; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS ; Description : Int 13h BIOS functions (Floppy and Hard disk). ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Int 13h software interrupt handler. ; Jumps to specific function defined in AH. ; ; Note to developers: Do not make recursive INT 13h calls! ; ; Int13h_DiskFunctionsHandler ; Parameters: ; AH: Bios function ; DL: Drive number ; Other: Depends on function ; Returns: ; Depends on function ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int13h_DiskFunctionsHandler: sti ; Enable interrupts cld ; String instructions to increment pointers CREATE_FRAME_INTPACK_TO_SSBP EXTRA_BYTES_FOR_INTPACK call RamVars_GetSegmentToDS call DriveXlate_ToOrBack mov [RAMVARS.xlateVars+XLATEVARS.bXlatedDrv], dl call RamVars_IsFunctionHandledByThisBIOS jnc SHORT Int13h_DirectCallToAnotherBios call FindDPT_ForDriveNumber ; DS:DI now points to DPT ; Jump to correct BIOS function eMOVZX bx, ah shl bx, 1 cmp ah, 25h ; Possible EBIOS function? ja SHORT .JumpToEbiosFunction jmp [cs:bx+g_rgw13hFuncJump] ; Jump to BIOS function ; Jump to correct EBIOS function ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .JumpToEbiosFunction: test BYTE [cs:ROMVARS.wFlags], FLG_ROMVARS_FULLMODE jz SHORT Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; No eINT 13h in lite mode test BYTE [di+DPT.bFlagsLow], FLG_DRVNHEAD_LBA jz SHORT Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; No eINT 13h for CHS drives cmp ah, 48h ja SHORT Int13h_UnsupportedFunction sub bx, 41h<<1 ; BX = Offset to eINT 13h jump table jl SHORT Int13h_UnsupportedFunction jmp [cs:bx+g_rgwEbiosFunctionJumpTable] ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; Int13h_DirectCallToAnotherBios ; Parameters: ; DL: Translated drive number ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK ; BX, DI: Corrupted on Int13h_DiskFunctionsHandler ; Other: Function specific INT 13h parameters ; Returns: ; Depends on function ; Corrupts registers: ; Flags ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int13h_UnsupportedFunction: Int13h_DirectCallToAnotherBios: call ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler mov bx, [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.bx] mov di, [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.di] mov ds, [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.ds] push WORD [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.flags] popf push bp mov bp, [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.bp] int BIOS_DISK_INTERRUPT_13h ; Can safely do as much recursion as it wants ; Store returned values to INTPACK pop bp ; Standard INT 13h functions never uses BP as return register %ifdef USE_386 mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.gs], gs mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.fs], fs %endif mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.es], es mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.ds], ds mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.di], di mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.si], si mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.bx], bx mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.dh], dh mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.cx], cx mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.ax], ax pushf pop WORD [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.flags] call RamVars_GetSegmentToDS cmp dl, [RAMVARS.xlateVars+XLATEVARS.bXlatedDrv] je SHORT .ExchangeInt13hHandlers mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.dl], dl ; Something is returned in DL ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ExchangeInt13hHandlers: call ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler ; Fall to Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH ; Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerWithoutStoringErrorCode ; Parameters: ; AH: BIOS Error code ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK ; Returns: ; All registers are loaded from INTPACK ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH: call Int13h_SetErrorCodeToBdaAndToIntpackInSSBPfromAH Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerWithoutStoringErrorCode: or WORD [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.flags], FLG_FLAGS_IF ; Return with interrupts enabled mov sp, bp ; Now we can exit anytime RESTORE_FRAME_INTPACK_FROM_SSBP EXTRA_BYTES_FOR_INTPACK ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Int13h_CallPreviousInt13hHandler ; Parameters: ; AH: INT 13h function to call ; DL: Drive number ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; Returns: ; Depends on function ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, DI, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int13h_CallPreviousInt13hHandler: push di call ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler int BIOS_DISK_INTERRUPT_13h call ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler pop di ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler ; Parameters: ; DS: RAMVARS segment ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN ExchangeCurrentInt13hHandlerWithOldInt13hHandler: push es LOAD_BDA_SEGMENT_TO es, di mov di, [RAMVARS.fpOldI13h] cli xchg di, [es:BIOS_DISK_INTERRUPT_13h*4] mov [RAMVARS.fpOldI13h], di mov di, [RAMVARS.fpOldI13h+2] xchg di, [es:BIOS_DISK_INTERRUPT_13h*4+2] mov [RAMVARS.fpOldI13h+2], di sti pop es ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Int13h_SetErrorCodeToBdaAndToIntpackInSSBPfromAH ; Int13h_SetErrorCodeToIntpackInSSBPfromAH ; Parameters: ; AH: BIOS error code (00h = no error) ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK ; Returns: ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK with error condition set ; Corrupts registers: ; DS, DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Int13h_SetErrorCodeToBdaAndToIntpackInSSBPfromAH: ; Store error code to BDA LOAD_BDA_SEGMENT_TO ds, di mov [BDA.bHDLastSt], ah ; Store error code to INTPACK Int13h_SetErrorCodeToIntpackInSSBPfromAH: mov [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.ah], ah test ah, ah jnz SHORT .SetCFtoIntpack and BYTE [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.flags], ~FLG_FLAGS_CF ret .SetCFtoIntpack: or BYTE [bp+IDEPACK.intpack+INTPACK.flags], FLG_FLAGS_CF ret ; Jump table for correct BIOS function ALIGN WORD_ALIGN g_rgw13hFuncJump: dw AH0h_HandlerForDiskControllerReset ; 00h, Disk Controller Reset (All) dw AH1h_HandlerForReadDiskStatus ; 01h, Read Disk Status (All) dw AH2h_HandlerForReadDiskSectors ; 02h, Read Disk Sectors (All) dw AH3h_HandlerForWriteDiskSectors ; 03h, Write Disk Sectors (All) dw AH4h_HandlerForVerifyDiskSectors ; 04h, Verify Disk Sectors (All) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 05h, Format Disk Track (XT, AT, EISA) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 06h, Format Disk Track with Bad Sectors (XT) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 07h, Format Multiple Cylinders (XT) dw AH8h_HandlerForReadDiskDriveParameters ; 08h, Read Disk Drive Parameters (All) dw AH9h_HandlerForInitializeDriveParameters ; 09h, Initialize Drive Parameters (All) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 0Ah, Read Disk Sectors with ECC (XT, AT, EISA) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 0Bh, Write Disk Sectors with ECC (XT, AT, EISA) dw AHCh_HandlerForSeek ; 0Ch, Seek (All) dw AHDh_HandlerForResetHardDisk ; 0Dh, Alternate Disk Reset (All) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 0Eh, Read Sector Buffer (XT, PS/1), ESDI Undocumented Diagnostic (PS/2) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 0Fh, Write Sector Buffer (XT, PS/1), ESDI Undocumented Diagnostic (PS/2) dw AH10h_HandlerForCheckDriveReady ; 10h, Check Drive Ready (All) dw AH11h_HandlerForRecalibrate ; 11h, Recalibrate (All) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 12h, Controller RAM Diagnostic (XT) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 13h, Drive Diagnostic (XT) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 14h, Controller Internal Diagnostic (All) dw AH15h_HandlerForReadDiskDriveSize ; 15h, Read Disk Drive Size (AT+) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 16h, dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 17h, dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 18h, dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 19h, Park Heads (PS/2) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Ah, Format ESDI Drive (PS/2) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Bh, Get ESDI Manufacturing Header (PS/2) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Ch, ESDI Special Functions (PS/2) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Dh, dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Eh, dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 1Fh, dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 20h, dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 21h, Read Disk Sectors, Multiple Blocks (PS/1) dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 22h, Write Disk Sectors, Multiple Blocks (PS/1) dw AH23h_HandlerForSetControllerFeatures ; 23h, Set Controller Features Register (PS/1) dw AH24h_HandlerForSetMultipleBlocks ; 24h, Set Multiple Blocks (PS/1) dw AH25h_HandlerForGetDriveInformation ; 25h, Get Drive Information (PS/1) g_rgwEbiosFunctionJumpTable: dw AH41h_HandlerForCheckIfExtensionsPresent ; 41h, Check if Extensions Present (EBIOS)* dw AH42h_HandlerForExtendedReadSectors ; 42h, Extended Read Sectors (EBIOS)* dw AH43h_HandlerForExtendedWriteSectors ; 43h, Extended Write Sectors (EBIOS)* dw AH44h_HandlerForExtendedVerifySectors ; 44h, Extended Verify Sectors (EBIOS)* dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 45h, Lock and Unlock Drive (EBIOS)*** dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 46h, Eject Media Request (EBIOS)*** dw AH47h_HandlerForExtendedSeek ; 47h, Extended Seek (EBIOS)* dw AH48h_HandlerForGetExtendedDriveParameters ; 48h, Get Extended Drive Parameters (EBIOS)* ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 49h, Get Extended Disk Change Status (EBIOS)*** ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 4Ah, Initiate Disk Emulation (Bootable CD-ROM) ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 4Bh, Terminate Disk Emulation (Bootable CD-ROM) ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 4Ch, Initiate Disk Emulation and Boot (Bootable CD-ROM) ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 4Dh, Return Boot Catalog (Bootable CD-ROM) ; dw Int13h_UnsupportedFunction ; 4Eh, Set Hardware Configuration (EBIOS)** ; ; * = Enhanced Drive Access Support (minimum required EBIOS functions) ; ** = Enhanced Disk Drive (EDD) Support ; *** = Drive Locking and Ejecting Support