source: xtideuniversalbios/trunk/XTIDE_Universal_BIOS_Configurator_v2/Src/Strings.asm@ 608

Last change on this file since 608 was 605, checked in by Krister Nordvall, 3 years ago


  • The "Remove other hard drives" option in the Boot settings menu in XTIDECFG is now exposed in all BIOS builds. This is needed because the system BIOS in at least two Zenith computer models (Z-161 and Z-171) does not clear the BDA HD count which causes it to increment on warm boot. Running "Auto Configure" in XTIDECFG now also tries to identify these machines by doing a CRC check on the system BIOS and sets the option to YES if a match is found.
  • WORD_ALIGN is now 2 for XT builds. This should benefit XT class machines with 8086 and NEC V30 CPU:s and the cost is negligible (1 byte for the XT BIOS builds and 12 bytes for XTIDECFG.COM).
  • Other minor optimizations.
File size: 31.0 KB
1; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS Configurator v2
2; Description : All strings.
5; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools
6; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2013 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team.
8; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11; (at your option) any later version.
13; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16; GNU General Public License for more details.
17; Visit
20; Section containing initialized data
21SECTION .data
23; DOS version check
24g_s$NotMinimumDosVersion: db LF,"This program requires DOS version 2 or higher.",LF,"$"
26; Menu title
27g_szProgramTitle: db "Configuration and Flashing program for XTIDE Universal BIOS v2.0.0.",LF,CR,NULL
28g_szXtideUniversalBiosSignature: db FLASH_SIGNATURE,NULL
29g_szBiosIsNotLoaded: db "BIOS is not loaded!",NULL
31g_szSourceAndTypeSeparator: db " : ",NULL
32g_szUnidentified: db "Unidentified",NULL
35; Item formatting
36g_szFormatItemWithoutValue: db "%c%s",NULL
37g_szFormatItemNameWithValue: db "%25s%-10S",NULL
40g_szNo: db "No",NULL
41g_szMultichoiceBooleanFlag: db "No",LF
42g_szYes: db "Yes",NULL
44; General Yes/No response type dialog messages
45g_szDlgExitToDos: db "Exit to DOS?",NULL
46g_szDlgSaveChanges: db "Do you want to save changes to XTIDE Universal BIOS image file?",NULL
47g_szDlgDriveNotReady: db "Drive not ready! Retry?",NULL
49; Generic dialog strings
50g_szNotificationDialog: db "Notification.",NULL
51g_szErrorDialog: db "Error!",NULL
52g_szGenericDialogInfo: db "Press ENTER or ESC to close dialog.",NULL
54; Flashing related strings
55g_szFlashTitle: db "Flashing EEPROM, please wait.",NULL
56g_szErrEepromTooSmall: db "Image is too large for selected EEPROM type!",NULL
57g_szErrEepromPolling: db "Timeout when polling EEPROM.",LF
58 db "EEPROM was not flashed properly!",NULL
59g_szErrEepromVerify: db "EEPROM did not return the same byte that was written.",LF
60 db "EEPROM was not flashed properly!",NULL
61g_szPCFlashSuccessful: db "EEPROM was written successfully.",LF
62 db "Press any key to reboot.",NULL
63g_szForeignFlash: db "EEPROM was written successfully.",NULL
66; Strings for main menu
67g_szItemMainExitToDOS: db "Exit to DOS",NULL
68g_szItemMainLoadFile: db "Load BIOS from file",NULL
69g_szItemMainLoadROM: db "Load BIOS from EEPROM",NULL
70g_szItemMainLoadStngs: db "Load old settings from EEPROM",NULL
71g_szItemMainConfigure: db "Configure XTIDE Universal BIOS",NULL
72g_szItemMainFlash: db "Flash EEPROM",NULL
73g_szItemMainSave: db "Save BIOS back to original file",NULL
74g_szItemMainLicense: db "Copyright and License Information",NULL
75g_szItemMainHomePage: db "Web Links",NULL
77g_szDlgMainLoadROM: db "Successfully loaded XTIDE Universal BIOS from EEPROM.",NULL
78g_szDlgMainLoadStngs: db "Successfully loaded settings from EEPROM.",NULL
79g_szDlgMainLoadFile: db "Successfully loaded file for flashing.",NULL
80g_szDlgMainSaveFile: db "Successfully saved XTIDE Universal BIOS to file.",NULL
81g_szDlgMainFileTooBig: db "Selected file is too big to be loaded for flashing!",NULL
82g_szDlgMainLoadErr: db "Failed to load file!",NULL
83g_szDlgMainSaveErr: db "Failed to save file!",NULL
84g_szDlgFileTitle: db "Select file to be flashed.",NULL
85g_szDlgFileFilter: db "*.*",NULL
87g_szNfoMainExitToDOS: db "Quits XTIDE Universal BIOS Configurator.",NULL
88g_szNfoMainLoadFile: db "Load BIOS file to be configured or flashed.",NULL
89g_szNfoMainLoadROM: db "Load BIOS from EEPROM to be reconfigured.",NULL
90g_szNfoMainLoadStngs: db "Load old XTIDE Universal BIOS settings from EEPROM.",NULL
91g_szNfoMainConfigure: db "Configure XTIDE Universal BIOS settings.",NULL
92g_szNfoMainFlash: db "Flash loaded BIOS image to EEPROM.",NULL
93g_szNfoMainSave: db "Save BIOS changes back to original file from which it was loaded.",NULL
94g_szNfoMainLicense: db "XTIDE Universal BIOS and XTIDECFG Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2019 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team."
