[186] | 1 | ;;;======================================================================
| 2 | ;;;
| 3 | ;;; This file is generated by StringsCompress.pl from source in Strings.asm
[252] | 4 | ;;; DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY - See the makefile for how to rebuild this file.
[186] | 5 | ;;; This file only needs to be rebuilt if Strings.asm is changed.
| 6 | ;;;
| 7 | ;;;======================================================================
| 8 |
| 10 |
[186] | 11 | ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS
| 12 | ; Description : Strings and equates for BIOS messages.
| 13 |
[376] | 14 | ;
| 15 | ; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools
| 16 | ; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2012 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team.
| 17 | ;
| 18 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
| 19 | ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
| 20 | ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
| 21 | ; (at your option) any later version.
| 22 | ;
| 23 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| 24 | ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 26 | ; GNU General Public License for more details.
| 27 | ; Visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
[392] | 28 | ;
[376] | 29 |
| 31 | %include "Display.inc"
| 32 | %endif
| 33 |
| 34 | ; Section containing code
| 35 | SECTION .text
| 36 |
[415] | 37 | ; POST drive detection strings
| 38 | g_szDashForZero: ; db "- ",NULL ; Required by Display Library
| 39 | ; db 2dh, 20h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 40 | db 28h, 00h ; compressed
| 41 |
| 42 | g_szRomAt: ; db LF,CR,"%s @ %x",LF,CR
| 43 | ; db 0ah, 0dh, 25h, 73h, 20h, 40h, 20h, 25h, 78h, 0ah, 0dh ; uncompressed
| 44 | db 3bh, 3eh, 20h, 0c6h, 39h, 3bh ; compressed
| 45 |
| 46 | ; db "Released under GNU GPL v2",LF,CR,LF,CR,NULL
| 47 | ; db 52h, 65h, 6ch, 65h, 61h, 73h, 65h, 64h, 20h, 75h, 6eh, 64h, 65h, 72h, 20h, 47h, 4eh, 55h, 20h, 47h, 50h, 4ch, 20h, 76h, 32h, 0ah, 0dh, 0ah, 0dh, 00h ; uncompressed
| 48 | db 58h, 6bh, 72h, 6bh, 67h, 79h, 6bh, 0eah, 7bh, 74h, 6ah, 6bh, 0f8h, 4dh, 54h, 0dbh, 4dh, 56h, 0d2h, 7ch, 2ch, 3bh, 1bh ; compressed
| 49 |
| 50 |
| 51 |
[334] | 52 | ; The following strings are used by DetectPrint_StartDetectWithMasterOrSlaveStringInCXandIdeVarsInCSBP
| 53 | ; To support an optimization in that code, these strings must start on the same 256 byte page,
| 54 | ; which is checked at assembly time below.
| 55 | ;
| 56 | g_szDetectStart:
| 57 | g_szDetectMaster: ; db "Master",NULL
| 58 | ; db 4dh, 61h, 73h, 74h, 65h, 72h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 59 | db 53h, 67h, 79h, 7ah, 6bh, 0b8h ; compressed
| 60 |
| 61 | g_szDetectSlave: ; db "Slave ",NULL
| 62 | ; db 53h, 6ch, 61h, 76h, 65h, 20h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 63 | db 59h, 72h, 67h, 7ch, 6bh, 00h ; compressed
| 64 |
| 65 | g_szDetectOuter: ; db "%s at %s: ",NULL
