; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS ; Description : Functions for printing boot menu strings. ; ; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools ; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2013 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; Visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html ; ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; BootMenuPrint_RefreshItem ; ; Parameters: ; CX: Index of highlighted item ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; Does not matter ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- BootMenuPrint_RefreshItem: push bp mov bp, sp call BootMenu_GetDriveToDXforMenuitemInCX mov si, g_szRomBootDash ; Standard "Rom Boot" but with a "-" at the front mov al, 20h ; The space between "Rom" and "Boot" jnc SHORT .ROMBoot ; display "Rom Boot" option for last entry call FindDPT_ForDriveNumberInDL jc SHORT .notOurs call DriveDetectInfo_ConvertDPTtoBX mov si, g_szDriveNumBOOTNFO ; special g_szDriveNum that prints from BDA jmp SHORT .go .notOurs: mov si, g_szDriveNum mov bx, g_szForeignHD ; assume a hard disk for the moment test dl, dl js SHORT .go mov bl, ((g_szFloppyDrv)-$$ & 0xff) ; and revisit the earlier assumption... .go: mov ax, dx ; preserve DL for the floppy drive letter addition call DriveXlate_ToOrBack cmp dl, 10h ; Check if there is a character in the upper nibble sbb si, 0 ; If not, backup a character to a leading space push dx ; translated drive number push bx ; sub string add al, 'A' ; floppy drive letter (we always push this although ; the hard disks don't ever use it, but it does no harm) .ROMBoot: push ax jmp SHORT BootMenuPrint_RefreshInformation.FormatRelay ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Prints Boot Menu title strings. ; ; BootMenuPrint_TitleStrings ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; CF: Set since menu event handled ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, SI, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- BootMenuPrint_TitleStrings: xor di, di ; Null character will be eaten mov si, g_szBootMenuTitle jmp DetectPrint_RomFoundAtSegment.BootMenuEntry ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; BootMenuPrint_RefreshInformation ; Parameters: ; CX: Index of highlighted item ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; Returns: ; CF: Set since menu event was handled successfully ; Corrupts registers: ; Does not matter ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- BootMenuPrint_RefreshInformation: CALL_MENU_LIBRARY ClearInformationArea call BootMenu_GetDriveToDXforMenuitemInCX jnc SHORT BootMenuEvent_Completed ; nothing to display if "Rom Boot" option push bp mov bp, sp mov si, g_szCapacity ; Setup print string now, carries through to print call call FindDPT_ForDriveNumberInDL inc dl ; are we a hard disk? dec dl ; inc/dec will set SF, without modifying CF or DL js SHORT .HardDiskRefreshInformation jnc SHORT .ours ; Based on CF from FindDPT_ForDriveNumberInDL above call FloppyDrive_GetType ; Get Floppy Drive type to BX jmp SHORT .around .ours: call AH8h_GetDriveParameters .around: mov ax, g_szFddSizeOr ; .PrintXTFloppyType test bl, bl ; Two possibilities? (FLOPPY_TYPE_525_OR_35_DD) jz SHORT .PushAXAndOutput mov al, (g_szFddUnknown - $$) & 0xff ; .PrintUnknownFloppyType cmp bl, FLOPPY_TYPE_35_ED ja SHORT .PushAXAndOutput ; Fall to .PrintKnownFloppyType ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .PrintKnownFloppyType ; Parameters: ; BX: Floppy drive type ; Returns: ; CF: Set since menu event was handled successfully ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, SI, DI ; ; Floppy Drive Types: ; ; 0 Handled above ; 1 FLOPPY_TYPE_525_DD 5 1/4 360K ; 2 FLOPPY_TYPE_525_HD 5 1/4 1.2M ; 3 FLOPPY_TYPE_35_DD 3 1/2 720K ; 4 FLOPPY_TYPE_35_HD 3 1/2 1.44M ; 5 3.5" ED on some BIOSes 3 1/2 2.88M ; 6 FLOPPY_TYPE_35_ED 3 1/2 2.88M ; >6 Unknown, handled above ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- .PrintKnownFloppyType: mov al, (g_szFddSize - $$) & 0xff push ax mov al, (g_szFddThreeHalf - $$) & 0xff cmp bl, FLOPPY_TYPE_525_HD ja SHORT .ThreeHalf mov al, (g_szFddFiveQuarter - $$) & 0xff .ThreeHalf: push ax ; "5 1/4" or "3 1/2" xor bh, bh mov al, FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier mul BYTE [cs:bx+FloppyTypes.rgbCapacity - 1] ; -1 since 0 is handled above and not in the table .PushAXAndOutput: push ax .FormatRelay: jmp DetectPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Prints Hard Disk Menuitem information strings. ; ; BootMenuPrint_HardDiskMenuitemInformation ; Parameters: ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; DI: Zero if foreign drive ; Offset to DPT if our drive ; CF: Set if foreign drive ; Clear if our drive ; Returns: ; CF: Set since menu event was handled successfully ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- .HardDiskRefreshInformation: jc SHORT .HardDiskMenuitemInfoForForeignDrive ; Based on CF from FindDPT_ForDriveNumberInDL (way) above .HardDiskMenuitemInfoForOurDrive: ePUSH_T ax, g_szInformation ; Add substring for our hard disk information %ifdef MODULE_EBIOS ePUSH_T ax, .ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoSizeAndPushForFormat test BYTE [di+DPT.bFlagsLow], FLGL_DPT_LBA %ifdef USE_386 jnz AccessDPT_GetLbaSectorCountToBXDXAX jmp AH15h_GetSectorCountToBXDXAX %else ; ~USE_386 jz SHORT .NoLBA jmp AccessDPT_GetLbaSectorCountToBXDXAX .NoLBA: jmp AH15h_GetSectorCountToBXDXAX %endif %else ; ~MODULE_EBIOS call AH15h_GetSectorCountToBXDXAX jmp SHORT .ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoSizeAndPushForFormat %endif ; MODULE_EBIOS .HardDiskMenuitemInfoForForeignDrive: call DriveXlate_ToOrBack call AH15h_GetSectorCountFromForeignDriveToBXDXAX .ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoSizeAndPushForFormat: ePUSH_T cx, g_szCapacityNum ; Push format substring call Size_ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoKiB mov cx, BYTE_MULTIPLES.kiB call Size_GetSizeToAXAndCharToDLfromBXDXAXwithMagnitudeInCX push ax ; Size in magnitude push cx ; Tenths push dx ; Magnitude character test di, di ; Zero if foreign drive jz SHORT BootMenuPrint_RefreshInformation.FormatRelay %include "BootMenuPrintCfg.asm" ; Inline of code to fill out remainder of information string jmp DetectPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP FloppyTypes: .rgbCapacityMultiplier equ 120 ; Multiplier to reduce word sized values to byte size .rgbCapacity: db 360 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 1 db 1200 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 2 db 720 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 3 db 1440 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 4 db 2880 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 5 db 2880 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 6