; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS ; Description : Equates used in Enhanced INT 13h functions (EBIOS). %ifndef EBIOS_INC %define EBIOS_INC ; EBIOS specification returned by INT 13h, AH=41h EBIOS_VERSION EQU 21h ; 21h = EDD version 1.1 ; Support bits returned by INT 13h, AH=41h ENHANCED_DRIVE_ACCESS_SUPPORT EQU (1<<0) ; 41h, 42h, 43h 44h, 47h and 48h are available DRIVE_LOCKING_AND_EJECTING_SUPPORT EQU (1<<1) ; 41h, 45h, 46h, 48h, 49h are available and INT 15h, AH=52h ENHANCED_DISK_DRIVE_SUPPORT EQU (1<<2) ; 41h, 48h, 4Eh are available (EDD) ; Extended Drive Information returned by AH=48h struc EDRIVE_INFO .wSize resb 2 ; 0, Size of this buffer, at least 26 .wFlags resb 2 ; 2, Information flags .dwCylinders resb 4 ; 4, Total number of addressable cylinders .dwHeads resb 4 ; 8, Total number of addressable heads .dwSectorsPerTrack resb 4 ; 12, Number of sectors per track .qwTotalSectors resb 8 ; 16, Total number of addressable sectors .wSectorSize resb 2 ; 24, Number of bytes per sector .fpEDDparams resb 8 ; 26, Optional pointer to Enhanced Disk Drive (EDD) configuration parameters endstruc MINIMUM_EDRIVEINFO_SIZE EQU 26 ; 26 bytes does not include EDD pointer ; Flags for EDRIVE_INFO.wFlags FLG_DMA_BOUNDARY_ERRORS_HANDLED_BY_BIOS EQU (1<<0) FLG_CHS_INFORMATION_IS_VALID EQU (1<<1) FLG_REMOVABLE_DRIVE EQU (1<<2) FLG_WRITE_WITH_VERIFY_SUPPORTED EQU (1<<3) FLG_CHANGE_LINE_SUPPORT EQU (1<<4) ; Removable media only FLG_LOCKABLE EQU (1<<5) ; Removable media only FLG_NO_MEDIA_PRESENT_AND_CHS_SET_TO_MAX EQU (1<<6) ; Removable media only ; Disk Address Packet for read, write and verify functions struc DAP .bSize resb 1 ; 0, Size of this packet in bytes .bReservedAt1 resb 1 ; 1, Currently unused, must be zero .bSectorCount resb 1 ; 2, Number of sectors to process (0...127) .bReservedAt3 resb 1 ; 3, Currently unused, must be zero .dwMemoryAddress: .wOffset resb 2 ; 4, Memory offset for transfer .wSegment resb 2 ; 6, Memory segment for transfer .qwLBA resb 8 ; 8, Starting sector for transfer endstruc MINIMUM_DAP_SIZE EQU 16 %endif ; EBIOS_INC