| 66 | ; db 25h, 73h, 20h, 61h, 74h, 20h, 25h, 73h, 3ah, 20h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 67 | db 3eh, 20h, 67h, 0fah, 3eh, 40h, 00h ; compressed
| 68 |
[415] | 69 | %ifdef MODULE_SERIAL
[334] | 70 | g_szDetectCOM: ; db "COM%c%s",NULL
| 71 | ; db 43h, 4fh, 4dh, 25h, 63h, 25h, 73h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 72 | db 49h, 55h, 53h, 35h, 1eh ; compressed
| 73 |
| 74 | g_szDetectCOMAuto: ; db " Detect",NULL
| 75 | ; db 20h, 44h, 65h, 74h, 65h, 63h, 74h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 76 | db 20h, 4ah, 6bh, 7ah, 6bh, 69h, 0bah ; compressed
| 77 |
| 78 | g_szDetectCOMSmall: ; db "/%u%u00",NULL ; IDE Master at COM1/9600:
| 79 | ; db 2fh, 25h, 75h, 25h, 75h, 30h, 30h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 80 | db 2ah, 37h, 37h, 34h, 14h ; compressed
| 81 |
| 82 | g_szDetectCOMLarge: ; db "/%u.%uK",NULL ; IDE Master at COM1/19.2K:
| 83 | ; db 2fh, 25h, 75h, 2eh, 25h, 75h, 4bh, 00h ; uncompressed
| 84 | db 2ah, 37h, 29h, 37h, 91h ; compressed
| 85 |
[415] | 86 | %endif
[334] | 87 | g_szDetectEnd:
| 88 | g_szDetectPort: ; db "%x",NULL ; IDE Master at 1F0h:
| 89 | ; db 25h, 78h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 90 | db 19h ; compressed
| 91 |
| 92 |
| 94 | %if ((g_szDetectEnd-$$) & 0xff00) <> ((g_szDetectStart-$$) & 0xff00)
| 95 | %error "g_szDetect* strings must start on the same 256 byte page, required by DetectPrint_StartDetectWithMasterOrSlaveStringInCXandIdeVarsInCSBP. Please move this block up or down within strings.asm"
| 96 | %endif
| 97 | %endif
| 98 |
[415] | 99 |
| 100 | ; Boot loader strings
| 101 | g_szTryToBoot: ; db "Booting %c",ANGLE_QUOTE_RIGHT,"%c",LF,CR,NULL
| 102 | ; db 42h, 6fh, 6fh, 74h, 69h, 6eh, 67h, 20h, 25h, 63h, 0afh, 25h, 63h, 0ah, 0dh, 00h ; uncompressed
| 103 | db 48h, 75h, 75h, 7ah, 6fh, 74h, 0edh, 35h, 24h, 35h, 1bh ; compressed
| 104 |
| 105 | g_szBootSectorNotFound: ; db "Boot sector "
| 106 | ; db 42h, 6fh, 6fh, 74h, 20h, 73h, 65h, 63h, 74h, 6fh, 72h, 20h ; uncompressed
| 107 | db 48h, 75h, 75h, 0fah, 79h, 6bh, 69h, 7ah, 75h, 0f8h ; compressed
| 108 |
| 109 | g_szNotFound: ; db "not found",LF,CR,NULL
| 110 | ; db 6eh, 6fh, 74h, 20h, 66h, 6fh, 75h, 6eh, 64h, 0ah, 0dh, 00h ; uncompressed
| 111 | db 74h, 75h, 0fah, 6ch, 75h, 7bh, 74h, 6ah, 1bh ; compressed
| 112 |
| 113 | g_szReadError: ; db "Error %x!",LF,CR,NULL
| 114 | ; db 45h, 72h, 72h, 6fh, 72h, 20h, 25h, 78h, 21h, 0ah, 0dh, 00h ; uncompressed
| 115 | db 4bh, 78h, 78h, 75h, 0f8h, 39h, 25h, 1bh ; compressed
| 116 |
| 117 |
| 118 |
| 119 | %ifdef MODULE_HOTKEYS
| 120 |
| 121 | ; Hotkey Bar strings
| 122 | g_szFDD: ; db "FDD [%c]",NULL ; "FDD [A]"
| 123 | ; db 46h, 44h, 44h, 20h, 5bh, 25h, 63h, 5dh, 00h ; uncompressed
| 124 | db 4ch, 4ah, 0cah, 61h, 35h, 0a3h ; compressed
| 125 |
| 126 | g_szHDD: ; db "HDD [%c]",NULL ; "HDD [C]"
| 127 | ; db 48h, 44h, 44h, 20h, 5bh, 25h, 63h, 5dh, 00h ; uncompressed
| 128 | db 4eh, 4ah, 0cah, 61h, 35h, 0a3h ; compressed
| 129 |
| 130 | g_szBootMenu: ; db "%sMnu",NULL ; "BootMnu"
