1 | ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS Configurator v2
2 | ; Description : All strings.
3 |
4 | ;
5 | ; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools
6 | ; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2013 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team.
7 | ;
8 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 | ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 | ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 | ; (at your option) any later version.
12 | ;
13 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 | ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 | ; GNU General Public License for more details.
17 | ; Visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
18 | ;
19 |
20 | ; Section containing initialized data
21 | SECTION .data
22 |
23 | ; Menu title
24 | g_szProgramTitle: db "Configuration and Flashing program for XTIDE Universal BIOS v2.0.0.",LF,CR,NULL
25 | g_szXtideUniversalBiosSignature: db "XTIDE203",NULL
26 | g_szBiosIsNotLoaded: db "BIOS is not loaded!",NULL
27 | g_szEEPROM: db "EEPROM",NULL
28 | g_szSourceAndTypeSeparator: db " : ",NULL
29 | g_szUnidentified: db "Unidentified",NULL
31 |
32 | ; Item formatting
33 | g_szFormatItemWithoutValue: db "%c%s",NULL
34 | g_szFormatItemNameWithValue: db "%25s%-10S",NULL
35 |
36 |
37 | g_szNo: db "No",NULL
38 | g_szMultichoiceBooleanFlag: db "No",LF
39 | g_szYes: db "Yes",NULL
40 |
41 | ; Exit messages
42 | g_szDlgExitToDos: db "Exit to DOS?",NULL
43 | g_szDlgSaveChanges: db "Do you want to save changes to XTIDE Universal BIOS image file?",NULL
44 |
45 |
46 | ; Generic dialog strings
47 | g_szNotificationDialog: db "Notification.",NULL
48 | g_szErrorDialog: db "Error!",NULL
49 | g_szGenericDialogInfo: db "Press ENTER or ESC to close dialog.",NULL
50 |
51 | ; Flashing related strings
52 | g_szFlashTitle: db "Flashing EEPROM, please wait.",NULL
53 | g_szErrEepromTooSmall: db "Image is too large for selected EEPROM type!",NULL
54 | g_szErrEepromPolling: db "Timeout when polling EEPROM.",LF
55 | db "EEPROM was not flashed properly!",NULL
56 | g_szErrEepromVerify: db "EEPROM did not return the same byte that was written.",LF
57 | db "EEPROM was not flashed properly!",NULL
58 | g_szPCFlashSuccessful: db "EEPROM was written successfully.",LF
59 | db "Press any key to reboot.",NULL
60 | g_szForeignFlash: db "EEPROM was written successfully.",NULL
61 |
62 |
63 | ; Strings for main menu
64 | g_szItemMainExitToDOS: db "Exit to DOS",NULL
65 | g_szItemMainLoadFile: db "Load BIOS from file",NULL
66 | g_szItemMainLoadROM: db "Load BIOS from EEPROM",NULL
67 | g_szItemMainLoadStngs: db "Load old settings from EEPROM",NULL
68 | g_szItemMainConfigure: db "Configure XTIDE Universal BIOS",NULL
69 | g_szItemMainFlash: db "Flash EEPROM",NULL
70 | g_szItemMainSave: db "Save BIOS back to original file",NULL
71 | g_szItemMainLicense: db "Copyright and License Information",NULL
72 | g_szItemMainHomePage: db "Web Links",NULL
73 |
74 | g_szDlgMainLoadROM: db "Successfully loaded XTIDE Universal BIOS from EEPROM.",NULL
75 | g_szDlgMainLoadStngs: db "Successfully loaded settings from EEPROM.",NULL
76 | g_szDlgMainLoadFile: db "Successfully loaded file for flashing.",NULL
77 | g_szDlgMainSaveFile: db "Successfully saved XTIDE Universal BIOS to file.",NULL
78 | g_szDlgMainFileTooBig: db "Selected file is too big to be loaded for flashing!",NULL
79 | g_szDlgMainLoadErr: db "Failed to load file!",NULL
80 | g_szDlgMainSaveErr: db "Failed to save file!",NULL
81 | g_szDlgFileTitle: db "Select file to be flashed.",NULL
82 | g_szDlgFileFilter: db "*.*",NULL
83 |
84 | g_szNfoMainExitToDOS: db "Quits XTIDE Universal BIOS Configurator.",NULL
85 | g_szNfoMainLoadFile: db "Load BIOS file to be configured or flashed.",NULL
86 | g_szNfoMainLoadROM: db "Load BIOS from EEPROM to be reconfigured.",NULL
87 | g_szNfoMainLoadStngs: db "Load old XTIDE Universal BIOS settings from EEPROM.",NULL
88 | g_szNfoMainConfigure: db "Configure XTIDE Universal BIOS settings.",NULL
89 | g_szNfoMainFlash: db "Flash loaded BIOS image to EEPROM.",NULL
90 | g_szNfoMainSave: db "Save BIOS changes back to original file from which it was loaded.",NULL
91 | g_szNfoMainLicense: db "XTIDE Universal BIOS and XTIDECFG Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2013 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team."
