[88] | 1 | ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS
[3] | 2 | ; Description : Boot Menu event handler for menu library callbacks.
| 3 |
| 4 | ; Section containing code
| 5 | SECTION .text
| 6 |
[88] | 7 | struc ITEM_TYPE_REFRESH
| 8 | .HardDisk resb 2
| 9 | .FloppyDrive resb 2
| 10 | endstruc
| 11 |
| 12 |
[3] | 13 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
| 14 | ; BootMenuEvent_Handler
[88] | 15 | ; Common parameters for all events:
| 16 | ; BX: Menu event (anything from MENUEVENT struct)
| 17 | ; SS:BP: Menu library handle
| 18 | ; Common return values for all events:
| 19 | ; CF: Set if event processed
| 20 | ; Cleared if event not processed
[3] | 21 | ; Corrupts registers:
[88] | 22 | ; All
[3] | 23 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
| 25 | BootMenuEvent_Handler:
[127] | 26 | cmp bx, BYTE MENUEVENT.RefreshItemFromCX ; Above last supported item?
[88] | 27 | ja SHORT .EventNotHandled
[127] | 28 | jmp [cs:bx+.rgfnEventSpecificHandlers]
[88] | 29 | .EventNotHandled:
| 30 | clc
| 31 | ret
[3] | 32 |
[88] | 34 | .rgfnEventSpecificHandlers:
[124] | 35 | dw .InitializeMenuinitFromDSSI ; MENUEVENT.InitializeMenuinitFromDSSI
| 36 | dw .EventCompleted ; MENUEVENT.ExitMenu
| 37 | dw .EventNotHandled ; MENUEVENT.IdleProcessing
| 38 | dw .ItemHighlightedFromCX ; MENUEVENT.ItemHighlightedFromCX
| 39 | dw .ItemSelectedFromCX ; MENUEVENT.ItemSelectedFromCX
| 40 | dw .KeyStrokeInAX ; MENUEVENT.KeyStrokeInAX
| 41 | dw BootMenuPrint_TitleStrings ; MENUEVENT.RefreshTitle
| 42 | dw .RefreshInformation ; MENUEVENT.RefreshInformation
| 43 | dw .RefreshItemFromCX ; MENUEVENT.RefreshItemFromCX
[3] | 44 |
| 45 |
[88] | 46 | ; Parameters:
| 47 | ; DS:SI: Ptr to MENUINIT struct to initialize
| 48 | ; Returns:
| 49 | ; DS:SI: Ptr to initialized MENUINIT struct
[88] | 51 | .InitializeMenuinitFromDSSI:
| 52 | push ds
| 53 | call RamVars_GetSegmentToDS
| 54 | call .GetDefaultMenuitemToDX
[124] | 55 | call BootMenu_GetMenuitemCountToAX
[88] | 56 | pop ds
[124] | 57 | mov [si+MENUINIT.wItems], ax
[88] | 58 | mov [si+MENUINIT.wHighlightedItem], dx
| 60 | mov BYTE [si+MENUINIT.bWidth], BOOT_MENU_WIDTH
[124] | 61 | call BootMenu_GetHeightToAHwithItemCountInAL
[88] | 62 | mov [si+MENUINIT.bHeight], ah
[137] | 63 | mov ax, [cs:ROMVARS.wBootTimeout]
[135] | 64 | CALL_MENU_LIBRARY StartSelectionTimeoutWithTicksInAX
[88] | 65 | stc
[3] | 66 | ret
| 67 |
[88] | 68 | ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN
| 69 | .GetDefaultMenuitemToDX:
| 70 | mov dl, [cs:ROMVARS.bBootDrv] ; Default boot drive
| 71 | call BootMenu_IsDriveInSystem
| 72 | jnc SHORT .DoNotSetDefaultMenuitem
| 73 | call DriveXlate_SetDriveToSwap
[124] | 74 | jmp BootMenu_GetMenuitemToDXforDriveInDL
[88] | 75 | ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN
| 76 | .DoNotSetDefaultMenuitem:
| 77 | xor dx, dx ; Whatever appears first on boot menu
| 78 | ret
[3] | 79 |
[88] | 80 |
| 81 | ; Parameters:
| 82 | ; CX: Index of new highlighted item
| 83 | ; DX: Index of previously highlighted item or NO_ITEM_HIGHLIGHTED
[88] | 85 | .ItemHighlightedFromCX:
| 86 | push cx
[3] | 87 | call RamVars_GetSegmentToDS
| 88 | call DriveXlate_Reset
[130] | 89 | call BootMenu_GetDriveToDXforMenuitemInCX
[3] | 90 | call DriveXlate_SetDriveToSwap
[140] | 91 |
| 92 | xor ax, ax ; Update first floppy drive (for translated drive number)
[88] | 93 | CALL_MENU_LIBRARY RefreshItemFromAX
[140] | 94 | mov dl, 80h
