[90] | 1 | ; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS
[3] | 2 | ; Description : Defines for ROMVARS struct containing variables stored
| 3 | ; in BIOS ROM.
| 4 | %ifndef ROMVARS_INC
| 5 | %define ROMVARS_INC
| 6 |
| 7 | ; ROM Variables. There are written to ROM image before flashing.
| 8 | struc ROMVARS
| 9 | .wRomSign resb 2 ; ROM Signature (AA55h)
| 10 | .bRomSize resb 1 ; ROM size in 512 byte blocks
[90] | 11 | .rgbJump resb 3 ; First instruction to ROM init (jmp)
| 12 |
[3] | 13 | .rgbSign resb 8 ; Signature for XTIDE Configurator Program
| 14 | .szTitle resb 31 ; BIOS title string
[97] | 15 | .szVersion resb 25 ; BIOS version string
[90] | 16 |
[3] | 17 | .wFlags resb 2 ; Word for ROM flags
[143] | 18 | .wDisplayMode resb 2 ; Display mode for boot menu
[137] | 19 | .wBootTimeout resb 2 ; Boot Menu selection timeout in system timer ticks
[90] | 20 | .bIdeCnt resb 1 ; Number of available IDE controllers
[3] | 21 | .bBootDrv resb 1 ; Boot Menu default drive
| 22 | .bMinFddCnt resb 1 ; Minimum number of Floppy Drives
| 23 | .bStealSize resb 1 ; Number of 1kB blocks stolen from 640kB base RAM
[90] | 24 |
[3] | 25 | .ideVars0 resb IDEVARS_size
| 26 | .ideVars1 resb IDEVARS_size
| 27 | .ideVars2 resb IDEVARS_size
| 28 | .ideVars3 resb IDEVARS_size
| 29 | endstruc
| 30 |
| 31 | ; Bit defines for ROMVARS.wFlags
| 32 | FLG_ROMVARS_FULLMODE EQU (1<<0) ; Full operating mode (steals base RAM, supports EBIOS etc.)
| 33 | FLG_ROMVARS_DRVXLAT EQU (1<<2) ; Enable drive number translation
| 34 |
[143] | 35 | ; Boot Menu Display Modes (see Assembly Library Display.inc for standard modes)
[3] | 37 |
[143] | 38 |
[3] | 39 | ; Controller specific variables
| 40 | struc IDEVARS
| 41 | .wPort resb 2 ; IDE Base Port for Command Block (usual) Registers
| 42 | .wPortCtrl resb 2 ; IDE Base Port for Control Block Registers
| 43 | .bBusType resb 1 ; Bus type
| 44 | .bIRQ resb 1 ; Interrupt Request Number
| 45 | .drvParamsMaster resb DRVPARAMS_size
| 46 | .drvParamsSlave resb DRVPARAMS_size
| 47 | endstruc
| 48 |
| 49 | ; Bus types for IDEVARS.bBusType
| 50 | BUS_TYPE_8_DUAL EQU (0<<1) ; XTIDE transfers with two 8-bit data ports
| 51 | BUS_TYPE_16 EQU (1<<1) ; Normal 16-bit AT-IDE transfers
| 52 | BUS_TYPE_32 EQU (2<<1) ; 32-bit VLB and PCI transfers
| 53 | BUS_TYPE_8_SINGLE EQU (3<<1) ; 8-bit transfers with single 8-bit data port
| 54 |
| 55 |
| 56 | ; Master/Slave drive specific parameters
| 57 | struc DRVPARAMS
| 58 | .wFlags resb 2 ; Drive flags
| 59 | .wCylinders resb 2 ; User specified cylinders (1...16383)
[99] | 60 | .wHeadsAndSectors:
| 61 | .bHeads resb 1 ; User specified Heads (1...16)
[3] | 62 | .bSect resb 1 ; User specified Sectors per track (1...63)
| 63 | endstruc
| 64 |
| 65 | ; Bit defines for DRVPARAMS.wFlags
| 66 | FLG_DRVPARAMS_USERCHS EQU (1<<0) ; User specified P-CHS values
| 67 | FLG_DRVPARAMS_BLOCKMODE EQU (1<<1) ; Enable Block mode transfers
| 68 |
| 69 |
| 70 | %endif ; ROMVARS_INC