; File name : Strings.asm ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS Configurator v2 ; Created date : 5.10.2010 ; Last update : 2.11.2010 ; Author : Tomi Tilli ; Description : All strings. ; Section containing initialized data SECTION .data ; Menu title g_szProgramTitle: db "Configuration and Flashing program for XTIDE Universal BIOS v1.1.4.",LF,CR,NULL g_szXtideUniversalBiosSignature: db "XTIDE110",NULL g_szBiosIsNotLoaded: db "BIOS is not loaded!",NULL g_szEEPROM: db "EEPROM",NULL g_szSourceAndTypeSeparator: db " : ",NULL g_szUnidentified: db "Unidentified",NULL g_szUnsaved: db " ",SINGLE_LEFT_HORIZONTAL_TO_VERTICAL, db "Unsaved",SINGLE_RIGHT_HORIZONTAL_TO_VERTICAL, NULL ; Item formatting g_szFormatItemWithoutValue: db "%c%s",NULL g_szFormatItemNameWithValue: db "%26s%-9S",NULL g_szNo: db "No",NULL g_szYes: db "Yes",NULL g_szMultichoiseBooleanFlag: db "No",LF db "Yes",NULL ; Generic dialog strings g_szNotificationDialog: db "Notification.",NULL g_szErrorDialog: db "Error!",NULL g_szGenericDialogInfo: db "Press ENTER or ESC to close dialog.",NULL ; Strings for main menu g_szItemMainExitToDOS: db "Exit to DOS",NULL g_szItemMainLoadFile: db "Load BIOS from file",NULL g_szItemMainLoadROM: db "Load BIOS from EEPROM",NULL g_szItemMainLoadStngs: db "Load old settings from EEPROM",NULL g_szItemMainConfigure: db "Configure XTIDE Universal BIOS",NULL g_szItemMainFlash: db "Flash EEPROM",NULL g_szDlgMainLoadROM: db "Successfully loaded XTIDE Universal BIOS from EEPROM.",NULL g_szDlgMainLoadStngs: db "Successfully loaded settings from EEPROM.",NULL g_szDlgMainLoadFile: db "Successfully loaded file for flashing.",NULL g_szDlgMainSaveFile: db "Successfully saved XTIDE Universal BIOS to file.",NULL g_szDlgMainFileTooBig: db "Selected file is too big to be loaded for flashing!",NULL g_szDlgMainLoadErr: db "Failed to load file!",NULL g_szDlgMainSaveErr: db "Failed to save file!",NULL g_szDlgFileTitle: db "Select file to be flashed.",NULL g_szDlgFileFilter: db "*.*",NULL g_szNfoMainExitToDOS: db "Quits XTIDE Universal BIOS Configurator.",NULL g_szNfoMainLoadFile: db "Load BIOS file to be configured or flashed.",NULL g_szNfoMainLoadROM: db "Load BIOS from EEPROM to be reconfigured.",NULL g_szNfoMainLoadStngs: db "Load old XTIDE Universal BIOS settings from EEPROM.",NULL g_szNfoMainConfigure: db "Configure XTIDE Universal BIOS settings.",NULL g_szNfoMainFlash: db "Flash loaded BIOS image to EEPROM.",NULL ; Strings for XTIDE Universal BIOS configuration menu g_szItemCfgBackToMain: db "Back to Main Menu",NULL g_szItemCfgIde1: db "Primary IDE Controller",NULL g_szItemCfgIde2: db "Secondary IDE Controller",NULL g_szItemCfgIde3: db "Tertiary IDE Controller",NULL g_szItemCfgIde4: db "Quaternary IDE Controller",NULL g_szItemCfgIde5: db "Quinary IDE Controller",NULL g_szItemCfgBootMenu: db "Boot menu settings",NULL g_szItemCfgBootLoader: db "Boot loader type",NULL g_szItemCfgFullMode: db "Full operating mode",NULL g_szItemCfgStealSize: db "kiB to steal from RAM",NULL g_szItemCfgIdeCnt: db "Number of IDE controllers",NULL g_szDlgCfgFullMode: db "Enable full operating mode?",NULL g_szDlgCfgStealSize: db "How many kiB of base memory to steal for XTIDE Universal BIOS variables (1...255)?",NULL g_szDlgCfgIdeCnt: db "How many IDE controllers to manage (1...5)?",NULL g_szNfoCfgIde: db "IDE controller and drive configuration.",NULL g_szNfoCfgBootMenu: db "Boot menu configuration.",NULL g_szNfoCfgBootLoader: db "Boot loader selection for INT 19h.",NULL g_szNfoCfgFullMode: db "Full mode supports multiple controllers and has more features.",NULL g_szNfoCfgStealSize: db "Number of kiB of base memory to steal for BIOS variables.",NULL g_szNfoCfgIdeCnt: db "Number of IDE controllers to manage.",NULL g_szHelpCfgFullMode: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpCfgStealSize: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szMultichoiseCfgBootLoader: db "Boot menu",LF db "Drive A then C",LF db "System boot loader",NULL g_szValueCfgBootLoaderMenu: db "Menu",NULL g_szValueCfgBootLoaderAthenC: db "A, C",NULL g_szValueCfgBootLoaderSystem: db "System",NULL ; Strings for IDE Controller menu g_szItemBackToCfgMenu: db "Back to Configuration Menu",NULL g_szItemIdeMaster: db "Master Drive",NULL g_szItemIdeSlave: db "Slave Drive",NULL g_szItemIdeBusType: db "Bus type",NULL g_szItemIdeCmdPort: db "Base (cmd block) address",NULL g_szItemIdeCtrlPort: db "Control block address",NULL g_szItemIdeEnIRQ: db "Enable interrupt",NULL g_szItemIdeIRQ: db "IRQ",NULL g_szDlgBusType: db "Select type of bus where Ide Controller is connected.",NULL g_szDlgIdeCmdPort: db "Enter IDE command block (base port) address.",NULL g_szDlgIdeCtrlPort: db "Enter IDE control block address (usually command block + 200h).",NULL g_szDlgIdeEnIRQ: db "Enable interrupt?",NULL g_szDlgIdeIRQ: db "Enter IRQ channel (2...7 for 8-bit controllers, 2...15 for any other controller).",NULL g_szNfoIdeBackToCfgMenu:db "Back to XTIDE Universal BIOS Configuration Menu.",NULL g_szNfoIdeMaster: db "Settings for Master Drive.",NULL g_szNfoIdeSlave: db "Settings for Slave Drive.",NULL g_szNfoIdeBusType: db "Select controller bus type.",NULL g_szNfoIdeCmdPort: db "IDE Controller Command Block (base port) address.",NULL g_szNfoIdeCtrlPort: db "IDE Controller Control Block address. Usually Cmd Block + 200h.",NULL g_szNfoIdeEnIRQ: db "Interrupt or polling mode.",NULL g_szNfoIdeIRQ: db "IRQ channel to use.",NULL g_szHelpIdeCmdPort: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpIdeCtrlPort: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpIdeEnIRQ: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpIdeIRQ: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szMultichoiseCfgBusType: db "8-bit dual port (XTIDE)",LF db "8-bit single port",LF db "16-bit",LF db "32-bit generic",NULL g_szValueCfgBusTypeDual8b: db "2x8-bit",NULL g_szValueCfgBusTypeSingle8b: db "1x8-bit",NULL g_szValueCfgBusType16b: db "16-bit",NULL g_szValueCfgBusType32b: db "32-bit",NULL ; Strings for DRVPARAMS menu g_szItemDrvBackToIde: db "Back to IDE Controller Menu",NULL g_szItemDrvBlockMode: db "Block Mode Transfers",NULL g_szItemDrvUserCHS: db "User specified CHS",NULL g_szItemDrvCyls: db "Cylinders",NULL g_szItemDrvHeads: db "Heads",NULL g_szItemDrvSect: db "Sectors per track",NULL g_szDlgDrvBlockMode: db "Enable Block Mode Transfers?",NULL g_szDlgDrvUserCHS: db "Specify (P-)CHS parameters manually?",NULL g_szDlgDrvCyls: db "Enter number of P-CHS cylinders (1...16383).",NULL g_szDlgDrvHeads: db "Enter number of P-CHS heads (1...16).",NULL g_szDlgDrvSect: db "Enter number of sectors per track (1...63).",NULL g_szNfoDrvBlockMode: db "Transfer multiple sectors per data request.",NULL g_szNfoDrvUserCHS: db "Specify (P-)CHS manually instead of autodetect.",NULL g_szNfoDrvCyls: db "Number of user specified P-CHS cylinders.",NULL g_szNfoDrvHeads: db "Number of user specified P-CHS