| 95 | call BootMenu_GetMenuitemToDXforDriveInDL
| 96 | xchg ax, dx ; Update first hard disk (for translated drive number)
[88] | 97 | CALL_MENU_LIBRARY RefreshItemFromAX
[140] | 98 | pop ax ; Update new item (for translated drive number)
| 99 | CALL_MENU_LIBRARY RefreshItemFromAX
[88] | 100 | CALL_MENU_LIBRARY RefreshInformation
| 101 | stc
[3] | 102 | ret
| 103 |
| 104 |
[88] | 105 | ; Parameters:
| 106 | ; AL: ASCII character for the key
| 107 | ; AH: Keyboard library scan code for the key
[3] | 108 | ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN
[88] | 109 | .KeyStrokeInAX:
[92] | 110 | cmp ah, ROM_BOOT_HOTKEY_SCANCODE
| 111 | jne SHORT .CheckDriveHotkeys
[95] | 112 | jmp Int19hMenu_RomBoot
[92] | 113 | ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN
| 114 | .CheckDriveHotkeys:
[130] | 115 | call BootMenu_GetMenuitemToAXforAsciiHotkeyInAL
| 116 | cmp ax, [bp+MENUINIT.wItems]
[92] | 117 | jae SHORT .EventCompleted ; Invalid key
[88] | 118 | CALL_MENU_LIBRARY HighlightItemFromAX
| 119 | ; Fall to .ItemSelectedFromCX
[3] | 120 |
| 121 |
[88] | 122 | ; Parameters:
| 123 | ; CX: Index of selected item
[3] | 124 | ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN
[88] | 125 | .ItemSelectedFromCX:
| 127 | .EventCompleted:
| 128 | stc
[3] | 129 | ret
| 130 |
| 131 |
[88] | 132 | ; Parameters:
| 133 | ; CX: Index of item to refresh
| 134 | ; Cursor has been positioned to the beginning of item line
[3] | 135 | ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN
[88] | 136 | .RefreshItemFromCX:
| 137 | mov bx, .rgwItemTypeRefresh
| 138 | jmp SHORT .RefreshItemOrInformationWithJumpTableInCSBX
[3] | 139 |
[88] | 140 |
| 141 | ; Parameters:
| 142 | ; CX: Index of highlighted item
| 143 | ; Cursor has been positioned to the beginning of first line
[3] | 144 | ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN
[88] | 145 | .RefreshInformation:
| 146 | mov bx, .rgwInformationItemTypeRefresh
| 147 | ; Fall to .RefreshItemOrInformationWithJumpTableInCSBX
[3] | 148 |
| 149 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
[88] | 150 | ; RefreshItemOrInformationWithJumpTableInCSBX
[3] | 151 | ; Parameters:
| 152 | ; CX: Index of selected menuitem
[88] | 153 | ; CS:BX: Ptr to ITEM_TYPE_REFRESH jump table
[3] | 154 | ; Returns:
[88] | 155 | ; CF: set since event processed
[3] | 156 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
[88] | 157 | .RefreshItemOrInformationWithJumpTableInCSBX:
| 158 | cmp cl, NO_ITEM_HIGHLIGHTED
| 159 | je SHORT .EventCompleted
| 160 |
[3] | 161 | call RamVars_GetSegmentToDS
[130] | 162 | call BootMenu_GetDriveToDXforMenuitemInCX
[128] | 163 | test dl, dl ; Floppy drive?
| 164 | jns SHORT .DrawFloppyDrive
[88] | 165 | jmp [cs:bx+ITEM_TYPE_REFRESH.HardDisk]
[3] | 166 | ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN
[88] | 167 | .DrawFloppyDrive:
| 168 | jmp [cs:bx+ITEM_TYPE_REFRESH.FloppyDrive]
[3] | 169 |
[88] | 170 | ; Jump tables for .RefreshItemOrInformationWithJumpTableInCSBX
| 172 | .rgwItemTypeRefresh:
| 173 | istruc ITEM_TYPE_REFRESH
| 174 | at ITEM_TYPE_REFRESH.HardDisk, dw BootMenuPrint_HardDiskMenuitem
| 175 | at ITEM_TYPE_REFRESH.FloppyDrive, dw BootMenuPrint_FloppyMenuitem
| 176 | iend
| 177 | .rgwInformationItemTypeRefresh:
| 178 | istruc ITEM_TYPE_REFRESH
| 179 | at ITEM_TYPE_REFRESH.HardDisk, dw BootMenuPrint_HardDiskMenuitemInformation
| 180 | at ITEM_TYPE_REFRESH.FloppyDrive, dw BootMenuPrint_FloppyMenuitemInformation
| 181 | iend