source: xtideuniversalbios/trunk/XTIDE_Universal_BIOS/Src/Initialization/DetectDrives.asm@ 600

Last change on this file since 600 was 599, checked in by Tomi Tilli, 6 years ago

Hotkey bar is now updated and drawn from system timer tick handler 1Ch. This gives much more responsive key input and makes possible to implement some simple detection animation to show that system has not frozen.

File size: 11.2 KB
[150]1; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS
[3]2; Description : Functions for detecting drive for the BIOS.
[491]5; XTIDE Universal BIOS and Associated Tools
[526]6; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Tomi Tilli, 2011-2013 by XTIDE Universal BIOS Team.
8; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11; (at your option) any later version.
[376]13; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
[491]16; GNU General Public License for more details.
[376]17; Visit
[3]20; Section containing code
21SECTION .text
24; Detects all IDE hard disks to be controlled by this BIOS.
26; DetectDrives_FromAllIDEControllers
27; Parameters:
28; DS: RAMVARS segment
29; ES: BDA segment (zero)
30; Returns:
31; Nothing
32; Corrupts registers:
33; All (not segments)
[33]36 call RamVars_GetIdeControllerCountToCX
[3]37 mov bp, ROMVARS.ideVars0 ; CS:BP now points to first IDEVARS
39.DriveDetectLoop: ; Loop through IDEVARS
[233]40 push cx
42 mov cx, g_szDetectMaster
43 mov bh, MASK_DRVNHEAD_SET ; Select Master drive
[294]44 call StartDetectionWithDriveSelectByteInBHandStringInCX ; Detect and create DPT + BOOTNFO
46 mov cx, g_szDetectSlave
[294]48 call StartDetectionWithDriveSelectByteInBHandStringInCX
[580]50%ifdef MODULE_HOTKEYS
52 ; This is only needed for hotkey F6 (ComDtct) to work
53 call ScanHotkeysFromKeyBufferAndStoreToBootvars ; Done here while CX is still protected
[233]57 pop cx
59 add bp, BYTE IDEVARS_size ; Point to next IDEVARS
[242]61%ifdef MODULE_SERIAL
[262]62 jcxz .AddHardDisks ; Set to zero on .ideVarsSerialAuto iteration (if any)
[3]64 loop .DriveDetectLoop
[242]66%ifdef MODULE_SERIAL
[233]69; if serial drive detected, do not scan (avoids duplicate drives and isn't needed - we already have a connection)
[567]71 call FindDPT_ToDSDIforSerialDevice ; Does not modify AX
[262]72 jnc .AddHardDisks
[242]74 mov bp, ROMVARS.ideVarsSerialAuto ; Point to our special IDEVARS structure, just for serial scans
[492]76%ifdef MODULE_HOTKEYS
[580]77 cmp al, COM_DETECT_HOTKEY_SCANCODE ; Set by last call to ScanHotkeysFromKeyBufferAndStoreToBootvars above
[505]78 je .DriveDetectLoop
[568]81 mov al, [cs:ROMVARS.wFlags] ; Configurator set to always scan?
82 or al, [es:BDA.bKBFlgs1] ; Or, did the user hold down the ALT key?
[589]83 and al, 8 ; 8 = alt key depressed, same as FLG_ROMVARS_SERIAL_SCANDETECT
[242]84 jnz .DriveDetectLoop
[580]85%endif ; MODULE_SERIAL
[262]90; Add in hard disks to BDA, finalize our Count and First variables
[269]92; Note that we perform the add to bHDCount and store bFirstDrv even if the count is zero.
93; This is done because we use the value of .bFirstDrv to know how many drives were in the system
94; at the time of boot, and to return that number on int13h/8h calls. Because the count is zero,
95; FindDPT_ForDriveNumber will not find any drives that are ours.
98; Here we might want to replace BIOS configured drives with the ones we detected.
99; Primary reason is to support dynamic overlay feature in the future. Second reason
100; is a hack to get Windows 95 load proper IDE drivers.
[593]102; The Windows hack has two parts. First part is to try to alter CMOS address 12h as that
103; is what Windows 95 driver reads to detect IDE drives. Altering is not possible on all
[596]104; systems since CMOS has a checksum but its location is not standardized. We will first
[593]105; try to detect valid checksum. If it succeeds, then it is safe to assume this system
106; has compatible CMOS and we can alter it.
