; File name : Debug.inc ; Project name : Assembly Library ; Created date : 8.8.2010 ; Last update : 29.9.2010 ; Author : Tomi Tilli ; Description : Debugging macros. %ifndef DEBUG_INC %define DEBUG_INC ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DISPLAY_DEBUG_WORD_AND_WAIT_ANY_KEY ; Parameters: ; %1: Debug word ; %2: Numeric base (2, 10, 16) ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro DISPLAY_DEBUG_WORD_AND_WAIT_ANY_KEY 2 pushf push di push bx push ax mov ax, %1 mov bx, %2 CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintWordFromAXwithBaseInBX call Keyboard_RemoveAllKeystrokesFromBuffer call Keyboard_GetKeystrokeToAXandWaitIfNecessary pop ax pop bx pop di popf %endmacro ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DISPLAY_DEBUG_CHARACTER_AND_WAIT_ANY_KEY ; Parameters: ; %1: Character to print ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro DISPLAY_DEBUG_CHARACTER_AND_WAIT_ANY_KEY 1 pushf push di push ax mov al, %1 CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintCharacterFromAL call Keyboard_RemoveAllKeystrokesFromBuffer call Keyboard_GetKeystrokeToAXandWaitIfNecessary pop ax pop di popf %endmacro ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DISPLAY_DEBUG_CHARACTER ; Parameters: ; %1: Character to print ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro DISPLAY_DEBUG_CHARACTER 1 pushf push di push ax mov al, %1 CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintCharacterFromAL pop ax pop di popf %endmacro ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WAIT_ANY_KEY_TO_CONTINUE ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro WAIT_ANY_KEY_TO_CONTINUE 0 push ax call Keyboard_RemoveAllKeystrokesFromBuffer call Keyboard_GetKeystrokeToAXandWaitIfNecessary pop ax %endmacro %endif ; DEBUG_INC