; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS ; Description : Functions for detecting drive for the BIOS. ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Detects all IDE hard disks to be controlled by this BIOS. ; ; DetectDrives_FromAllIDEControllers ; Parameters: ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; ES: BDA segment (zero) ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; All (not segments) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- DetectDrives_FromAllIDEControllers: call RamVars_GetIdeControllerCountToCX mov bp, ROMVARS.ideVars0 ; CS:BP now points to first IDEVARS .DriveDetectLoop: ; Loop through IDEVARS mov si, g_szDetect ; Setup standard print string %ifdef MODULE_SERIAL cmp byte [cs:bp+IDEVARS.bDevice], DEVICE_SERIAL_PORT jnz .DriveNotSerial ; Special print string for serial drives mov si, g_szDetectCOM .DriveNotSerial: %endif call .DetectDrives_WithIDEVARS ; Detect Master and Slave add bp, BYTE IDEVARS_size ; Point to next IDEVARS loop .DriveDetectLoop %ifdef MODULE_SERIAL call FindDPT_ToDSDIforSerialDevice ; Did we already find any serial drives? jc .done ; Yes, do not scan mov al,[cs:ROMVARS.wFlags] ; Configurator set to always scan? or al,[es:BDA.bKBFlgs1] ; Or, did the user hold down the ALT key? and al,8 ; 8 = alt key depressed, same as FLG_ROMVARS_SERIAL_ALWAYSDETECT jz .done mov bp, ROMVARS.ideVarsSerialAuto ; Point to our special IDEVARS sructure, just for serial scans mov si, g_szDetectCOMAuto ; Special, special print string for serial drives during a scan ;;; fall-through %else ret %endif %if FLG_ROMVARS_SERIAL_SCANDETECT != 8 %error "DetectDrives is currently coded to assume that FLG_ROMVARS_SERIAL_SCANDETECT is the same bit as the ALT key code in the BDA. Changes in the code will be needed if these values are no longer the same." %endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Detects IDE hard disks by using information from IDEVARS. ; ; DetectDrives_WithIDEVARS ; Parameters: ; CS:BP: Ptr to IDEVARS ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; ES: Zero (BDA segment) ; SI: Ptr to template string ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DX, SI, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- .DetectDrives_WithIDEVARS: push cx push si mov ax, g_szMaster mov bh, MASK_DRVNHEAD_SET ; Select Master drive call StartDetectionWithDriveSelectByteInBHandStringInAX ; Detect and create DPT + BOOTNFO pop si %ifdef MODULE_SERIAL ; ; This block of code checks to see if we found a master during a serial drives scan. If no master ; was found, there is no point in scanning for a slave as the server will not return a slave without a master, ; as there is very little point given the drives are emulated. Performing the slave scan will take ; time to rescan all the COM port and baud rate combinations. ; jnc .masterFound pop cx jcxz .done ; note that CX will only be zero after the .DriveDetectLoop, indicating a serial scan push cx .masterFound: %endif mov ax, g_szSlave mov bh, MASK_DRVNHEAD_SET | FLG_DRVNHEAD_DRV call StartDetectionWithDriveSelectByteInBHandStringInAX pop cx .done: ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; StartDetectionWithDriveSelectByteInBHandStringInAX ; Parameters: ; AX: Offset to "Master" or "Slave" string ; BH: Drive Select byte for Drive and Head Register ; CS:BP: Ptr to IDEVARS for the drive ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; ES: Zero (BDA segment) ; Returns: ; CF: Set on failure, Clear on success ; Note that this is set in the last thing both cases ; do: printing the drive name, or printing "Not Found" ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- StartDetectionWithDriveSelectByteInBHandStringInAX: call DetectPrint_StartDetectWithMasterOrSlaveStringInAXandIdeVarsInCSBP ; Fall to .ReadAtaInfoFromHardDisk ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .ReadAtaInfoFromHardDisk ; Parameters: ; BH: Drive Select byte for Drive and Head Register ; CS:BP: Ptr to IDEVARS for the drive ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; ES: Zero (BDA segment) ; Returns: ; CF: Cleared if ATA-information read successfully ; Set if any error ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BL, CX, DX, SI, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- .ReadAtaInfoFromHardDisk: mov si, BOOTVARS.rgbAtaInfo ; ES:SI now points to ATA info location push es push si push bx call Device_IdentifyToBufferInESSIwithDriveSelectByteInBH pop bx pop si pop es jnc SHORT CreateBiosTablesForHardDisk ; Fall to .ReadAtapiInfoFromDrive .ReadAtapiInfoFromDrive: ; Not yet implemented ;call ReadAtapiInfoFromDrive ; Assume CD-ROM ;jnc SHORT _CreateBiosTablesForCDROM jmp short DetectDrives_DriveNotFound ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CreateBiosTablesForHardDisk ; Parameters: ; BH: Drive Select byte for Drive and Head Register ; CS:BP: Ptr to IDEVARS for the drive ; ES:SI Ptr to ATA information for the drive ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; ES: BDA/Bootnfo segment ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- CreateBiosTablesForHardDisk: call CreateDPT_FromAtaInformation jc SHORT DetectDrives_DriveNotFound call BootInfo_CreateForHardDisk jmp short DetectPrint_DriveNameFromBootnfoInESBX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DetectDrives_DriveNotFound ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; CF: Set (from BootMenuPrint_NullTerminatedStringFromCSSIandSetCF) ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, SI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- DetectDrives_DriveNotFound: mov si, g_szNotFound jmp BootMenuPrint_NullTerminatedStringFromCSSIandSetCF