1 | ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS
2 | ; Description : Hotkey Bar related functions.
3 |
4 | ;
5 | ; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools
6 | ; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2013 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team.
7 | ;
8 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 | ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 | ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 | ; (at your option) any later version.
12 | ;
13 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 | ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 | ; GNU General Public License for more details.
17 | ; Visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
18 | ;
19 |
20 | ; Section containing code
21 | SECTION .text
22 |
23 |
24 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
25 | ; Handler for INT 08h System Timer Tick.
26 | ; Reads key presses and draws hotkey bar.
27 | ;
28 | ; HotkeyBar_TimerTickHandler
29 | ; Parameters:
30 | ; Nothing
31 | ; Returns:
32 | ; Nothing
33 | ; Corrupts registers:
34 | ; Nothing
35 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
37 | HotkeyBar_TimerTickHandler:
38 | push es
39 | %ifndef USE_186 ; LOAD_BDA_SEGMENT_TO will corrupt AX on 8088/8086
40 | push ax
41 | %endif
43 |
44 | ; Call previous handler
45 | pushf
46 | call FAR [es:BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.fpPrevTimerHandler]
47 |
48 | ; Update Hotkeybar (process key input and draw) every fourth tick
49 | test BYTE [es:BDA.dwTimerTicks], 11b
50 | jnz SHORT .ReturnFromHandler
51 |
52 | push ds
53 | %ifdef USE_186
54 | pusha
55 | %else
56 | push di
57 | push si
58 | push dx
59 | push cx
60 | %endif
61 | call RamVars_GetSegmentToDS
62 | call HotkeyBar_UpdateDuringDriveDetection
63 | %ifdef USE_186
64 | popa
65 | %else
66 | pop cx
67 | pop dx
68 | pop si
69 | pop di
70 | %endif
71 | pop ds
72 |
73 | .ReturnFromHandler:
74 | %ifndef USE_186
75 | pop ax
76 | %endif
77 | pop es
78 | iret
79 |
80 |
81 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
82 | ; Scans key presses and draws any hotkey changes.
83 | ;
84 | ; HotkeyBar_UpdateDuringDriveDetection
85 | ; Parameters:
86 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
87 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
88 | ; Returns:
89 | ; Nothing
90 | ; Corrupts registers:
91 | ; AX, CX, DX, SI, DI
92 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
93 | HotkeyBar_UpdateDuringDriveDetection:
94 | call ScanHotkeysFromKeyBufferAndStoreToBootvars
95 |
96 | ; If ESC pressed, abort detection by forcing timeout
97 | cmp al, ESC_SCANCODE
98 | jne SHORT .ContinueDrawing
99 | mov BYTE [RAMVARS.bTimeoutTicksLeft], 0
100 | .ContinueDrawing:
101 | ; Fall to HotkeyBar_DrawToTopOfScreen
102 |
103 |
104 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
105 | ; HotkeyBar_DrawToTopOfScreen
106 | ; Parameters:
107 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
108 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
109 | ; Returns:
110 | ; Nothing
111 | ; Corrupts registers:
112 | ; AX, CX, DX, SI, DI
113 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
114 | HotkeyBar_DrawToTopOfScreen:
115 | ; Store current screen coordinates to stack
116 | ; (to be restored when Hotkey Bar is rendered)
117 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY GetSoftwareCoordinatesToAX
118 | push ax
119 |
120 | ; Move cursor to top left corner (0, 0)
121 | mov ax, es
122 | call HotkeyBar_SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX
123 | ; Fall to .PrintFloppyDriveHotkeys
124 |
125 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
126 | ; .PrintFloppyDriveHotkeys
127 | ; Parameters:
128 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
129 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
130 | ; Returns:
131 | ; Nothing
132 | ; Corrupts registers:
133 | ; AX, CX, DX, SI, DI
134 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
135 | .PrintFloppyDriveHotkeys:
136 | call FloppyDrive_GetCountToAX
137 | xchg cx, ax ; Any Floppy Drives?
