; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS Configurator v2 ; Description : Functions to detect ports and devices. ; ; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools ; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2012 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; Visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ; ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IdeAutodetect_DetectIdeDeviceFromPortDXAndReturnControlBlockInCX ; Parameters: ; DX: IDE Base Port or segment address (Command Block) ; DS:DI: Ptr to ROMVARS ; Returns: ; AL: Device Type ; SI: IDE Control Block Base port (port mapped devices only) ; CF: Clear if IDE Device found ; Set if IDE Device not found ; Corrupts registers: ; AH, BX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- IdeAutodetect_DetectIdeDeviceFromPortDXAndReturnControlBlockInSI: cmp dx, FIRST_MEMORY_SEGMENT_ADDRESS jb SHORT DetectPortMappedDeviceFromPortDX ; Fall to DetectMemoryMappedDeviceFromSegmentDX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DetectMemoryMappedDeviceFromSegmentDX ; Parameters: ; DX: Segment address for Memory Mapped Device ; DS:DI: Ptr to ROMVARS ; Returns: ; AL: Device Type ; CF: Clear if IDE Device found ; Set if IDE Device not found ; Corrupts registers: ; AH, BX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- DetectMemoryMappedDeviceFromSegmentDX: ; *** Try to detect JR-IDE/ISA (only if MODULE_8BIT_IDE_ADVANCED is present) *** test WORD [di+ROMVARS.wFlags], FLG_ROMVARS_MODULE_8BIT_IDE_ADVANCED jz SHORT NoIdeDeviceFound push ds mov ds, dx cli ; Disable Interrupts mov ah, [JRIDE_COMMAND_BLOCK_REGISTER_WINDOW_OFFSET + STATUS_REGISTER_in] mov al, [JRIDE_CONTROL_BLOCK_REGISTER_WINDOW_OFFSET + ALTERNATE_STATUS_REGISTER_in] sti ; Enable Interrupts pop ds call CompareIdeStatusRegistersFromALandAH mov al, DEVICE_8BIT_JRIDE_ISA ; Assume CF was cleared ret ; No need to return Control Block Port ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DetectPortMappedDeviceFromPortDX ; Parameters: ; DX: IDE Base Port (Command Block) ; DS:DI: Ptr to ROMVARS ; Returns: ; AL: Device Type ; SI: IDE Control Block Base port ; CF: Clear if IDE Device found ; Set if IDE Device not found ; Corrupts registers: ; AH, BX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- DetectPortMappedDeviceFromPortDX: ; *** Try to detect Standard 16- and 32-bit IDE Devices *** mov al, DEVICE_16BIT_ATA ; Assume 16-bit ISA slot for AT builds call Buffers_IsXTbuildLoaded eCMOVE al, DEVICE_8BIT_ATA ; Assume 8-bit ISA slot for XT builds ; Start with standard Control Block base port used by Primary and Secondary IDE mov si, dx add si, STANDARD_CONTROL_BLOCK_OFFSET mov bx, STATUS_REGISTER_in | (ALTERNATE_STATUS_REGISTER_in << 8) .RedetectTertiaryOrQuaternaryWithDifferentControlBlockAddress: push ax ; Store device type call DetectIdeDeviceFromPortsDXandSIwithOffsetsInBLandBH pop ax ; Restore device type jnc SHORT .IdeDeviceFound ; 16- or 32-bit IDE Device was not found but we may have used wrong Control Block port if we were trying ; to detect Tertiary or Quaternary IDE controllers. Control Block port location is not standardized. For ; example Promise FloppyMAX has Control Block at STANDARD_CONTROL_BLOCK_OFFSET but Sound Blaster 16 (CT2290) ; use DEVICE_ATA_SECONDARY_PORTCTRL for Tertiary and Quaternary even though only Secondary should use that. call ChangeDifferentControlBlockAddressToSI je SHORT .RedetectTertiaryOrQuaternaryWithDifferentControlBlockAddress ; Detect 8-bit devices only if MODULE_8BIT_IDE is available test BYTE [di+ROMVARS.wFlags], FLG_ROMVARS_MODULE_8BIT_IDE jz SHORT NoIdeDeviceFound ; *** Try to detect XT-CF *** mov si, dx add si, BYTE XTCF_CONTROL_BLOCK_OFFSET shl bx, 1 ; SHL 1 register offsets for XT-CF call DetectIdeDeviceFromPortsDXandSIwithOffsetsInBLandBH mov al, DEVICE_8BIT_XTCF_PIO8 jnc SHORT .IdeDeviceFound ; *** Try to detect 8-bit XT-IDE rev 1 or rev 2 *** ; Note that A0<->A3 address swaps Status Register and Alternative ; Status Register addresses. That is why we need another step ; to check is this XT-IDE rev 1 or rev 2. sub si, BYTE XTCF_CONTROL_BLOCK_OFFSET >> 1 shr bx, 1 call DetectIdeDeviceFromPortsDXandSIwithOffsetsInBLandBH jc SHORT NoIdeDeviceFound ; No XT-IDE rev 1 or rev 2 found ; Now we can be sure that we have XT-IDE rev 1 or rev 2. ; Rev 2 swaps address lines A0 and A3 thus LBA Low Register ; moves from offset 3h to offset Ah. There is no Register at ; offset Ah so if we can write to it and read back, then we ; must have XT-IDE rev 2 or modded rev 1. push dx add dx, BYTE 0Ah ; LBA Low Register for XT-IDE rev 2 mov al, DEVICE_8BIT_XTIDE_REV2 ; Our test byte out dx, al ; Output our test byte JMP_DELAY in al, dx ; Read back pop dx cmp al, DEVICE_8BIT_XTIDE_REV2 je SHORT .IdeDeviceFound mov al, DEVICE_8BIT_XTIDE_REV1 ; We must have rev 1 .IdeDeviceFound: ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DetectIdeDeviceFromPortsDXandSIwithOffsetsInBLandBH ; Parameters: ; BL: Offset to IDE Status Register ; BH: Offset to Alternative Status Register ; DX: IDE Base Port address ; SI: IDE Control Block address ; Returns: ; CF: Clear if IDE Device found ; Set if IDE Device not found ; Corrupts registers: ; AX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- DetectIdeDeviceFromPortsDXandSIwithOffsetsInBLandBH: ; Read Status and Alternative Status Registers push dx add dl, bl cli ; Disable Interrupts in al, dx ; Read Status Register... mov ah, al ; ...to AH mov dx, si add dl, bh in al, dx ; Read Alternative Status Register to AL sti ; Enable Interrupts pop dx ; Fall to CompareIdeStatusRegistersFromALandAH ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CompareIdeStatusRegistersFromALandAH ; Parameters: ; AH: Possible IDE Status Register contents ; AL: Possible IDE Alternative Status Register contents ; Returns: ; CF: Clear if valid Status Register Contents ; Set if not possible IDE Status Registers ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- CompareIdeStatusRegistersFromALandAH: ; Status Register now in AH and Alternative Status Register in AL. ; They must be the same if base port was in use by IDE device. cmp al, ah jne SHORT .InvalidStatusRegister ; Bytes were the same but it is possible they were both FFh, for ; example. We must make sure bits are what is expected from valid ; IDE Status Register. So far all drives I've tested return 50h ; (FLG_STATUS_DRDY and FLG_STATUS_DSC set) unless there is only ; one drive present but wrong drive is selected. For example if Master ; drive is present but Slave is selected from IDE Drive and Head Select Register, ; then the Status Register can be 00h. test al, FLG_STATUS_BSY | FLG_STATUS_DF | FLG_STATUS_DRQ | FLG_STATUS_ERR jnz SHORT .InvalidStatusRegister ; Busy or Errors cannot be set test al, FLG_STATUS_DRDY jz SHORT .InvalidStatusRegister ; Device needs to be ready ret ; Return with CF cleared .InvalidStatusRegister: NoIdeDeviceFound: stc ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ChangeDifferentControlBlockAddressToSI ; Parameters: ; DX: IDE Base Port address ; SI: IDE Control Block address ; Returns: ; ZF: Set if SI changed ; Cleared if different control block address is not possible ; Corrupts registers: ; AH ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ChangeDifferentControlBlockAddressToSI: cmp si, 368h je SHORT .TrySecondAlternative cmp si, 3E8h je SHORT .TrySecondAlternative cmp si, 360h je SHORT .TryLastAlternative cmp si, 3E0h je SHORT .TryLastAlternative ret ; Return with ZF cleared .TryLastAlternative: mov si, DEVICE_ATA_SECONDARY_PORTCTRL + 8 ; Changes to 370h used by Sound Blaster 16 (CT2290) ; Fall to .TrySecondAlternative .TrySecondAlternative: sub si, BYTE 8h ; 368h to 360h, 3E8h to 3E0h xor ah, ah ; Set ZF ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IdeAutodetect_IncrementDXtoNextIdeBasePort ; Parameters: ; DX: Previous IDE Base Port ; Returns: ; DX: Next IDE Base Port ; ZF: Set if no more Base Ports (DX was last base port on entry) ; Clear if new base port returned in DX ; Corrupts registers: ; AX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN IdeAutodetect_IncrementDXtoNextIdeBasePort: cmp dx, [cs:.wLastIdePort] je SHORT .AllPortsAlreadyDetected push si mov si, .rgwIdeBasePorts .CompareNextIdeBasePort: cmp [cs:si], dx lea si, [si+2] ; Increment SI and preserve FLAGS jne SHORT .CompareNextIdeBasePort mov dx, [cs:si] ; Get next port test dx, dx ; Clear ZF pop si .AllPortsAlreadyDetected: ret ; All ports used in autodetection. Ports can be in any order. ALIGN WORD_ALIGN .rgwIdeBasePorts: dw IDE_PORT_TO_START_DETECTION ; Must be first ; Standard IDE dw DEVICE_ATA_PRIMARY_PORT dw DEVICE_ATA_SECONDARY_PORT dw DEVICE_ATA_TERTIARY_PORT dw DEVICE_ATA_QUATERNARY_PORT ; 8-bit Devices dw 200h dw 220h dw 240h dw 260h dw 280h dw 2A0h dw 2C0h dw 2E0h dw 300h dw 320h dw 340h dw 360h dw 380h dw 3A0h dw 3C0h dw 3E0h ; JR-IDE/ISA (Memory Segment Addresses) dw 0C000h dw 0C400h dw 0C800h dw 0CC00h dw 0D000h dw 0D400h dw 0D800h .wLastIdePort: dw 0DC00h