; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS ; Description : IDE Device transfer functions. ; Structure containing variables for PIO transfer functions. ; This struct must not be larger than IDEPACK without INTPACK. struc PIOVARS .wBlockLeftAndSectorsInLastBlock: .bBlocksLeft resb 1 .bSectorsInLastBlock: resb 1 .wBlockSize resb 2 ; Block size in WORDs (256...32768) .wDataPort resb 2 resb 1 resb 1 ; Offset 7 = IDEPACK.bDeviceControl .fnXfer resb 2 ; Offset to transfer function endstruc ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IdeTransfer_StartWithCommandInAL ; Parameters: ; AL: IDE command that was used to start the transfer ; ES:SI: Ptr to destination buffer or source data ; DS:DI: Ptr to DPT (in RAMVARS segment) ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK ; Returns: ; AH: INT 13h Error Code ; CF: Cleared if success, Set if error ; Corrupts registers: ; AL, BX, CX, DX, SI, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN IdeTransfer_StartWithCommandInAL: ; Are we reading or writing? test al, 16 ; Bit 4 is cleared on all the read commands but set on 3 of the 4 write commands jnz SHORT .PrepareToWriteDataFromESSI cmp al, COMMAND_WRITE_MULTIPLE je SHORT .PrepareToWriteDataFromESSI ; Prepare to read data to ESSI mov bx, g_rgfnPioRead call InitializePiovarsToSSBPfromIdepackInSSBP xchg si, di %ifdef USE_186 push ReadFromDriveToESDI jmp Registers_NormalizeESDI %else call Registers_NormalizeESDI jmp SHORT ReadFromDriveToESDI %endif ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .PrepareToWriteDataFromESSI: mov bx, g_rgfnPioWrite call InitializePiovarsToSSBPfromIdepackInSSBP call Registers_NormalizeESSI ; Fall to WriteToDriveFromESSI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; WriteToDriveFromESSI ; Parameters: ; DS:DI: Ptr to DPT (in RAMVARS segment) ; ES:SI: Normalized ptr to buffer containing data ; SS:BP: Ptr to PIOVARS ; Returns: ; AH: BIOS Error code ; CF: 0 if transfer succesfull ; 1 if any error ; Corrupts registers: ; AL, BX, CX, DX, SI, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- WriteToDriveFromESSI: ; Always poll when writing first block (IRQs are generated for following blocks) mov bx, TIMEOUT_AND_STATUS_TO_WAIT(TIMEOUT_DRQ, FLG_STATUS_DRQ) call IdeWait_PollStatusFlagInBLwithTimeoutInBH jc SHORT .ReturnWithTransferErrorInAH ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .WriteNextBlock: mov dx, [bp+PIOVARS.wDataPort] dec BYTE [bp+PIOVARS.bBlocksLeft] ; Transferring last (possibly partial) block? jz SHORT .XferLastBlock ; If so, jump to transfer mov cx, [bp+PIOVARS.wBlockSize] ; Load block size in WORDs call [bp+PIOVARS.fnXfer] ; Transfer full block %ifdef USE_186 push .WriteNextBlock jmp IdeWait_IRQorDRQ %else call IdeWait_IRQorDRQ jnc SHORT .WriteNextBlock %endif .ReturnWithTransferErrorInAH: ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .XferLastBlock: xor cx, cx mov bx, TIMEOUT_AND_STATUS_TO_WAIT(TIMEOUT_DRQ, FLG_STATUS_DRDY) mov ch, [bp+PIOVARS.bSectorsInLastBlock]; CX = Partial block size in WORDs %ifdef USE_186 push IdeWait_IRQorStatusFlagInBLwithTimeoutInBH jmp [bp+PIOVARS.fnXfer] %else call [bp+PIOVARS.fnXfer] ; Transfer possibly partial block jmp IdeWait_IRQorStatusFlagInBLwithTimeoutInBH ; Check for errors %endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ReadFromDriveToESDI ; Parameters: ; ES:DI: Normalized ptr to buffer to recieve data ; DS:SI: Ptr to DPT (in RAMVARS segment) ; SS:BP: Ptr to PIOVARS ; Returns: ; DS:DI: Ptr to DPT (in RAMVARS segment) ; AH: BIOS Error code ; CF: 0 if transfer succesfull ; 1 if any error ; Corrupts registers: ; AL, BX, CX, DX, SI, ES ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN ReadFromDriveToESDI: ; Wait until drive is ready to transfer xchg di, si ; DS:DI now points DPT call IdeWait_IRQorDRQ ; Wait until ready to transfer jc SHORT WriteToDriveFromESSI.ReturnWithTransferErrorInAH xchg si, di ; ES:DI now points buffer ; Transfer full or last (possible partial) block mov dx, [bp+PIOVARS.wDataPort] dec BYTE [bp+PIOVARS.bBlocksLeft] jz SHORT .XferLastBlock mov cx, [bp+PIOVARS.wBlockSize] ; Load block size in WORDs %ifdef USE_186 push ReadFromDriveToESDI jmp [bp+PIOVARS.fnXfer] %else call [bp+PIOVARS.fnXfer] ; Transfer full block jmp SHORT ReadFromDriveToESDI ; Loop while blocks left %endif ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .XferLastBlock: xor cx, cx mov ch, [bp+PIOVARS.bSectorsInLastBlock]; CX = Partial block size in WORDs call [bp+PIOVARS.fnXfer] ; Transfer possibly partial block mov di, si ; DS:DI now points DPT mov bx, TIMEOUT_AND_STATUS_TO_WAIT(TIMEOUT_DRQ, FLG_STATUS_DRDY) jmp IdeWait_PollStatusFlagInBLwithTimeoutInBH ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; InitializePiovarsToSSBPfromIdepackInSSBP ; Parameters: ; BX: Offset to transfer function lookup table ; DS:DI: Ptr to DPT (in RAMVARS segment) ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEPACK ; Returns: ; SS:BP: Ptr to PIOVARS ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN InitializePiovarsToSSBPfromIdepackInSSBP: ; Store number of blocks to transfer eMOVZX cx, BYTE [di+DPT_ATA.bSetBlock] ; Block size in sectors, zero CH eMOVZX ax, BYTE [bp+IDEPACK.bSectorCount] ; AX = sectors to transfer (1...128) div cl ; AL = Full blocks to transfer test ah, ah ; AH = Sectors in partial block jz SHORT .NoPartialBlocksToTransfer inc ax ; Add partial block to total block count SKIP2B dx ; Skip mov ah, cl .NoPartialBlocksToTransfer: mov ah, cl ; Full block size if no partial blocks to transfer mov [bp+PIOVARS.wBlockLeftAndSectorsInLastBlock], ax ; Store block size in WORDs xchg ch, cl ; CX = Block size in WORDs mov [bp+PIOVARS.wBlockSize], cx ; Get transfer function based on bus type xchg ax, bx ; Lookup table offset to AX eMOVZX bx, BYTE [di+DPT.bIdevarsOffset] ; CS:BX now points to IDEVARS mov dx, [cs:bx+IDEVARS.wPort] ; Load IDE Data port address mov bl, [cs:bx+IDEVARS.bDevice] ; Load device type to BX add bx, ax mov ax, [cs:bx] ; Load offset to transfer function mov [bp+PIOVARS.wDataPort], dx mov [bp+PIOVARS.fnXfer], ax ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DualByteReadForXtide Dual port 8-bit XTIDE PIO read transfer ; SingleByteRead Single port 8-bit PIO read transfer ; WordReadForXTIDEmod 8088/8086 compatible 16-bit IDE PIO read transfer ; WordReadForXTplusAndAT Normal 16-bit IDE PIO read transfer ; DWordRead VLB/PCI 32-bit IDE PIO read transfer ; Parameters: ; CX: Block size in WORDs ; DX: IDE Data port address ; ES:DI: Normalized ptr to buffer to recieve data ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN DualByteReadForXtide: %ifdef USE_186 shr cx, 2 ; Smaller but slower on 186/286 %else times 2 shr cx, 1 ; Loop unrolling %endif mov bx, 8 ; Bit mask for toggling data low/high reg ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .InswLoop: XTIDE_INSW XTIDE_INSW XTIDE_INSW XTIDE_INSW loop .InswLoop ret ;---- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN SingleByteRead: %ifdef USE_186 ; INS instruction available shl cx, 1 ; WORD count to BYTE count rep insb %else ; If 8088/8086 shr cx, 1 ; WORD count to DWORD count ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .InsdLoop: in al, dx stosb ; Store to [ES:DI] in al, dx stosb in al, dx stosb in al, dx stosb loop .InsdLoop %endif ret ;---- %ifndef USE_186 ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WordReadForXTIDEmod: times 2 shr cx, 1 ; WORD count to QWORD count ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ReadNextQword: in ax, dx ; Read 1st WORD stosw ; Store 1st WORD to [ES:DI] in ax, dx stosw ; 2nd in ax, dx stosw ; 3rd in ax, dx stosw ; 4th loop .ReadNextQword ret %endif ;---- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WordReadForXTplusAndAT: rep db 6Dh ; INSW (we want this in XT build) ret ;---- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN DWordRead: shr cx, 1 ; WORD count to DWORD count rep db 66h ; Override operand size to 32-bit db 6Dh ; INSW/INSD ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; DualByteWriteForXtide Dual port 8-bit XTIDE PIO write transfer ; SingleByteWrite Single port 8-bit PIO write transfer ; WordWriteForXTIDEmod 8088/8086 compatible 16-bit IDE PIO read transfer ; WordWrite Normal 16-bit IDE PIO write transfer ; DWordWrite VLB/PCI 32-bit IDE PIO write transfer ; Parameters: ; CX: Block size in WORDs ; DX: IDE Data port address ; ES:SI: Normalized ptr to buffer containing data ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, CX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN DualByteWriteForXtide: push ds push bx %ifdef USE_186 shr cx, 2 ; Smaller but slower on 186/286 %else times 2 shr cx, 1 ; Loop unrolling %endif mov bx, 8 ; Bit mask for toggling data low/high reg push es ; Copy ES... pop ds ; ...to DS ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .OutswLoop: XTIDE_OUTSW XTIDE_OUTSW XTIDE_OUTSW XTIDE_OUTSW loop .OutswLoop pop bx pop ds ret ;---- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN SingleByteWrite: %ifdef USE_186 ; OUTS instruction available shl cx, 1 ; WORD count to BYTE count eSEG es ; Source is ES segment rep outsb %else ; If 8088/8086 shr cx, 1 ; WORD count to DWORD count push ds ; Store DS push es ; Copy ES... pop ds ; ...to DS ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .OutsdLoop: lodsb ; Load from [DS:SI] to AL out dx, al lodsb out dx, al lodsb out dx, al lodsb out dx, al loop .OutsdLoop pop ds ; Restore DS %endif ret ;--- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WordWriteForXTIDEmod: push ds %ifdef USE_186 shr cx, 2 ; Smaller but slower on 186/286 %else times 2 shr cx, 1 ; Loop unrolling %endif push es ; Copy ES... pop ds ; ...to DS ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .WriteNextQword: XTIDE_MOD_OUTSW XTIDE_MOD_OUTSW XTIDE_MOD_OUTSW XTIDE_MOD_OUTSW loop .WriteNextQword pop ds ret ;---- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN WordWrite: eSEG es ; Source is ES segment rep db 6Fh ; OUTSW (we want this in XT build) ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN DWordWrite: shr cx, 1 ; WORD count to DWORD count eSEG es ; Source is ES segment rep db 66h ; Override operand size to 32-bit db 6Fh ; OUTSW/OUTSD ret ; Lookup tables to get transfer function based on bus type ALIGN WORD_ALIGN g_rgfnPioRead: dw DualByteReadForXtide ; DEVICE_8BIT_DUAL_PORT_XTIDE %ifdef USE_186 dw WordReadForXTplusAndAT ; DEVICE_XTIDE_WITH_REVERSED_A3_AND_A0 %else dw WordReadForXTIDEmod %endif dw SingleByteRead ; DEVICE_8BIT_SINGLE_PORT dw WordReadForXTplusAndAT ; DEVICE_16BIT_ATA dw DWordRead ; DEVICE_32BIT_ATA g_rgfnPioWrite: dw DualByteWriteForXtide ; DEVICE_8BIT_DUAL_PORT_XTIDE dw WordWriteForXTIDEmod ; DEVICE_XTIDE_WITH_REVERSED_A3_AND_A0 dw SingleByteWrite ; DEVICE_8BIT_SINGLE_PORT dw WordWrite ; DEVICE_16BIT_ATA dw DWordWrite ; DEVICE_32BIT_ATA