138 | jcxz .SkipFloppyDriveHotkeys
139 |
141 | mov cl, [es:BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.bFddLetter]
142 | mov di, g_szFDD
143 |
144 | ; Clear CH if floppy drive is selected for boot
145 | %if 0 ; Not needed until more flags added
146 | mov ch, FLG_HOTKEY_HD_FIRST
147 | and ch, [es:BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.bFlags]
148 | %else
149 | mov ch, [es:BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.bFlags]
150 | %endif
151 | call FormatDriveHotkeyString
152 |
153 | .SkipFloppyDriveHotkeys:
154 | ; Fall to .PrintHardDriveHotkeys
155 |
156 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
157 | ; .PrintHardDriveHotkeys
158 | ; Parameters:
159 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
160 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
161 | ; Returns:
162 | ; Nothing
163 | ; Corrupts registers:
164 | ; AX, CX, DX, SI, DI
165 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
166 | call BootVars_GetLetterForFirstHardDriveToAX
167 | mov ah, ANGLE_QUOTE_RIGHT
168 | mov cx, [es:BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.wHddLetterAndFlags] ; Letter to CL, flags to CH
169 | ;and ch, FLG_HOTKEY_HD_FIRST ; Not needed until more flags added
170 | xor ch, FLG_HOTKEY_HD_FIRST ; Clear CH if HD is selected for boot, set otherwise
171 | mov di, g_szHDD
172 | call FormatDriveHotkeyString
173 | ; Fall to .PrintBootMenuHotkey
174 |
175 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
176 | ; .PrintBootMenuHotkey
177 | ; Parameters:
178 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
179 | ; Returns:
180 | ; Nothing
181 | ; Corrupts registers:
182 | ; AX, CX, DX, SI, DI
183 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
184 | .PrintBootMenuHotkey:
185 | %ifdef MODULE_BOOT_MENU
186 | mov ax, BOOT_MENU_HOTKEY_SCANCODE | ('2' << 8)
187 | mov di, g_szBootMenu
188 | call FormatFunctionHotkeyString
189 | %endif
190 | ; Fall to .PrintComDetectHotkey
191 |
192 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
193 | ; .PrintComDetectHotkey
194 | ; Parameters:
195 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
196 | ; Returns:
197 | ; Nothing
198 | ; Corrupts registers:
199 | ; AX, CX, DX, SI, DI
200 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
201 | .PrintComDetectHotkey:
202 | %ifdef MODULE_SERIAL
203 | mov ax, COM_DETECT_HOTKEY_SCANCODE | ('6' << 8)
204 | mov di, g_szHotComDetect
205 | call FormatFunctionHotkeyString
206 | %endif
207 | ; Fall to .PrintRomBootHotkey
208 |
209 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
210 | ; .PrintRomBootHotkey
211 | ; Parameters:
212 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
213 | ; Returns:
214 | ; Nothing
215 | ; Corrupts registers:
216 | ; AX, CX, DX, SI, DI
217 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
218 | .PrintRomBootHotkey:
219 | mov ax, ROM_BOOT_HOTKEY_SCANCODE | ('8' << 8)
220 | mov di, g_szRomBoot
221 | call FormatFunctionHotkeyString
222 | ; Fall to .EndHotkeyBarRendering
223 |
224 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
225 | ; .EndHotkeyBarRendering
226 | ; Parameters:
227 | ; Stack: Screen coordinates before drawing Hotkey Bar
228 | ; Returns:
229 | ; Nothing
230 | ; Corrupts registers:
231 | ; AX, CX, DI
232 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
233 | .EndHotkeyBarRendering:
234 | ; Clear the rest of the top row
236 | eMOVZX cx, al
237 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY GetSoftwareCoordinatesToAX
238 | sub cl, al
239 | mov al, ' '
240 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintRepeatedCharacterFromALwithCountInCX
241 |
242 | ; Restore the saved coordinates from stack
243 | pop ax
244 | ; Fall to HotkeyBar_SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX
245 |
246 |
247 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
248 | ; HotkeyBar_SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX
249 | ; Parameters:
250 | ; Nothing
251 | ; Returns:
252 | ; Nothing
253 | ; Corrupts registers:
254 | ; AX, DI
255 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
256 | HotkeyBar_SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX:
257 | JMP_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX
258 |
259 |
260 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
261 | ; FormatDriveHotkeyString
262 | ; Parameters:
263 | ; CH: Zero if letter in CL is selected for boot
264 | ; CL: Drive letter hotkey from BOOTVARS
265 | ; AL: First character for drive key string
266 | ; AH: Second character for drive key string (ANGLE_QUOTE_RIGHT)
267 | ; SI: Offset to hotkey description string
268 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
269 | ; Returns:
270 | ; Nothing
271 | ; Corrupts registers:
272 | ; AX, CX, DX, SI, DI
273 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
274 | FormatDriveHotkeyString:
275 | ; Invalid scancodes are filtered on HotkeyBar_StoreHotkeyToBootvarsIfValidKeystrokeInAX
276 | ; so here we have either drive letter or function key pressed. If latter, draw
277 | ; drive letters as unselected
279 | jae SHORT GetNonSelectedHotkeyDescriptionAttributeToDX
280 |
281 | ; Drive selected to boot from?
