; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS Configurator v2 ; Description : "IDE Controller" menu structs and functions. ; ; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools ; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2012 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; Visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ; ; Section containing initialized data SECTION .data ALIGN WORD_ALIGN g_MenupageForIdeControllerMenu: istruc MENUPAGE at MENUPAGE.fnEnter, dw IdeControllerMenu_EnterMenuOrModifyItemVisibility at MENUPAGE.fnBack, dw ConfigurationMenu_EnterMenuOrModifyItemVisibility at MENUPAGE.wMenuitems, dw 11 iend g_MenuitemIdeControllerBackToConfigurationMenu: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw ConfigurationMenu_EnterMenuOrModifyItemVisibility at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemBackToCfgMenu at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeBackToCfgMenu at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szNfoIdeBackToCfgMenu at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_PAGEBACK iend g_MenuitemIdeControllerMasterDrive: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw MasterDrive at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemIdeMaster at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeMaster at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szNfoIdeMaster at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_PAGENEXT iend g_MenuitemIdeControllerSlaveDrive: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw SlaveDrive at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemIdeSlave at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeSlave at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szNfoIdeSlave at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_PAGENEXT iend g_MenuitemIdeControllerDevice: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateMultichoiceSelectionForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteLookupValueStringToBufferInESDIfromRawItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemIdeDevice at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeDevice at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szNfoIdeDevice at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE | FLG_MENUITEM_BYTEVALUE | FLG_MENUITEM_MODIFY_MENU at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_MULTICHOICE at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw NULL at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgDevice at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szMultichoice, dw g_szMultichoiceCfgDevice at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgwChoiceToValueLookup, dw g_rgwChoiceToValueLookupForDevice at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgszValueToStringLookup, dw g_rgszValueToStringLookupForDevice at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.fnValueWriter, dw IdeControllerMenu_WriteDevice iend g_MenuitemIdeControllerCommandBlockAddress: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateHexInputForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteHexValueStringToBufferInESDIfromItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemIdeCmdPort at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeCmdPort at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpIdeCmdPort at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_HEX at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw NULL at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgIdeCmdPort at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMinValue, dw 0 at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMaxValue, dw -1 iend g_MenuitemIdeControllerControlBlockAddress: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateHexInputForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteHexValueStringToBufferInESDIfromItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemIdeCtrlPort at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeCtrlPort at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpIdeCtrlPort at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_HEX at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw NULL at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgIdeCtrlPort at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMinValue, dw 0 at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMaxValue, dw -1 iend g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialCOM: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateMultichoiceSelectionForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteLookupValueStringToBufferInESDIfromRawItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemSerialCOM at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeSerialCOM at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpIdeSerialCOM at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_MODIFY_MENU | FLG_MENUITEM_BYTEVALUE | FLG_MENUITEM_CHOICESTRINGS at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_MULTICHOICE at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw NULL at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgDevice at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szMultichoice, dw g_szSerialCOMChoice at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgwChoiceToValueLookup, dw g_rgbChoiceToValueLookupForCOM at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgszChoiceToStringLookup, dw