1 | ; File name : MenuStructs.inc
2 | ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS Configurator v2
3 | ; Created date : 5.10.2010
4 | ; Last update : 2.11.2010
5 | ; Author : Tomi Tilli
6 | ; Description : Menu page and item structs.
7 | %ifndef MENU_STRUCTS_INC
8 | %define MENU_STRUCTS_INC
9 |
10 | struc MENUPAGE
11 | .fnEnter resb 2 ; Function to initialize MENUPAGE
12 | .wMenuitems resb 2 ; Number of MENUITEM structs
13 | .rgMenuitem: ; All MENUITEM structs in this MENUPAGE
14 | endstruc
15 |
16 | struc MENUITEM
17 | .fnActivate resb 2 ; Offset to item activation function
18 | .fnFormatValue resb 2 ; Offset to item value formatting function
19 |
20 | .szName resb 2 ; Offset to item name string
21 | .szQuickInfo resb 2 ; Offset to item quick information string
22 | .szHelp resb 2 ; Offset to item help string
23 |
24 | .bFlags resb 1 ; Item flags
25 | .bType resb 1 ; Item type
26 | .itemValue resb ITEM_VALUE_size ; ITEM_VALUE for automated item handling
27 | endstruc
28 |
29 | ; Bit defines for MENUITEM.bFlags
30 | FLG_MENUITEM_VISIBLE EQU (1<<0) ; Item is visible
31 | FLG_MENUITEM_MODIFY_MENU EQU (1<<1) ; Item modifies visibility of other items
32 | FLG_MENUITEM_FLAGVALUE EQU (1<<2) ; Item value is single bit
33 | FLG_MENUITEM_BYTEVALUE EQU (1<<3) ; Item value is single byte
34 |
35 | ; Values for MENUITEM.bType
36 | TYPE_MENUITEM_PAGEBACK EQU (0<<1) ; Item returns to previous MENUPAGE
37 | TYPE_MENUITEM_PAGENEXT EQU (1<<1) ; Item changes to next MENUPAGE
38 | TYPE_MENUITEM_ACTION EQU (2<<1) ; Non-configurable item
39 | TYPE_MENUITEM_MULTICHOISE EQU (3<<1) ; Item with multiple predefined choises
40 | TYPE_MENUITEM_UNSIGNED EQU (4<<1) ; Menuitem with user inputted unsigned decimal value
41 | TYPE_MENUITEM_HEX EQU (5<<1) ; Menuitem with user inputted hexadecimal value
42 |
43 |
44 | struc ITEM_VALUE
45 | .wRomvarsValueOffset resb 2 ; ROMVARS offset to actual value to be configured
46 | .szDialogTitle resb 2 ; Dialog title string
47 |
48 | .szMultichoise resb 2 ; Multiple choises in one string
49 | .rgwChoiseToValueLookup resb 2 ; Ptr to lookup table for translating selected choise to actual value
50 | .rgszValueToStringLookup: ; Ptr to lookup table for translating value to string
51 | .wMinValue resb 2 ; Minimum allowed integer value
52 | .wMaxValue:
53 | .wValueBitmask resb 2 ; Bitmask for item value flag
54 | endstruc
55 |
56 |
57 | %endif ; MENU_STRUCTS_INC