Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracModWSGI

Jun 6, 2024, 9:53:06 AM (5 months ago)



  • TracModWSGI

    v1 v2  
    77== The `trac.wsgi` script
    9 Trac can be run on top of mod_wsgi with the help of an application script, which is just a Python file saved with a `.wsgi` extension.
     9Trac can be run on top of mod_wsgi with the help of an application script, which is a Python file saved with a `.wsgi` extension.
    1111A robust and generic version of this file can be created using the `trac-admin <env> deploy <dir>` command which automatically substitutes the required paths, see TracInstall#cgi-bin. The script should be sufficient for most installations and users not wanting more information can proceed to [#Mappingrequeststothescript configuring Apache].
    1515def application(environ, start_request):
    16     # Add this to config when you have multiple projects                                             
     16    # Add this to config when you have multiple projects
    1717    environ.setdefault('trac.env_parent_dir', '/usr/share/trac/projects') 
    1818    ..
    2121=== A very basic script
    2223In its simplest form, the script could be:
    115116In order to let Apache run the script, access to the directory in which the script resides is opened up to all of Apache. Additionally, the `WSGIApplicationGroup` directive ensures that Trac is always run in the first Python interpreter created by mod_wsgi. This is necessary because the Subversion Python bindings, which are used by Trac, don't always work in other sub-interpreters and may cause requests to hang or cause Apache to crash. After adding this configuration, restart Apache, and then it should work.
    117 To test the setup of Apache, mod_wsgi and Python itself (ie. without involving Trac and dependencies), this simple wsgi application can be used to make sure that requests gets served (use as only content in your `.wsgi` script):
     118To test the setup of Apache, mod_wsgi and Python itself (ie without involving Trac and dependencies), this simple wsgi application can be used to make sure that requests gets served (use as only content in your `.wsgi` script):
    125 For more information about using the mod_wsgi specific directives, see the [ mod_wsgi's wiki] and more specifically the [ IntegrationWithTrac] page.
     126For more information about using the mod_wsgi specific directives, see the [ mod_wsgi's wiki] and more specifically the [ IntegrationWithTrac] page.
    127128== Configuring Authentication
    129 The following sections describe different methods for setting up authentication. See also [ Authentication, Authorization and Access Control] in the Apache guide.
     130The following sections describe different methods for setting up authentication. See also [ Authentication, Authorization and Access Control] in the Apache guide.
    131132=== Using Basic Authentication
    149   ''See the man page for `htpasswd` for full documentation.''
     150See the man page for `htpasswd` for full documentation.
    151152After you've created the users, you can set their permissions using TracPermissions.
    172 Note that neither a file nor a directory named 'login' needs to exist.[[BR]]
    173 See also the [ mod_auth_basic] documentation.
     174Note that neither a file nor a directory named 'login' needs to exist. See also the [ mod_auth_basic] documentation.
    175176=== Using Digest Authentication
    177 For better security, it is recommended that you either enable SSL or at least use the “digest” authentication scheme instead of “Basic”.
     178For better security, it is recommended that you either enable SSL or at least use the "digest" authentication scheme instead of "Basic".
    179180You have to create your `.htpasswd` file with the `htdigest` command instead of `htpasswd`, as follows:
    196197For multiple environments, you can use the same `LocationMatch` as described with the previous method.
    198 '''Note: `Location` cannot be used inside .htaccess files, but must instead live within the main httpd.conf file. If you are on a shared server, you therefore will not be able to provide this level of granularity. '''
     199'''Note''': `Location` cannot be used inside .htaccess files, but must instead live within the main httpd.conf file. If you are on a shared server, you therefore will not be able to provide this level of granularity.
    200201Don't forget to activate the mod_auth_digest. For example, on a Debian 4.0r1 (etch) system:
    205 See also the [ mod_auth_digest] documentation.
     206See also the [ mod_auth_digest] documentation.
    207208=== Using LDAP Authentication
    209 Configuration for [ mod_ldap] authentication in Apache is more involved (httpd 2.2.x and OpenLDAP: slapd 2.3.19).
     210Configuration for [ mod_ldap] authentication in Apache is more involved (httpd 2.2+ and OpenLDAP: slapd 2.3.19).