282 | test ch, ch
283 | jnz SHORT GetNonSelectedHotkeyDescriptionAttributeToDX
284 | jmp SHORT GetSelectedHotkeyDescriptionAttributeToDX
285 |
286 |
287 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
288 | ; FormatFunctionHotkeyString
289 | ; Parameters:
290 | ; AL: Scancode of function key, to know which if any to show as selected
291 | ; Later replaced with an 'F' for the call to the output routine
292 | ; AH: Second character for drive key string
293 | ; SI: Offset to hotkey description string
294 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
295 | ; Returns:
296 | ; Nothing
297 | ; Corrupts registers:
298 | ; AX, CX, DX, SI, DI
299 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
300 | FormatFunctionHotkeyString:
301 | xor cx, cx ; Null character, eaten in output routines
302 |
303 | cmp [es:BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.bScancode], al
304 | mov al, 'F' ; Replace scancode with character for output
305 |
306 | %ifdef MODULE_BOOT_MENU
307 |
308 | GetSelectedHotkeyDescriptionAttributeToDX:
309 | mov si, ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cHighlightedItem ; Selected hotkey
310 | je SHORT GetDescriptionAttributeToDX ; From compare with bScancode above and from FormatDriveHotkeyString
311 |
312 | GetNonSelectedHotkeyDescriptionAttributeToDX:
313 | mov si, ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cItem ; Unselected hotkey
314 |
315 | ; Display Library should not be called like this
316 | GetDescriptionAttributeToDX:
317 | xchg dx, ax
318 | call MenuAttribute_GetToAXfromTypeInSI
319 | xchg dx, ax ; DX = Description attribute
320 | ;; fall through to PushHotkeyParamsAndFormat
321 |
322 |
323 | %else ; if no MODULE_BOOT_MENU - No boot menu so use simpler attributes
324 |
325 | GetSelectedHotkeyDescriptionAttributeToDX:
327 | je SHORT SelectAttributeFromDHorDLbasedOnVideoMode ; From compare with bScancode above and from FormatDriveHotkeyString
328 |
329 | GetNonSelectedHotkeyDescriptionAttributeToDX:
331 |
332 | SelectAttributeFromDHorDLbasedOnVideoMode:
333 | mov ch, [es:BDA.bVidMode] ; We only need to preserve CL
334 | shr ch, 1
335 | jnc SHORT .AttributeLoadedToDL ; Black & White modes
336 | shr ch, 1
337 | jnz SHORT .AttributeLoadedToDL ; MDA
338 | mov dl, dh
339 | .AttributeLoadedToDL:
340 | ;; fall through to PushHotkeyParamsAndFormat
341 |
342 | %endif ; MODULE_BOOT_MENU
343 |
344 |
345 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
346 | ; PushHotkeyParamsAndFormat
347 | ; Parameters:
348 | ; AL: First character
349 | ; AH: Second character
350 | ; DX: Description Attribute
351 | ; CX: Description string parameter
352 | ; CS:DI: Description string
353 | ; Returns:
354 | ; Nothing
355 | ; Corrupts registers:
356 | ; AX, SI, DI
357 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
358 | PushHotkeyParamsAndFormat:
359 | push bp
360 | mov bp, sp
361 |
362 | mov si, MONO_BRIGHT
363 |
364 | push si ; Key attribute
365 | push ax ; First Character
366 | mov al, ah
367 | push ax ; Second Character
