;;;====================================================================== ;;; ;;; This file is generated by StringsCompress.pl from source in Strings.asm ;;; DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY - See the maekfile for how to rebuild this file. ;;; This file only needs to be rebuilt if Strings.asm is changed. ;;; ;;;====================================================================== ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS ; Description : Strings and equates for BIOS messages. %ifdef MODULE_STRINGS_COMPRESSED_PRECOMPRESS %include "Display.inc" %endif ; Section containing code SECTION .text ; POST drive detection strings g_szRomAt: db 034h, 020h, 0c6h, 039h, 01bh ; source: 25h, 73h, 20h, 40h, 20h, 25h, 78h, 0Ah, 0Dh, 00h g_szMaster: db 053h, 067h, 079h, 07ah, 06bh, 0b8h ; source: 4Dh, 61h, 73h, 74h, 65h, 72h, 00h g_szSlave: db 059h, 072h, 067h, 07ch, 06bh, 000h ; source: 53h, 6Ch, 61h, 76h, 65h, 20h, 00h g_szDetect: db 04fh, 04ah, 0cbh, 034h, 020h, 067h, 0fah, 039h, 040h, 000h ; source: 49h, 44h, 45h, 20h, 25h, 73h, 20h, 61h, 74h, 20h, 25h, 78h, 3Ah, 20h, 00h ; Boot loader strings g_szTryToBoot: db 048h, 075h, 075h, 07ah, 06fh, 074h, 0edh, 06ch, 078h, 075h, 0f3h, 034h, 020h, 039h, 024h, 039h, 01bh ; source: 42h, 6Fh, 6Fh, 74h, 69h, 6Eh, 67h, 20h, 66h, 72h, 6Fh, 6Dh, 20h, 25h, 73h, 20h, 25h, 78h, AFh, 25h, 78h, 0Ah, 0Dh, 00h g_szBootSectorNotFound: db 048h, 075h, 075h, 0fah, 079h, 06bh, 069h, 07ah, 075h, 078h, 020h ; source: 42h, 6Fh, 6Fh, 74h, 20h, 73h, 65h, 63h, 74h, 6Fh, 72h, 20h g_szNotFound: db 074h, 075h, 0fah, 06ch, 075h, 07bh, 074h, 06ah, 01bh ; source: 6Eh, 6Fh, 74h, 20h, 66h, 6Fh, 75h, 6Eh, 64h, 0Ah, 0Dh, 00h g_szReadError: db 04bh, 078h, 078h, 075h, 0f8h, 039h, 025h, 01bh ; source: 45h, 72h, 72h, 6Fh, 72h, 20h, 25h, 78h, 21h, 0Ah, 0Dh, 00h ; Boot menu bottom of screen strings g_szFDD: db 04ch, 04ah, 0cah, 020h, 020h, 020h, 000h ; source: 46h, 44h, 44h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 00h g_szHDD: db 04eh, 04ah, 0cah, 020h, 020h, 020h, 000h ; source: 48h, 44h, 44h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 20h, 00h g_szRomBoot: db 058h, 055h, 0d3h, 048h, 075h, 075h, 0bah ; source: 52h, 4Fh, 4Dh, 20h, 42h, 6Fh, 6Fh, 74h, 00h g_szHotkey: db 03dh, 035h, 035h, 03dh, 034h, 03dh, 000h ; source: 25h, 41h, 25h, 63h, 25h, 63h, 25h, 41h, 25h, 73h, 25h, 41h, 20h, 00h ; Boot Menu menuitem strings g_szDriveNum: db 039h, 000h ; source: 25h, 78h, 20h, 00h g_szFDLetter: db 034h, 020h, 015h ; source: 25h, 73h, 20h, 25h, 63h, 00h g_szFloppyDrv: db 04ch, 072h, 075h, 076h, 076h, 0ffh, 04ah, 078h, 06fh, 07ch, 0abh ; source: 46h, 6Ch, 6Fh, 70h, 70h, 79h, 20h, 44h, 72h, 69h, 76h, 65h, 00h g_szforeignHD: db 04ch, 075h, 078h, 06bh, 06fh, 06dh, 0f4h, 04eh, 067h, 078h, 0eah, 04ah, 06fh, 079h, 0b1h ; source: 46h, 6Fh, 72h, 65h, 69h, 67h, 6Eh, 20h, 48h, 61h, 72h, 64h, 20h, 44h, 69h, 73h, 6Bh, 00h ; Boot Menu information strings g_szCapacity: db 049h, 067h, 076h, 067h, 069h, 06fh, 07ah, 0ffh, 040h, 000h ; source: 43h, 61h, 70h, 61h, 63h, 69h, 74h, 79h, 20h, 3Ah, 20h, 00h g_szSizeSingle: db 034h, 