; File name : File.inc ; Project name : Assembly Library ; Created date : 8.10.2010 ; Last update : 10.10.2010 ; Author : Tomi Tilli ; Description : File library defines. %ifndef FILE_INC %define FILE_INC ; File access and sharing modes struc FILE_ACCESS .ReadOnly resb 1 .WriteOnly resb 1 .ReadAndWrite resb 1 endstruc ; Origin of file seek struc SEEK_FROM .startOfFile resb 1 ; 00h .currentFilePosition resb 1 ; 01h .endOfFile resb 1 ; 02h endstruc ; File attribute flags FLG_FILEATTR_READ_ONLY EQU (1<<0) FLG_FILEATTR_HIDDEN EQU (1<<1) FLG_FILEATTR_SYSTEM EQU (1<<2) FLG_FILEATTR_VOLUME_LABEL EQU (1<<3) FLG_FILEATTR_DIRECTORY EQU (1<<4) FLG_FILEATTR_ARCHIVE EQU (1<<5) %endif ; FILE_INC