; Project name : Assembly Library ; Description : Defines for Menu library. %ifndef MENU_INC %define MENU_INC ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Menu Library users need to use this macro since it will provide ; compatibility with future library versions. ; ; CALL_MENU_LIBRARY ; Parameters: ; %1: Function to call (functionName from MENU_LIB) ; BP: Menu handle ; Registers: Depends on function to call ; Returns: ; Depends on function to call ; Corrupts registers: ; AX (unless used as a return register), DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro CALL_MENU_LIBRARY 1 %ifidn %1, CloseMenuIfExitEventAllows call MenuInit_CloseMenuIfExitEventAllows %elifidn %1, Close call MenuInit_CloseMenuWindow %elifidn %1, SetUserDataFromDSSI call MenuInit_SetUserDataFromDSSI %elifidn %1, GetUserDataToDSSI call MenuInit_GetUserDataToDSSI %elifidn %1, SetTitleHeightFromAL call MenuInit_SetTitleHeightFromAL %elifidn %1, GetHighlightedItemToAX call MenuInit_GetHighlightedItemToAX %elifidn %1, SetTotalItemsFromAX call MenuInit_SetTotalItemsFromAX %elifidn %1, SetInformationHeightFromAL call MenuInit_SetInformationHeightFromAL %elifidn %1, SetTimeoutValueFromAX call MenuTime_SetSelectionTimeoutValueFromAX %else mov di, %1 call Menu_FunctionFromDI %endif %endmacro %if 0 ;;; ;;; struc no longer needed with direct call to function ;;; ; Menu library functions struc MENU_LIB .DisplayWithHandlerInBXandUserDataInDXAX resb 2 .SendExitMenuEvent: .Close: .RefreshWindow resb 2 .SetUserDataFromDSSI: .GetUserDataToDSSI: .SetTitleHeightFromAL: .ClearTitleArea resb 2 .RefreshTitle resb 2 .GetHighlightedItemToAX: .HighlightItemFromAX resb 2 .SetTotalItemsFromAX: .RefreshItemFromAX resb 2 .SetInformationHeightFromAL: .ClearInformationArea resb 2 .RefreshInformation resb 2 .StartSelectionTimeoutWithTicksInAX resb 2 %ifdef INCLUDE_MENU_DIALOGS .StartProgressTaskWithIoInDSSIandParamInDXAX resb 2 .SetProgressValueFromAX resb 2 .DisplayMessageWithInputInDSSI resb 2 .GetSelectionToAXwithInputInDSSI resb 2 .GetWordWithIoInDSSI resb 2 .GetStringWithIoInDSSI resb 2 .GetFileNameWithIoInDSSI resb 2 .GetDriveWithIoInDSSI resb 2 %endif endstruc %endif ; Menu initialization parameters struc MENUINIT .wItems resb 2 ; Number of items in menu .wHighlightedItem resb 2 ; Index for highlighted item .wTitleAndInfoLines: .bTitleLines resb 1 ; Number of title lines .bInfoLines resb 1 ; Number of information lines .wWidthAndHeight: .bWidth resb 1 ; Menu width in characters .bHeight resb 1 ; Menu height in characters endstruc ; All menu parameters struc MENU .menuInit resb MENUINIT_size ; Must be first .fnEventHandler resb 2 ; Offset to Menu event handler .dwUserData resb 4 ; User specified data .bFlags resb 1 ; Menu flags resb 1 .wTimeoutCounter resb 2 .wFirstVisibleItem resb 2 ; Index for first visible item on the menu endstruc ; Flags for MENU.wFlags FLG_MENU_EXIT EQU (1<<0) ; Close and exit menu FLG_MENU_NOHIGHLIGHT EQU (1<<1) ; Never highlight items FLG_MENU_USER_HANDLES_SCROLLING EQU (1<<2) FLG_MENU_TIMEOUT_COUNTDOWN EQU (1<<3) ; Timeout countdown in progress MENU_VERTICAL_BORDER_LINES EQU 5 ; Title top and bottom + Info top and bottom + bottom shadow MENU_HORIZONTAL_BORDER_LINES EQU 3 ; Left + Right borders + Right shadow MENU_TEXT_ROW_OFFSET EQU 1 MENU_TEXT_COLUMN_OFFSET EQU 2 MENU_TIMEOUT_STRING_CHARACTERS EQU 19 MENU_TIMEOUT_SECONDS_FOR_HURRY EQU 3 SCROLL_TRACK_CHARACTER EQU BLOCK_EVEN_BACKGROUND_AND_FOREGROUND SCROLL_THUMB_CHARACTER EQU BLOCK_FULL_FOREGROUND NO_ITEM_SELECTED EQU -1 NO_ITEM_HIGHLIGHTED EQU -1 NO_TIMEOUT_USED EQU 0 ; Keyboard keys (scan codes) used by menu library ;MENU_KEY_ENTER EQU 1Ch ;MENU_KEY_ESC EQU 01h MENU_KEY_UP EQU 48h MENU_KEY_DOWN EQU 50h MENU_KEY_PGUP EQU 49h MENU_KEY_PGDN EQU 51h MENU_KEY_HOME EQU 47h MENU_KEY_END EQU 4Fh %endif ; MENU_INC