| 131 | ; db 25h, 73h, 4dh, 6eh, 75h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 132 | db 3eh, 53h, 74h, 0bbh ; compressed
| 133 |
| 134 | g_szRomBoot: ; db "Rom%s",NULL ; "RomBoot"
| 135 | ; db 52h, 6fh, 6dh, 25h, 73h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 136 | db 58h, 75h, 73h, 1eh ; compressed
| 137 |
| 138 | g_szBoot: ; db "Boot",NULL
| 139 | ; db 42h, 6fh, 6fh, 74h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 140 | db 48h, 75h, 75h, 0bah ; compressed
| 141 |
| 142 | g_szHotkey: ; db "%A%c%c%A%s%A ",NULL ; "C»HDD [A] ", "F2BootMnu " or "F8RomBoot "
| 143 | ; db 25h, 41h, 25h, 63h, 25h, 63h, 25h, 41h, 25h, 73h, 25h, 41h, 20h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 144 | db 3dh, 35h, 35h, 3dh, 3eh, 3dh, 00h ; compressed
| 145 |
| 146 |
| 147 |
| 148 | %ifdef MODULE_BOOT_MENU
| 149 |
[334] | 150 | ; Boot Menu Floppy Disk strings
| 151 | ;
| 152 | ; The following strings are used by BootMenuPrint_RefreshInformation
| 153 | ; To support optimizations in that code, these strings must start on the same 256 byte page,
| 154 | ; which is checked at assembly time below.
| 155 | ;
| 156 | g_szFddStart:
| 157 | g_szFddUnknown: ; db "Unknown",NULL
| 158 | ; db 55h, 6eh, 6bh, 6eh, 6fh, 77h, 6eh, 00h ; uncompressed
| 159 | db 5bh, 74h, 71h, 74h, 75h, 7dh, 0b4h ; compressed
| 160 |
| 162 | ; db 35h, 0ach, 22h, 20h, 6fh, 72h, 20h, 33h, 0abh, 22h, 20h, 44h, 44h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 163 | db 2fh, 21h, 26h, 20h, 75h, 0f8h, 2dh, 22h, 26h, 20h, 4ah, 8ah ; compressed
| 164 |
| 165 | g_szFddSize: ; db "%s",QUOTATION_MARK,", %u kiB",NULL ; 3½", 1440 kiB
| 166 | ; db 25h, 73h, 22h, 2ch, 20h, 25h, 75h, 20h, 6bh, 69h, 42h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 167 | db 3eh, 26h, 27h, 20h, 37h, 20h, 71h, 6fh, 88h ; compressed
| 168 |
| 169 | g_szFddThreeHalf: ; db "3",ONE_HALF,NULL
| 170 | ; db 33h, 0abh, 00h ; uncompressed
| 171 | db 2dh, 02h ; compressed
| 172 |
| 173 | g_szFddEnd:
| 174 | g_szFddFiveQuarter: ; db "5",ONE_QUARTER,NULL
| 175 | ; db 35h, 0ach, 00h ; uncompressed
| 176 | db 2fh, 01h ; compressed
| 177 |
| 178 |
| 180 | %if ((g_szFddStart-$$) & 0xff00) <> ((g_szFddEnd-$$) & 0xff00)
| 181 | %error "g_szFdd* strings must start on the same 256 byte page, required by the BootMenuPrint_RefreshInformation routines for floppy drives. Please move this block up or down within strings.asm"
| 182 | %endif
| 183 | %endif
| 184 |
[322] | 185 |
| 186 | g_szAddressingModes:
| 187 | g_szLCHS: ; db "L-CHS",NULL
| 188 | ; db 4ch, 2dh, 43h, 48h, 53h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 189 | db 52h, 28h, 49h, 4eh, 99h ; compressed
| 190 |
| 191 | g_szPCHS: ; db "P-CHS",NULL
| 192 | ; db 50h, 2dh, 43h, 48h, 53h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 193 | db 56h, 28h, 49h, 4eh, 99h ; compressed
| 194 |
| 195 | g_szLBA28: ; db "LBA28",NULL
| 196 | ; db 4ch, 42h, 41h, 32h, 38h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 197 | db 52h, 48h, 47h, 2ch, 11h ; compressed
| 198 |