    2112121. You need to load the following modules in Apache httpd.conf:
    233234  AuthLDAPURL "ldap://,DC=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)"
    235  You will also need to provide an account for Apache to use when checking credentials. As this password will be listed in plaintext in the config, you need to use an account specifically for this task:
     236 You will also need to provide an account for Apache to use when checking credentials. As this password will be listed in plain text in the configuration, you need to use an account specifically for this task:
    237238  AuthLDAPBindDN
    266267See also:
    267  - [ mod_authnz_ldap], documentation for mod_authnz_ldap.   
    268  - [ mod_ldap], documentation for mod_ldap, which provides connection pooling and a shared cache.
    269  - [ TracHacks:LdapPlugin] for storing TracPermissions in LDAP.
     268 - [ mod_authnz_ldap], documentation for mod_authnz_ldap.   
     269 - [ mod_ldap], documentation for mod_ldap, which provides connection pooling and a shared cache.
     270 - [ TracHacks:LdapPlugin] for storing TracPermissions in LDAP.
    271272=== Using SSPI Authentication
    294295=== Using CA !SiteMinder Authentication
    295 Setup CA !SiteMinder to protect your Trac login URL (e.g. /trac/login).  Then modify the trac.wsgi script generated using `trac-admin <env> deploy <dir>` to add the following lines, which extract the HTTP_SM_USER variable and set it to REMOTE_USER:
     297Setup CA !SiteMinder to protect your Trac login URL, for example `/trac/login`. Also, make sure the policy is set to include the HTTP_REMOTE_USER variable. If your site allows it, you can set this in `LocalConfig.conf`:
     303The specific variable is site-dependent. Ask your site administrator. If your site does not allow the use of `LocalConfig.conf` for security reasons, have your site administrator set the policy on the server to set REMOTE_USER.
     305Also add a !LogOffUri parameter to the agent configuration, for example `/trac/logout`.
     307Then modify the trac.wsgi script generated using `trac-admin <env> deploy <dir>` to add the following lines, which extract the `HTTP_REMOTE_USER` variable and set it to `REMOTE_USER`:
    300312    # strip() is used to remove any spaces on the end of the string
    301313    if 'HTTP_SM_USER' in environ:
    302         environ['REMOTE_USER'] = environ['HTTP_SM_USER'].strip()
     314        environ['REMOTE_USER'] = environ['HTTP_REMOTE_USER'].strip()
    303315    ...
    306 Note:  you do not need any Apache "Location" directives.
    308 === Using Apache authentication with the Account Manager plugin's Login form ===
    310 To begin with, see the basic instructions for using the Account Manager plugin's [ Login module] and its [ HttpAuthStore authentication module].
    312 '''Note:''' If is difficult to get !HttpAuthStore to work with WSGI when using any Account Manager version prior to acct_mgr-0.4. Upgrading is recommended.
    314 Here is an example (from the !HttpAuthStore link) using acct_mgr-0.4 for hosting a single project:
    315 {{{#!ini
    316 [components]
    317 ; be sure to enable the component
    318 acct_mgr.http.HttpAuthStore = enabled
    320 [account-manager]
    321 ; configure the plugin to use a page that is secured with http authentication
    322 authentication_url = /authFile
    323 password_store = HttpAuthStore
    324 }}}
    325 This will generally be matched with an Apache config like:
    326 {{{#!apache
    327 <Location /authFile>
    328    …HTTP authentication configuration…
    329    Require valid-user
    330 </Location>
    331 }}}
    332 Note that '''authFile''' need not exist (unless you are using Account Manager older than 0.4). See the !HttpAuthStore link above for examples where multiple Trac projects are hosted on a server.
     318You do not need any Apache "Location" directives.
    334320=== Example: Apache/mod_wsgi with Basic Authentication, Trac being at the root of a virtual host
    338324 - uses Apache basic authentication for Trac authentication.
    340 If you want your Trac to be served from e.g. !, then from the folder e.g. `/home/trac-for-my-proj`, if you used the command `trac-admin the-env initenv` to create a folder `the-env`, and you used `trac-admin the-env deploy the-deploy` to create a folder `the-deploy`, then first:
     326If you want your Trac to be served from eg !, then from the folder eg `/home/trac-for-my-proj`, if you used the command `trac-admin the-env initenv` to create a folder `the-env`, and you used `trac-admin the-env deploy the-deploy` to create a folder `the-deploy`, then first:
    342328Create the htpasswd file:
    347333htpasswd htpasswd seconduser
    349336Keep the file above your document root for security reasons.