95 db " Released under GNU GPL v2, with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Press ENTER for more details...",NULL
96g_szNfoMainHomePage: db "Visit (home page) and (support)",NULL
98g_szHelpMainLicense: db "XTIDE Universal BIOS and XTIDECFG Configuration program are Copyright 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli,"
99 db " 2011-2019 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team. Released under GNU GPL v2. This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."
100 db " This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
101 db " See the LICENSE.TXT file that was included with this distribution,"
102 db " visit gpl-2.0.html, or visit",NULL
104; Strings for XTIDE Universal BIOS configuration menu
105g_szItemCfgBackToMain: db "Back to Main Menu",NULL
106g_szItemCfgIde1: db "Primary IDE Controller",NULL
107g_szItemCfgIde2: db "Secondary IDE Controller",NULL
108g_szItemCfgIde3: db "Tertiary IDE Controller",NULL
109g_szItemCfgIde4: db "Quaternary IDE Controller",NULL
110g_szItemCfgBootMenu: db "Boot settings",NULL
111g_szItemAutoConfigure: db "Auto Configure",NULL
112g_szItemCfgFullMode: db "Full operating mode",NULL
113g_szItemCfgStealSize: db "kiB to steal from RAM",NULL
114g_szItemCfgIdeCnt: db "IDE controllers",NULL
115g_szItemCfgIdleTimeout: db "Power Management",NULL
117g_szDlgAutoConfigure: db "Found "
118g_bControllersDetected: db 'x' ; Value stored directly here
119 db " controllers.",NULL
120g_szDlgBadBiosFound: db "This computer has been identified as being one of the following models:",LF,LF
121 db "Zenith Z-171",LF
122 db "Zenith Z-161",LF,LF
123 db "The Boot settings menu option 'Remove other hard drives' has been set to YES for this reason.",NULL
124g_szDlgCfgFullMode: db "Enable full operating mode?",NULL
125g_szDlgCfgStealSize: db "How many kiB of base memory to steal for XTIDE Universal BIOS variables (1...255)?",NULL
126g_szDlgCfgIdeCnt: db "How many IDE controllers to manage (1...4)?",NULL
127g_szDlgCfgIdleTimeout: db "Select the amount of time before idling drives should enter standby mode.",NULL
129g_szNfoCfgIde: db "IDE controller and drive configuration.",NULL
130g_szNfoCfgBootMenu: db "Boot configuration.",NULL
131g_szNfoAutoConfigure: db "Automatically Configure XTIDE Universal BIOS for this system.",NULL
132g_szNfoCfgFullMode: db "Full mode supports multiple controllers and has more features.",NULL
133g_szNfoCfgStealSize: db "How many kiB's to steal from Conventional memory for XTIDE Universal BIOS variables.",NULL
134g_szNfoCfgIdeCnt: db "Number of IDE controllers to manage.",NULL
135g_szNfoCfgIdleTimeout: db "Enable Power Management to set the harddrive(s) to spin down after idling a certain amount of time.",NULL
137g_szSerialMoved: db "A Serial Controller has been moved to the end of the Controller list."
