; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS ; Description : Defines for BOOTVARS struct used by boot menu ; and drive initialization. %ifndef BOOTVARS_INC %define BOOTVARS_INC BOOT_READ_RETRY_TIMES EQU 3 ; Boot Menu Information Table. These are generated for all XTIDE Universal ; BIOS drives. Available only until boot is successfull. LEN_BOOTNFO_DRV EQU 26 ; Bytes reserved for drive name struc BOOTNFO .twSectCnt resb 6 ; Total user addressable sectors .szDrvName resb LEN_BOOTNFO_DRV+1 ; Drive name resb 1 ; Alignment endstruc ; Pre-boot variables. These do not exist after successfull boot to OS. ; Segment is always 0000h, same as BDA segment struc BOOTVARS resb 800h .dwPostStack resb 4 ; 804h, POST stack when entering INT 19h resb 8 .rgBootNfo resb 73F4h ; 80Ch, Array containing BOOTNFO structs .rgbMnuStack: ; 7C00h and below, Boot Menu stack .rgbAtaInfo: ; 7C00h, ATA Information for drive detection .rgbBootSect resb 512 ; 7C00h, Boot sector endstruc %endif ; BOOTVARS_INC