support (limitation of the number of result rows displayed on each page)
    251257In order to support the first feature, the sort column is inserted in the `ORDER BY` clause in the first position or in the second position if a `__group__` column is specified (an `ORDER BY` clause is created if needed). In order to support pagination, a `LIMIT ... OFFSET ...` clause is appended.
    252258The query might be too complex for the automatic rewrite to work correctly, resulting in an erroneous query. In this case you still have the possibility to control exactly how the rewrite is done by manually inserting the following tokens:
    257263Let's take an example, consider the following SQL query:
    258 {{{#!sql
    259265-- ## 4: Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner ## --
    268274   changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description,
    269275   reporter AS _reporter
    270 FROM ticket t,enum p
    271 WHERE status = 'assigned'
    272   AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
    273 ORDER BY __group__, p.value, severity, time
     276  FROM ticket t,enum p
     277  WHERE status = 'assigned'
     278AND AND p.type='priority'
     279  ORDER BY __group__, p.value, severity, time
    276282The automatic rewrite will be the following (4 rows per page, page 2, sorted by `component`):
    277 {{{#!sql
    278284SELECT p.value AS __color__,
    279285   owner AS __group__,
    281287   changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description,
    282288   reporter AS _reporter
    283 FROM ticket t,enum p
    284 WHERE status = 'assigned'
    285   AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
    286 ORDER BY __group__ ASC, `component` ASC,  __group__, p.value, severity, time
    287 LIMIT 4 OFFSET 4
     289  FROM ticket t,enum p
     290  WHERE status = 'assigned'
     291AND AND p.type='priority'
     292  ORDER BY __group__ ASC, `component` ASC,  __group__, p.value, severity, time
     293 LIMIT 4 OFFSET 4
    290296The equivalent SQL query with the rewrite tokens would have been:
    291 {{{#!sql
    292298SELECT p.value AS __color__,
    293299   owner AS __group__,
    295301   changetime AS _changetime, description AS _description,
    296302   reporter AS _reporter
    297 FROM ticket t,enum p
    298 WHERE status = 'assigned'
    299   AND = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
    300 ORDER BY __group__, @SORT_COLUMN@, p.value, severity, time
     303  FROM ticket t,enum p
     304  WHERE status = 'assigned'
     305AND AND p.type='priority'
     306  ORDER BY __group__, @SORT_COLUMN@, p.value, severity, time
    304310If you want to always sort first by priority and only then by the user selected sort column, simply use the following `ORDER BY` clause:
    305 {{{#!sql
    306 ORDER BY __group__, p.value, @SORT_COLUMN@, severity, time
     312  ORDER BY __group__, p.value, @SORT_COLUMN@, severity, time