| 199 | g_szLBA48: ; db "LBA48",NULL
| 200 | ; db 4ch, 42h, 41h, 34h, 38h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 201 | db 52h, 48h, 47h, 2eh, 11h ; compressed
| 202 |
| 203 | g_szAddressingModes_Displacement equ (g_szPCHS - g_szAddressingModes)
| 204 | ;
| 205 | ; Ensure that addressing modes are correctly spaced in memory
| 206 | ;
| 208 | %if g_szLCHS <> g_szAddressingModes
| 209 | %error "g_szAddressingModes Displacement Incorrect 1"
| 210 | %endif
| 211 | %if g_szPCHS <> g_szLCHS + g_szAddressingModes_Displacement
| 212 | %error "g_szAddressingModes Displacement Incorrect 2"
| 213 | %endif
| 214 | %if g_szLBA28 <> g_szPCHS + g_szAddressingModes_Displacement
| 215 | %error "g_szAddressingModes Displacement Incorrect 3"
| 216 | %endif
| 217 | %if g_szLBA48 <> g_szLBA28 + g_szAddressingModes_Displacement
| 218 | %error "g_szAddressingModes Displacement Incorrect 4"
| 219 | %endif
| 220 | %endif
| 221 |
[252] | 222 | g_szBusTypeValues:
[189] | 223 | g_szBusTypeValues_8Dual: ; db "D8 ",NULL
| 224 | ; db 44h, 38h, 20h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 225 | db 4ah, 31h, 00h ; compressed
[186] | 226 |
[189] | 227 | g_szBusTypeValues_8Reversed: ; db "X8 ",NULL
| 228 | ; db 58h, 38h, 20h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 229 | db 5eh, 31h, 00h ; compressed
[186] | 230 |
[189] | 231 | g_szBusTypeValues_8Single: ; db "S8 ",NULL
| 232 | ; db 53h, 38h, 20h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 233 | db 59h, 31h, 00h ; compressed
[186] | 234 |
[189] | 235 | g_szBusTypeValues_16: ; db " 16",NULL
| 236 | ; db 20h, 31h, 36h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 237 | db 20h, 2bh, 10h ; compressed
[186] | 238 |
[189] | 239 | g_szBusTypeValues_32: ; db " 32",NULL
| 240 | ; db 20h, 33h, 32h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 241 | db 20h, 2dh, 0ch ; compressed
[186] | 242 |
[189] | 243 | g_szBusTypeValues_Serial: ; db "SER",NULL
| 244 | ; db 53h, 45h, 52h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 245 | db 59h, 4bh, 98h ; compressed
[186] | 246 |
[285] | 247 | g_szBusTypeValues_8MemMapped: ; db "M8 ",NULL
| 248 | ; db 4dh, 38h, 20h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 249 | db 53h, 31h, 00h ; compressed
| 250 |
[186] | 251 | g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement equ (g_szBusTypeValues_8Reversed - g_szBusTypeValues)
| 252 | ;
| 253 | ; Ensure that bus type strings are correctly spaced in memory
| 254 | ;
[252] | 255 | %ifndef CHECK_FOR_UNUSED_ENTRYPOINTS
[186] | 256 | %if g_szBusTypeValues_8Dual <> g_szBusTypeValues
| 257 | %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 1"
| 258 | %endif
| 259 | %if g_szBusTypeValues_8Reversed <> g_szBusTypeValues + g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement
[252] | 260 | %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 2"
[186] | 261 | %endif
| 262 | %if g_szBusTypeValues_8Single <> g_szBusTypeValues_8Reversed + g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement
[252] | 263 | %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 3"
[186] | 264 | %endif
[252] | 265 | %if g_szBusTypeValues_16 <> g_szBusTypeValues_8Single + g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement
| 266 | %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 4"
[186] | 267 | %endif
| 268 | %if g_szBusTypeValues_32 <> g_szBusTypeValues_16 + g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement
[252] | 269 | %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 5"
[186] | 270 | %endif
| 271 | %if g_szBusTypeValues_Serial <> g_szBusTypeValues_32 + g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement
[252] | 272 | %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 6"
[194] | 273 | %endif
[285] | 274 | %if g_szBusTypeValues_8MemMapped <> g_szBusTypeValues_Serial + g_szBusTypeValues_Displacement
| 275 | %error "g_szBusTypeValues Displacement Incorrect 7"
[194] | 276 | %endif
[285] | 277 | %endif
[186] | 278 |
[332] | 279 | g_szSelectionTimeout: ; db DOUBLE_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER,DOUBLE_LEFT_HORIZONTAL_TO_SINGLE_VERTICAL,"%ASelection in %2-u s",NULL
| 280 | ; db 0c8h, 0b5h, 25h, 41h, 53h, 65h, 6ch, 65h, 63h, 74h, 69h, 6fh, 6eh, 20h, 69h, 6eh, 20h, 25h, 32h, 2dh, 75h, 20h, 73h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 281 | db 32h, 33h, 3dh, 59h, 6bh, 72h, 6bh, 69h, 7ah, 6fh, 75h, 0f4h, 6fh, 0f4h, 3ch, 20h, 0b9h ; compressed
| 282 |
| 283 |
| 284 |
| 285 |
[277] | 286 |
| 287 | ; Boot Menu information strings
| 288 | g_szCapacity: ; db "Capacity : %s",NULL
| 289 | ; db 43h, 61h, 70h, 61h, 63h, 69h, 74h, 79h, 20h, 3ah, 20h, 25h, 73h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 290 | db 49h, 67h, 76h, 67h, 69h, 6fh, 7ah, 0ffh, 0c0h, 1eh ; compressed
| 291 |
| 292 | g_szCapacityNum: ; db "%5-u.%u %ciB",NULL
| 293 | ; db 25h, 35h, 2dh, 75h, 2eh, 25h, 75h, 20h, 25h, 63h, 69h, 42h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 294 | db 38h, 29h, 37h, 20h, 35h, 6fh, 88h ; compressed
| 295 |
| 296 | g_szInformation: ; db "%s",LF,CR
| 297 | ; db 25h, 73h, 0ah, 0dh ; uncompressed
| 298 | db 3eh, 3bh ; compressed
| 299 |
| 301 | ; db 41h, 64h, 64h, 72h, 2eh, 0b3h, 42h, 6ch, 6fh, 63h, 6bh, 0b3h, 42h, 75h, 73h, 0b3h, 49h, 52h, 51h, 0b3h, 52h, 65h, 73h, 65h, 74h, 0ah, 0dh ; uncompressed
| 302 | db 47h, 6ah, 6ah, 78h, 29h, 23h, 48h, 72h, 75h, 69h, 71h, 23h, 48h, 7bh, 79h, 23h, 4fh, 58h, 57h, 23h, 58h, 6bh, 79h, 6bh, 7ah, 3bh ; compressed
| 303 |
| 305 | ; db 25h, 73h, 0b3h, 25h, 35h, 2dh, 75h, 0b3h, 25h, 73h, 0b3h, 20h, 25h, 32h, 2dh, 49h, 0b3h, 25h, 35h, 2dh, 78h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 306 | db 3eh, 23h, 38h, 23h, 3eh, 23h, 20h, 36h, 23h, 1ah ; compressed
| 307 |
| 308 |
[415] | 309 |
[334] | 310 | ; Boot Menu menuitem strings
| 311 | ;
| 312 | ; The following strings are used by BootMenuPrint_* routines.
| 313 | ; To support optimizations in that code, these strings must start on the same 256 byte page,
[332] | 314 | ; which is checked at assembly time below.
