1 | ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS
2 | ; Description : Functions for printing boot menu strings.
3 |
4 | ; Section containing code
5 | SECTION .text
6 |
7 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
8 | ; BootMenuPrint_RefreshItem
9 | ;
10 | ; Parameters:
11 | ; DL: Untranslated Floppy Drive number
12 | ; Returns:
13 | ; Nothing
14 | ; Corrupts registers:
15 | ; AX, BX, DX, SI, DI
16 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
18 | BootMenuPrint_RefreshItem:
19 | call BootMenu_GetDriveToDXforMenuitemInCX_And_RamVars_GetSegmentToDS
20 | jnc BootMenuEvent_EventCompleted ; if no menu item selected, out we go
21 |
22 | push bp
23 | mov bp, sp
24 |
25 | call RamVars_IsDriveHandledByThisBIOS
26 | jnc .notOurs
27 |
28 | call FindDPT_ForDriveNumber ; if it is one of ours, print the string in bootnfo
29 | call BootInfo_ConvertDPTtoBX
30 | mov si, g_szDriveNumBOOTNFO ; special g_szDriveNum that prints from BDA
31 | jmp .go
32 |
33 | .notOurs:
34 | mov si,g_szDriveNum
35 | mov bx,g_szForeignHD ; assume a hard disk for the moment
36 |
37 | test dl,80h
38 | js .go
39 | mov bl,((g_szFloppyDrv)-$$ & 0xff) ; and revisit the earlier assumption...
40 |
41 | .go:
42 | mov ax, dx ; preserve DL for the floppy drive letter addition
43 | call DriveXlate_ToOrBack
44 | push dx ; translated drive number
45 | push bx ; sub string
46 | add al, 'A' ; floppy drive letter (we always push this although
47 | push ax ; the hard disks don't ever use it, but it does no harm)
48 |
49 | jmp short BootMenuPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
50 |
51 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
52 | ; Prints Boot Menu title strings.
53 | ;
54 | ; BootMenuPrint_TitleStrings
55 | ; Parameters:
56 | ; Nothing
57 | ; Returns:
58 | ; CF: Set since menu event handled
59 | ; Corrupts registers:
60 | ; AX, SI, DI
61 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
63 | BootMenuPrint_TitleStrings:
64 | mov si, ROMVARS.szTitle
65 | call BootMenuPrint_NullTerminatedStringFromCSSIandSetCF
66 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintNewlineCharacters
67 | mov si, ROMVARS.szVersion
68 | ; Fall to BootMenuPrint_NullTerminatedStringFromCSSIandSetCF
69 |
70 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
71 | ; BootMenuPrint_NullTerminatedStringFromCSSIandSetCF
72 | ; Parameters:
73 | ; CS:SI: Ptr to NULL terminated string to print
74 | ; Returns:
75 | ; CF: Set since menu event was handled successfully
76 | ; Corrupts registers:
77 | ; AX, DI
78 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
80 | BootMenuPrint_NullTerminatedStringFromCSSIandSetCF:
81 | ;
82 | ; We send all CSSI strings through the Format routine for the case of
83 | ; compressed strings, but this doesn't hurt in the non-compressed case either
84 | ; (perhaps a little slower, but shouldn't be noticeable to the user)
85 | ; and results in smaller code size.
86 | ;
87 | push bp
88 | mov bp,sp
89 | jmp short BootMenuPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
90 |
91 |
92 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
93 | ; BootMenuPrint_FloppyMenuitemInformation
94 | ; Parameters:
95 | ; DL: Untranslated Floppy Drive number
96 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
97 | ; Returns:
98 | ; CF: Set since menu event was handled successfully
99 | ; Corrupts registers:
100 | ; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, ES
101 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
102 |
104 | BootMenuPrint_RefreshInformation:
105 | CALL_MENU_LIBRARY ClearInformationArea
106 |
107 | call BootMenu_GetDriveToDXforMenuitemInCX_And_RamVars_GetSegmentToDS
108 | jnc BootMenuEvent_EventCompleted ; if no menu selection, abort
109 |
110 | push bp
111 | mov bp, sp
112 |
113 | test dl, dl ; are we a hard disk?