92 | db " Released under GNU GPL v2, with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. Press ENTER for more details...",NULL
93 | g_szNfoMainHomePage: db "Visit http://code.google.com/p/ xtideuniversalbios (home page) and http://vintage-computer.com/ vcforum (support)",NULL
94 |
95 | g_szHelpMainLicense: db "XTIDE Universal BIOS and XTIDECFG Configuration program are Copyright 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli,"
96 | db " 2011-2013 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team. Released under GNU GPL v2. This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."
97 | db " This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions."
98 | db " See the LICENSE.TXT file that was included with this distribution,"
99 | db " visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ gpl-2.0.html, or visit http://code.coogle.com/p/ xtideuniversalbios.",NULL
100 |
101 | ; Strings for XTIDE Universal BIOS configuration menu
102 | g_szItemCfgBackToMain: db "Back to Main Menu",NULL
103 | g_szItemCfgIde1: db "Primary IDE Controller",NULL
104 | g_szItemCfgIde2: db "Secondary IDE Controller",NULL
105 | g_szItemCfgIde3: db "Tertiary IDE Controller",NULL
106 | g_szItemCfgIde4: db "Quaternary IDE Controller",NULL
107 | g_szItemCfgBootMenu: db "Boot settings",NULL
108 | g_szItemAutoConfigure: db "Auto Configure",NULL
109 | g_szItemCfgFullMode: db "Full operating mode",NULL
110 | g_szItemCfgStealSize: db "kiB to steal from RAM",NULL
111 | g_szItemCfgIdeCnt: db "IDE controllers",NULL
112 | g_szItemCfgIdleTimeout: db "Power Management",NULL
113 |
114 | g_szDlgAutoConfigure: db "Found "
115 | g_bControllersDetected: db 'x' ; Value stored directly here
116 | db " controllers.",NULL
117 | g_szDlgCfgFullMode: db "Enable full operating mode?",NULL
118 | g_szDlgCfgStealSize: db "How many kiB of base memory to steal for XTIDE Universal BIOS variables (1...255)?",NULL
119 | g_szDlgCfgIdeCnt: db "How many IDE controllers to manage (1...4)?",NULL
120 | g_szDlgCfgIdleTimeout: db "Select the amount of time before idling drives should enter standby mode.",NULL
121 |
122 | g_szNfoCfgIde: db "IDE controller and drive configuration.",NULL
123 | g_szNfoCfgBootMenu: db "Boot configuration.",NULL
124 | g_szNfoAutoConfigure: db "Automatically Configure XTIDE Universal BIOS for this system.",NULL
125 | g_szNfoCfgFullMode: db "Full mode supports multiple controllers and has more features.",NULL
126 | g_szNfoCfgStealSize: db "How many kiB's to steal from Conventional memory for XTIDE Universal BIOS variables.",NULL
127 | g_szNfoCfgIdeCnt: db "Number of IDE controllers to manage.",NULL
128 | g_szNfoCfgIdleTimeout: db "Enable Power Management to set the harddrive(s) to spin down after idling a certain amount of time.",NULL
129 |
130 | g_szSerialMoved: db "A Serial Controller has been moved to the end of the Controller list."