037h, 029h, 037h, 020h, 035h, 06fh, 088h ; source: 25h, 73h, 25h, 75h, 2Eh, 25h, 75h, 20h, 25h, 63h, 69h, 42h, 00h g_szSizeDual: db 034h, 038h, 029h, 037h, 020h, 035h, 06fh, 0c8h, 02ah, 038h, 029h, 037h, 020h, 035h, 06fh, 048h, 01bh ; source: 25h, 73h, 25h, 35h, 2Dh, 75h, 2Eh, 25h, 75h, 20h, 25h, 63h, 69h, 42h, 20h, 2Fh, 25h, 35h, 2Dh, 75h, 2Eh, 25h, 75h, 20h, 25h, 63h, 69h, 42h, 0Ah, 0Dh, 00h g_szCfgHeader: db 047h, 06ah, 06ah, 078h, 029h, 023h, 048h, 072h, 075h, 069h, 071h, 023h, 048h, 07bh, 079h, 023h, 04fh, 058h, 057h, 023h, 058h, 06bh, 079h, 06bh, 07ah, 01bh ; source: 41h, 64h, 64h, 72h, 2Eh, B3h, 42h, 6Ch, 6Fh, 63h, 6Bh, B3h, 42h, 75h, 73h, B3h, 49h, 52h, 51h, B3h, 52h, 65h, 73h, 65h, 74h, 0Ah, 0Dh, 00h g_szCfgFormat: db 034h, 023h, 038h, 023h, 034h, 023h, 020h, 036h, 023h, 01ah ; source: 25h, 73h, B3h, 25h, 35h, 2Dh, 75h, B3h, 25h, 73h, B3h, 20h, 25h, 32h, 2Dh, 49h, B3h, 25h, 35h, 2Dh, 78h, 00h g_szAddressingModes: g_szLCHS: db 052h, 028h, 049h, 04eh, 099h ; source: 4Ch, 2Dh, 43h, 48h, 53h, 00h g_szPCHS: db 056h, 028h, 049h, 04eh, 099h ; source: 50h, 2Dh, 43h, 48h, 53h, 00h g_szLBA28: db 052h, 048h, 047h, 02ch, 011h ; source: 4Ch, 42h, 41h, 32h, 38h, 00h g_szLBA48: db 052h, 048h, 047h, 02eh, 011h ; source: 4Ch, 42h, 41h, 34h, 38h, 00h g_szAddressingModes_Displacement equ (g_szPCHS - g_szAddressingModes) ; ; Ensure that addressing modes are correctly spaced in memory ; %if g_szLCHS <> g_szAddressingModes %error "g_szAddressingModes Displacement Incorrect 1" %endif %if g_szPCHS <> g_szLCHS + g_szAddressingModes_Displacement %error "g_szAddressingModes Displacement Incorrect 2" %endif %if g_szLBA28 <> g_szPCHS + g_szAddressingModes_Displacement %error "g_szAddressingModes Displacement Incorrect 3" %endif %if g_szLBA48 <> g_szLBA28 + g_szAddressingModes_Displacement %error "g_szAddressingModes Displacement Incorrect 4" %endif g_szFddUnknown: db 034h, 05bh, 074h, 071h, 074h, 075h, 07dh, 0b4h ; source: 25h, 73h, 55h, 6Eh, 6Bh, 6Eh, 6Fh, 77h, 6Eh, 00h g_szFddSizeOr: db 034h, 02fh, 021h, 026h, 020h, 075h, 0f8h, 02dh, 022h, 026h, 020h, 04ah, 08ah ; source: 25h, 73h, 35h, ACh, 22h, 20h, 6Fh, 72h, 20h, 33h, ABh, 22h, 20h, 44h, 44h, 00h g_szFddSize: db 034h, 034h, 026h, 027h, 020h, 037h, 020h, 071h, 06fh, 088h ; source: 25h, 73h, 25h, 73h, 22h, 2Ch, 20h, 25h, 75h, 20h, 6Bh, 69h, 42h, 00h g_szFddThreeHalf: db 02dh, 002h ; source: 33h, ABh, 00h g_szFddFiveQuarter: db 02fh, 001h ; source: 35h, ACh, 00h g_szFddThreeFive_Displacement equ (g_szFddFiveQuarter - g_szFddThreeHalf) g_szBusTypeValues: g_szBusTypeValues_8Dual: db 04ah, 031h, 000h ; source: 44h, 38h, 20h, 00h g_szBusTypeValues_8Reversed: db 05eh, 031h, 000h ; source: 58h, 38h, 20h, 00h g_szBusTypeValues_8Single: db 059h, 031h, 000h ; source: 53h, 38h, 20h, 00h g_szBusTypeValues_16: db 020h, 02bh, 010h ; source: 20h, 31h, 36h, 00h g_szBusTypeValues_32: db 020h, 02dh, 00ch ; source: 20h, 33h, 32h, 00h g_szBusTypeValues_Serial: db 059h, 04bh, 098h ; source: 53h, 45h, 52h, 00h g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement equ (g_szBusTypeValues_8Reversed - g_szBusTypeValues) ; ; Ensure