| 315 | ;
[334] | 316 | g_szBootMenuPrintStart:
| 317 | g_szDriveNum: ; db "%x %s",NULL
| 318 | ; db 25h, 78h, 20h, 25h, 73h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 319 | db 39h, 20h, 1eh ; compressed
[332] | 320 |
[334] | 321 | g_szDriveNumBOOTNFO: ; db "%x %z",NULL
| 322 | ; db 25h, 78h, 20h, 25h, 7ah, 00h ; uncompressed
| 323 | db 39h, 20h, 1fh ; compressed
[332] | 324 |
[334] | 325 | g_szFloppyDrv: ; db "Floppy Drive %c",NULL
| 326 | ; db 46h, 6ch, 6fh, 70h, 70h, 79h, 20h, 44h, 72h, 69h, 76h, 65h, 20h, 25h, 63h, 00h ; uncompressed
| 327 | db 4ch, 72h, 75h, 76h, 76h, 0ffh, 4ah, 78h, 6fh, 7ch, 0ebh, 15h ; compressed
[332] | 328 |
[334] | 329 | g_szBootMenuPrintEnd:
| 330 | g_szForeignHD: ; db "Foreign Hard Disk",NULL
| 331 | ; db 46h, 6fh, 72h, 65h, 69h, 67h, 6eh, 20h, 48h, 61h, 72h, 64h, 20h, 44h, 69h, 73h, 6bh, 00h ; uncompressed
| 332 | db 4ch, 75h, 78h, 6bh, 6fh, 6dh, 0f4h, 4eh, 67h, 78h, 0eah, 4ah, 6fh, 79h, 0b1h ; compressed
[332] | 333 |
| 334 |
[334] | 336 | %if ((g_szBootMenuPrintStart-$$) & 0xff00) <> ((g_szBootMenuPrintEnd-$$) & 0xff00)
| 337 | %error "g_szBootMenuPrint* strings must start on the same 256 byte page, required by the BootMenuPrint_* routines. Please move this block up or down within strings.asm"
[332] | 338 | %endif
| 339 | %endif
| 340 |
[415] | 341 | %endif ; MODULE_BOOT_MENU
| 342 | %endif ; MODULE_HOTKEYS
| 343 |
| 344 |
[197] | 345 | ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[252] | 346 | ;
[197] | 347 | ; Tables for StringsCompress.pl
| 348 | ;
| 349 | ;$translate{ord(' ')} = 0; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 350 | ;$translate{172} = 1; # ONE_QUARTER [StringsCompress Processed]
| 351 | ;$translate{171} = 2; # ONE_HALF [StringsCompress Processed]
| 352 | ;$translate{179} = 3; # SINGLE_VERTICAL [StringsCompress Processed]
| 353 | ;$translate{175} = 4; # ANGLE_QUOTE_RIGHT [StringsCompress Processed]
| 354 | ;$translate{ord('!')} = 5; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 355 | ;$translate{ord('"')} = 6; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 356 | ;$translate{ord(',')} = 7; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 357 | ;$translate{ord('-')} = 8; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 358 | ;$translate{ord('.')} = 9; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 359 | ;$translate{ord('/')} = 10; [StringsCompress Processed]
[252] | 360 | ;$translate{ord('1')} = 11; [StringsCompress Processed]
[197] | 361 | ;$translate{ord('2')} = 12; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 362 | ;$translate{ord('3')} = 13; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 363 | ;$translate{ord('4')} = 14; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 364 | ;$translate{ord('5')} = 15; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 365 | ;$translate{ord('6')} = 16; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 366 | ;$translate{ord('8')} = 17; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 367 | ;$translate{200} = 18; # DOUBLE_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER [StringsCompress Processed]
| 368 | ;$translate{181} = 19; # DOUBLE_LEFT_HORIZONTAL_TO_SINGLE_VERTICAL [StringsCompress Processed]
[241] | 369 | ;$translate{ord('0')} = 20; [StringsCompress Processed]
[197] | 370 | ;
| 371 | ; Formats begin immediately after the last Translated character (they are in the same table)
| 372 | ;
[233] | 373 | ;$format_begin = 21; [StringsCompress Processed]
[197] | 374 | ;
| 375 | ;$format{"c"} = 21; # n/a [StringsCompress Processed]
| 376 | ;$format{"2-I"} = 22; # must be even [StringsCompress Processed]
| 377 | ;$format{"u"} = 23; # must be odd [StringsCompress Processed]
| 378 | ;$format{"5-u"} = 24; # must be even [StringsCompress Processed]
| 379 | ;$format{"x"} = 25; # must be odd [StringsCompress Processed]
| 380 | ;$format{"5-x"} = 26; # must be even [StringsCompress Processed]
| 381 | ;$format{"nl"} = 27; # n/a [StringsCompress Processed]
| 382 | ;$format{"2-u"} = 28; # must be even [StringsCompress Processed]
| 383 | ;$format{"A"} = 29; # n/a [StringsCompress Processed]
[241] | 384 | ;$format{"s"} = 30; # n/a, normal string from DS [StringsCompress Processed]
| 385 | ;$format{"z"} = 31; # n/a, boot string from BDA [StringsCompress Processed]
[197] | 386 | ;
| 387 | ; NOTE: The last $format cannot exceed 31 (stored in a 5-bit quantity).