    351 Create this file e.g. (ubuntu) `/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/` with the following content:
     338Create this file for example `/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/` on Ubuntu with the following content:
    374 Note: for subdomains to work you would probably also need to alter `/etc/hosts` and add A-Records to your host's DNS.
     361For subdomains to work you would probably also need to alter `/etc/hosts` and add A-Records to your host's DNS.
    376363== Troubleshooting
    378365=== Use a recent version
    380 Please use either version 1.6, 2.4 or later of `mod_wsgi`. Versions prior to 2.4 in the 2.X branch have problems with some Apache configurations that use WSGI file wrapper extension. This extension is used in Trac to serve up attachments and static media files such as style sheets. If you are affected by this problem, attachments will appear to be empty and formatting of HTML pages will appear not to work due to style sheet files not loading properly. Another frequent symptom is that binary attachment downloads are truncated. See mod_wsgi tickets [ #100] and [ #132].
    382 ''Note: using mod_wsgi 2.5 and Python 2.6.1 gave an Internal Server Error on my system (Apache 2.2.11 and Trac Upgrading to Python 2.6.2 (as suggested [ here]) solved this for me[[BR]]-- Graham Shanks''
     367Please use either version 1.6, 2.4 or later of `mod_wsgi`. Versions prior to 2.4 in the 2.X branch have problems with some Apache configurations that use WSGI file wrapper extension. This extension is used in Trac to serve up attachments and static media files such as style sheets. If you are affected by this problem, attachments will appear to be empty and formatting of HTML pages will appear not to work due to style sheet files not loading properly. Another frequent symptom is that binary attachment downloads are truncated. See mod_wsgi tickets [ #100] and [ #132].
     369'''Note''': using mod_wsgi 2.5 and Python 2.6.1 gave an Internal Server Error on my system (Apache 2.2.11 and Trac Upgrading to Python 2.6.2 (as suggested [ here]) solved this for me[[BR]]-- Graham Shanks
    384371If you plan to use `mod_wsgi` in embedded mode on Windows or with the MPM worker on Linux, then you will need version 3.4 or greater. See [trac:#10675] for details.
    386373=== Getting Trac to work nicely with SSPI and 'Require Group'
    388 If you have set Trac up on Apache, Win32 and configured SSPI, but added a 'Require group' option to your apache configuration, then the SSPIOmitDomain option is probably not working. If it is not working, your usernames in Trac probably look like 'DOMAIN\user' rather than 'user'.
    390 This WSGI script 'fixes' that:
     375If you have set Trac up on Apache, Win32 and configured SSPI, but added a 'Require group' option to your Apache configuration, then the SSPIOmitDomain option is probably not working. If it is not working, your usernames in Trac probably look like 'DOMAIN\user' rather than 'user'.
     377This WSGI script fixes that:
    392379import os
    424411Now Trac drops the connection after serving a page and the connection count on the database will be kept low.
    426 //This is not a recommended approach though. See also the notes at the bottom of the [ mod_wsgi's IntegrationWithTrac] wiki page.//
     413//This is not a recommended approach though. See also the notes at the bottom of the [ mod_wsgi's IntegrationWithTrac] wiki page.//
     415=== Missing Headers and Footers
     417If python optimizations are enabled, then headers and footers will not be rendered. An error will be raised in Trac 1.0.11 and later when optimizations are enabled.
     419In your WSGI configuration file, the `WSGIPythonOptimize` setting must be set to `0` (`1` or `2` will not work):
     422    WSGIPythonOptimize 0
     425On Ubuntu, the WSGI mod configuration is at `/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/wsgi.conf`.
     427The same issue is seen with `PythonOptimize On` in [TracModPython#Pagelayoutissues ModPython].
    428429=== Other resources
    430 For more troubleshooting tips, see also the [TracModPython#Troubleshooting mod_python troubleshooting] section, as most Apache-related issues are quite similar, plus discussion of potential [ application issues] when using mod_wsgi. The wsgi page also has a [ Integration With Trac] document.
     431For more troubleshooting tips, see also the [TracModPython#Troubleshooting mod_python troubleshooting] section, as most Apache-related issues are quite similar, plus discussion of potential [ application issues] when using mod_wsgi. The wsgi page also has a [ Integration With Trac] document.