g_rgszChoiceToStringLookupForCOM at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.fnValueWriter, dw IdeControllerMenu_SerialWriteCOM iend g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialPort: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateHexInputForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteHexValueStringToBufferInESDIfromItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemSerialPort at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeSerialPort at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpIdeSerialPort at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_MODIFY_MENU | FLG_MENUITEM_BYTEVALUE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_HEX at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw NULL at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgIdeCmdPort at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMinValue, dw 8h at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMaxValue, dw 3f8h at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.fnValueReader, dw IdeControllerMenu_SerialReadPort at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.fnValueWriter, dw IdeControllerMenu_SerialWritePort iend g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialBaud: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateMultichoiceSelectionForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteLookupValueStringToBufferInESDIfromRawItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemSerialBaud at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeSerialBaud at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpIdeSerialBaud at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_BYTEVALUE | FLG_MENUITEM_CHOICESTRINGS at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_MULTICHOICE at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw NULL at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgDevice at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szMultichoice, dw g_szSerialBaudChoice at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgwChoiceToValueLookup, dw g_rgbChoiceToValueLookupForBaud at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgszChoiceToStringLookup, dw g_rgszChoiceToStringLookupForBaud iend g_MenuitemIdeControllerEnableInterrupt: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateMultichoiceSelectionForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteLookupValueStringToBufferInESDIfromShiftedItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemIdeEnIRQ at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeEnIRQ at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpIdeEnIRQ at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE | FLG_MENUITEM_MODIFY_MENU | FLG_MENUITEM_FLAGVALUE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_MULTICHOICE at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw NULL at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgIdeEnIRQ at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szMultichoice, dw g_szMultichoiceBooleanFlag at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.rgszValueToStringLookup, dw g_rgszValueToStringLookupForFlagBooleans at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wValueBitmask, dw 15 iend g_MenuitemIdeControllerIdeIRQ: istruc MENUITEM at MENUITEM.fnActivate, dw Menuitem_ActivateUnsignedInputForMenuitemInDSSI at MENUITEM.fnFormatValue, dw MenuitemPrint_WriteUnsignedValueStringToBufferInESDIfromItemInDSSI at MENUITEM.szName, dw g_szItemIdeIRQ at MENUITEM.szQuickInfo, dw g_szNfoIdeIRQ at MENUITEM.szHelp, dw g_szHelpIdeIRQ at MENUITEM.bFlags, db FLG_MENUITEM_BYTEVALUE at MENUITEM.bType, db TYPE_MENUITEM_UNSIGNED at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset, dw NULL at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.szDialogTitle, dw g_szDlgIdeIRQ at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMinValue, dw 2 at MENUITEM.itemValue + ITEM_VALUE.wMaxValue, dw 15 iend g_rgwChoiceToValueLookupForDevice: dw DEVICE_8BIT_JRIDE_ISA dw DEVICE_8BIT_XTCF dw DEVICE_8BIT_XTIDE_REV2 dw DEVICE_8BIT_XTIDE_REV1 dw DEVICE_16BIT_ATA dw DEVICE_32BIT_ATA dw DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT g_rgszValueToStringLookupForDevice: dw g_szValueCfgDeviceJrIdeIsa dw g_szValueCfgDeviceFast dw g_szValueCfgDeviceRev2 dw g_szValueCfgDeviceRev1 dw g_szValueCfgDevice16b dw g_szValueCfgDevice32b dw g_szValueCfgDeviceSerial g_rgbChoiceToValueLookupForCOM: dw '1' dw '2' dw '3' dw '4' dw '5' dw '6' dw '7' dw '8' dw '9' dw 'A' dw 'B' dw 'C' dw 'x' ; must be last entry (see reader/write routines) g_rgszChoiceToStringLookupForCOM: dw g_szValueCfgCOM1 dw g_szValueCfgCOM2 dw g_szValueCfgCOM3 dw g_szValueCfgCOM4 dw g_szValueCfgCOM5 dw g_szValueCfgCOM6 dw g_szValueCfgCOM7 dw g_szValueCfgCOM8 dw g_szValueCfgCOM9 dw g_szValueCfgCOMA dw g_szValueCfgCOMB dw g_szValueCfgCOMC dw g_szValueCfgCOMx dw NULL SERIAL_DEFAULT_CUSTOM_PORT EQU 300h ; can't be any of the pre-defined COM values PackedCOMPortAddresses: ; COM1 - COMC (or COM12) db SERIAL_COM1_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_COM2_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_COM3_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_COM4_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_COM5_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_COM6_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_COM7_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_COM8_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_COM9_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_COMA_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_COMB_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_COMC_IOADDRESS >> 2 db SERIAL_DEFAULT_CUSTOM_PORT >> 2 ; must be last entry (see reader/writer routines) SERIAL_DEFAULT_COM EQU '1' g_rgbChoiceToValueLookupForBaud: dw (115200 / 115200) & 0xff dw (115200 / 57600) & 0xff dw (115200 / 38400) & 0xff dw (115200 / 28800) & 0xff dw (115200 / 19200) & 0xff dw (115200 / 9600) & 0xff dw (115200 / 4800) & 0xff dw (115200 / 2400) & 0xff g_rgszChoiceToStringLookupForBaud: dw g_szValueCfgBaud115_2 dw g_szValueCfgBaud57_6 dw g_szValueCfgBaud38_4 dw g_szValueCfgBaud28_8 dw g_szValueCfgBaud19_2 dw g_szValueCfgBaud9600 dw g_szValueCfgBaud4800 dw g_szValueCfgBaud2400 dw NULL SERIAL_DEFAULT_BAUD EQU ((115200 / 9600) & 0xff) ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IdeControllerMenu_InitializeToIdevarsOffsetInBX ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Menu handle ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN IdeControllerMenu_InitializeToIdevarsOffsetInBX: lea ax, [bx+IDEVARS.drvParamsMaster] mov [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerMasterDrive+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset], ax lea ax, [bx+IDEVARS.drvParamsSlave] mov [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerSlaveDrive+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset], ax lea ax, [bx+IDEVARS.bDevice] mov [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerDevice+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset], ax lea ax, [bx+IDEVARS.wPort] mov [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerCommandBlockAddress+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset], ax lea ax, [bx+IDEVARS.bSerialPort] mov [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialPort+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset], ax lea ax, [bx+IDEVARS.bSerialBaud] mov [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialBaud+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset], ax lea ax, [bx+IDEVARS.wPortCtrl] mov [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerControlBlockAddress+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset], ax lea ax, [bx+IDEVARS.bSerialCOMPortChar] mov [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialCOM+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset], ax lea ax, [bx+IDEVARS.bIRQ] mov [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerEnableInterrupt+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset], ax mov [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerIdeIRQ+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset], ax ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IdeControllerMenu_EnterMenuOrModifyItemVisibility ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Menu handle ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; All, except BP ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN IdeControllerMenu_EnterMenuOrModifyItemVisibility: push cs pop ds call .EnableOrDisableIRQ call .EnableOrDisableSerial mov si, g_MenupageForIdeControllerMenu jmp Menupage_ChangeToNewMenupageInDSSI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .EnableOrDisableIRQ ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Menu handle ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .EnableOrDisableIRQ: mov bx, [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerEnableInterrupt+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset] call Buffers_GetRomvarsValueToAXfromOffsetInBX mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerIdeIRQ test al, al jz SHORT .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX ; Fall to .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX ; .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX ; Parameters: ; CS:BX: Ptr to MENUITEM ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX: or BYTE [cs:bx+MENUITEM.bFlags], FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX: and BYTE [cs:bx+MENUITEM.bFlags], ~FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE ret .EnableOrDisableSerial: mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerCommandBlockAddress call .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerControlBlockAddress call .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerEnableInterrupt call .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialBaud call .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialCOM call .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialPort call .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX mov bx, [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerDevice+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset] call Buffers_GetRomvarsValueToAXfromOffsetInBX cmp al,DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT jnz .DisableAllSerial mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialCOM call .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialBaud call .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX mov bx, [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialCOM+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset] call Buffers_GetRomvarsValueToAXfromOffsetInBX mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerSerialPort cmp al,'x' jz .