138 db " No further action is required. Serial Controllers must be placed at the end of the list.",NULL
140g_szHelpCfgFullMode: db "Full mode supports up to 4 IDE controllers (8 drives). Full mode reserves a bit of RAM from the top of"
141 db " Conventional memory. This makes it possible to use ROM BASIC and other software that requires"
142 db " the interrupt vectors where XTIDE Universal BIOS parameters would be stored in Lite mode.",LF,LF
143 db "Lite mode supports only 2 IDE controllers (4 drives) and stores parameters to the top of the interrupt vectors"
144 db " (30:0h) so no Conventional memory needs to be reserved. Lite mode cannot be used if some software requires"
145 db " the top of interrupt vectors. Usually this is not a problem since only IBM ROM BASIC uses them.",LF,LF
146 db "Tandy 1000 models with 640 kiB or less memory need to use Lite mode since the top of Conventional memory gets"
147 db " dynamically reserved by video hardware. This happens only with Tandy integrated video controller and not when"
148 db " using expansion graphics cards. It is possible to use Full mode if reserving RAM for video memory + what is"
149 db " required for XTIDE Universal BIOS. This would mean 65 kiB but most software should work with 33 kiB reserved.",NULL
151g_szHelpCfgStealSize: db "Parameters for detected hard disks must be stored somewhere. In Full mode they are stored at the top of Conventional"
152 db " memory. 1 kiB is usually enough but you may have to reserve more if you want to use Full mode on a Tandy 1000.",NULL
154g_szHelpCfgIdleTimeout: db "This option enables the standby timer for all harddrives handled by XTIDE Universal BIOS,"
155 db " allowing the drives to spin down after idling the selected amount of time."
156 db " Note that this does not work with old drives that lack the Power Management feature set."
157 db " Also note that timeouts less than 5 minutes may cause unnecessary wear on the drives and is not recommended"
158 db " (use for compatibility testing only).",NULL
160g_szMultichoiceIdleTimeout: db "Disabled",LF
161 db "1 m",LF
162 db "2 m",LF
163 db "3 m",LF
164 db "4 m",LF
165 db "5 m",LF
166 db "6 m",LF
167 db "7 m",LF
168 db "8 m",LF
169 db "9 m",LF
170 db "10 m",LF
171 db "11 m",LF
172 db "12 m",LF
173 db "13 m",LF
174 db "14 m",LF
175 db "15 m",LF
176 db "16 m",LF
177 db "17 m",LF
178 db "18 m",LF
179 db "19 m",LF
180 db "20 m",LF
181 db "30 m",LF
182 db "1 h",LF
183 db "1 h 30 m",LF
184g_szIdleTimeoutChoice24: db "2 h",NULL
185g_szIdleTimeoutChoice23: db "1 h 30 m",NULL
186g_szIdleTimeoutChoice22: db "1 h",NULL
187g_szIdleTimeoutChoice21: db "30 m",NULL
188g_szIdleTimeoutChoice20: db "20 m",NULL
189g_szIdleTimeoutChoice19: db "19 m",NULL
190g_szIdleTimeoutChoice18: db "18 m",NULL
191g_szIdleTimeoutChoice17: db "17 m",NULL
192g_szIdleTimeoutChoice16: db "16 m",NULL
193g_szIdleTimeoutChoice15: db "15 m",NULL
194g_szIdleTimeoutChoice14: db "14 m",NULL
195g_szIdleTimeoutChoice13: db "13 m",NULL
196g_szIdleTimeoutChoice12: db "12 m",NULL
197g_szIdleTimeoutChoice11: db "11 m",NULL
198g_szIdleTimeoutChoice10: db "10 m",NULL
199g_szIdleTimeoutChoice9: db "9 m",NULL
200g_szIdleTimeoutChoice8: db "8 m",NULL
201g_szIdleTimeoutChoice7: db "7 m",NULL
202g_szIdleTimeoutChoice6: db "6 m",NULL
203g_szIdleTimeoutChoice5: db "5 m",NULL
204g_szIdleTimeoutChoice4: db "4 m",NULL
205g_szIdleTimeoutChoice3: db "3 m",NULL
206g_szIdleTimeoutChoice2: db "2 m",NULL
207g_szIdleTimeoutChoice1: db "1 m",NULL
208g_szIdleTimeoutChoice0: db "Disabled",NULL
210; Strings for IDE Controller menu
211g_szItemBackToCfgMenu: db "Back to Configuration Menu",NULL
212g_szItemIdeMaster: db "Master Drive",NULL
213g_szItemIdeSlave: db "Slave Drive",NULL
214g_szItemIdeDevice: db "Device type",NULL
215g_szItemIdeCmdPort: db "Base (cmd block) address",NULL
216g_szItemIdeCtrlPort: db "Control block address",NULL
217g_szItemIdeEnIRQ: db "Enable interrupt",NULL
218g_szItemIdeIRQ: db "IRQ",NULL
219g_szItemSerialCOM: db "COM Port",NULL
220g_szItemSerialBaud: db "Baud Rate",NULL
221g_szItemSerialPort: db "COM Port I/O address",NULL
222g_szItemIdeSerialComPort: db "COM port",NULL
223g_szItemIdeSerialBaudRate: db "Baud rate",NULL
225g_szDlgDevice: db "Select controller type.",NULL
226g_szDlgIdeCmdPort: db "Enter IDE command block (base port) address.",NULL
227g_szDlgIdeCtrlPort: db "Enter IDE control block address (usually command block + 200h).",NULL
228g_szDlgIdeEnIRQ: db "Enable interrupt?",NULL
229g_szDlgIdeIRQ: db "Enter IRQ channel (2...7 for 8-bit controllers, 2...15 for any other controller).",NULL
230g_szUnsupportedDevice: db "There is no support for this device type in the currently loaded BIOS."
