1 | ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS
2 | ; Description : Int 13h BIOS functions (Floppy and Hard disk).
3 |
4 | ; Section containing code
5 | SECTION .text
6 |
7 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
8 | ; Int 13h software interrupt handler.
9 | ; Jumps to specific function defined in AH.
10 | ;
11 | ; Note to developers: Do not make recursive INT 13h calls!
12 | ;
13 | ; Int13h_DiskFunctionsHandler
14 | ; Parameters:
15 | ; AH: Bios function
16 | ; DL: Drive number
17 | ; Other: Depends on function
18 | ; Returns:
19 | ; Depends on function
20 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
22 | Int13h_DiskFunctionsHandler:
23 | sti ; Enable interrupts
24 | cld ; String instructions to increment pointers
26 |
27 | call RamVars_GetSegmentToDS
28 |
29 | call DriveXlate_ToOrBack
30 | mov [RAMVARS.xlateVars+XLATEVARS.bXlatedDrv], dl
31 |
32 | call FindDPT_ForDriveNumberInDL ; DS:DI points to our DPT, or NULL if not our drive
33 | jnc SHORT .OurFunction ; DPT found, this is one of our drives, and thus our function
34 |
35 | cmp ah, 0
36 | jz short .OurFunction ; we handle all function 0h requests (resets)
37 | cmp ah, 8
39 | jnz SHORT Int13h_DirectCallToAnotherBios ; we handle all traffic for function 08h,
40 | ; as we need to wrap both hard disk and floppy drive counts
41 | %else
42 | jz SHORT .WeHandleTheFunction ; we handle all *hard disk* (only) traffic for function 08h,
43 | ; as we need to wrap the hard disk drive count
44 | test dl, dl
45 | jns SHORT Int13h_DirectCallToAnotherBios
46 | %endif
47 |
48 | .OurFunction:
49 | ; Jump to correct BIOS function
50 | eMOVZX bx, ah
51 | shl bx, 1
52 | cmp ah, 25h ; Possible EBIOS function?
53 | %ifdef MODULE_EBIOS
54 | ja SHORT .JumpToEbiosFunction
55 | %else
56 | ja SHORT Int13h_UnsupportedFunction
57 | %endif
58 | jmp [cs:bx+g_rgw13hFuncJump] ; Jump to BIOS function
59 |
60 | %ifdef MODULE_EBIOS
61 | ; Jump to correct EBIOS function
63 | .JumpToEbiosFunction:
64 | test BYTE [di+DPT.bFlagsLow], FLG_DRVNHEAD_LBA
65 | jz SHORT Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; No eINT 13h for CHS drives
66 | cmp ah, 48h
67 | ja SHORT Int13h_UnsupportedFunction
68 | sub bl, 41h<<1 ; BX = Offset to eINT 13h jump table
69 | jb SHORT Int13h_UnsupportedFunction
70 | jmp [cs:bx+g_rgwEbiosFunctionJumpTable]
71 | %endif
72 |
73 |
74 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
75 | ; Int13h_UnsupportedFunction
76 | ; Int13h_DirectCallToAnotherBios
77 | ; Parameters:
78 | ; DL: Translated drive number
79 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
80 | ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK
81 | ; BX, DI: Corrupted on Int13h_DiskFunctionsHandler
82 | ; Other: Function specific INT 13h parameters
83 | ; Returns:
84 | ; Depends on function
85 | ; Corrupts registers:
86 | ; Flags
87 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
89 | Int13h_UnsupportedFunction:
90 | Int13h_DirectCallToAnotherBios:
91 | call ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler
92 | mov bx, [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.bx]
93 | mov di, [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.di]
94 | mov ds, [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.ds]
95 | push WORD [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.flags]
96 | popf
97 | push bp
98 | mov bp, [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.bp]
99 | int BIOS_DISK_INTERRUPT_13h ; Can safely do as much recursion as it wants
100 |
101 | ; Store returned values to INTPACK
102 | pop bp ; Standard INT 13h functions never uses BP as return register
103 | %ifdef USE_386
104 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.gs], gs
105 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.fs], fs
106 | %endif
107 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.es], es
108 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.ds], ds
109 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.di], di
110 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.si], si
111 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.bx], bx
112 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.dh], dh
113 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.cx], cx
114 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.ax], ax
115 | pushf
116 | pop WORD [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.flags]
117 | call RamVars_GetSegmentToDS
118 | cmp dl, [RAMVARS.xlateVars+XLATEVARS.bXlatedDrv]
119 | je SHORT .ExchangeInt13hHandlers
120 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.dl], dl ; Something is returned in DL
122 | .ExchangeInt13hHandlers:
123 | %ifdef USE_186
124 | push Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH
125 | jmp SHORT ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler
126 | %else
127 | call ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler
128 | jmp SHORT Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH
129 | %endif
130 |
132 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
133 | ; Int13h_ReturnSuccessForFloppy
134 | ;
135 | ; Some operations, such as format of a floppy disk track, should just
136 | ; return success, while for hard disks it should be treated as unsupported.