131 | db " No further action is required. Serial Controllers must be placed at the end of the list.",NULL
132 |
133 | g_szHelpCfgFullMode: db "Full mode supports up to 4 IDE controllers (8 drives). Full mode reserves a bit of RAM from the top of"
134 | db " Conventional memory. This makes it possible to use ROM BASIC and other software that requires"
135 | db " the interrupt vectors where XTIDE Universal BIOS parameters would be stored in Lite mode.",LF,LF
136 | db "Lite mode supports only one IDE controller (2 drives) and stores parameters to the top of the interrupt vectors"
137 | db " (30:0h) so no Conventional memory needs to be reserved. Lite mode cannot be used if some software requires"
138 | db " the top of interrupt vectors. Usually this is not a problem since only IBM ROM BASIC uses them.",LF,LF
139 | db "Tandy 1000 models with 640 kiB or less memory need to use Lite mode since the top of Conventional memory gets"
140 | db " dynamically reserved by video hardware. This happens only with Tandy integrated video controller and not when"
141 | db " using expansion graphics cards. It is possible to use Full mode if reserving RAM for video memory + what is"
142 | db " required for XTIDE Universal BIOS. This would mean 65 kiB but most software should work with 33 kiB reserved.",NULL
143 |
144 | g_szHelpCfgStealSize: db "Parameters for detected hard disks must be stored somewhere. In Full mode they are stored at the top of Conventional"
145 | db " memory. 1 kiB is usually enough but you may have to reserve more if you want to use Full mode on a Tandy 1000.",NULL
146 |
147 | g_szHelpCfgIdleTimeout: db "This option enables the standby timer for all harddrives handled by XTIDE Universal BIOS,"
148 | db " allowing the drives to spin down after idling the selected amount of time."
149 | db " Note that this does not work with old drives that lack the Power Management feature set."
150 | db " Also note that timeouts less than 5 minutes may cause unnecessary wear on the drives and is not recommended"
151 | db " (use for compatibility testing only).",NULL
152 |
153 | g_szMultichoiceIdleTimeout: db "Disabled",LF
154 | db "1 m",LF
155 | db "2 m",LF
156 | db "3 m",LF
157 | db "4 m",LF
158 | db "5 m",LF
159 | db "6 m",LF
160 | db "7 m",LF
161 | db "8 m",LF
162 | db "9 m",LF
163 | db "10 m",LF
164 | db "11 m",LF
165 | db "12 m",LF
166 | db "13 m",LF
167 | db "14 m",LF
168 | db "15 m",LF
169 | db "16 m",LF
170 | db "17 m",LF
171 | db "18 m",LF
172 | db "19 m",LF
173 | db "20 m",LF
174 | db "30 m",LF
175 | db "1 h",LF
176 | db "1 h 30 m",LF
177 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice24: db "2 h",NULL
178 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice23: db "1 h 30 m",NULL
179 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice22: db "1 h",NULL
180 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice21: db "30 m",NULL
181 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice20: db "20 m",NULL
182 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice19: db "19 m",NULL
183 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice18: db "18 m",NULL
184 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice17: db "17 m",NULL
185 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice16: db "16 m",NULL
186 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice15: db "15 m",NULL
187 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice14: db "14 m",NULL
188 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice13: db "13 m",NULL
189 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice12: db "12 m",NULL
190 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice11: db "11 m",NULL
191 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice10: db "10 m",NULL
192 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice9: db "9 m",NULL
193 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice8: db "8 m",NULL
194 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice7: db "7 m",NULL
195 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice6: db "6 m",NULL
196 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice5: db "5 m",NULL
197 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice4: db "4 m",NULL
198 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice3: db "3 m",NULL
199 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice2: db "2 m",NULL
