; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS Configurator v2 ; Description : Functions for flashing the EEPROM. ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Flash_EepromWithFlashvarsInDSSI ; Parameters: ; DS:SI: Ptr to FLASHVARS ; Returns: ; FLASHVARS.flashResult ; Corrupts registers: ; All, including segments ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Flash_EepromWithFlashvarsInDSSI: mov [si+FLASHVARS.wProgressUpdateParam], bp ; Store handle to progress DIALOG mov bp, si ; Flashvars now in SS:BP mov cx, [bp+FLASHVARS.wPagesToFlash] ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .FlashNextPage: call DisplayFlashProgressWithPagesLeftInCXandFlashvarsInSSBP call Flash_SinglePageWithFlashvarsInSSBP jc SHORT .PollingError call AreSourceAndDestinationPagesEqualFromFlashvarsInSSBP jne SHORT .DataVerifyError mov ax, [bp+FLASHVARS.wEepromPageSize] add [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextSourcePage], ax add [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextComparisonPage], ax add [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextDestinationPage], ax loop .FlashNextPage %if FLASH_RESULT.success = 0 ; Just in case this should ever change mov [bp+FLASHVARS.flashResult], cl %else mov BYTE [bp+FLASHVARS.flashResult], FLASH_RESULT.success %endif ret .PollingError: mov BYTE [bp+FLASHVARS.flashResult], FLASH_RESULT.PollingTimeoutError ret .DataVerifyError: mov BYTE [bp+FLASHVARS.flashResult], FLASH_RESULT.DataVerifyError ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Flash_SinglePageWithFlashvarsInSSBP ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to FLASHVARS ; Returns: ; CF: Set if polling timeout error ; Cleared if page written successfully ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DX, SI, DI, DS, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Flash_SinglePageWithFlashvarsInSSBP: cld call AreSourceAndDestinationPagesEqualFromFlashvarsInSSBP je SHORT .NoNeedToFlashThePage ; CF cleared push cx call .GetSdpCommandFunctionToDXwithFlashvarsInSSBP mov cx, [bp+FLASHVARS.wEepromPageSize] mov si, [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextSourcePage] les di, [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextComparisonPage] mov bx, [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextDestinationPage] call WriteAllChangedBytesFromPageToEeprom pop cx .NoNeedToFlashThePage: ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .GetSdpCommandFunctionToDXwithFlashvarsInSSBP ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to FLASHVARS ; Returns: ; DX: Ptr to SDP Command function ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, SI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .GetSdpCommandFunctionToDXwithFlashvarsInSSBP: eMOVZX bx, [bp+FLASHVARS.bEepromSdpCommand] mov si, [cs:bx+.rgpSdpCommandToEepromTypeLookupTable] mov bl, [bp+FLASHVARS.bEepromType] mov dx, [cs:bx+si] ret ALIGN WORD_ALIGN .rgpSdpCommandToEepromTypeLookupTable: dw .rgfnFlashWithoutSDP ; SDP_COMMAND.none dw .rgfnEnableSdpAndFlash ; SDP_COMMAND.enable dw .rgfnDisableSdpAndFlash ; SDP_COMMAND.disable .rgfnFlashWithoutSDP: ; SDP_COMMAND.none dw DoNotWriteAnySdpCommand ; EEPROM_TYPE.2816_2kiB dw DoNotWriteAnySdpCommand ; EEPROM_TYPE.2864_8kiB dw DoNotWriteAnySdpCommand ; EEPROM_TYPE.2864_8kiB_MOD dw DoNotWriteAnySdpCommand ; EEPROM_TYPE.28256_32kiB dw DoNotWriteAnySdpCommand ; EEPROM_TYPE.28512_64kiB .rgfnEnableSdpAndFlash: ; SDP_COMMAND.enable dw WriteSdpEnableCommandFor2816 ; EEPROM_TYPE.2816_2kiB dw WriteSdpEnableCommandFor2864 ; EEPROM_TYPE.2864_8kiB dw WriteSdpEnableCommandFor2864mod ; EEPROM_TYPE.2864_8kiB_MOD dw WriteSdpEnableCommandFor28256or28512 ; EEPROM_TYPE.28256_32kiB dw WriteSdpEnableCommandFor28256or28512 ; EEPROM_TYPE.28512_64kiB .rgfnDisableSdpAndFlash: ; SDP_COMMAND.disable dw WriteSdpDisableCommandFor2816 ; EEPROM_TYPE.2816_2kiB dw WriteSdpDisableCommandFor2864 ; EEPROM_TYPE.2864_8kiB dw WriteSdpDisableCommandFor2864mod ; EEPROM_TYPE.2864_8kiB_MOD dw WriteSdpDisableCommandFor28256or28512 ; EEPROM_TYPE.28256_32kiB dw WriteSdpDisableCommandFor28256or28512 ; EEPROM_TYPE.28512_64kiB ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AreSourceAndDestinationPagesEqualFromFlashvarsInSSBP ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to FLASHVARS ; Returns: ; ZF: Set if pages are equal ; Cleared if pages are not equal ; Corrupts registers: ; SI, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN AreSourceAndDestinationPagesEqualFromFlashvarsInSSBP: push cx mov cx, [bp+FLASHVARS.wEepromPageSize] lds si, [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextSourcePage] les di, [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextDestinationPage] repe cmpsb pop cx ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ENABLE_SDP ; Parameters: ; %1: Offset for first command byte ; %2: Offset for second command byte ; DS: Segment to beginning of EEPROM ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro ENABLE_SDP 2 mov BYTE [%1], 0AAh mov BYTE [%2], 55h mov BYTE [%1], 0A0h %endmacro ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DISABLE_SDP ; Parameters: ; %1: Offset for first command byte ; %2: Offset for second command byte ; DS: Segment to beginning of EEPROM ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %macro DISABLE_SDP 2 mov BYTE [%1], 0AAh mov BYTE [%2], 55h mov BYTE [%1], 80h mov BYTE [%1], 0AAh mov