107; If verify fails, we do the more dirty hack to zero BDA drive count. Then Windows 95 works
108; as long as user has configured at least one drive in the BIOS setup.
113 mov dl, HARD_DISK_TYPES
114 call CMOS_ReadFromIndexInDLtoAL
[598]115 test al, 0F0h
116 jnz SHORT .ClearBdaDriveCount ; CMOS byte 12h is ready for Windows 95
[594]117 call CMOS_Verify10hTo2Dh ; Can we modify CMOS?
[593]118 jnz SHORT .ClearBdaDriveCount ; Unsupported BIOS, use plan B
[598]120 ; Now we can alter CMOS location 12h. Award BIOS locks if we set drive 0 type to Fh
121 ; (but accept changes to drive type 1). Windows 95 requires that the drive 0 type is
122 ; non zero and ignores drive 1 type. So if we only set drive 1, then Award BIOS
123 ; won't give problems but Windows 95 stays in MS-DOS compatibility mode.
124 ;
125 ; For Award BIOSes we could set the Drive 0 type to 1 and then clear the BDA drive count.
126 ; So essentially we could automatically do what user needs to do manually to get Windows 95
127 ; working on Award BIOSes. However, I think that should be left to do manually since
128 ; there may be SCSI drives on the system or FLG_ROMVARS_IGNORE_MOTHERBOARD_DRIVES could
129 ; be intentionally cleared and forcing the dummy drive might cause only trouble.
131 ; Try to detect Award BIOS (Seems to work on a tested 128k BIOS so hopefully
132 ; there will be no need to scan E000h segment)
133 mov cx, 65536 - 4
134 mov eax, 'Awar' ; Four characters should be enough
135 mov di, 0F000h ; Scan 64k starting from segment F000h
136 mov fs, di ; No need to preserve FS since we set it to zero soon when we boot
137 xor di, di
138 .ScanNextCharacters:
139 cmp [fs:di], eax
140 je SHORT .ClearBdaDriveCount ; Award detected, cannot modify CMOS
141 inc di ; Increment offset by one character (not four)
142 loop .ScanNextCharacters
144 ; Now it should be safe to write
[593]145 mov dl, HARD_DISK_TYPES
[598]146 mov al, 0F0h ; Drive 0 type 16...47 (supposed to be defined elsewhere in the CMOS)
[593]147 call CMOS_WriteALtoIndexInDL
148 call CMOS_StoreNewChecksumFor10hto2Dh
150 %endif ; MODULE_WIN95_CMOS_HACK
153 jz SHORT .ContinueInitialization
154 mov BYTE [es:BDA.bHDCount], 0 ; Set hard disk count to zero
[262]158 mov cx, [RAMVARS.wDrvCntAndFlopCnt] ; Our count of hard disks
159 mov al, [es:BDA.bHDCount]
[568]160 add [es:BDA.bHDCount], cl ; Add our drives to the system count
[294]161 or al, 80h ; Or in hard disk flag
162 mov [RAMVARS.bFirstDrv], al ; Store first drive number
168; Add in any emulated serial floppy drives, finalize our packed Count and First variables
170 dec ch
171 mov al, ch
[294]172 js .NoFloppies ; if no drives are present, we store 0ffh
[258]174 call FloppyDrive_GetCountFromBIOS_or_BDA
176 push ax
[262]178 add al, ch ; Add our drives to existing drive count
[258]179 cmp al, 3 ; For BDA, max out at 4 drives (ours is zero based)
[294]180 jb .MaxBDAFloppiesExceeded
181 mov al, 3
183 eROR_IM al, 2 ; move to bits 6-7
184 inc ax ; low order bit, indicating floppy drive exists
[568]186 mov ah, 3Eh ; AND mask to AH (all bits set except floppy drive count/present)
187 and ah, [es:BDA.wEquipment] ; Load Equipment WORD low byte and mask off drive number and drives present bit
[258]188 or al, ah ; Or in new values
189 mov [es:BDA.wEquipment], al ; and store
[568]191 mov al, 1Eh ; BDA pointer to Floppy DPT
[258]192 mov si, AH8h_FloppyDPT
193 call Interrupts_InstallHandlerToVectorInALFromCSSI
195 pop ax
[262]197 shr ch, 1 ; number of drives, 1 or 2 only, to CF flag (clear=1, set=2)
[589]198 eRCL_IM al, 1 ; starting drive number in upper 7 bits, number of drives in low bit
[258]200 mov [RAMVARS.xlateVars+XLATEVARS.bFlopCntAndFirst], al
[3]202 ret
206 %error "DetectDrives is currently coded to assume that FLG_ROMVARS_SERIAL_SCANDETECT is the same bit as the ALT key code in the BDA. Changes in the code will be needed if these values are no longer the same."