200 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice1: db "1 m",NULL
201 | g_szIdleTimeoutChoice0: db "Disabled",NULL
202 |
203 | ; Strings for IDE Controller menu
204 | g_szItemBackToCfgMenu: db "Back to Configuration Menu",NULL
205 | g_szItemIdeMaster: db "Master Drive",NULL
206 | g_szItemIdeSlave: db "Slave Drive",NULL
207 | g_szItemIdeDevice: db "Device type",NULL
208 | g_szItemIdeCmdPort: db "Base (cmd block) address",NULL
209 | g_szItemIdeCtrlPort: db "Control block address",NULL
210 | g_szItemIdeEnIRQ: db "Enable interrupt",NULL
211 | g_szItemIdeIRQ: db "IRQ",NULL
212 | g_szItemSerialCOM: db "COM Port",NULL
213 | g_szItemSerialBaud: db "Baud Rate",NULL
214 | g_szItemSerialPort: db "COM Port I/O address",NULL
215 | g_szItemIdeSerialComPort: db "COM port",NULL
216 | g_szItemIdeSerialBaudRate: db "Baud rate",NULL
217 |
218 | g_szDlgDevice: db "Select controller type.",NULL
219 | g_szDlgIdeCmdPort: db "Enter IDE command block (base port) address.",NULL
220 | g_szDlgIdeCtrlPort: db "Enter IDE control block address (usually command block + 200h).",NULL
221 | g_szDlgIdeEnIRQ: db "Enable interrupt?",NULL
222 | g_szDlgIdeIRQ: db "Enter IRQ channel (2...7 for 8-bit controllers, 2...15 for any other controller).",NULL
223 |
224 | g_szNfoIdeBackToCfgMenu: db "Back to XTIDE Universal BIOS Configuration Menu.",NULL
225 | g_szNfoIdeMaster: db "Settings for Master Drive.",NULL
226 | g_szNfoIdeSlave: db "Settings for Slave Drive.",NULL
227 | g_szNfoIdeDevice: db "Select controller device type.",NULL
228 | g_szNfoIdeCmdPort: db "IDE Controller Command Block (base port) address or segment address for JR-IDE/ISA and SVC ADP50L.",NULL
229 | g_szNfoIdeCtrlPort: db "IDE Controller Control Block address. Usually Cmd Block + 8 for XTIDE, and Cmd Block + 200h for ATA.",NULL
230 | g_szNfoIdeEnIRQ: db "Interrupt or polling mode.",NULL
231 | g_szNfoIdeIRQ: db "IRQ channel to use.",NULL
232 | g_szNfoIdeSerialCOM: db "Select a COM port by number.",NULL
233 | g_szNfoIdeSerialBaud: db "Select the COM port's Baud Rate. The server must match this speed."
234 | db " Note that UART clock multipliers may impact the actual speed.",NULL
235 | g_szNfoIdeSerialPort: db "Select a COM port by custom I/O port address. Any address is valid up to 3F8h, but must be on an 8-byte boundary.",NULL
236 |
237 | g_szHelpIdeCmdPort: db "IDE controller command block address is the usual address mentioned for IDE controllers."
238 | db " By default the primary IDE controller uses port 1F0h and secondary controller uses port 170h."
239 | db " XTIDE card uses port 300h by default."
240 | db " JR-IDE/ISA and SVC ADP50L do not use ports but needs the ROM segment address set here instead.",NULL
241 |
242 | g_szHelpIdeCtrlPort: db "IDE controller Control Block address is normally Command Block address + 200h."
243 | db " For XTIDE card the Control Block registers are mapped right after Command Block"
244 | db " registers so use Command Block address + 8h for XTIDE card.",NULL
245 |
246 | g_szHelpIdeEnIRQ: db "IDE controller can use interrupts to signal when it is ready to transfer data."
247 | db " This makes possible to do other tasks while waiting drive to be ready."
248 | db " That is usually not useful in MS-DOS but using interrupts frees the bus for any DMA transfers."
249 | db " Polling mode is used when interrupts are disabled."
250 | db " Polling usually gives a little better access times since interrupt handling requires extra processing."
251 | db " There can be some compatibility issues with some old drives when polling is used with Block Mode transfers.",NULL
252 |
253 | g_szHelpIdeIRQ: db "IRQ channel to use. All controllers managed by XTIDE Universal BIOS can use the same IRQ when MS-DOS is used."
254 | db " Other operating systems are likely to require different interrupts for each controller.",NULL
255 |
256 | g_szHelpIdeSerialCOM: db "Select a serial port by COM port number. COM1 through COM4 have well established I/O port assignments,"
257 | db ' COM5 and onward are less well established. "COMA" represents COM10, "COMB" represents COM11, and "COMC"'
258 | db ' represents COM12. Selecting "COMx" enables the manual selection of an I/O port address.',NULL
259 |
260 | g_szHelpIdeSerialPort: db "Select a serial port by I/O address. Any port address is supported up to 3F8h, but must be on an 8-byte boundary."