231 db " You must load a BIOS built with the proper module included to be able to use this type of device.",NULL
233g_szNfoIdeBackToCfgMenu: db "Back to XTIDE Universal BIOS Configuration Menu.",NULL
234g_szNfoIdeMaster: db "Settings for Master Drive.",NULL
235g_szNfoIdeSlave: db "Settings for Slave Drive.",NULL
236g_szNfoIdeDevice: db "Select controller device type.",NULL
237g_szNfoIdeCmdPort: db "IDE Controller Command Block (base port) address or segment address for JR-IDE/ISA and SVC ADP50L.",NULL
238g_szNfoIdeCtrlPort: db "IDE Controller Control Block address. Usually Cmd Block + 8 for XTIDE, and Cmd Block + 200h for ATA.",NULL
239g_szNfoIdeEnIRQ: db "Interrupt or polling mode.",NULL
240g_szNfoIdeIRQ: db "IRQ channel to use.",NULL
241g_szNfoIdeSerialCOM: db "Select a COM port by number.",NULL
242g_szNfoIdeSerialBaud: db "Select the COM port's Baud Rate. The server must match this speed."
243 db " Note that UART clock multipliers may impact the actual speed.",NULL
244g_szNfoIdeSerialPort: db "Select a COM port by custom I/O port address. Any address is valid up to 3F8h, but must be on an 8-byte boundary.",NULL
246g_szHelpIdeCmdPort: db "IDE controller command block address is the usual address mentioned for IDE controllers."
247 db " By default the primary IDE controller uses port 1F0h and secondary controller uses port 170h."
248 db " XTIDE card uses port 300h by default."
249 db " JR-IDE/ISA and SVC ADP50L do not use ports but needs the ROM segment address set here instead.",NULL
251g_szHelpIdeCtrlPort: db "IDE controller Control Block address is normally Command Block address + 200h."
252 db " For XTIDE card the Control Block registers are mapped right after Command Block"
253 db " registers so use Command Block address + 8h for XTIDE card.",NULL
255g_szHelpIdeEnIRQ: db "IDE controller can use interrupts to signal when it is ready to transfer data."
256 db " This makes possible to do other tasks while waiting drive to be ready."
257 db " That is usually not useful in MS-DOS but using interrupts frees the bus for any DMA transfers."
258 db " Polling mode is used when interrupts are disabled."
259 db " Polling usually gives a little better access times since interrupt handling requires extra processing."
260 db " There can be some compatibility issues with some old drives when polling is used with Block Mode transfers.",NULL
262g_szHelpIdeIRQ: db "IRQ channel to use. All controllers managed by XTIDE Universal BIOS can use the same IRQ when MS-DOS is used."
263 db " Other operating systems are likely to require different interrupts for each controller.",NULL
265g_szHelpIdeSerialCOM: db "Select a serial port by COM port number. COM1 through COM4 have well established I/O port assignments,"
266 db ' COM5 and onward are less well established. "COMA" represents COM10, "COMB" represents COM11, and "COMC"'
267 db ' represents COM12. Selecting "COMx" enables the manual selection of an I/O port address.',NULL
269g_szHelpIdeSerialPort: db "Select a serial port by I/O address. Any port address is supported up to 3F8h, but must be on an 8-byte boundary."
