; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS ; Description : Functions for accessing DPT data. ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AccessDPT_GetDriveSelectByteToAL ; Parameters: ; DS:DI: Ptr to Disk Parameter Table ; Returns: ; AL: Drive Select Byte ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN AccessDPT_GetDriveSelectByteToAL: mov al, [di+DPT.wFlags] and al, FLG_DRVNHEAD_LBA | FLG_DRVNHEAD_DRV or al, MASK_DRVNHEAD_SET ; Bits set to 1 for old drives ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AccessDPT_GetDeviceControlByteToAL ; Parameters: ; DS:DI: Ptr to Disk Parameter Table ; Returns: ; AL: Device Control Byte ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN AccessDPT_GetDeviceControlByteToAL: xor al, al test BYTE [di+DPT.bFlagsLow], FLGL_DPT_ENABLE_IRQ jnz SHORT .EnableDeviceIrq or al, FLG_DEVCONTROL_nIEN ; Disable IRQ .EnableDeviceIrq: ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AccessDPT_GetLCHStoAXBLBH ; Parameters: ; DS:DI: Ptr to Disk Parameter Table ; Returns: ; AX: Number of L-CHS cylinders ; BL: Number of L-CHS heads ; BH: Number of L-CHS sectors per track ; Corrupts registers: ; CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- AccessDPT_GetLCHStoAXBLBH: ; Return LBA-assisted CHS if LBA addressing used test BYTE [di+DPT.bFlagsLow], FLG_DRVNHEAD_LBA jz SHORT .ConvertPchsToLchs call AccessDPT_GetLbaSectorCountToBXDXAX call LbaAssist_ConvertSectorCountFromBXDXAXtoLbaAssistedCHSinDXAXBLBH LIMIT_LBA_CYLINDERS_IN_DXAX_TO_LCHS_CYLINDERS ret .ConvertPchsToLchs: mov ax, [di+DPT.wPchsCylinders] mov bx, [di+DPT.wPchsHeadsAndSectors] ; Fall to AccessDPT_ShiftPCHinAXBLtoLCH ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AccessDPT_ShiftPCHinAXBLtoLCH ; Parameters: ; AX: P-CHS cylinders (1...16383) ; BL: P-CHS heads (1...16) ; Returns: ; AX: Number of L-CHS cylinders (1...1024) ; BL: Number of L-CHS heads (1...255) ; CX: Number of bits shifted (4 at most) ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- AccessDPT_ShiftPCHinAXBLtoLCH: xor cx, cx .ShiftLoop: cmp ax, MAX_LCHS_CYLINDERS ; Need to shift? jbe SHORT .Return ; If not, return inc cx ; Increment shift count shr ax, 1 ; Halve cylinders shl bl, 1 ; Double heads jnz SHORT .ShiftLoop ; Falls through only on the last (4th) iteration and only if BL was 16 on entry dec bl ; DOS doesn't support drives with 256 heads so we limit heads to 255 ; We can save a byte here by using DEC BX if we don't care about BH .Return: ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AccessDPT_GetLbaSectorCountToBXDXAX ; Parameters: ; DS:DI: Ptr to Disk Parameter Table ; Returns: ; BX:DX:AX: 48-bit sector count ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- AccessDPT_GetLbaSectorCountToBXDXAX: mov ax, [di+DPT.twLbaSectors] mov dx, [di+DPT.twLbaSectors+2] mov bx, [di+DPT.twLbaSectors+4] ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Returns pointer to DRVPARAMS for master or slave drive. ; ; AccessDPT_GetPointerToDRVPARAMStoCSBX ; Parameters: ; DS:DI: Ptr to Disk Parameter Table ; Returns: ; CS:BX: Ptr to DRVPARAMS ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN AccessDPT_GetPointerToDRVPARAMStoCSBX: eMOVZX bx, [di+DPT.bIdevarsOffset] ; CS:BX points to IDEVARS add bx, BYTE IDEVARS.drvParamsMaster ; CS:BX points to Master Drive DRVPARAMS test BYTE [di+DPT.bFlagsLow], FLGL_DPT_SLAVE jz SHORT .ReturnPointerToDRVPARAMS add bx, BYTE DRVPARAMS_size ; CS:BX points to Slave Drive DRVPARAMS .ReturnPointerToDRVPARAMS: ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AccessDPT_GetUnshiftedAddressModeToALZF ; Parameters: ; DS:DI: Ptr to Disk Parameter Table ; Returns: ; AL: Addressing Mode (L-CHS, P-CHS, LBA28, LBA48) ; unshifted (still shifted where it is in bFlagsLow) ; ZF: Set based on value in AL ; Corrupts registers: ; AL ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Converted to a macro since only called in two places, and the call/ret overhead ; is not worth it for these two instructions (4 bytes total) ; %macro AccessDPT_GetUnshiftedAddressModeToALZF 0 mov al, [di+DPT.bFlagsLow] and al, MASKL_DPT_ADDRESSING_MODE %endmacro