368 |
369 | push dx ; Description attribute
370 | push di ; Description string
371 | push cx ; Description string parameter
372 |
373 | push si ; Key attribute for last space
374 |
375 | mov si, g_szHotkey
376 | jmp DetectPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
377 |
378 |
379 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
380 | ; HotkeyBar_StoreDefaultDriveLettersToHotkeyVars
381 | ; Parameters:
382 | ; ES: BDA Segment
383 | ; Returns:
384 | ; Nothing
385 | ; Corrupts registers:
386 | ; AX
387 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
388 | HotkeyBar_StoreDefaultDriveLettersToHotkeyVars:
389 | call BootVars_GetLetterForFirstHardDriveToAX
391 | xchg al, ah
392 | mov [es:BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.wFddAndHddLetters], ax
393 | ret
394 |
395 |
396 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
397 | ; HotkeyBar_InitializeVariables
398 | ; Parameters:
399 | ; DS: RAMVARS Segment
400 | ; ES: BDA Segment
401 | ; Returns:
402 | ; Nothing
403 | ; Corrupts registers:
404 | ; AX, CX, DX, DI
405 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
406 | HotkeyBar_InitializeVariables:
407 | push ds
408 | push es
409 | pop ds
410 |
411 | ; Store System Timer Tick handler and install our hotkeybar handler
413 | mov [BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.fpPrevTimerHandler], ax
414 | mov ax, [BIOS_SYSTEM_TIMER_TICK_INTERRUPT_08h*4+2]
415 | mov [BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.fpPrevTimerHandler+2], ax
417 | mov si, HotkeyBar_TimerTickHandler
418 | call Interrupts_InstallHandlerToVectorInALFromCSSI
419 |
420 | ; Store time when hotkeybar is displayed
421 | ; (it will be displayed after initialization is complete)
422 | mov ax, [BDA.dwTimerTicks]
423 | mov [BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.wTimeWhenDisplayed], ax
424 |
425 | pop ds
426 |
427 | ; Initialize HOTKEYVARS by storing default drives to boot from
428 | call HotkeyBar_StoreDefaultDriveLettersToHotkeyVars
429 | mov dl, [cs:ROMVARS.bBootDrv]
430 | ; Fall to HotkeyBar_StoreHotkeyToBootvarsForDriveNumberInDL
431 |
432 |
433 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
434 | ; HotkeyBar_StoreHotkeyToBootvarsForDriveNumberInDL
435 | ; Parameters:
436 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
437 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
438 | ; DL: Drive Number
439 | ; Returns:
440 | ; Nothing
441 | ; Corrupts registers:
442 | ; AX, CX, DL, DI
443 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
444 | HotkeyBar_StoreHotkeyToBootvarsForDriveNumberInDL:
445 | call DriveXlate_ConvertDriveNumberFromDLtoDriveLetter
446 | ; Fall to StoreHotkeyToBootvarsForDriveLetterInDL
447 |
448 |
449 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
450 | ; StoreHotkeyToBootvarsForDriveLetterInDL
451 | ; Parameters:
452 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
453 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
454 | ; DL: Drive Letter ('A'...)