261 | db " If the entered value corresponds to one of the established COM port numbers, then the selection will snap"
262 | db ' to that COM port and "COMx" must be selected again for custom I/O address entry.',NULL
263 |
264 | g_szHelpIdeSerialBaud: db "Supported baud rates are 2400, 4800, 9600, 19.2K, 28.8K, 38.4K, 57.6K, and 115.2K. The server must also be set to"
265 | db " this same speed. Older UARTs may only support up to 9600 baud, but sometimes can be pushed to 38.4K. 115.2K will"
266 | db " likely only be possible with a newer UART that includes a FIFO. Some high speed serial ports include UART clock"
267 | db " multipliers, allowing for speeds at 230.4K (2x multiplier) and 460.8K (4x multiplier) above 115.2K. These high"
268 | db " speeds are supported by these BIOS, even on original 4.77MHz 8088 systems. Note that UART clock multipliers are"
269 | db " not detectable by the software and 115.2K will still be used during configuration for high speeds; but if"
270 | db " a multiplier is used, the actual speed (including the multiplier) will need to be used by the server.",NULL
271 |
272 | g_szMultichoiceCfgDevice: db "16-bit ISA/VLB/PCI IDE",LF
273 | db "32-bit VLB/PCI IDE",LF
274 | db "16-bit ISA IDE in 8-bit mode",LF
275 | db "XTIDE rev 1",LF
276 | db "XTIDE rev 2 or modded rev 1",LF
277 | db "XT-CF (PIO)",LF
278 | db "XT-CF (PIO w/BIU offload)",LF
279 | db "XT-CF DMA (v3 only)",LF
280 | db "JR-IDE/ISA",LF
281 | db "SVC ADP50L",LF
282 | db "Serial port virtual device",NULL
283 |
284 | g_szValueCfgDevice16b: db "16-bit",NULL
285 | g_szValueCfgDevice32b: db "32-bit",NULL
286 | g_szValueCfgDevice8b: db "8-bit",NULL
287 | g_szValueCfgDeviceRev1: db "XTIDE r1",NULL
288 | g_szValueCfgDeviceRev2: db "XTIDE r2",NULL
289 | g_szValueCfgDeviceXTCFPio8: db "XTCF PIO",NULL
290 | g_szValueCfgDeviceXTCFPio8WithBIUOffload: db "XTCF BIU",NULL
291 | g_szValueCfgDeviceXTCFDMA: db "XTCF DMA",NULL
292 | g_szValueCfgDeviceJrIdeIsa: db "JR-ISA",NULL
293 | g_szValueCfgDeviceADP50L: db "ADP50L",NULL
294 | g_szValueCfgDeviceSerial: db "Serial",NULL
295 |
296 | g_szSerialCOMChoice: db "COM1 - address 3F8h",LF
297 | db "COM2 - address 2F8h",LF
298 | db "COM3 - address 3E8h",LF
299 | db "COM4 - address 2E8h",LF
300 | db "COM5 - address 2F0h",LF
301 | db "COM6 - address 3E0h",LF
302 | db "COM7 - address 2E0h",LF
303 | db "COM8 - address 260h",LF
304 | db "COM9 - address 368h",LF
305 | db "COMA - address 268h",LF
306 | db "COMB - address 360h",LF
307 | db "COMC - address 270h",LF
308 | db "COMx - Custom address",NULL
309 |
310 | g_szValueCfgCOM1: db "COM1",NULL
311 | g_szValueCfgCOM2: db "COM2",NULL
312 | g_szValueCfgCOM3: db "COM3",NULL
313 | g_szValueCfgCOM4: db "COM4",NULL
314 | g_szValueCfgCOM5: db "COM5",NULL
315 | g_szValueCfgCOM6: db "COM6",NULL
316 | g_szValueCfgCOM7: db "COM7",NULL
317 | g_szValueCfgCOM8: db "COM8",NULL
318 | g_szValueCfgCOM9: db "COM9",NULL
319 | g_szValueCfgCOMA: db "COMA",NULL
320 | g_szValueCfgCOMB: db "COMB",NULL
321 | g_szValueCfgCOMC: db "COMC",NULL
322 | g_szValueCfgCOMx: db "Custom",NULL
323 |
324 | g_szSerialBaudChoice: db "115.2K baud",LF
325 | db "57.6K baud",LF
326 | db "38.4K baud",LF
327 | db "28.8K baud",LF
328 | db "19.2K baud",LF
329 | db "9600 baud",LF
330 | db "4800 baud",LF
331 | db "2400 baud",NULL
332 |
333 | g_szValueCfgBaud115_2: db "115.2K",NULL
334 | g_szValueCfgBaud57_6: db "57.6K",NULL
335 | g_szValueCfgBaud38_4: db "38.4K",NULL
336 | g_szValueCfgBaud28_8: db "28.8K",NULL
337 | g_szValueCfgBaud19_2: db "19.2K",NULL
338 | g_szValueCfgBaud9600: db "9600",NULL