| 388 | ;
| 389 | ; Starting point for the "normal" range, typically around 0x40 to cover upper and lower case
[252] | 390 | ; letters. If lower case 'z' is not used, 0x3a can be a good choice as it adds ':' to the
[197] | 391 | ; front end.
| 392 | ;
| 393 | ;$normal_base = 0x3a; [StringsCompress Processed]
| 394 | ;
| 395 | ; End of StringsCompress.pl information
| 396 | ;
| 397 | ;;; end of input stream
| 398 |
[334] | 399 | %endif ; STRINGSCOMPRESSED_STRINGS
| 400 |
| 402 |
[189] | 403 | StringsCompressed_NormalBase equ 58
| 404 |
[233] | 405 | StringsCompressed_FormatsBegin equ 21
[189] | 406 |
[186] | 407 | StringsCompressed_TranslatesAndFormats:
| 408 | db 32 ; 0
| 409 | db 172 ; 1
| 410 | db 171 ; 2
| 411 | db 179 ; 3
| 412 | db 175 ; 4
| 413 | db 33 ; 5
| 414 | db 34 ; 6
| 415 | db 44 ; 7
| 416 | db 45 ; 8
| 417 | db 46 ; 9
| 418 | db 47 ; 10
| 419 | db 49 ; 11
| 420 | db 50 ; 12
| 421 | db 51 ; 13
| 422 | db 52 ; 14
| 423 | db 53 ; 15
| 424 | db 54 ; 16
| 425 | db 56 ; 17
| 426 | db 200 ; 18
| 427 | db 181 ; 19
[233] | 428 | db 48 ; 20
[189] | 429 | db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_c) ; 21
| 430 | db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_2_I) ; 22
| 431 | db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_u) ; 23
| 432 | db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_5_u) ; 24
| 433 | db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_x) ; 25
| 434 | db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_5_x) ; 26
| 435 | db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_nl) ; 27
| 436 | db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_2_u) ; 28
| 437 | db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_A) ; 29
[233] | 438 | db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_s) ; 30
[241] | 439 | db (DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_z) ; 31
[186] | 440 |
[194] | 441 | %ifndef CHECK_FOR_UNUSED_ENTRYPOINTS
[189] | 442 | %if DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset < DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_c || DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_c > 255
| 443 | %error "DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_c is out of range of DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset"
| 444 | %endif
| 445 | %if DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset < DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_2_I || DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_2_I > 255
| 446 | %error "DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_2_I is out of range of DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset"
| 447 | %endif
| 448 | %if DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset < DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_u || DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_u > 255
| 449 | %error "DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_u is out of range of DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset"
| 450 | %endif
| 451 | %if DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset < DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_5_u || DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_5_u > 255
| 452 | %error "DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_5_u is out of range of DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset"
| 453 | %endif
| 454 | %if DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset < DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_x || DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_x > 255
| 455 | %error "DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_x is out of range of DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset"
| 456 | %endif
| 457 | %if DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset < DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_5_x || DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_5_x > 255
| 458 | %error "DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_5_x is out of range of DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset"
| 459 | %endif