114 | js BootMenuPrint_HardDiskRefreshInformation
115 |
116 | call FloppyDrive_GetType ; Get Floppy Drive type to BX
117 |
118 | mov cx, g_szFddSizeOr ; .PrintXTFloppyType
119 | test bx, bx ; Two possibilities? (FLOPPY_TYPE_525_OR_35_DD)
120 | jz SHORT BootMenuPrint_HardDiskRefreshInformation.output
121 |
122 | mov cl, (g_szFddUnknown - $$) & 0xff ; .PrintUnknownFloppyType
123 | cmp bl, FLOPPY_TYPE_35_ED
124 | ja SHORT BootMenuPrint_HardDiskRefreshInformation.output
125 |
126 | ; Fall to .PrintKnownFloppyType
127 |
128 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
129 | ; .PrintKnownFloppyType
130 | ; Parameters:
131 | ; BX: Floppy drive type
132 | ; Returns:
133 | ; CF: Set since menu event was handled successfully
134 | ; Corrupts registers:
135 | ; AX, BX, SI, DI
136 | ;
137 | ; Floppy Drive Types:
138 | ;
139 | ; 0 Handled above
140 | ; 1 FLOPPY_TYPE_525_DD 5 1/4 360K
141 | ; 2 FLOPPY_TYPE_525_HD 5 1/4 1.2M
142 | ; 3 FLOPPY_TYPE_35_DD 3 1/2 720K
143 | ; 4 FLOPPY_TYPE_35_HD 3 1/2 1.44M
144 | ; 5 3.5" ED on some BIOSes 3 1/2 2.88M
145 | ; 6 FLOPPY_TYPE_35_ED 3 1/2 2.88M
146 | ; >6 Unknwon, handled above
147 | ;
148 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
149 | .PrintKnownFloppyType:
150 | mov cl, (g_szFddSize - $$) & 0xff
151 | push cx
152 |
153 | mov cl, (g_szFddThreeHalf - $$) & 0xff
154 | cmp bl, FLOPPY_TYPE_525_HD
155 | ja .ThreeHalf
156 | mov cl, (g_szFddFiveQuarter - $$) & 0xff
157 | .ThreeHalf:
158 | push cx ; "5 1/4" or "3 1/2"
159 |
160 | mov al,FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier
161 | mul byte [cs:bx+FloppyTypes.rgbCapacity - 1] ; -1 since 0 is handled above and not in the table
162 | push ax
163 |
164 | jmp short BootMenuPrint_HardDiskRefreshInformation.output
165 |
166 |
167 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
168 | ; Prints Hard Disk Menuitem information strings.
