; Project name : Menu library ; Description : ASM library to menu system. ; Contains menu cursor functions. ;--------------- Equates ----------------------------- W_OFF_CRSR_STR EQU 0102h ; User string cursor offset ;-------------- Private global variables ------------- ; Section containing initialized data ;SECTION .data ;-------------- Public functions --------------------- ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Returns X and Y coordinates for menu top left corner. ; This function is used for calculating initial coordinates when ; initializing menu for first time. ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; Returns: ; DL: X coordinate for centered menu ; DH: Y coordinate for centered menu ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_GetCenter: mov ah, 0Fh ; Get Current Video Mode int 10h mov dl, ah ; Copy column count to DL sub dl, [bp+MENUVARS.bWidth] ; Subtract menu width from columns shr dl, 1 ; Divide by 2 for start X mov dh, CNT_SCRN_ROW ; Load row count sub dh, [bp+MENUVARS.bHeight] ; Subtract menu height from rows shr dh, 1 ; Divide by 2 for start y ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Sets cursor to start of menu string. ; MenuCrsr_Point1stItem Sets cursor to first menuitem string ; MenuCrsr_PointInfo Sets cursor to info string ; MenuCrsr_PointTitle Sets cursor to title string ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_Point1stItem: xor dx, dx ; Zero DX call MenuCrsr_PointItemBrdr ; Point to item border (left) mov cx, W_OFF_CRSR_STR & 0FFh ; Offset to user string (move X only) jmp MenuCrsr_Move ; Move cursor ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_PointInfo: xor dx, dx ; Zero DX call MenuCrsr_PointNfoBrdr ; Point to Info border (top left) mov cx, W_OFF_CRSR_STR ; Movement from border to user str jmp MenuCrsr_Move ; Move cursor ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_PointTitle: xor dx, dx ; Zero DX call MenuCrsr_PointTitleBrdr ; Point to Title border (top left) mov cx, W_OFF_CRSR_STR ; Movement from border to user str jmp MenuCrsr_Move ; Move cursor ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Sets cursor to start of wanted menuitem string. ; ; MenuCrsr_PointNthItem ; Parameters: ; CX: Menuitem index where to set cursor ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_PointNthItem: push cx push cx call MenuCrsr_Point1stItem ; Point to topmost menuitem pop cx sub cx, [bp+MENUVARS.wItemTop] ; Number of newlines needed jcxz .Return ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .NewLineLoop: call MenuDraw_NewlineStr loop .NewLineLoop ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .Return: pop cx ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Sets cursor to start of menu border. ; MenuCrsr_PointBelowBrdr Sets cursor to below menu bottom border ; MenuCrsr_PointNfoBrdr Sets cursor to top left corner of info borders ; MenuCrsr_PointItemBrdr Sets cursor to first menuitem left border ; MenuCrsr_PointTitleBrdr Sets cursor to top left corner of title borders ; Parameters: ; DX: 0 ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_PointBelowBrdr: mov dh, [bp+MENUVARS.bInfoH] ; Load info height without borders test dh, dh ; Info displayed? jz .BottomOnly ; If not, continue inc dh ; Increment Y for top border ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .BottomOnly: inc dh ; Increment Y for bottom border ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_PointNfoBrdr: add dh, [bp+MENUVARS.bVisCnt] ; Load max number of visible menuitems ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_PointItemBrdr: inc dh ; Add title top border mov al, [bp+MENUVARS.bTitleH] ; Load title height add dh, al ; Add title height to DH test al, al ; Title visible? jz MenuCrsr_PointTitleBrdr ; If not, jump to set cursor inc dh ; Title bottom border ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_PointTitleBrdr: add dx, [bp+MENUVARS.wInitCrsr] ; Add initial cursor position ; Fall to MenuCrsr_SetCursor ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Sets cursor position in DX. ; Parameters: ; DL: Cursor X coordinate ; DH: Cursor Y coordinate ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_SetCursor: mov ah, 02h ; Set Cursor Position and Size SKIP2B bx ; mov bx, ; Fall through to MenuCrsr_GetCursor ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Return cursor position in DX. ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; CL: Cursor start scan line ; CH: Cursor end scan line ; DL: Cursor X coordinate ; DH: Cursor Y coordinate ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ;ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_GetCursor: mov ah, 03h ; Get Cursor Position and Size xor bx, bx ; Zero page int 10h ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Moves cursor from current location. ; Parameters: ; CL: Cursor X coordinate movement (can be negative) ; CH: Cursor Y coordinate movement (can be negative) ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_Move: push cx call MenuCrsr_GetCursor ; Get cursor position to DX pop cx add dl, cl ; Move X add dh, ch ; Move Y jmp MenuCrsr_SetCursor ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Shows cursor that has been hidden. ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, CX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_Show: mov cx, 0607h ; Two line cursor near or at the bottom of cell jmp MenuCrsr_SetShape ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Hides cursor. ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, CX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_Hide: mov cx, 2000h ; Fall to MenuCrsr_SetShape ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Sets cursor shape. ; Parameters: ; CL: Cursor start scan line ; CH: Cursor end scan line ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuCrsr_SetShape: mov ax, 0103h ; Set Text-Mode Cursor Shape ; AL=assumed video mode to prevent lock ups on some BIOSes int 10h ret