; Project name : Assembly Library ; Description : Register related macros. %ifndef REGISTERS_INC %define REGISTERS_INC struc INTPACK %ifdef USE_386 ; .gs resb 2 ; .fs resb 2 %endif .es resb 2 .ds resb 2 .di resb 2 .si resb 2 .bp resb 2 .sp resb 2 .bx: .bl resb 1 .bh resb 1 .dx: .dl resb 1 .dh resb 1 .cx: .cl resb 1 .ch resb 1 .ax: .al resb 1 .ah resb 1 .ip resb 2 .cs resb 2 .flags resb 2 endstruc ; 8086/8088 FLAGS FLG_FLAGS_CF EQU (1<<0) FLG_FLAGS_PF EQU (1<<2) FLG_FLAGS_AF EQU (1<<4) FLG_FLAGS_ZF EQU (1<<6) FLG_FLAGS_SF EQU (1<<7) FLG_FLAGS_TF EQU (1<<8) FLG_FLAGS_IF EQU (1<<9) FLG_FLAGS_DF EQU (1<<10) FLG_FLAGS_OF EQU (1<<11) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This macro must be the first thing to call on Interrupt Service Routine. ; ; CREATE_INTPACK_TO_SSBP ; Parameters ; Nothing ; Returns: ; SS:BP: Points to INTPACK ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro CREATE_INTPACK_TO_SSBP 0 ePUSHA push ds push es %ifdef USE_386 ; push fs ; push gs %endif mov bp, sp %endmacro ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This macro must be the last thing to call on Interrupt Service Routine. ; ; RESTORE_INTPACK_FROM_SSBP ; Parameters ; SS:BP: Ptr to INTPACK ; Returns: ; All Registers will be loaded from INTPACK ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro RESTORE_INTPACK_FROM_SSBP 0 %ifdef USE_386 ; pop gs ; pop fs %endif pop es pop ds ePOPA iret %endmacro ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This macro must be the first thing to call on Interrupt Service Routine. ; ; CREATE_FRAME_INTPACK_TO_SSBP ; Parameters ; %1: Number of extra bytes to reserve before INTPACK ; Returns: ; SS:BP: Points to INTPACK ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro CREATE_FRAME_INTPACK_TO_SSBP 1 ePUSHA push ds push es %ifdef USE_386 ; push fs ; push gs %endif sub sp, BYTE %1 mov bp, sp %endmacro ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This macro must be the last thing to call on Interrupt Service Routine. ; ; RESTORE_FRAME_INTPACK_FROM_SSBP ; Parameters ; %1: Number of extra bytes in INTPACK ; SS:BP: Ptr to INTPACK ; Returns: ; All Registers will be loaded from INTPACK ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro RESTORE_FRAME_INTPACK_FROM_SSBP 1 add sp, BYTE %1 %ifdef USE_386 ; pop gs ; pop fs %endif pop es pop ds ePOPA iret %endmacro ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; NORMALIZE_FAR_POINTER ; Parameters: ; %1:%2: Far pointer to normalize ; %3: Scratch register ; %4: Scratch register ; Returns: ; %1:%2: Normalized far pointer ; CF: Set if overflow in (segment) normalization ; Clear if normalized successfully ; Corrupts registers: ; %3, %4 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro NORMALIZE_FAR_POINTER 4 mov %4, %2 ; Copy offset to scratch reg and %2, BYTE 0Fh ; Clear offset bits 15...4 eSHR_IM %4, 4 ; Divide offset by 16 mov %3, %1 ; Copy segment to scratch reg add %3, %4 ; Add shifted offset to segment (sets or clears CF) mov %1, %3 ; Set normalized segment %endmacro ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; COPY_SSBP_TO_ESDI ; COPY_SSBP_TO_DSSI ; COPY_DSSI_TO_ESDI ; COPY_ESDI_to_DSSI ; Parameters ; Nothing ; Returns: ; Copies farm pointer to different segment/pointer register pair ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro COPY_SSBP_TO_ESDI 0 push ss pop es mov di, bp %endmacro %macro COPY_SSBP_TO_DSSI 0 push ss pop ds mov si, bp %endmacro %macro COPY_DSSI_TO_ESDI 0 push ds pop es mov di, si %endmacro %macro COPY_ESDI_to_DSSI 0 push es pop ds mov si, di %endmacro %endif ; REGISTERS_INC