heads.",NULL g_szNfoDrvSect: db "Number of user specified P-CHS sectors per track.",NULL g_szHelpDrvBlockMode: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpDrvUserCHS: db "incbin goes here.",NULL ; Strings for boot menu settings menu g_szItemBootHeight: db "Maximum height",NULL g_szItemBootTimeout: db "Selection timeout",NULL g_szItemBootDrive: db "Default boot drive",NULL g_szItemBootMinFDD: db "Min floppy drive count",NULL g_szItemBootSwap: db "Swap boot drive numbers",NULL g_szItemBootRomBoot: db "Display ROM boot",NULL g_szItemBootInfo: db "Display drive info",NULL g_szDlgBootHeight: db "Enter boot menu maximum height in characters (8...25).",NULL g_szDlgBootTimeout: db "Enter Boot Menu selection timeout in seconds (1...60, 0 disables timeout).",NULL g_szDlgBootDrive: db "Enter default drive number (0xh for Floppy Drives, 8xh for Hard Disks, FFh for ROM boot).",NULL g_szDlgBootMinFDD: db "Enter minimum number of floppy drives.",NULL g_szDlgBootSwap: db "Enable drive number translation?",NULL g_szDlgBootRomBoot: db "Show ROM Boot option on boot menu?",NULL g_szDlgBootInfo: db "Show drive information on boot menu?",NULL g_szNfoBootHeight: db "Boot Menu maximum height in characters.",NULL g_szNfoBootTimeout: db "Menu item selection timeout in seconds.",NULL g_szNfoBootDrive: db "Default drive on boot menu.",NULL g_szNfoBootMinFDD: db "Minimum number of floppy drives to display.",NULL g_szNfoBootSwap: db "Drive Number Translation (swap first drive with selected).",NULL g_szNfoBootRomBoot: db "Show ROM Basic or ROM DOS boot option.",NULL g_szNfoBootInfo: db "Show detailed drive information on boot menu.",NULL g_szHelpBootTimeout: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpBootDrive: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpBootMinFDD: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpBootSwap: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpBootRomBoot: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpBootInfo: db "incbin goes here.",NULL ; Strings for Flash menu g_szItemFlashStart: db "Start flashing",NULL g_szItemFlashSDP: db "SDP command",NULL g_szItemFlashAddr: db "EEPROM address",NULL g_szItemFlashPageSize: db "Page size",NULL g_szItemFlashChecksum: db "Generate checksum byte",NULL g_szDlgFlashAddr: db "Enter segment address where EEPROM is located.",NULL g_szDlgFlashPageSize: db "Enter write page size (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 bytes).",NULL g_szDlgFlashChecksum: db "Generate checksum byte to the end of BIOS image?",NULL g_szNfoFlashStart: db "Writes BIOS to EEPROM.",NULL g_szNfoFlashSDP: db "Software Data Protection command.",NULL g_szNfoFlashAddr: db "Address (segment) where EEPROM is located.",NULL g_szNfoFlashPageSize: db "Number of bytes to write before delay.",NULL g_szNfoFlashChecksum: db "Generate checksum byte to the end of BIOS image.",NULL g_szHelpFlashSDP: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpFlashPageSize: db "incbin goes here.",NULL g_szHelpFlashChecksum: db "incbin goes here.",NULL ; Strings for SDP command menu g_szValueSdpNone: g_szItemSdpNone: db "None",NULL g_szValueSdpEnable: g_szItemSdpEnable: db "Enable",NULL g_szValueSdpDisable: g_szItemSdpDisable: db "Disable",NULL g_szNfoSdpNone: db "Do not use Software Data Protection.",NULL g_szNfoSdpEnable: db "Enable Software Data Protection after flashing.",NULL g_szNfoSdpDisable: db "Disable Software Data Protection after flashing.",NULL