BYTE [%2], 55h mov BYTE [%1], 20h %endmacro ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SDP Command Functions ; Parameters: ; DS: Segment to beginning of EEPROM ; Returns: ; Nothing but jumps to WriteActualDataByteAfterSdpCommand ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WriteSdpEnableCommandFor2816: ENABLE_SDP 555h, 2AAh jmp ReturnFromSdpCommand ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WriteSdpEnableCommandFor2864: ENABLE_SDP 1555h, 0AAAh jmp ReturnFromSdpCommand ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WriteSdpEnableCommandFor2864mod: ENABLE_SDP 155Ch, 0AA3h jmp ReturnFromSdpCommand ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WriteSdpEnableCommandFor28256or28512: ENABLE_SDP 5555h, 2AAAh jmp ReturnFromSdpCommand ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WriteSdpDisableCommandFor2816: DISABLE_SDP 555h, 2AAh jmp SHORT ReturnFromSdpCommand ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WriteSdpDisableCommandFor2864: DISABLE_SDP 1555h, 0AAAh jmp SHORT ReturnFromSdpCommand ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WriteSdpDisableCommandFor2864mod: DISABLE_SDP 155Ch, 0AA3h jmp SHORT ReturnFromSdpCommand ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WriteSdpDisableCommandFor28256or28512: DISABLE_SDP 5555h, 2AAAh DoNotWriteAnySdpCommand: jmp SHORT ReturnFromSdpCommand ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WriteNextChangedByteFromPageToEeprom ; Parameters: ; CX: Number of bytes left to write ; DX: Offset to SDP command function ; BX: Offset to next destination byte ; SI: Offset to next source byte ; ES:DI: Ptr to next comparison byte ; SS:BP: Ptr to FLASHVARS ; Returns: ; CF: Set if polling timeout error ; Cleared if page written successfully ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, SI, DI, DS, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WriteAllChangedBytesFromPageToEeprom: mov ax, [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextSourcePage+2] ; AX = Source segment mov ds, [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextDestinationPage+2] ; DS = EEPROM segment cli ; Disable interrupts jmp dx ; Write SDP command (once to the beginning of page) ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN ReturnFromSdpCommand: mov ds, ax ; DS:SI now points to source byte ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .WriteActualDataByteAfterSdpCommand: lodsb ; Load source byte to AL scasb ; Compare source byte to comparison byte je SHORT .NoChangesForThisByte mov ds, [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextDestinationPage+2] ; DS:BX now points to EEPROM mov [bx], al ; Write byte to EEPROM mov ds, [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextSourcePage+2] ; Restore DS mov [bp+FLASHVARS.wLastOffsetWritten], bx mov [bp+FLASHVARS.bLastByteWritten], al ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .NoChangesForThisByte: inc bx ; Increment destination offset loop .WriteActualDataByteAfterSdpCommand sti ; Enable interrupts ; Fall to WaitUntilEepromPageWriteHasCompleted ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WaitUntilEepromPageWriteHasCompleted ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to FLASHVARS ; Returns: ; CF: Set if polling timeout error ; Cleared if page written successfully ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DI, DS, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WaitUntilEepromPageWriteHasCompleted: call .InitializeTimeoutCounterForEepromPollingWithFlashvarsInSSBP mov es, [bp+FLASHVARS.fpNextDestinationPage+2] mov di, [bp+FLASHVARS.wLastOffsetWritten] ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .PollEeprom: call .HasWriteCycleCompleted je SHORT .PageWriteCompleted ; CF cleared call TimerTicks_GetTimeoutTicksLeftToAXfromDSBX jnc SHORT .PollEeprom ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .PageWriteCompleted: ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .InitializeTimeoutCounterForEepromPollingWithFlashvarsInSSBP ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to FLASHVARS ; Returns: ; DS:BX: Ptr to timeout counter variable ; Corrupts registers: ; AX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .InitializeTimeoutCounterForEepromPollingWithFlashvarsInSSBP: push ss pop ds lea bx, [bp+FLASHVARS.wTimeoutCounter] mov ax, EEPROM_POLLING_TIMEOUT_TICKS jmp TimerTicks_InitializeTimeoutFromAX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .HasWriteCycleCompleted ; Parameters: ; ES:DI: Ptr to last written byte in EEPROM ; SS:BP: Ptr to FLASHVARS ; Returns: ; ZF: Set if write cycle has completed ; Cleared if write cycle in progress ; Corrupts registers: ; AX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .HasWriteCycleCompleted: mov ah, [es:di] ; Load byte from EEPROM mov al, [bp+FLASHVARS.bLastByteWritten] and ax, 8080h ; Clear all but bit 7 from both bytes cmp al, ah ; Set ZF if high bits are the same ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DisplayFlashProgressWithPagesLeftInCXandFlashvarsInSSBP ; Parameters: ; CX: Number of pages left to flash ; SS:BP: Ptr to FLASHVARS ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN DisplayFlashProgressWithPagesLeftInCXandFlashvarsInSSBP: push bp mov ax, [bp+FLASHVARS.wPagesToFlash] sub ax, cx mov bp, [bp+FLASHVARS.wProgressUpdateParam] ; BP now has MENU handle CALL_MENU_LIBRARY SetProgressValueFromAX pop bp ret