455 | ; Returns:
456 | ; Nothing
457 | ; Corrupts registers:
458 | ; AX, CX, DI
459 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
460 | StoreHotkeyToBootvarsForDriveLetterInDL:
461 | eMOVZX ax, dl
462 | or al, 32 ; Upper case drive letter to lower case keystroke
463 | jmp SHORT HotkeyBar_StoreHotkeyToBootvarsIfValidKeystrokeInAX
464 |
465 |
466 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
467 | ; ScanHotkeysFromKeyBufferAndStoreToBootvars
468 | ; Parameters:
469 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
470 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
471 | ; Returns:
472 | ; AL: Last scancode value
473 | ; Corrupts registers:
474 | ; AH, CX
475 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
476 | ScanHotkeysFromKeyBufferAndStoreToBootvars:
477 | call Keyboard_GetKeystrokeToAX
478 | jz SHORT NoHotkeyToProcess
479 |
480 | ; Prepare to read another key from buffer
481 | ePUSH_T cx, ScanHotkeysFromKeyBufferAndStoreToBootvars
482 | ; Fall to HotkeyBar_StoreHotkeyToBootvarsIfValidKeystrokeInAX
483 |
484 |
485 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
486 | ; HotkeyBar_StoreHotkeyToBootvarsIfValidKeystrokeInAX
487 | ; Parameters:
488 | ; AL: Hotkey ASCII code
489 | ; AH: Hotkey Scancode
490 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
491 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
492 | ; Returns:
493 | ; AL: Last scancode seen
494 | ; CF: Set if valid hotkey in AL
495 | ; Clear if scancode in AL is not for any hotkey
496 | ; Corrupts registers:
497 | ; AH, CX, DI
498 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
499 | HotkeyBar_StoreHotkeyToBootvarsIfValidKeystrokeInAX:
500 | mov di, BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.bScancode
501 |
502 | ; All scancodes are saved, even if it wasn't a drive letter,
503 | ; which also covers our function key case. Invalid function keys
504 | ; will not do anything (won't be printed, won't be accepted as input)
505 | mov [es:di], ah
506 |
507 | ; Drive letter hotkeys remaining, allow 'a' to 'z'
508 | call Char_IsLowerCaseLetterInAL
509 | jnc SHORT .KeystrokeIsNotValidDriveLetter
510 | and al, ~32 ; We want to print upper case letters
511 |
512 | ; Clear HD First flag to assume Floppy Drive hotkey
513 | dec di
514 | and BYTE [es:di], ~FLG_HOTKEY_HD_FIRST
515 |
516 | ; Determine if Floppy or Hard Drive hotkey
517 | xchg cx, ax
518 | call BootVars_GetLetterForFirstHardDriveToAX
519 | cmp cl, al
520 | jb SHORT .StoreDriveLetter ; Store Floppy Drive letter
521 |
522 | ; Store Hard Drive letter
523 | or BYTE [es:di], FLG_HOTKEY_HD_FIRST
524 |
525 | .StoreDriveLetter:
526 | sbb di, BYTE 1 ; Sub CF if Floppy Drive
527 | xchg ax, cx
528 | stosb
529 | stc ; Valid hotkey scancode returned in AL
530 |
531 | .KeystrokeIsNotValidDriveLetter:
532 | NoHotkeyToProcess:
533 | mov al, [es:BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.bScancode]
534 | ret
535 |
536 |
537 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
538 | ; HotkeyBar_GetBootDriveNumbersToDX
539 | ; Parameters:
540 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
541 | ; ES: BDA segment (zero)
542 | ; Returns:
543 | ; DX: Drives selected as boot device, DL is primary
544 | ; Corrupts registers:
545 | ; AX
546 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
547 | HotkeyBar_GetBootDriveNumbersToDX:
548 | mov dx, [es:BOOTVARS.hotkeyVars+HOTKEYVARS.wFddAndHddLetters]
549 |
550 | ; HotkeyBar_GetBootDriveNumbersToDX is called when all drives are detected and
551 | ; drive letters are known.
552 | ; Replace unavailable hard drive letter with first hard drive.
553 | ; If we have boot menu, it will be displayed instead.
554 | %ifndef MODULE_BOOT_MENU
555 | call BootVars_GetLetterForFirstHardDriveToAX
556 | mov ah, al
557 | add al, [es:BDA.bHDCount] ; AL now contains first unavailable HD letter
558 | cmp dh, al ; Unavailable drive?
559 | jb SHORT .ValidHardDriveLetterInDH
560 | mov dh, ah ; Replace unavailable drive with first drive
561 | .ValidHardDriveLetterInDH:
562 | %endif
563 |
565 | jnz SHORT .noflip
566 | xchg dl, dh
567 | .noflip:
568 | call DriveXlate_ConvertDriveLetterInDLtoDriveNumber
569 | xchg dl, dh
570 | ; Fall to HotkeyBar_FallThroughTo_DriveXlate_ConvertDriveLetterInDLtoDriveNumber
571 |
572 | HotkeyBar_FallThroughTo_DriveXlate_ConvertDriveLetterInDLtoDriveNumber:
573 |