//====================================================================== // // Project: XTIDE Universal BIOS, Serial Port Server // // File: process.cpp - Processes commands received over the serial port // #include "library.h" #include #include union _buff { struct { unsigned char command; unsigned char driveAndHead; unsigned char count; unsigned char sector; unsigned short cylinder; } chs; struct { unsigned char command; unsigned char bits24; unsigned char count; unsigned char bits00; unsigned char bits08; unsigned char bits16; } lba; struct { unsigned char command; unsigned char driveAndHead; unsigned char count; unsigned char undefined1; unsigned char portAndBaud; unsigned char undefined2; } inquire; unsigned char b[514]; unsigned short w[257]; } buff; #define SERIAL_COMMAND_HEADER 0xa0 #define SERIAL_COMMAND_WRITE 1 #define SERIAL_COMMAND_READWRITE 2 #define SERIAL_COMMAND_RWMASK 3 #define SERIAL_COMMAND_INQUIRE 0 #define SERIAL_COMMAND_MASK 0xe3 #define SERIAL_COMMAND_HEADERMASK 0xe0 #define SERIAL_INQUIRE_PORTANDBAUD_BAUDMASK 3 #define SERIAL_INQUIRE_PORTANDBAUD_PORTMASK 0xfc #define SERIAL_INQUIRE_PORTANDBAUD_STARTINGPORT 0x240 #define SERIAL_INQUIRE_PORTANDBAUD_PORTTRANSLATE( a ) ( ((a) & SERIAL_INQUIRE_PORTANDBAUD_PORT) << 1 | SERIAL_INQUIRE_PORTANDBAUD_STARTINGPORT ) void logBuff( char *message, unsigned long buffoffset, unsigned long readto, int verboseLevel ) { char logBuff[ 514*9 + 10 ]; int logCount; if( verboseLevel == 5 || (verboseLevel >= 3 && buffoffset == readto) ) { if( verboseLevel == 3 && buffoffset > 11 ) logCount = 11; else logCount = buffoffset; for( int t = 0; t < logCount; t++ ) sprintf( &logBuff[t*9], "[%3d:%02x] ", t, buff.b[t] ); if( logCount != buffoffset ) sprintf( &logBuff[logCount*9], "... " ); log( 3, "%s%s", message, logBuff ); } } void processRequests( Serial *serial, Image *image0, Image *image1, int timeoutEnabled, int verboseLevel ) { unsigned char workCommand; int workOffset, workCount; unsigned long mylba; unsigned long readto; unsigned long buffoffset; unsigned long lasttick; unsigned short crc; unsigned long GetTime_Timeout_Local; unsigned long len; Image *img; unsigned long cyl, sect, head; unsigned long perfTimer; GetTime_Timeout_Local = GetTime_Timeout(); buffoffset = 0; readto = 0; workCount = workOffset = workCommand = 0; lasttick = GetTime(); while( (len = serial->readCharacters( &buff.b[buffoffset], (readto ? readto-buffoffset : 1) )) ) { buffoffset += len; // // For debugging, look at the incoming packet // if( verboseLevel >= 3 ) logBuff( " Received: ", buffoffset, readto, verboseLevel ); if( timeoutEnabled && readto && GetTime() > lasttick + GetTime_Timeout_Local ) { log( 1, "Timeout waiting on data from client, aborting previous command" ); workCount = workOffset = workCommand = 0; readto = 0; if( len <= 8 && (buff.b[buffoffset-len] & SERIAL_COMMAND_HEADERMASK) == SERIAL_COMMAND_HEADER ) { // assume that we are at the front of a new command // memcpy( &buff.b[0], &buff.b[buffoffset-len], len ); buffoffset = len; readto = 8; // fall through to normal processing } else if( len == 1 ) { // one new character, treat it like any other new character received, discarding the buffer // buff.b[0] = buff.b[buffoffset-1]; buffoffset = 1; // fall through to normal processing } else { // discard even the newly received data and start listening anew // buffoffset = 0; continue; } } lasttick = GetTime(); // // No work currently to do, look at each character as they come in... // if( !readto ) { if( (buff.b[0] & SERIAL_COMMAND_HEADERMASK) == SERIAL_COMMAND_HEADER ) { // // Found our command header byte to start a commnad sequence, read the next 7 and evaluate // readto = 8; continue; } else { // // Spurious characters, discard // if( verboseLevel >= 2 ) { if( buff.b[0] >= 0x20 && buff.b[0] <= 0x7e ) log( 2, "Spurious: [%d:%c]", buff.b[0], buff.b[0] ); else log( 2, "Spurious: [%d]", buff.b[0] ); } buffoffset = 0; continue; } } // // Partial packet received, keep reading... // if( readto && buffoffset < readto ) continue; // // Read 512 bytes from serial port, only one command