169 | ;
170 | ; BootMenuPrint_HardDiskMenuitemInformation
171 | ; Parameters:
172 | ; DL: Untranslated Hard Disk number
173 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
174 | ; Returns:
175 | ; CF: Set since menu event was handled successfully
176 | ; Corrupts registers:
177 | ; BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, ES
178 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
180 | BootMenuPrint_HardDiskRefreshInformation:
181 | call RamVars_IsDriveHandledByThisBIOS
182 | jnc SHORT .HardDiskMenuitemInfoForForeignDrive
183 | call FindDPT_ForDriveNumber ; DS:DI to point DPT
184 | ; Fall to .HardDiskMenuitemInfoForOurDrive
185 |
186 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
187 | ; .HardDiskMenuitemInfoForOurDrive
188 | ; Parameters:
189 | ; DL: Untranslated Hard Disk number
190 | ; DS:DI: Ptr to DPT
191 | ; Returns:
192 | ; Nothing
193 | ; Corrupts registers:
194 | ; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, ES
195 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
196 | .HardDiskMenuitemInfoForOurDrive:
197 | ePUSH_T ax, g_szSizeDual
198 |
199 | ; Get and push L-CHS size
200 | call AH15h_GetSectorCountToDXAX
201 | call ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoSizeAndPushForFormat
202 |
203 | ; Get and push total LBA size
204 | call BootInfo_GetTotalSectorCount
205 | call ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoSizeAndPushForFormat
206 | jmp BootMenuPrintCfg_ForOurDrive
207 |
208 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
209 | ; .HardDiskMenuitemInfoForForeignDrive
210 | ; Parameters:
211 | ; DL: Untranslated Hard Disk number
212 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
213 | ; Returns:
214 | ; CF: Set since menu event was handled successfully
215 | ; Corrupts registers:
216 | ; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI
217 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
219 | .HardDiskMenuitemInfoForForeignDrive:
220 | call DriveXlate_ToOrBack
221 | call AH15h_GetSectorCountFromForeignDriveToDXAX
222 | call ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoSizeAndPushForFormat
223 |
225 | .output:
226 | mov si, g_szCapacity
227 | ;;; fall-through
228 |
229 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
230 | ; BootMenuPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
231 | ; Parameters:
232 | ; CS:SI: Ptr to string to format
233 | ; BP: SP before pushing parameters
234 | ; Returns:
235 | ; BP: Popped from stack
236 | ; CF: Set since menu event was handled successfully
237 | ; Corrupts registers:
238 | ; AX, DI
239 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
241 | BootMenuPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP:
242 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI
243 | stc ; Successfull return from menu event
244 | pop bp
245 | ret
246 |
247 |
248 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
249 | ; BootMenuPrint_ClearScreen
250 | ; Parameters:
251 | ; Nothing
252 | ; Returns:
253 | ; Nothing
254 | ; Corrupts registers:
255 | ; AX, DI
256 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
258 | BootMenuPrint_ClearScreen:
259 | call BootMenuPrint_InitializeDisplayContext
260 | xor ax, ax
261 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX
262 | mov ax, ' ' | (MONO_NORMAL<<8)
263 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY ClearScreenWithCharInALandAttrInAH
264 | ret
265 |
266 |
267 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
268 | ; BootMenuPrint_TheBottomOfScreen
269 | ; Parameters:
270 | ; DS: RAMVARS segment
271 | ; Returns:
272 | ; Nothing
273 | ; Corrupts registers:
274 | ; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI
275 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
277 | BootMenuPrint_TheBottomOfScreen:
278 | call FloppyDrive_GetCountToCX
279 | mov bl, cl ; Floppy Drive count to BL
280 | call RamVars_GetHardDiskCountFromBDAtoCX
281 | mov bh, cl ; Hard Disk count to BH
282 | ; Fall to .MoveCursorToHotkeyStrings
283 |
284 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
285 | ; .MoveCursorToHotkeyStrings
286 | ; Parameters:
287 | ; Nothing
288 | ; Returns:
289 | ; Nothing
290 | ; Corrupts registers:
291 | ; AX, DI
292 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
293 | .MoveCursorToHotkeyStrings:
295 | xor al, al
296 | dec ah
297 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX
298 | ; Fall to .PrintHotkeyString
299 |
300 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
301 | ; .PrintHotkeyString
302 | ; Parameters:
303 | ; BL: Floppy Drives
304 | ; BH: Hard Drives
305 | ; Returns:
306 | ; Nothing
307 | ; Corrupts registers:
308 | ; AX, CX, DX, SI, DI
309 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
310 | .PrintHotkeyString:
311 | ; Display Library should not be called like this
312 | mov si, ATTRIBUTE_CHARS.cHighlightedItem
313 | call MenuAttribute_GetToAXfromTypeInSI
314 | xchg dx, ax
315 | mov cx, MONO_BRIGHT
316 |
317 | test bl, bl ; Any Floppy Drives?
