; File name : Dialog.inc ; Project name : Assembly Library ; Created date : 15.9.2010 ; Last update : 28.9.2010 ; Author : Tomi Tilli ; Description : Defines for Menu library dialogs. %ifndef DIALOG_INC %define DIALOG_INC ; Struct and defines for all dialogs struc DIALOG .menu resb MENU_size .fpDialogIO resb 4 ; Ptr to DIALOG_INPUT + dialog specific data .pParentMenu resb 2 endstruc DIALOG_DELTA_WIDTH_FROM_PARENT EQU 5 DIALOG_MAX_WIDTH EQU 60 DIALOG_MAX_HEIGHT EQU 25 ; Dialog parameter and return value structs struc DIALOG_INPUT .fszTitle resb 4 .fszItems resb 4 .fszInfo resb 4 endstruc struc WORD_DIALOG_IO .dialogInput resb DIALOG_INPUT_size .bUserCancellation resb 1 .bNumericBase resb 1 .wMin resb 2 .wMax resb 2 .wReturnWord resb 2 endstruc struc STRING_DIALOG_IO .dialogInput resb DIALOG_INPUT_size .bUserCancellation resb 1 resb 1 .fnCharFilter resb 2 ; Optional, can be NULL to accept all .wBufferSize: .wReturnLength resb 2 ; String length without NULL .fpReturnBuffer resb 4 endstruc struc PROGRESS_DIALOG_IO .dialogInput resb DIALOG_INPUT_size resb 2 .wCurrentProgressValue resb 2 .wMaxProgressValue resb 2 .wMinProgressValue resb 2 .fnTaskWithParamInDSSI resb 2 ; Progress Dialog internal values .wProgressPerCharacter resb 2 .wStartTimeTicks resb 2 endstruc struc FILE_DIALOG_IO ; DIALOG_INPUT adjusted for File Dialog .fszTitle resb 4 .fszItemBuffer resb 4 ; For generating file strings resb 4 .bUserCancellation resb 1 resb 1 .bDialogFlags resb 1 .bFileAttributes resb 1 resb 2 .fpFileFilterString: ; Ptr to NULL terminated search string (may include path and wildcards) .szFile resb FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE endstruc ; Progress bar dialog PROGRESS_COMPLETE_CHARACTER EQU BLOCK_FULL_FOREGROUND PROGRESS_INCOMPLETE_CHARACTER EQU BLOCK_MOSTLY_BACKGROUND ; File dialog FILENAME_BUFFER_SIZE EQU 14 ; 8+1+3+NULL+alignment MAX_FILE_DIALOG_INFO_LINES EQU 3 FLG_FILEDIALOG_DRIVES EQU (1<<0) ; Allow changing drive FLG_FILEDIALOG_DIRECTORY EQU (1<<1) ; Select directory instead of file FLG_FILEDIALOG_NEW EQU (1<<2) ; Allow creating new file or directory KEY_FILEDIALOG_CHANGE_DRIVE EQU 3Ch ; F2 KEY_FILEDIALOG_SELECT_DIRECTORY EQU 3Dh ; F3 KEY_FILEDIALOG_NEW_FILE_OR_DIR EQU 3Eh ; F4 %endif ; DIALOG_INC