270 db " If the entered value corresponds to one of the established COM port numbers, then the selection will snap"
271 db ' to that COM port and "COMx" must be selected again for custom I/O address entry.',NULL
273g_szHelpIdeSerialBaud: db "Supported baud rates are 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 28.8K, 38.4K, 57.6K, and 115.2K. The server must also be set to"
274 db " this same speed. Older UARTs may only support up to 9600 baud, but sometimes can be pushed to 38.4K. 115.2K will"
275 db " likely only be possible with a newer UART that includes a FIFO. Some high speed serial ports include UART clock"
276 db " multipliers, allowing for speeds at 230.4K (2x multiplier) and 460.8K (4x multiplier) above 115.2K. These high"
277 db " speeds are supported by these BIOS, even on original 4.77MHz 8088 systems. Note that UART clock multipliers are"
278 db " not detectable by the software and 115.2K will still be used during configuration for high speeds; but if"
279 db " a multiplier is used, the actual speed (including the multiplier) will need to be used by the server.",NULL
281g_szMultichoiceCfgDevice: db "16-bit ISA/VLB/PCI IDE",LF
282 db "32-bit VLB/PCI IDE",LF
283 db "16-bit ISA IDE in 8-bit mode",LF
284 db "XTIDE rev 1",LF
285 db "XTIDE rev 2 or modded rev 1",LF
286 db "XTIDE rev 2 (Olivetti M24)",LF
287 db "XT-CF PIO8",LF
288 db "XT-CF PIO8 (BIU offload)",LF
289 db "XT-CF PIO16 (BIU offload)",LF
290 db "XT-CF DMA (v3 only)",LF
291 db "JR-IDE/ISA",LF
292 db "SVC ADP50L",LF
293 db "Serial port virtual device",NULL
295g_szValueCfgDevice16b: db "16-bit",NULL
296g_szValueCfgDevice32b: db "32-bit",NULL
297g_szValueCfgDevice8b: db "8-bit",NULL
298g_szValueCfgDeviceRev1: db "XTIDE r1",NULL
300g_szValueCfgDeviceRev2Olivetti: db "XTIDE r2",NULL
301g_szValueCfgDeviceXTCFPio8: db "XTCF PIO",NULL
302g_szValueCfgDeviceXTCFPio8WithBIUOffload: db "BIU 8",NULL
303g_szValueCfgDeviceXTCFPio16WithBIUOffload: db "BIU 16",NULL
304g_szValueCfgDeviceXTCFDMA: db "XTCF DMA",NULL
305g_szValueCfgDeviceJrIdeIsa: db "JR-ISA",NULL
306g_szValueCfgDeviceADP50L: db "ADP50L",NULL
307g_szValueCfgDeviceSerial: db "Serial",NULL
309g_szSerialCOMChoice: db "COM1 - address 3F8h",LF
310 db "COM2 - address 2F8h",LF
311 db "COM3 - address 3E8h",LF
312 db "COM4 - address 2E8h",LF
313 db "COM5 - address 2F0h",LF
314 db "COM6 - address 3E0h",LF
315 db "COM7 - address 2E0h",LF
316 db "COM8 - address 260h",LF
317 db "COM9 - address 368h",LF
318 db "COMA - address 268h",LF
319 db "COMB - address 360h",LF
320 db "COMC - address 270h",LF
321 db "COMx - Custom address",NULL
323g_szValueCfgCOM1: db "COM1",NULL
324g_szValueCfgCOM2: db "COM2",NULL
325g_szValueCfgCOM3: db "COM3",NULL
326g_szValueCfgCOM4: db "COM4",NULL
327g_szValueCfgCOM5: db "COM5",NULL
328g_szValueCfgCOM6: db "COM6",NULL
329g_szValueCfgCOM7: db "COM7",NULL
330g_szValueCfgCOM8: db "COM8",NULL
331g_szValueCfgCOM9: db "COM9",NULL
332g_szValueCfgCOMA: db "COMA",NULL
333g_szValueCfgCOMB: db "COMB",NULL
334g_szValueCfgCOMC: db "COMC",NULL
335g_szValueCfgCOMx: db "Custom",NULL
337g_szSerialBaudChoice: db "115.2K baud",LF
338 db "57.6K baud",LF
339 db "38.4K baud",LF
340 db "28.8K baud",LF
341 db "19.2K baud",LF
342 db "9600 baud",LF
343 db "4800 baud",LF
344 db "2400 baud",NULL
346g_szValueCfgBaud115_2: db "115.2K",NULL
347g_szValueCfgBaud57_6: db "57.6K",NULL
348g_szValueCfgBaud38_4: db "38.4K",NULL
349g_szValueCfgBaud28_8: db "28.8K",NULL
350g_szValueCfgBaud19_2: db "19.2K",NULL