339 | g_szValueCfgBaud4800: db "4800",NULL
340 | g_szValueCfgBaud2400: db "2400",NULL
341 |
342 |
343 | ; Strings for DRVPARAMS menu
344 | g_szItemDrvBackToIde: db "Back to IDE Controller Menu",NULL
345 | g_szItemDrvBlockMode: db "Block Mode Transfers",NULL
346 | g_szItemDrvXlateMode: db "CHS translation method",NULL
347 | g_szItemDrvWriteCache: db "Internal Write Cache",NULL
348 | g_szItemDrvUserCHS: db "User specified CHS",NULL
349 | g_szItemDrvCyls: db "Cylinders",NULL
350 | g_szItemDrvHeads: db "Heads",NULL
351 | g_szItemDrvSect: db "Sectors per track",NULL
352 | g_szItemDrvUserLBA: db "User specified LBA",NULL
353 | g_szItemDrvLbaSectors: db "Millions of sectors",NULL
354 |
355 | g_szDlgDrvBlockMode: db "Enable Block Mode Transfers?",NULL
356 | g_szDlgDrvXlateMode: db "Select P-CHS to L-CHS translation method.",NULL
357 | g_szDlgDrvWriteCache: db "Select hard drive internal write cache settings.",NULL
358 | g_szDlgDrvUserCHS: db "Specify (P-)CHS parameters manually?",NULL
359 | g_szDlgDrvCyls: db "Enter number of P-CHS cylinders (1...16383).",NULL
360 | g_szDlgDrvHeads: db "Enter number of P-CHS heads (1...16).",NULL
361 | g_szDlgDrvSect: db "Enter number of sectors per track (1...63).",NULL
362 | g_szDlgDrvUserLBA: db "Limit drive capacity?",NULL
363 | g_szDlgDrvLbaSectors: db "Enter maximum capacity in millions of sectors (16...256).",NULL
364 |
365 | g_szNfoDrvBlockMode: db "Transfer multiple sectors per data request.",NULL
366 | g_szNfoDrvXlateMode: db "P-CHS to L-CHS translation method.",NULL
367 | g_szNfoDrvWriteCache: db "Hard Drive Internal Write Cache settings (WARNING!).",NULL
368 | g_szNfoDrvUserCHS: db "Specify (P-)CHS parameters manually instead of autodetecting them.",NULL
369 | g_szNfoDrvCyls: db "Number of user specified P-CHS cylinders.",NULL
370 | g_szNfoDrvHeads: db "Number of user specified P-CHS heads.",NULL
371 | g_szNfoDrvSect: db "Number of user specified P-CHS sectors per track.",NULL
372 | g_szNfoDrvUserLBA: db "Limit drive capacity to fix compatibility problems with Windows 9x.",NULL
373 | g_szNfoDrvLbaSectors: db "Millions of sectors (1024*1024). 1M sectors = 512 MiB. Recommended limits are 64 for Windows 95, 128 for Windows 98 and 256 for Windows ME (and 98 with updated fdisk).",NULL
374 |
375 | g_szHelpDrvBlockMode: db "Block Mode will speed up transfers since multiple sectors can be transferred before waiting next data request."
376 | db " Normally Block Mode should always be kept enabled but there is at"
377 | db " least one drive with buggy Block Mode implementation.",NULL
378 |
379 | g_szHelpDrvWriteCache: db "Modern Hard Drives have large internal write cache."
380 | db " The cache will speed up writes since the drive can free the bus right after data has been written in cache."
381 | db " The drive then starts to write the data from cache by itself."
382 | db " That can be dangerous since all unwritten data in cache is lost if power is turned off or the system is reset."
383 | db " Modern operating systems will flush the cache when user shuts down the system."
384 | db " DOS does not have that sort of protection so it is up to the user to make sure cache is flushed."
385 | db " WARNING!!! Write cache should be left disabled.",NULL
386 |
387 | g_szHelpDrvUserCHS: db "Specify (P-)CHS parameters manually instead of autodetecting them."
388 | db " This can be used to limit drive size for old operating systems that do not support large hard disks."
389 | db " Some early IDE drives have buggy autodetection so they require CHS to be specified manually."