that bus type strings are correctly spaced in memory ; %if g_szBusTypeValues_8Dual <> g_szBusTypeValues %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 1" %endif %if g_szBusTypeValues_8Reversed <> g_szBusTypeValues + g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 2" %endif %if g_szBusTypeValues_8Single <> g_szBusTypeValues_8Reversed + g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 3" %endif %if g_szBusTypeValues_16 <> g_szBusTypeValues_8Single + g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 4" %endif %if g_szBusTypeValues_32 <> g_szBusTypeValues_16 + g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 5" %endif %if g_szBusTypeValues_Serial <> g_szBusTypeValues_32 + g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 6" %endif g_szSelectionTimeout: db 032h, 033h, 03dh, 059h, 06bh, 072h, 06bh, 069h, 07ah, 06fh, 075h, 0f4h, 06fh, 0f4h, 03ch, 020h, 0b9h ; source: C8h, B5h, 25h, 41h, 53h, 65h, 6Ch, 65h, 63h, 74h, 69h, 6Fh, 6Eh, 20h, 69h, 6Eh, 20h, 25h, 32h, 2Dh, 75h, 20h, 73h, 00h g_szDashForZero: db 028h, 000h ; source: 2Dh, 20h, 00h StringsCompressed_NormalBase equ 58 ;; translated usage stats ;; 179:8 ;; 50:2 ;; 32:33 ;; 51:3 ;; 33:1 ;; 52:1 ;; 34:3 ;; 53:2 ;; 44:1 ;; 54:1 ;; 45:3 ;; 46:4 ;; 56:5 ;; 47:1 ;; 49:1 ;; 200:1 ;; 171:2 ;; 181:1 ;; 172:2 ;; 175:1 ;; total special: 20 StringsCompressed_TranslatesAndFormats: db 32 ; 0 db 172 ; 1 db 171 ; 2 db 179 ; 3 db 175 ; 4 db 33 ; 5 db 34 ; 6 db 44 ; 7 db 45 ; 8 db 46 ; 9 db 47 ; 10 db 49 ; 11 db 50 ; 12 db 51 ; 13 db 52 ; 14 db 53 ; 15 db 54 ; 16 db 56 ; 17 db 200 ; 18 db 181 ; 19 ;; format usage stats ;; A:4 ;; c:6 ;; s:13 ;; 2-u:1 ;; u:5 ;; 5-u:3 ;; 2-I:1 ;; x:6 ;; 5-x:1 ;; nl:6 ;; total format: 10 db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_s) ; 20 db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_c) ; 21 db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_2_I) ; 22 db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_u) ; 23 db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_5_u) ; 24 db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_x) ; 25 db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_5_x) ; 26 db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_nl) ; 27 db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_2_u) ; 28 db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_A) ; 29 StringsCompressed_FormatsBegin equ 20 ;; alphabet usage stats ;; 58,::2 ;; 59,;: ;; 60,<: ;; 61,=: ;; 62,>: ;; 63,?: ;; 64,@:1 ;; 65,A:3 ;; 66,B:11 ;; 67,C:3 ;; 68,D:10 ;; 69,E:3 ;; 70,F:3 ;; 71,G: ;; 72,H:4 ;; 73,I:2 ;; 74,J: ;; 75,K: ;; 76,L:3 ;; 77,M:2 ;; 78,N: ;; 79,O:1 ;; 80,P:1 ;; 81,Q:1 ;; 82,R:4 ;; 83,S:6 ;; 84,T: ;; 85,U:1 ;; 86,V: ;; 87,W: ;; 88,X:1 ;; 89,Y: ;; 90,Z: ;; 91,[: ;; 92,\: ;; 93,]: ;; 94,^: ;; 95,_: ;; 96,`: ;; 97,a:6 ;; 98,b: ;; 99,c:4 ;; 100,d:4 ;; 101,e:9 ;; 102,f:2 ;; 103,g:2 ;; 104,h: ;; 105,i:11 ;; 106,j: ;; 107,k:4 ;; 108,l:4 ;; 109,m:1 ;; 110,n:9 ;; 111,o:17 ;; 112,p:3 ;; 113,q: ;; 114,r:11 ;; 115,s:6 ;; 116,t:10 ;; 117,u:2 ;; 118,v:2 ;; 119,w:1 ;; 120,x: ;; 121,y:2 ;; alphabet used_count: 39