| 460 | %if DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset < DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_nl || DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_nl > 255
| 461 | %error "DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_nl is out of range of DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset"
| 462 | %endif
| 463 | %if DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset < DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_2_u || DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_2_u > 255
| 464 | %error "DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_2_u is out of range of DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset"
| 465 | %endif
| 466 | %if DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset < DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_A || DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_A > 255
| 467 | %error "DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_A is out of range of DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset"
| 468 | %endif
[233] | 469 | %if DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset < DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_s || DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_s > 255
| 470 | %error "DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_s is out of range of DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset"
[194] | 471 | %endif
[241] | 472 | %if DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset < DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_z || DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset - DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_z > 255
| 473 | %error "DisplayFormatCompressed_Format_z is out of range of DisplayFormatCompressed_BaseFormatOffset"
[233] | 474 | %endif
[241] | 475 | %endif
[189] | 476 |
| 477 | ;; translated usage stats
[241] | 478 | ;; 33:1
[392] | 479 | ;; 32:22
[241] | 480 | ;; 181:1
| 481 | ;; 53:2
| 482 | ;; 48:2
| 483 | ;; 200:1
| 484 | ;; 46:3
| 485 | ;; 179:8
| 486 | ;; 44:1
[334] | 487 | ;; 50:3
[241] | 488 | ;; 51:3
[252] | 489 | ;; 47:2
[241] | 490 | ;; 52:1
| 491 | ;; 172:2
| 492 | ;; 34:3
| 493 | ;; 49:1
[285] | 494 | ;; 56:6
[241] | 495 | ;; 45:3
| 496 | ;; 175:1
| 497 | ;; 171:2
| 498 | ;; 54:1
| 499 | ;; total translated: 21
[189] | 500 |
[186] | 501 | ;; format usage stats
| 502 | ;; A:4
| 503 | ;; 2-u:1
[241] | 504 | ;; 5-u:2
[392] | 505 | ;; x:5
| 506 | ;; s:13
[186] | 507 | ;; 5-x:1
[415] | 508 | ;; nl:9
[197] | 509 | ;; 2-I:1
[392] | 510 | ;; c:9
[241] | 511 | ;; u:6
| 512 | ;; z:1
| 513 | ;; total format: 11
[186] | 514 |
| 515 | ;; alphabet usage stats
[334] | 516 | ;; 58,::2
[186] | 517 | ;; 59,;:
| 518 | ;; 60,<:
| 519 | ;; 61,=:
| 520 | ;; 62,>:
| 521 | ;; 63,?:
| 522 | ;; 64,@:1
[262] | 523 | ;; 65,A:3
[241] | 524 | ;; 66,B:9
[233] | 525 | ;; 67,C:4
[334] | 526 | ;; 68,D:10
| 527 | ;; 69,E:2
[186] | 528 | ;; 70,F:3
[334] | 529 | ;; 71,G:2
[186] | 530 | ;; 72,H:4
[334] | 531 | ;; 73,I:1
[186] | 532 | ;; 74,J:
[233] | 533 | ;; 75,K:1
[334] | 534 | ;; 76,L:4
[285] | 535 | ;; 77,M:4
[334] | 536 | ;; 78,N:1
[392] | 537 | ;; 79,O:1
[334] | 538 | ;; 80,P:2
[186] | 539 | ;; 81,Q:1
[334] | 540 | ;; 82,R:5
| 541 | ;; 83,S:6
[186] | 542 | ;; 84,T:
[334] | 543 | ;; 85,U:2
[186] | 544 | ;; 86,V:
| 545 | ;; 87,W:
| 546 | ;; 88,X:1
| 547 | ;; 89,Y:
| 548 | ;; 90,Z:
[392] | 549 | ;; 91,[:2
[186] | 550 | ;; 92,\:
[392] | 551 | ;; 93,]:2
[186] | 552 | ;; 94,^:
| 553 | ;; 95,_:
| 554 | ;; 96,`:
[262] | 555 | ;; 97,a:7
[186] | 556 | ;; 98,b:
[262] | 557 | ;; 99,c:5
[334] | 558 | ;; 100,d:6
| 559 | ;; 101,e:15
[392] | 560 | ;; 102,f:1
[186] | 561 | ;; 103,g:2
| 562 | ;; 104,h:
[334] | 563 | ;; 105,i:9
[186] | 564 | ;; 106,j:
| 565 | ;; 107,k:4
[262] | 566 | ;; 108,l:5
[186] | 567 | ;; 109,m:1
[392] | 568 | ;; 110,n:11
[334] | 569 | ;; 111,o:17
[186] | 570 | ;; 112,p:3
| 571 | ;; 113,q:
[392] | 572 | ;; 114,r:11
[334] | 573 | ;; 115,s:7
[262] | 574 | ;; 116,t:12
[392] | 575 | ;; 117,u:4
[334] | 576 | ;; 118,v:3
[186] | 577 | ;; 119,w:1
| 578 | ;; 120,x:
| 579 | ;; 121,y:2
[392] | 580 | ;; alphabet used count: 44
[334] | 581 | %endif ; STRINGSCOMPRESSED_TABLES
| 582 |