390 | db " Limiting Cylinders will work for all drives but drives may not accept all values for Heads and Sectors per Track.",NULL
391 |
392 | g_szHelpDrvUserLBA: db "Limit drive size to X million sectors for EBIOS functions. This option is useful to"
393 | db " prevent large drive compatibility problems with MS-DOS 7.x (Windows 95 and 98).",NULL
394 |
395 | g_szMultichoiseXlateMode:
396 | db "NORMAL",LF
397 | db "LARGE",LF
398 | db "Assisted LBA",LF
399 | db "Autodetect",NULL
400 |
401 | g_szValueDrvXlateNormal:db "NORMAL",NULL
402 | g_szValueDrvXlateLarge: db "LARGE",NULL
403 | g_szValueDrvXlateLBA: db "LBA",NULL
404 | g_szValueDrvXlateAuto: db "Auto",NULL
405 |
406 | g_szMultichoiseWrCache: db "Drive Default",LF
407 | db "Disable Write Cache",LF
408 | db "Enable Write Cache",NULL
409 |
410 | g_szValueDrvWrCaDis: db "Disabled",NULL
411 | g_szValueDrvWrCaEn: db "Enabled",NULL
412 |
413 |
414 | ; Strings for boot settings menu
415 | g_szItemBootTimeout: db "Selection timeout",NULL
416 | g_szItemBootDrive: db "Default boot drive",NULL
417 | g_szItemBootDispMode: db "Display Mode",NULL
418 | g_szItemBootFloppyDrvs: db "Number of Floppy Drives",NULL
419 | g_szItemSerialDetect: db "Scan for Serial Drives",NULL
420 |
421 | g_szDlgBootTimeout: db "Enter Boot Menu selection timeout in BIOS timer ticks (2...1092).",NULL
422 | g_szDlgBootDrive: db "Enter default drive number (0xh for Floppy Drives, 8xh for Hard Disks).",NULL
423 | g_szDlgBootDispMode: db "Select display mode.",NULL
424 | g_szDlgBootFloppyDrvs: db "Select number of Floppy Drives in system.",NULL
425 | g_szDlgSerialDetect: db "Scan for serial drives?",NULL
426 |
427 | g_szNfoBootTimeout: db "Menu item selection timeout in BIOS timer ticks. 1 tick = 54.9 ms.",NULL
428 | g_szNfoBootDrive: db "Default boot drive.",NULL
429 | g_szNfoDispMode: db "Display mode to set when booting.",NULL
430 | g_szNfoBootFloppyDrvs: db "Number of Floppy Drives in system.",NULL
431 | g_szNfoSerialDetect: db "Scans all standard COM ports for serial drives."
432 | db " This can also be invoked by holding down ALT at the end of normal drive detection.",NULL
433 |
434 | g_szHelpBootTimeout: db "Boot Menu selection timeout in BIOS timer ticks (1 second = 18.2 ticks)."
435 | db " When timer goes to zero, currently selected drive will be booted automatically."
436 | db " Timeout can be disabled by setting this to 0.",NULL
437 |
438 | g_szHelpBootDrive: db "Drive to be set selected by default when Boot Menu is displayed.",NULL
439 |
440 | g_szHelpBootFloppyDrvs: db "Detecting the correct number of floppy drives might fail when using a floppy controller with its own BIOS."
441 | db " A minimum number of floppy drives can be specified to force non-detected drives to appear on boot menu.",NULL
442 |
443 | g_szHelpSerialDetect: db "Set to Yes, at the end of normal drive detection, COM ports 1-7 (in reverse order) will be scanned for a connection"
444 | db " to a serial drive server. This option provides flexibility with the COM port and baud rate to be used,"
445 | db " it need not be configured ahead of time, but at the expense of a slower boot process."