318 | jz SHORT .SkipFloppyDriveHotkeys
319 | mov ax, 'A' | (ANGLE_QUOTE_RIGHT<<8)
320 | mov si, g_szFDD
321 | call PushHotkeyParamsAndFormat
322 |
323 | .SkipFloppyDriveHotkeys:
324 | test bh, bh ; Any Hard Drives?
325 | jz SHORT .SkipHardDriveHotkeys
326 | xchg ax, cx ; Store Key Attribute
327 | call BootMenu_GetLetterForFirstHardDiskToCL
328 | mov ch, ANGLE_QUOTE_RIGHT
329 | xchg ax, cx
330 | mov si, g_szHDD
331 | call PushHotkeyParamsAndFormat
332 |
333 | .SkipHardDriveHotkeys:
334 | ; Fall to .PrintRomBootHotkey
335 |
336 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
337 | ; .PrintRomBootHotkey
338 | ; Parameters:
339 | ; CX: Key Attribute
340 | ; DX: Description Attribute
341 | ; Returns:
342 | ; Nothing
343 | ; Corrupts registers:
344 | ; AX, SI, DI
345 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
346 | .PrintRomBootHotkey:
347 | mov ax, 'F' | ('8'<<8) ; F8
348 | mov si, g_szRomBoot
349 | ; Fall to PushHotkeyParamsAndFormat
350 |
351 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
352 | ; PushHotkeyParamsAndFormat
353 | ; Parameters:
354 | ; AL: First character
355 | ; AH: Second character
356 | ; CX: Key Attribute
357 | ; DX: Description Attribute
358 | ; CS:SI: Description string
359 | ; Returns:
360 | ; Nothing
361 | ; Corrupts registers:
362 | ; AX, SI, DI
363 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
365 | PushHotkeyParamsAndFormat:
366 | push bp
367 | mov bp, sp
368 |
369 | push cx ; Key attribute
370 | push ax ; First character
371 | xchg al, ah
372 | push ax ; Second character
373 | push dx ; Description attribute
374 | push si ; Description string
375 | push cx ; Key attribute for last space
376 | mov si, g_szHotkey
377 |
378 | BootMenuPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP_Relay:
379 | jmp SHORT BootMenuPrint_FormatCSSIfromParamsInSSBP
380 |
381 |
382 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
383 | ; BootMenuPrint_InitializeDisplayContext
384 | ; Parameters:
385 | ; Nothing
386 | ; Returns:
387 | ; Nothing
388 | ; Corrupts registers:
389 | ; AX, DI
390 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
392 | BootMenuPrint_InitializeDisplayContext:
393 | CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY InitializeDisplayContext
394 | ret
395 |
396 |
397 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
398 | ; ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoSizeAndPushForFormat
399 | ; Parameters:
400 | ; BX:DX:AX: Sector count
401 | ; Returns:
402 | ; Size in stack
403 | ; Corrupts registers:
404 | ; AX, BX, CX, DX, SI
405 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
407 | ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoSizeAndPushForFormat:
408 | pop si ; Pop return address
409 | ePUSH_T cx, g_szCapacityNum ; Push format substring
410 | call Size_ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoKiB
411 | mov cx, BYTE_MULTIPLES.kiB
412 | call Size_GetSizeToAXAndCharToDLfromBXDXAXwithMagnitudeInCX
413 | push ax ; Size in magnitude
414 | push cx ; Tenths
415 | push dx ; Magnitude character
416 | jmp si
417 |
418 |
419 | FloppyTypes:
420 | .rgbCapacityMultiplier equ 20 ; Multiplier to reduce word sized values to byte size
421 | .rgbCapacity:
422 | db 360 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 1
423 | db 1200 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 2
424 | db 720 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 3
425 | db 1440 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 4
426 | db 2880 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 5
427 | db 2880 / FloppyTypes.rgbCapacityMultiplier ; type 6