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX jmp .DisableMenuitemFromCSBX .DisableAllSerial: mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerCommandBlockAddress call .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerControlBlockAddress call .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX mov bx, g_MenuitemIdeControllerEnableInterrupt call .EnableMenuitemFromCSBX ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MENUITEM activation functions (.fnActivate) ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENU ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; All, except segments ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MasterDrive: mov bx, [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerMasterDrive+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset] jmp SHORT DisplayMasterSlaveMenu ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN SlaveDrive: mov bx, [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerSlaveDrive+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset] ; Fall to DisplayMasterSlaveMenu ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN DisplayMasterSlaveMenu: ; ; block mode is not supported on serial drives, disable/enable the option as appropriate ; push bx mov bx, [cs:g_MenuitemIdeControllerDevice+MENUITEM.itemValue+ITEM_VALUE.wRomvarsValueOffset] call Buffers_GetRomvarsValueToAXfromOffsetInBX mov bx, g_MenuitemMasterSlaveBlockModeTransfers cmp al,DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT jz .isSerial or BYTE [cs:bx+MENUITEM.bFlags], FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE jmp .isDone .isSerial: and BYTE [cs:bx+MENUITEM.bFlags], ~FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE .isDone: pop bx call MasterSlaveMenu_InitializeToDrvparamsOffsetInBX jmp MasterSlaveMenu_EnterMenuOrModifyItemVisibility ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Reader/Writer Routines ; ; For serial drives, we pack the port number and baud rate into a single byte, and thus ; we need to take care to properly read/write just the bits we need. In addition, since ; we use the Port/PortCtrl bytes in a special way for serial drives, we need to properly ; default the values stored in both these words when switching in and out of the Serial ; device choice. ; ; Writers: ; Parameters: ; AX: Value that the MENUITEM system was interacting with ; ES:DI: ROMVARS location where the value is to be stored ; DS:SI: MENUITEM pointer ; Returns: ; AX: Value to actually write to ROMVARS ; Corrupts registers: ; AX ; ; Readers: ; Parameters: ; AX: Value read from the ROMVARS location ; ES:DI: ROMVARS location where the value was just read from ; DS:SI: MENUITEM pointer ; Returns: ; AX: Value that the MENUITEM system will interact with and display ; Corrupts registers: ; AX ; ; ; No change to Device byte, but use this opportunity to change defaults stored in wPort and wPortCtrl if we are ; changing in/out of a Serial device (since we use these bytes in radically different ways). ; ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN IdeControllerMenu_WriteDevice: push ax push bx push di mov bl,[es:di] ; what is the current Device? add di,IDEVARS.wPort - IDEVARS.bDevice ; Get ready to set the Port addresses cmp al,DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT jz .changingToSerial cmp bl,DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT jnz .done ; if we weren't Serial before, nothing to do .changingFromSerial: cmp al,DEVICE_16BIT_ATA mov ax,DEVICE_XTIDE_DEFAULT_PORT ; Defaults for 8-bit XTIDE devices mov bx,DEVICE_XTIDE_DEFAULT_PORTCTRL jb .writeNonSerial mov ax, DEVICE_ATA_PRIMARY_PORT ; Defaults for 16-bit and better ATA devices mov bx, DEVICE_ATA_PRIMARY_PORTCTRL .writeNonSerial: stosw ; Store defaults in IDEVARS.wPort and IDEVARS.wPortCtrl xchg bx, ax stosw jmp .done .changingToSerial: cmp bl,DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT jz .done ; if we were already serial, nothing to do mov byte [es:di+IDEVARS.bSerialBaud-IDEVARS.wPort],SERIAL_DEFAULT_BAUD mov al,SERIAL_DEFAULT_COM add di,IDEVARS.bSerialCOMPortChar-IDEVARS.wPort call IdeControllerMenu_SerialWriteCOM stosb .done: pop di pop bx pop ax ret ; ; Doesn't modify COM character (unless it is not recognized, which would be an error case), ; But does update the port address based on COM port selection ; ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN IdeControllerMenu_SerialWriteCOM: push ax push bx push si mov si,g_rgbChoiceToValueLookupForCOM mov bx,PackedCOMPortAddresses .loop: mov ah,[bx] cmp ah,(SERIAL_DEFAULT_CUSTOM_PORT >> 2) jz .notFound cmp al,[si] jz .found inc si inc si inc bx jmp .loop .notFound: mov al, 'x' .found: mov [es:di+IDEVARS.bSerialPort-IDEVARS.bSerialCOMPortChar], ah pop si pop bx pop ax ret ; ; Packed Port (byte) -> Numeric Port (word) ; ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN IdeControllerMenu_SerialReadPort: xor ah,ah eSHL_IM ax, 2 ret ; ; Numeric Port (word) -> Packed Port (byte) ; And convert from Custom to a defined COM port if we match one of the pre-defined COM port numbers ; ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN IdeControllerMenu_SerialWritePort: push bx push si eSHR_IM ax, 2 and al,0feh ; force 8-byte boundary mov si,g_rgbChoiceToValueLookupForCOM mov bx,PackedCOMPortAddresses ; loop, looking for port address in known COM address list .loop: mov ah,[si] cmp ah,'x' jz .found cmp al,[bx] jz .found inc si inc si inc bx jmp .loop .found: mov [es:di+IDEVARS.bSerialCOMPortChar-IDEVARS.bSerialPort], ah pop si pop bx ret