reads that many characters: Write Sector // if( buffoffset == readto && readto == 514 ) { buffoffset = readto = 0; if( (crc = checksum( &buff.w[0], 256 )) != buff.w[256] ) { log( 0, "Bad Write Sector Checksum" ); continue; } if( img->readOnly ) { log( 1, "Attempt to write to read-only image" ); continue; } img->seekSector( mylba + workOffset ); img->writeSector( &buff.w[0] ); // // Echo back the CRC // if( serial->writeCharacters( &buff.w[256], 2 ) != 2 ) log( 0, "Serial Port Write Error" ); workOffset++; workCount--; if( workCount ) readto = 1; // looking for continuation ACK } // // 8 byte command received, or a continuation of the previous command // else if( (buffoffset == readto && readto == 8) || (buffoffset == readto && readto == 1 && workCount) ) { buffoffset = readto = 0; if( workCount ) { if( verboseLevel > 1 ) log( 2, " Continuation: Offset=%u, Checksum=%04x", workOffset-1, buff.w[256] ); // // Continuation... // if( buff.b[0] != (workCount-0) ) { log( 0, "Continue Fault: Received=%d, Expected=%d", buff.b[0], workCount ); workCount = 0; continue; } } else { // // New Command... // if( (crc = checksum( &buff.w[0], 3 )) != buff.w[3] ) { log( 0, "Bad Command Checksum: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x, Checksum=%04x", buff.b[0], buff.b[1], buff.b[2], buff.b[3], buff.b[4], buff.b[5], buff.b[6], buff.b[7], crc); continue; } img = (buff.inquire.driveAndHead & ATA_DriveAndHead_Drive) ? image1 : image0; workCommand = buff.chs.command & SERIAL_COMMAND_RWMASK; if( (workCommand != SERIAL_COMMAND_INQUIRE) && (buff.chs.command & ATA_COMMAND_LBA) ) { mylba = ((((unsigned long) buff.lba.bits24) & ATA_COMMAND_HEADMASK) << 24) | (((unsigned long) buff.lba.bits16) << 16) | (((unsigned long) buff.lba.bits08) << 8) | ((unsigned long) buff.lba.bits00); } else { cyl = buff.chs.cylinder; sect = buff.chs.sector; head = (buff.chs.driveAndHead & ATA_COMMAND_HEADMASK); mylba = img ? (((cyl*img->head + head)*img->sect) + sect-1) : 0; } workOffset = 0; workCount = buff.chs.count; if( verboseLevel > 0 ) { char *comStr = (workCommand & SERIAL_COMMAND_WRITE ? "Write" : "Read"); if( workCommand == SERIAL_COMMAND_INQUIRE ) log( 1, "Inquire %d: Client Port=0x%x, Client Baud=%s", img == image0 ? 0 : 1, ((buff.inquire.portAndBaud & SERIAL_INQUIRE_PORTANDBAUD_PORTMASK) << 1) + SERIAL_INQUIRE_PORTANDBAUD_STARTINGPORT, baudRateMatchDivisor( buff.inquire.portAndBaud & SERIAL_INQUIRE_PORTANDBAUD_BAUDMASK )->display ); else if( buff.chs.command & ATA_COMMAND_LBA ) log( 1, "%s %d: LBA=%u, Count=%u", comStr, img == image0 ? 0 : 1, mylba, workCount ); else log( 1, "%s %d: Cylinder=%u, Sector=%u, Head=%u, Count=%u, LBA=%u", comStr, img == image0 ? 0 : 1, cyl, sect, head, workCount, mylba ); } if( !img ) { log( 1, " No slave drive provided" ); workCount = 0; continue; } if( (workCommand & SERIAL_COMMAND_WRITE) && img->readOnly ) { log( 1, " Write attempt to Read Only disk" ); workCount = 0; continue; } if( verboseLevel > 0 && workCount > 100 ) perfTimer = GetTime(); } if( workCount && (workCommand == (SERIAL_COMMAND_WRITE | SERIAL_COMMAND_READWRITE)) ) { // // Write command... Setup to receive a sector // readto = 514; } else { // // Inquire command... // if( workCommand == SERIAL_COMMAND_INQUIRE ) { if( serial->speedEmulation && (buff.inquire.portAndBaud & SERIAL_INQUIRE_PORTANDBAUD_BAUDMASK) != serial->baudRate->divisor ) { log( 1, " Ignoring Inquire with wrong baud rate" ); workCount = 0; continue; } img->respondInquire( &buff.w[0], serial->baudRate, buff.inquire.portAndBaud ); } // // Read command... // else { img->seekSector( mylba + workOffset ); img->readSector( &buff.w[0] ); } buff.w[256] = checksum( &buff.w[0], 256 ); if( serial->writeCharacters( &buff.w[0], 514 ) != 514 ) log( 0, "Serial Port Write Error" ); if( verboseLevel >= 3 ) logBuff( " Sending: ", 514, 514, verboseLevel ); workCount--; workOffset++; if( workCount ) readto = 1; // looking for continuation ACK } } if( workCount == 0 && workOffset > 100 ) log( 1, " Performance: %.2lf bytes per second", (512.0 * workOffset) / (GetTime() - perfTimer) * 1000.0 ); } }