137 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
139 | Int13h_ReturnSuccessForFloppy:
140 | test dl, dl
141 | js short Int13h_UnsupportedFunction
142 | mov ah, 0
143 | jmp short Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH
144 | %endif
145 |
146 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
147 | ; Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAHandTransferredSectorsFromCL
148 | ; Parameters:
149 | ; AH: BIOS Error code
150 | ; CL: Number of sectors actually transferred
151 | ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK
152 | ; Returns:
153 | ; All registers are loaded from INTPACK
154 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
156 | Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAHandTransferredSectorsFromCL:
157 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.al], cl
158 | ; Fall to Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH
159 |
160 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
161 | ; Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH
162 | ; Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerWithoutStoringErrorCode
163 | ; Parameters:
164 | ; AH: BIOS Error code
165 | ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK
166 | ; Returns:
167 | ; All registers are loaded from INTPACK
168 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
170 | Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH:
172 | mov al, [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.dl]
173 | Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH_ALHasDriveNumber:
174 | call Int13h_SetErrorCodeToBdaAndToIntpackInSSBPfromAH_ALHasDriveNumber
175 | %else
176 | call Int13h_SetErrorCodeToBdaAndToIntpackInSSBPfromAH
177 | %endif
178 | Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerWithoutStoringErrorCode:
179 | or WORD [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.flags], FLG_FLAGS_IF ; Return with interrupts enabled
180 | mov sp, bp ; Now we can exit anytime
182 |
183 |
184 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
185 | ; Int13h_CallPreviousInt13hHandler
186 | ; Parameters:
187 | ; AH: INT 13h function to call
188 | ; DL: Drive number
189 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
190 | ; Returns:
191 | ; Depends on function
192 | ; NOTE: ES:DI needs to be returned from the previous interrupt
193 | ; handler, for floppy DPT in function 08h
194 | ; Corrupts registers:
195 | ; None
196 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
198 | Int13h_CallPreviousInt13hHandler:
199 | call ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler
201 | ;;; fall-through to ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler
202 |
203 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
204 | ; ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler
205 | ; Parameters:
206 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
207 | ; Returns:
208 | ; Nothing
209 | ; Corrupts registers:
210 | ; Nothing
211 | ; Note: Flags are preserved
212 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
214 | ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler:
215 | push es
216 | push si
218 | mov si, [RAMVARS.fpOldI13h]
219 | cli
220 | xchg si, [es:BIOS_DISK_INTERRUPT_13h*4]
221 | mov [RAMVARS.fpOldI13h], si
222 | mov si, [RAMVARS.fpOldI13h+2]
223 | xchg si, [es:BIOS_DISK_INTERRUPT_13h*4+2]
224 | sti
225 | mov [RAMVARS.fpOldI13h+2], si
226 | pop si
227 | pop es
228 | ret
229 |
230 |
231 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
232 | ; Int13h_SetErrorCodeToBdaAndToIntpackInSSBPfromAH
233 | ; Int13h_SetErrorCodeToIntpackInSSBPfromAH
234 | ; Parameters:
235 | ; AH: BIOS error code (00h = no error)
236 | ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK
237 | ; Returns:
238 | ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK with error condition set
239 | ; Corrupts registers:
240 | ; DS, DI
241 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
244 | Int13h_SetErrorCodeToBdaAndToIntpackInSSBPfromAH_ALHasDriveNumber:
245 | ; Store error code to BDA
246 | mov bx, BDA.bHDLastSt
247 | test al, al
248 | js .HardDisk
249 | mov bl, BDA.bFDRetST & 0xff
250 | .HardDisk:
251 | LOAD_BDA_SEGMENT_TO ds, di
252 | mov [bx], ah
253 | %else
254 | Int13h_SetErrorCodeToBdaAndToIntpackInSSBPfromAH:
255 | ; Store error code to BDA
256 | LOAD_BDA_SEGMENT_TO ds, di
257 | mov [BDA.bHDLastSt], ah
258 | %endif
259 |
260 | ; Store error code to INTPACK
261 | Int13h_SetErrorCodeToIntpackInSSBPfromAH:
262 | mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.ah], ah
263 | test ah, ah
264 | jnz SHORT .SetCFtoIntpack
265 | and BYTE [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.flags], ~FLG_FLAGS_CF
266 | ret
267 | .SetCFtoIntpack:
268 | or BYTE [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.flags], FLG_FLAGS_CF
269 | ret
270 |
271 |
272 | ; Jump table for correct BIOS function
274 | g_rgw13hFuncJump:
