; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS ; Description : Int 13h function AH=43h, Extended Write Sectors. ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Int 13h function AH=43h, Extended Write Sectors. ; ; AH43h_HandlerForExtendedWriteSectors ; Parameters: ; SI: Same as in INTPACK ; DL: Translated Drive number ; DS:DI: Ptr to DPT (in RAMVARS segment) ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK ; Parameters on INTPACK: ; AL: 0 or 1 to write with verify off ; 2 to write with verify (if supported) ; DS:SI: Ptr to Disk Address Packet ; Returns with INTPACK: ; AH: Int 13h return status ; CF: 0 if succesfull, 1 if error ; Return with Disk Address Packet in INTPACK: ; .bSectorCount Number of sectors written successfully ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN AH43h_HandlerForExtendedWriteSectors: cmp BYTE [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.al], 2 ; Verify requested? jae SHORT AH42h_ReturnWithInvalidFunctionError call AH42h_LoadDapToESSIandVerifyForTransfer call CommandLookup_GetEbiosIndexToBX mov ah, [cs:bx+g_rgbWriteCommandLookup] mov bx, TIMEOUT_AND_STATUS_TO_WAIT(TIMEOUT_DRQ, FLG_STATUS_DRQ) %ifdef USE_186 push Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH jmp Idepack_ConvertDapToIdepackAndIssueCommandFromAH %else call Idepack_ConvertDapToIdepackAndIssueCommandFromAH jmp Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH %endif