351g_szValueCfgBaud9600: db "9600",NULL
352g_szValueCfgBaud4800: db "4800",NULL
353g_szValueCfgBaud2400: db "2400",NULL
356; Strings for DRVPARAMS menu
357g_szItemDrvBackToIde: db "Back to IDE Controller Menu",NULL
358g_szItemDrvBlockMode: db "Block Mode Transfers",NULL
359g_szItemDrvXlateMode: db "CHS translation method",NULL
360g_szItemDrvWriteCache: db "Internal Write Cache",NULL
361g_szItemDrvUserCHS: db "User specified CHS",NULL
362g_szItemDrvCyls: db "Cylinders",NULL
363g_szItemDrvHeads: db "Heads",NULL
364g_szItemDrvSect: db "Sectors per track",NULL
365g_szItemDrvUserLBA: db "User specified LBA",NULL
366g_szItemDrvLbaSectors: db "Millions of sectors",NULL
368g_szDlgDrvBlockMode: db "Enable Block Mode Transfers?",NULL
369g_szDlgDrvXlateMode: db "Select P-CHS to L-CHS translation method.",NULL
370g_szDlgDrvWriteCache: db "Select hard drive internal write cache settings.",NULL
371g_szDlgDrvUserCHS: db "Specify (P-)CHS parameters manually?",NULL
372g_szDlgDrvCyls: db "Enter number of P-CHS cylinders (1...16383).",NULL
373g_szDlgDrvHeads: db "Enter number of P-CHS heads (1...16).",NULL
374g_szDlgDrvSect: db "Enter number of sectors per track (1...63).",NULL
375g_szDlgDrvUserLBA: db "Limit drive capacity?",NULL
376g_szDlgDrvLbaSectors: db "Enter maximum capacity in millions of sectors (16...256).",NULL
378g_szNfoDrvBlockMode: db "Transfer multiple sectors per data request.",NULL
379g_szNfoDrvXlateMode: db "P-CHS to L-CHS translation method.",NULL
380g_szNfoDrvWriteCache: db "Hard Drive Internal Write Cache settings (WARNING!).",NULL
381g_szNfoDrvUserCHS: db "Specify (P-)CHS parameters manually instead of autodetecting them.",NULL
382g_szNfoDrvCyls: db "Number of user specified P-CHS cylinders.",NULL
383g_szNfoDrvHeads: db "Number of user specified P-CHS heads.",NULL
384g_szNfoDrvSect: db "Number of user specified P-CHS sectors per track.",NULL
385g_szNfoDrvUserLBA: db "Limit drive capacity to fix compatibility problems with Windows 9x.",NULL
386g_szNfoDrvLbaSectors: db "Millions of sectors (1024*1024). 1M sectors = 512 MiB. Recommended limits are 64 for Windows 95, 128 for Windows 98 and 256 for Windows ME (and 98 with updated fdisk).",NULL
388g_szHelpDrvBlockMode: db "Block Mode will speed up transfers since multiple sectors can be transferred before waiting next data request."
389 db " Normally Block Mode should always be kept enabled but there is at least one"
390 db " drive with buggy Block Mode implementation (Quantum ProDrive LPS 340A).",NULL
392g_szHelpDrvWriteCache: db "Modern Hard Drives have a large amount of internal write cache."
393 db " The cache will speed up writes since the drive can free the bus right after data has been written to cache."
394 db " The drive then starts to write the data from cache to disk by itself."
395 db " This can be dangerous since all unwritten data in cache is lost if power is turned off or the system is reset."
396 db " Modern operating systems will flush the cache when user shuts down the system."
397 db " DOS does not have that sort of protection so it is up to the user to make sure cache is flushed."
398 db " WARNING!!! Write cache should be left disabled.",NULL
400g_szHelpDrvUserCHS: db "Specify (P-)CHS parameters manually instead of autodetecting them."
401 db " This can be used to limit drive size for old operating systems that do not support large hard disks."
402 db " Some early IDE drives have buggy autodetection so they require CHS to be specified manually."
