1 | ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS
2 | ; Description : Functions for initializing the BIOS.
3 |
4 | ; Section containing code
5 | SECTION .text
6 |
7 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
8 | ; Initializes the BIOS.
9 | ; This function is called from main BIOS ROM search routine.
10 | ;
11 | ; Initialize_FromMainBiosRomSearch
12 | ; Parameters:
13 | ; Nothing
14 | ; Returns:
15 | ; Nothing
16 | ; Corrupts registers:
17 | ; Nothing
18 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
19 | Initialize_FromMainBiosRomSearch:
20 | pushf
21 | push es
22 | push ds
23 | ePUSHA
24 |
26 | call Initialize_ShouldSkip
27 | jnz SHORT .SkipRomInitialization
28 |
29 | %ifdef USE_AT ; Early initialization on AT build
30 | call Initialize_AndDetectDrives
31 | %else ; Late initialization on XT builds
32 | call Int19hLate_InitializeInt19h
33 | %endif
34 | .SkipRomInitialization:
35 | ePOPA
36 | pop ds
37 | pop es
38 | popf
39 | retf
40 |
41 |
42 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
43 | ; Checks if user wants to skip ROM initialization.
44 | ;
45 | ; Initialize_ShouldSkip
46 | ; Parameters:
47 | ; ES: BDA segment
48 | ; Returns:
49 | ; ZF: Cleared if ROM initialization is to be skipped
50 | ; Set to continue ROM initialization
51 | ; Corrupts registers:
52 | ; Nothing
53 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
54 | Initialize_ShouldSkip:
55 | sti ; Enable interrupts
56 | test BYTE [es:BDA.bKBFlgs1], (1<<2) ; Clear ZF if CTRL is held down
57 | ret
58 |
59 |
60 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
61 | ; Initializes the BIOS variables and detects IDE drives.
62 | ;
63 | ; Initialize_AndDetectDrives
64 | ; Parameters:
65 | ; ES: BDA Segment
66 | ; Returns:
67 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
68 | ; Corrupts registers:
69 | ; All
70 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
71 | Initialize_AndDetectDrives:
72 | call DetectPrint_RomFoundAtSegment
73 | call RamVars_Initialize
74 | call Interrupts_InitializeInterruptVectors
75 | call DetectDrives_FromAllIDEControllers
76 | ; Fall to .StoreDptPointersToIntVectors
77 |
78 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
79 | ; .StoreDptPointersToIntVectors
80 | ; Parameters:
81 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
82 | ; ES: BDA and interrupt vector segment (zero)
83 | ; Returns:
84 | ; Nothing
85 | ; Corrupts registers:
86 | ; DX, DI
87 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
88 | .StoreDptPointersToIntVectors:
89 | mov dl, 80h
90 | call FindDPT_ForDriveNumber ; DPT to DS:DI
91 | jnc SHORT .FindForDrive81h ; Store nothing if not our drive
92 | mov [es:INTV_HD0DPT*4], di
93 | mov [es:INTV_HD0DPT*4+2], ds
94 | .FindForDrive81h:
95 | inc dx
96 | call FindDPT_ForDriveNumber
97 | jnc SHORT .ResetDetectedDrives
98 | mov [es:INTV_HD1DPT*4], di
99 | mov [es:INTV_HD1DPT*4+2], ds
100 | ; Fall to .ResetDetectedDrives
101 |
102 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
103 | ; .ResetDetectedDrives
104 | ; Parameters:
105 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
106 | ; Returns:
107 | ; Nothing
108 | ; Corrupts registers:
109 | ; AX, BX, CX, DX, DI
110 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
111 | .ResetDetectedDrives:
112 | jmp AH0h_ResetHardDisksHandledByOurBIOS