275 | dw AH0h_HandlerForDiskControllerReset ; 00h, Disk Controller Reset (All)
276 | dw AH1h_HandlerForReadDiskStatus ; 01h, Read Disk Status (All)
277 | dw AH2h_HandlerForReadDiskSectors ; 02h, Read Disk Sectors (All)
278 | dw AH3h_HandlerForWriteDiskSectors ; 03h, Write Disk Sectors (All)
279 | dw AH4h_HandlerForVerifyDiskSectors ; 04h, Verify Disk Sectors (All)
281 | dw Int13h_ReturnSuccessForFloppy ; 05h, Format Disk Track (XT, AT, EISA)
282 | %else
283 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 05h, Format Disk Track (XT, AT, EISA)
284 | %endif
285 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 06h, Format Disk Track with Bad Sectors (XT)
286 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 07h, Format Multiple Cylinders (XT)
287 | dw AH8h_HandlerForReadDiskDriveParameters ; 08h, Read Disk Drive Parameters (All)
288 | dw AH9h_HandlerForInitializeDriveParameters ; 09h, Initialize Drive Parameters (All)
289 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 0Ah, Read Disk Sectors with ECC (XT, AT, EISA)
290 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 0Bh, Write Disk Sectors with ECC (XT, AT, EISA)
291 | dw AHCh_HandlerForSeek ; 0Ch, Seek (All)
292 | dw AHDh_HandlerForResetHardDisk ; 0Dh, Alternate Disk Reset (All)
293 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 0Eh, Read Sector Buffer (XT, PS/1), ESDI Undocumented Diagnostic (PS/2)
294 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 0Fh, Write Sector Buffer (XT, PS/1), ESDI Undocumented Diagnostic (PS/2)
295 | dw AH10h_HandlerForCheckDriveReady ; 10h, Check Drive Ready (All)
296 | dw AH11h_HandlerForRecalibrate ; 11h, Recalibrate (All)
297 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 12h, Controller RAM Diagnostic (XT)
298 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 13h, Drive Diagnostic (XT)
299 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 14h, Controller Internal Diagnostic (All)
300 | dw AH15h_HandlerForReadDiskDriveSize ; 15h, Read Disk Drive Size (AT+)
301 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 16h,
302 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 17h,
303 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 18h,
304 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 19h, Park Heads (PS/2)
305 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Ah, Format ESDI Drive (PS/2)
306 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Bh, Get ESDI Manufacturing Header (PS/2)
307 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Ch, ESDI Special Functions (PS/2)
308 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Dh,
309 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Eh,
310 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Fh,
311 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 20h,
312 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 21h, Read Disk Sectors, Multiple Blocks (PS/1)
313 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 22h, Write Disk Sectors, Multiple Blocks (PS/1)
314 | dw AH23h_HandlerForSetControllerFeatures ; 23h, Set Controller Features Register (PS/1)
315 | dw AH24h_HandlerForSetMultipleBlocks ; 24h, Set Multiple Blocks (PS/1)
316 | dw AH25h_HandlerForGetDriveInformation ; 25h, Get Drive Information (PS/1)
317 |
318 | %ifdef MODULE_EBIOS
319 | g_rgwEbiosFunctionJumpTable:
320 | dw AH41h_HandlerForCheckIfExtensionsPresent ; 41h, Check if Extensions Present (EBIOS)*
321 | dw AH42h_HandlerForExtendedReadSectors ; 42h, Extended Read Sectors (EBIOS)*
322 | dw AH43h_HandlerForExtendedWriteSectors ; 43h, Extended Write Sectors (EBIOS)*
323 | dw AH44h_HandlerForExtendedVerifySectors ; 44h, Extended Verify Sectors (EBIOS)*
324 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 45h, Lock and Unlock Drive (EBIOS)***
325 | dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 46h, Eject Media Request (EBIOS)***
326 | dw AH47h_HandlerForExtendedSeek ; 47h, Extended Seek (EBIOS)*
327 | dw AH48h_HandlerForGetExtendedDriveParameters ; 48h, Get Extended Drive Parameters (EBIOS)*
328 | ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 49h, Get Extended Disk Change Status (EBIOS)***
329 | ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 4Ah, Initiate Disk Emulation (Bootable CD-ROM)
330 | ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 4Bh, Terminate Disk Emulation (Bootable CD-ROM)
331 | ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 4Ch, Initiate Disk Emulation and Boot (Bootable CD-ROM)
332 | ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 4Dh, Return Boot Catalog (Bootable CD-ROM)
333 | ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 4Eh, Set Hardware Configuration (EBIOS)**
334 | ;
335 | ; * = Enhanced Drive Access Support (minimum required EBIOS functions)
336 | ; ** = Enhanced Disk Drive (EDD) Support
337 | ; *** = Drive Locking and Ejecting Support
338 | %endif