; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS ; Description : Various floppy drive related functions that ; Boot Menu uses. ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Checks is floppy drive handler installed to interrupt vector 40h. ; ; FloppyDrive_IsInt40hInstalled ; Parameters: ; ES: BDA and Interrupt Vector segment (zero) ; Returns: ; CF: Set if INT 40h is installed ; Cleared if INT 40h is not installed ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, CX, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- FloppyDrive_IsInt40hInstalled: cmp WORD [es:BIOS_DISKETTE_INTERRUPT_40h*4+2], 0C000h ; Any ROM segment? %ifdef USE_AT ; No need to verify on XT systems. jb SHORT .Int40hHandlerIsNotInstalled call .VerifyInt40hHandlerSinceSomeBiosesSimplyReturnFromInt40h .Int40hHandlerIsNotInstalled: %endif cmc ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .VerifyInt40hHandlerSinceSomeBiosesSimplyReturnFromInt40h ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; CF: Cleared if INT 40h is installed ; Set if INT 40h is not installed ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, CX, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %ifdef USE_AT .VerifyInt40hHandlerSinceSomeBiosesSimplyReturnFromInt40h: push es push dx push ax call .LoadInt40hVerifyParameters int BIOS_DISK_INTERRUPT_13h jc SHORT .Int40hIsInstalled ; Maybe there are not any floppy drives at all push es push di call .LoadInt40hVerifyParameters int BIOS_DISKETTE_INTERRUPT_40h pop dx pop cx cmp dx, di ; Difference in offsets? jne SHORT .Int40hNotInstalled mov dx, es cmp cx, dx ; Difference in segments? je SHORT .Int40hIsInstalled .Int40hNotInstalled: stc .Int40hIsInstalled: pop ax pop dx pop es ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .LoadInt40hVerifyParameters ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; AH: 08h (Get Drive Parameters) ; DL: 00h (floppy drive) ; ES:DI: 0:0h (to guard against BIOS bugs) ; Corrupts registers: ; DH ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- .LoadInt40hVerifyParameters: mov ah, 08h ; Get Drive Parameters cwd ; Floppy drive 0 mov di, dx mov es, dx ; ES:DI = 0000:0000h to guard against BIOS bugs ret %endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Returns floppy drive type. ; PC/XT system do not support AH=08h but FLOPPY_TYPE_525_OR_35_DD ; is still returned for them. ; ; FloppyDrive_GetType ; Parameters: ; DL: Floppy Drive number ; Returns: ; BX: Floppy Drive Type: ; FLOPPY_TYPE_525_OR_35_DD ; FLOPPY_TYPE_525_DD ; FLOPPY_TYPE_525_HD ; FLOPPY_TYPE_35_DD ; FLOPPY_TYPE_35_HD ; FLOPPY_TYPE_35_ED ; CF: Set if AH=08h not supported (XT systems) or error ; Cleared if type read correctly (AT systems) ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, CX, DX, DI, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN FloppyDrive_GetType: mov ah, 08h ; Get Drive Parameters xor bx, bx ; FLOPPY_TYPE_525_OR_35_DD when function not supported int BIOS_DISKETTE_INTERRUPT_40h ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Returns number of Floppy Drives in system. ; ; FloppyDrive_GetCountToAX ; Parameters: ; DS: RAMVARS Segment ; Returns: ; AX: Number of Floppy Drives ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN FloppyDrive_GetCountToAX: %ifdef MODULE_SERIAL_FLOPPY call RamVars_UnpackFlopCntAndFirstToAL adc al,1 ; adds in the drive count bit, and adds 1 for count vs. 0-index, ; but still won't impact SF jns .UseInternalNumber ; need to clear CH on the way out, and add in additional drive numbers %endif call FloppyDrive_GetCountFromBIOS_or_BDA .UseInternalNumber: mov ah, [cs:ROMVARS.bMinFddCnt] MAX_U al, ah cbw ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN FloppyDrive_GetCountFromBIOS_or_BDA: push es ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Reads Floppy Drive Count from BIOS. ; Does not work on most XT systems. Call FloppyDrive_GetCountFromBDA ; if this function fails. ; ; GetCountFromBIOS ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; CL: Number of Floppy Drives ; CF: Cleared if successfull ; Set if BIOS function not supported ; Corrupts registers: ; CH, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %ifdef USE_AT ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .GetCountFromBIOS: push di push dx push bx mov ah, 08h ; Get Drive Parameters cwd ; Floppy Drive 00h int BIOS_DISKETTE_INTERRUPT_40h mov al, dl ; Number of Floppy Drives to AL pop bx pop dx pop di %endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Reads Floppy Drive Count (0...4) from BIOS Data Area. ; This function should be used only if FloppyDrive_GetCountFromBIOS fails. ; ; GetCountFromBDA ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; CL: Number of Floppy Drives ; Corrupts registers: ; CH, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %ifndef USE_AT ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .GetCountFromBDA: LOAD_BDA_SEGMENT_TO es, ax mov al, [es:BDA.wEquipment] ; Load Equipment WORD low byte mov ah, al ; Copy it to CH and ax, 0C001h ; Leave bits 15..14 and 0 eROL_IM ah, 2 ; EW low byte bits 7..6 to 1..0 add al, ah ; CL = Floppy Drive count %endif pop es ret