403 db " Limiting Cylinders will work for all drives but drives may not accept all values for Heads and Sectors per Track.",NULL
405g_szHelpDrvUserLBA: db "Limit drive size to X million sectors for EBIOS functions. This option is useful to"
406 db " prevent large drive compatibility problems with MS-DOS 7.x (Windows 95 and 98).",NULL
409 db "NORMAL",LF
410 db "LARGE",LF
411 db "Assisted LBA",LF
412 db "Autodetect",NULL
414g_szValueDrvXlateNormal:db "NORMAL",NULL
415g_szValueDrvXlateLarge: db "LARGE",NULL
416g_szValueDrvXlateLBA: db "LBA",NULL
417g_szValueDrvXlateAuto: db "Auto",NULL
419g_szMultichoiseWrCache: db "Drive Default",LF
420 db "Disable Write Cache",LF
421 db "Enable Write Cache",NULL
423g_szValueDrvWrCaDis: db "Disabled",NULL
424g_szValueDrvWrCaEn: db "Enabled",NULL
427; Strings for boot settings menu
428g_szItemBootTimeout: db "Selection timeout",NULL
429g_szItemBootDrive: db "Default boot drive",NULL
430g_szItemBootDispMode: db "Display Mode",NULL
431g_szItemColorTheme: db "Color Theme",NULL
432g_szItemBootFloppyDrvs: db "Number of Floppy Drives",NULL
433g_szItemSerialDetect: db "Scan for Serial Drives",NULL
434g_szItemClearBdaDriveCount: db "Remove other hard drives",NULL
436g_szDlgBootTimeout: db "Enter Boot Menu selection timeout in BIOS timer ticks (2...1092).",NULL
437g_szDlgBootDrive: db "Enter default drive number (0xh for Floppy Drives, 8xh for Hard Disks).",NULL
438g_szDlgBootDispMode: db "Select display mode.",NULL
439g_szDlgColorTheme: db "Select color theme.",NULL
440g_szDlgBootFloppyDrvs: db "Select number of Floppy Drives in system.",NULL
441g_szDlgSerialDetect: db "Scan for serial drives?",NULL
442g_szDlgClearBdaDriveCount: db "Remove existing INT 13h hard drives during drive detection?",NULL
444g_szNfoBootTimeout: db "Menu item selection timeout in BIOS timer ticks. 1 tick = 54.9 ms.",NULL
445g_szNfoBootDrive: db "Default boot drive.",NULL
446g_szNfoDispMode: db "Display mode to set when booting.",NULL
447g_szNfoColorTheme: db "Color theme used by the boot menu and the hotkey bar.",NULL
448g_szNfoBootFloppyDrvs: db "Number of Floppy Drives in system.",NULL
449g_szNfoSerialDetect: db "Scans all standard COM ports for serial drives."
450 db " This can also be invoked by holding down ALT at the end of normal drive detection.",NULL
451g_szNfoClearBdaDriveCount: db "Can be used to remove duplicate hard drives.",NULL
453g_szHelpBootTimeout: db "Boot Menu selection timeout in BIOS timer ticks (1 second = 18.2 ticks)."
454 db " When timer goes to zero, currently selected drive will be booted automatically."
455 db " Timeout can be disabled by setting this to 0.",NULL
456g_szHelpBootDrive: db "Drive to be set selected by default when Boot Menu is displayed.",NULL
457g_szHelpColorTheme: db "Pick a theme from a list of several pre-defined themes to customize the colors used by the boot menu and, if"
458 db " available, the hotkey bar. Selecting a theme or loading a BIOS, or its settings, from file or from ROM will"
459 db " make XTIDECFG apply the theme to itself for easy preview. The ability to preview themes requires that"
460 db " XTIDECFG is running in a display mode that can display colors. In other words, you may configure the"
461 db " BIOS on a machine with a monochrome graphics adapter and not be able to preview the theme but the BIOS will"
462 db " still use the selected theme when installed in a machine with a color graphics adapter.",NULL
463g_szHelpBootFloppyDrvs: db "Detecting the correct number of floppy drives might fail when using a floppy controller with its own BIOS."
464 db " A minimum number of floppy drives can be specified to force non-detected drives to appear on boot menu.",NULL
465g_szHelpSerialDetect: db "Set to Yes, at the end of normal drive detection, COM ports 1-7 (in reverse order) will be scanned for a connection"
466 db " to a serial drive server. This option provides flexibility with the COM port and baud rate to be used,"
467 db " it need not be configured ahead of time, but at the expense of a slower boot process."
468 db " Even when this option is set to No, this functionality can still be invoked by holding down the ALT key at the end"
469 db " of normal drive detection. Note that if any serial drives are detected during the normal drive detection,"
470 db " no scan will take place (to avoid finding the same drive twice).",NULL
471g_szHelpClearBdaDriveCount: db "Set to NO for normal operation. Set to YES to get Windows 9x protected mode drivers to work when"
472 db " MODULE_WIN9X_CMOS_HACK is not included (dummy drive needs to be defined in system BIOS setup). This option must"