446 | db " Even when this option is set to No, this functionality can still be invoked by holding down the ALT key at the end"
447 | db " of normal drive detection. Note that if any serial drives are detected during the normal drive detection,"
448 | db " no scan will take place (to avoid finding the same drive twice).",NULL
449 |
450 | g_szMultichoiceBootDispMode: db "Default",LF
451 | db "40x25 Black & White",LF
452 | db "40x25 Color",LF
453 | db "80x25 Black & White",LF
454 | db "80x25 Color",LF
455 | db "80x25 Monochrome",NULL
456 |
457 | g_szValueBootDispModeDefault: db "Default",NULL
458 | g_szValueBootDispModeBW40: db "BW40",NULL
459 | g_szValueBootDispModeCO40: db "CO40",NULL
460 | g_szValueBootDispModeBW80: db "BW80",NULL
461 | g_szValueBootDispModeCO80: db "CO80",NULL
462 | g_szValueBootDispModeMono: db "Mono",NULL
463 |
464 | g_szMultichoiceBootFloppyDrvs: db "Autodetect",LF
465 | db "1",LF
466 | db "2",LF
467 | db "3",LF
468 | g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs4: db "4",NULL
469 | g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs3: db "3",NULL
470 | g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs2: db "2",NULL
471 | g_szValueBootFloppyDrvs1: db "1",NULL
472 | g_szValueBootFloppyDrvsAuto: db "Auto",NULL
473 |
474 |
475 | ; Strings for Flash menu
476 | g_szItemFlashStart: db "Start flashing",NULL
477 | g_szItemFlashEepromType:db "EEPROM type",NULL
478 | g_szItemFlashSDP: db "SDP command",NULL
479 | g_szItemFlashAddr: db "EEPROM address",NULL
480 | g_szItemFlashPageSize: db "Page size",NULL
481 | g_szItemFlashChecksum: db "Generate checksum byte",NULL
482 |
483 | g_szDlgFlashEepromType: db "Select EEPROM type.",NULL
484 | g_szDlgFlashSDP: db "Select Software Data Protection command.",NULL
485 | g_szDlgFlashAddr: db "Enter segment address where EEPROM is located.",NULL
486 | g_szDlgFlashPageSize: db "Select write page size.",NULL
487 | g_szDlgFlashChecksum: db "Generate checksum byte to the end of BIOS image?",NULL
488 |
489 | g_szNfoFlashEepromType: db "EEPROM type.",NULL
490 | g_szNfoFlashStart: db "Writes BIOS to EEPROM.",NULL
491 | g_szNfoFlashSDP: db "Software Data Protection command.",NULL
492 | g_szNfoFlashAddr: db "Address (segment) where EEPROM is located.",NULL
493 | g_szNfoFlashPageSize: db "Number of bytes to write before delay.",NULL
494 | g_szNfoFlashChecksum: db "Generate checksum byte to the end of BIOS image.",NULL
495 |
496 | g_szHelpFlashSDP: db "Software Data Protection Command:",LF
497 | db "None = Do not use Software Data Protection. Meant for EEPROMs that do not support SDP.",LF,LF
498 | db "Enable = Write protects the EEPROM after flashing."
499 | db " Software Data Protection should always be enabled if EEPROM supports it.",LF,LF
500 | db "Disable = Disables Software Data Protection after flashing.",NULL
501 |
502 | g_szHelpFlashPageSize: db "Larger page size will improve write performance but not all EEPROMs support large pages or page writing at all."
503 | db " Byte writing mode will be used when page size is set to 1. Byte writing mode is supported by all EEPROMs."
504 | db " Large pages cannot be flashed with slow CPUs.",NULL
505 |
506 | g_szHelpFlashChecksum: db "PC BIOSes require a checksum byte at the end of expansion card BIOS ROMs."
507 | db " You might not want to generate checksum byte when flashing some other images than XTIDE Universal BIOS.",NULL
508 |
509 | g_szMultichoiceEepromType:
510 | db "2816 (2 kiB)",LF
511 | db "2864 (8 kiB)",LF
512 | db "2864 mod (8 kiB)",LF
513 | db "28256 (32 kiB)",LF
514 | db "28512 (64 kiB)",NULL
515 | g_szValueFlash2816: db "2816",NULL
516 | g_szValueFlash2864: db "2864",NULL
517 | g_szValueFlash2864Mod: db "2864mod",NULL
518 | g_szValueFlash28256: db "28256",NULL
519 | g_szValueFlash28512: db "28512",NULL
520 |
521 | g_szMultichoiceSdpCommand:
522 | db "None",LF
523 | db "Enable",LF
524 | g_szValueFlashDisable: db "Disable",NULL
525 | g_szValueFlashEnable: db "Enable",NULL
526 | g_szValueFlashNone: db "None",NULL
527 |
528 | g_szMultichoicePageSize:
529 | db "1 byte",LF
530 | db "2 bytes",LF
531 | db "4 bytes",LF
532 | db "8 bytes",LF
533 | db "16 bytes",LF
534 | db "32 bytes",LF
535 | g_szValueFlash64bytes: db "64 bytes",NULL
536 | g_szValueFlash32bytes: db "32 bytes",NULL
537 | g_szValueFlash16bytes: db "16 bytes",NULL
538 | g_szValueFlash8bytes: db "8 bytes",NULL
539 | g_szValueFlash4bytes: db "4 bytes",NULL
540 | g_szValueFlash2bytes: db "2 bytes",NULL
541 | g_szValueFlash1byte: db "1 byte",NULL
542 |
544 | g_szDashForZero: db "- ",NULL
545 | g_szValueUnknownError: db "Error!",NULL
546 |