; File name : Int19h.asm ; Project name : IDE BIOS ; Created date : 3.8.2007 ; Last update : 14.1.2011 ; Author : Tomi Tilli, ; : Krister Nordvall (optimizations) ; Description : Int 19h BIOS functions (Boot Strap Loader). ; Section containing code SECTION .text B_READ_RETRY_TIMES EQU 3 ; Number of times to retry ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Int 19h software interrupt handler for late initialization. ; Calls actual Int 19h after initialization is complete. ; ; Int19h_LateInitialization ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; Never returns ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int19h_LateInitialization: call Initialize_ShouldSkip ; Skip initialization? jc SHORT .SkipInitialization call Initialize_AndDetectDrives int INTV_BOOTSTRAP ; Call actual boot loader .SkipInitialization: call RamVars_Initialize ; RAMVARS must be initialized even for simple boot loader ; Fall to Int19h_SimpleBootLoader ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Simple boot loader. ; Boot sequence is fixed to 00h, 80h and INT 18h. ; ; Int19h_SimpleBootLoader ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; Never returns ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int19h_SimpleBootLoader: sti ; Enable interrupts call RamVars_GetSegmentToDS xor dx, dx call Int19h_TryToLoadBootSectorFromDL jc SHORT Int19h_JumpToBootSector mov dl, 80h call Int19h_TryToLoadBootSectorFromDL jc SHORT Int19h_JumpToBootSector call Int19h_BootFailure ; Should never return jmp SHORT Int19h_SimpleBootLoader ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Boots if boot sector is successfully read from the drive. ; ; Int19h_TryToLoadBootSectorFromDL ; Parameters: ; DL: Drive to boot from (translated, 00h or 80h) ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; Returns: ; ES:BX: Ptr to boot sector (if successfull) ; CF: Set if boot sector loaded succesfully ; Cleared if failed to load boot sector ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, CX, DH, DI, (DL if failed to read boot sector) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int19h_TryToLoadBootSectorFromDL: call BootPrint_TryToBootFromDL call Int19h_LoadFirstSectorFromDL jc SHORT .FailedToLoadFirstSector test dl, 80h jz SHORT .AlwaysBootFromFloppyDriveForBooterGames cmp WORD [es:bx+510], 0AA55h ; Valid boot sector? jne SHORT .FirstHardDiskSectorNotBootable .AlwaysBootFromFloppyDriveForBooterGames: call BootPrint_BootSectorLoaded stc ret .FailedToLoadFirstSector: call BootPrint_FailedToLoadFirstSector clc ret .FirstHardDiskSectorNotBootable: call BootPrint_FirstSectorNotBootable clc ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Reads first sector (boot sector) from drive DL. ; ; Int19h_LoadFirstSectorFromDL ; Parameters: ; DL: Drive to boot from (translated, 00h or 80h) ; Returns: ; AH: INT 13h error code ; ES:BX: Ptr to boot sector (if successfull) ; CF: Cleared if read successfull ; Set if any error ; Corrupts registers: ; AL, CX, DH, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int19h_LoadFirstSectorFromDL: LOAD_BDA_SEGMENT_TO es, bx ; ES:BX now points to... mov bx, BOOTVARS.rgbBootSect ; ...boot sector location mov di, B_READ_RETRY_TIMES ; Retry counter ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ReadRetryLoop: call .ResetBootDriveFromDL call .LoadFirstSectorFromDLtoESBX jnc SHORT .Return dec di ; Decrement retry counter jnz SHORT .ReadRetryLoop ; Loop while retries left ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .Return: ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; .ResetBootDriveFromDL ; Parameters: ; DL: Drive to boot from (translated, 00h or 80h) ; Returns: ; AH: INT 13h error code ; CF: Cleared if read successfull ; Set if any error ; Corrupts registers: ; AL ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ResetBootDriveFromDL: xor ax, ax ; AH=0h, Disk Controller Reset test dl, 80h ; Floppy drive? jz SHORT .ResetDriveFromDL ; If so, jump to reset mov ah, 0Dh ; AH=Dh, Reset Hard Disk (Alternate reset) .ResetDriveFromDL: int INTV_DISK_FUNC ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Reads first sector (boot sector) from drive DL to ES:BX. ; ; .LoadFirstSectorFromDLtoESBX ; Parameters: ; DL: Drive to boot from (translated, 00h or 80h) ; ES:BX: Destination buffer for boot sector ; Returns: ; AH: INT 13h error code ; ES:BX: Ptr to boot sector ; CF: Cleared if read successfull ; Set if any error ; Corrupts registers: ; AL, CX, DH ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .LoadFirstSectorFromDLtoESBX: mov ax, 0201h ; Read 1 sector mov cx, 1 ; Cylinder 0, Sector 1 xor dh, dh ; Head 0 int INTV_DISK_FUNC ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Jumps to boot sector pointed by ES:BX. ; ; Int19h_JumpToBootSector ; Parameters: ; DL: Drive to boot from (translated, 00h or 80h) ; ES:BX: Ptr to boot sector ; Returns: ; Never returns ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int19h_JumpToBootSector: push es ; Push boot sector segment push bx ; Push boot sector offset call Int19h_ClearSegmentsForBoot xor dh, dh ; Device supported by INT 13h retf ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Clears DS and ES registers to zero. ; ; Int19h_ClearSegmentsForBoot ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; DS=ES: Zero ; Corrupts registers: ; AX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int19h_ClearSegmentsForBoot: xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov es, ax ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Calls INT 18h (ROM Basic or Boot Failure). Called after booting from ; floppy drive or hard disk fails. ; ; Int19h_BootFailure ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; Should never return (but might) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int19h_BootFailure: call Int19h_ClearSegmentsForBoot int INTV_BOOT_FAILURE ret