207 %endif
[294]212; StartDetectionWithDriveSelectByteInBHandStringInCX
[3]213; Parameters:
214; BH: Drive Select byte for Drive and Head Register
[233]215; CX: Offset to "Master" or "Slave" string
[3]216; CS:BP: Ptr to IDEVARS for the drive
217; DS: RAMVARS segment
218; ES: Zero (BDA segment)
219; Returns:
[567]220; Nothing
[3]221; Corrupts registers:
[473]222; AX, BL, CX, DX, SI, DI
[474]225 call DetectPrint_StartDetectWithMasterOrSlaveStringInCXandIdeVarsInCSBP
226 ; Fall to .ReadAtaInfoFromHardDisk
[120]230; .ReadAtaInfoFromHardDisk
[3]231; Parameters:
232; BH: Drive Select byte for Drive and Head Register
[473]233; DX: Autodetected port (for devices that support autodetection)
[3]234; CS:BP: Ptr to IDEVARS for the drive
235; DS: RAMVARS segment
236; ES: Zero (BDA segment)
237; Returns:
238; CF: Cleared if ATA-information read successfully
239; Set if any error
240; Corrupts registers:
[150]241; AX, BL, CX, DX, SI, DI
[150]244 mov si, BOOTVARS.rgbAtaInfo ; ES:SI now points to ATA info location
245 push es
246 push si
[473]247 push dx
[150]248 push bx
249 call Device_IdentifyToBufferInESSIwithDriveSelectByteInBH
250 pop bx
[473]251 pop dx
[150]252 pop si
253 pop es
[120]254 jnc SHORT CreateBiosTablesForHardDisk
255 ; Fall to .ReadAtapiInfoFromDrive
[120]257.ReadAtapiInfoFromDrive: ; Not yet implemented
258 ;call ReadAtapiInfoFromDrive ; Assume CD-ROM
259 ;jnc SHORT _CreateBiosTablesForCDROM
[203]261 ;jmp short DetectDrives_DriveNotFound
262;;; fall-through instead of previous jmp instruction
264; DetectDrives_DriveNotFound
265; Parameters:
266; Nothing
267; Returns:
[567]268; CF: Set (from DetectPrint_NullTerminatedStringFromCSSIandSetCF)
[203]269; Corrupts registers:
270; AX, SI
[203]273 mov si, g_szNotFound
[386]274 jmp DetectPrint_NullTerminatedStringFromCSSIandSetCF
[98]278; CreateBiosTablesForHardDisk
[3]279; Parameters:
280; BH: Drive Select byte for Drive and Head Register
[473]281; DX: Autodetected port (for devices that support autodetection)
[3]282; CS:BP: Ptr to IDEVARS for the drive
[150]283; ES:SI Ptr to ATA information for the drive
[3]284; DS: RAMVARS segment
[397]285; ES: BDA segment
[3]286; Returns:
[98]287; Nothing
[3]288; Corrupts registers:
[98]289; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI
[580]292%ifndef NO_ATAID_VALIDATION
[441]293 push bx
294 call AtaID_VerifyFromESSI
295 pop bx
[567]296 jnz SHORT DetectDrives_DriveNotFound
[3]298 call CreateDPT_FromAtaInformation
[196]299 jc SHORT DetectDrives_DriveNotFound
[397]300 call DriveDetectInfo_CreateForHardDisk
301 jmp SHORT DetectPrint_DriveNameFromDrvDetectInfoInESBX
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