473 db " also be set to YES on computers where the system BIOS does not initialize RAM properly. Zenith models Z-171 and"
474 db " Z-161 are known examples of such machines.",NULL
476g_szMultichoiceBootDispMode: db "Default",LF
477 db "40x25 Black & White",LF
478 db "40x25 Color",LF
479 db "80x25 Black & White",LF
480 db "80x25 Color",LF
481 db "80x25 Monochrome",NULL
483g_szValueBootDispModeDefault: db "Default",NULL
484g_szValueBootDispModeBW40: db "BW40",NULL
485g_szValueBootDispModeCO40: db "CO40",NULL
486g_szValueBootDispModeBW80: db "BW80",NULL
487g_szValueBootDispModeCO80: db "CO80",NULL
488g_szValueBootDispModeMono: db "Mono",NULL
490g_szMultichoiceColorTheme: db "Classic (default)",LF
491 db "Argon Blue",LF
492 db "Neon Red",LF
493 db "Phosphor Green",LF
494 db "Moon Surface",LF
495 db "Toxic Waste",NULL
496g_szValueColorTheme0: db "Classic",NULL
497g_szValueColorTheme1: db "Argon",NULL
498g_szValueColorTheme2: db "Neon",NULL
499g_szValueColorTheme3: db "Phosphor",NULL
500g_szValueColorTheme4: db "Moon",NULL
501g_szValueColorTheme5: db "Toxic",NULL
503g_szMultichoiceBootFloppyDrvs: db "Autodetect",LF
504 db "1",LF
505 db "2",LF
506 db "3",LF
507g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs4: db "4",NULL
508g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs3: db "3",NULL
509g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs2: db "2",NULL
510g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs1: db "1",NULL
511g_szValueBootFloppyDrvsAuto: db "Auto",NULL
514; Strings for Flash menu
515g_szItemFlashStart: db "Start flashing",NULL
516g_szItemFlashEepromType:db "EEPROM type",NULL
517g_szItemFlashSDP: db "SDP command",NULL
518g_szItemFlashAddr: db "EEPROM address",NULL
519g_szItemFlashPageSize: db "Page size",NULL
520g_szItemFlashChecksum: db "Generate checksum byte",NULL
522g_szDlgFlashEepromType: db "Select EEPROM type.",NULL
523g_szDlgFlashSDP: db "Select Software Data Protection command.",NULL
524g_szDlgFlashAddr: db "Enter segment address where EEPROM is located.",NULL
525g_szDlgFlashPageSize: db "Select write page size.",NULL
526g_szDlgFlashChecksum: db "Generate checksum byte to the end of BIOS image?",NULL
528g_szNfoFlashEepromType: db "EEPROM type.",NULL
529g_szNfoFlashStart: db "Writes BIOS to EEPROM.",NULL
530g_szNfoFlashSDP: db "Software Data Protection command.",NULL
531g_szNfoFlashAddr: db "Address (segment) where EEPROM is located.",NULL
532g_szNfoFlashPageSize: db "Number of bytes to write before delay.",NULL
533g_szNfoFlashChecksum: db "Generate checksum byte to the end of BIOS image.",NULL
535g_szHelpFlashSDP: db "Software Data Protection Command:",LF
536 db "None = Do not use Software Data Protection. Meant for EEPROMs that do not support SDP.",LF,LF
537 db "Enable = Write protects the EEPROM after flashing."
538 db " Software Data Protection should always be enabled if EEPROM supports it.",LF,LF
539 db "Disable = Disables Software Data Protection after flashing.",NULL
541g_szHelpFlashPageSize: db "Larger page size will improve write performance but not all EEPROMs support large pages or page writing at all."
542 db " Byte writing mode will be used when page size is set to 1. Byte writing mode is supported by all EEPROMs."
543 db " Large pages cannot be flashed with slow CPUs.",NULL
545g_szHelpFlashChecksum: db "PC BIOSes require a checksum byte at the end of expansion card BIOS ROMs."
546 db " You might not want to generate checksum byte when flashing some other images than XTIDE Universal BIOS.",NULL
549 db "2816 (2 kiB)",LF
550 db "2864 (8 kiB)",LF
551 db "2864 mod (8 kiB)",LF
552 db "28256 (32 kiB)",LF
553 db "28512 (64 kiB)",NULL
554g_szValueFlash2816: db "2816",NULL
555g_szValueFlash2864: db "2864",NULL
556g_szValueFlash2864Mod: db "2864mod",NULL
557g_szValueFlash28256: db "28256",NULL
558g_szValueFlash28512: db "28512",NULL
561 db "None",LF
562 db "Enable",LF
563g_szValueFlashDisable: db "Disable",NULL
564g_szValueFlashEnable: db "Enable",NULL
565g_szValueFlashNone: db "None",NULL
568 db "1 byte",LF
569 db "2 bytes",LF
570 db "4 bytes",LF
571 db "8 bytes",LF
572 db "16 bytes",LF
573 db "32 bytes",LF
574g_szValueFlash64bytes: db "64 bytes",NULL
575g_szValueFlash32bytes: db "32 bytes",NULL
576g_szValueFlash16bytes: db "16 bytes",NULL
577g_szValueFlash8bytes: db "8 bytes",NULL
578g_szValueFlash4bytes: db "4 bytes",NULL
579g_szValueFlash2bytes: db "2 bytes",NULL
580g_szValueFlash1byte: db "1 byte",NULL
583g_szDashForZero: db "- ",NULL
584g_szValueUnknownError: db "Error!",NULL
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