1 | ; File name : string.asm
2 | ; Project name : String library
3 | ; Created date : 7.10.2009
4 | ; Last update : 26.11.2009
5 | ; Author : Tomi Tilli
6 | ; Description : ASM library to work as Standard C String and Character.
7 |
8 | ;--------------- Equates -----------------------------
9 |
10 | ; String library function to include
11 | %define USE_STR_ISCHAR
14 | ;%define USE_STR_BUFFCMP
15 | %define USE_STR_TOUINT
16 | %define USE_STR_LEN
17 | %define USE_STR_TOKEN
18 | ;%define USE_STR_WITHIN
19 | %define USE_STR_TOLOWER
20 | ;%define USE_STR_TOUPPER
21 |
22 | ; Special characters for strings
23 | STOP EQU 0 ; String ending character
24 | BELL EQU 7 ; Bell
25 | BS EQU 8 ; Backspace
26 | TAB EQU 9 ; Horizontal tab
27 | LF EQU 10 ; Line feed \ Combine to...
28 | CR EQU 13 ; Carriage return / ...get a newline
29 | ESC EQU 27 ; ESC
30 |
31 | ; Misc characters
32 | UARROW EQU 24 ; Up arrow
33 | DARROW EQU 25 ; Down arrow
34 | RARROW EQU 26 ; Right arrow
35 | LARROW EQU 27 ; Left arrow
36 |
37 | ; Characters for printing boxes
38 | B_V EQU 186 ; Bold vertical border (Y-axis)
39 | B_H EQU 205 ; Bold horizontal border (X-axis)
40 | B_TL EQU 201 ; Bold top left border
41 | B_TR EQU 187 ; Bold top right border
42 | B_LR EQU 188 ; Bold lower right border
43 | B_LL EQU 200 ; Bold lower left border
44 |
45 | T_V EQU 179 ; Thin vertical border (Y-axis)
46 | T_H EQU 196 ; Thin horizontal border (X-axis)
47 | T_TL EQU 218 ; Thin top left border
48 | T_TR EQU 191 ; Thin top right border
49 | T_LR EQU 217 ; Thin lower right border
50 | T_LL EQU 192 ; Thin lower left border
51 |
52 | BVL_THR EQU 199 ; Bold vert on left, Thin horiz on right (||-)
53 | THL_BVR EQU 182 ; Thin horiz on left, Bold vert on right (-||)
54 | TVL_BHR EQU 198 ; Thin vert on left, Bold horiz on right (|=)
55 | BHL_TVR EQU 181 ; Bold horiz on left, Thin vert on right (=|)
56 |
57 | ; Blocks
58 | MIN_BLCK EQU 176 ; Few character pixels set
59 | FULL_BLCK EQU 219 ; All character pixels set
60 |
61 |
62 | ;-------------- Private global variables -------------
63 | ; Section containing initialized data
64 | ;SECTION .data
65 |
66 |
67 | ;-------------- Public functions ---------------------
68 | ; Section containing code
69 | SECTION .text
70 |
71 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
72 | ; Checks if character is some type of character.
73 | ;
74 | ; String_IsAlphaNum (checks if alphanumeric letter, isalnum on C)
75 | ; String_IsAlpha (checks if alphabetic letter, isalpha on C)
76 | ; String_IsDigit (checks if decimal digit, isdigit on C)
77 | ; String_IsLower (checks if lowercase letter, islower on C)
78 | ; String_IsSpace (checks if any space character, isspace on C)
79 | ; String_IsUpper (checks if uppercase letter, isupper on C)
80 | ; String_IsHexDigit (checks if hexadecimal digit, isxdigit on C)
81 | ; Parameters:
82 | ; AL: Character to check
83 | ; Returns:
84 | ; CF: Set if character is the type to check
85 | ; Cleared if character is not the type to check
86 | ; Corrupts registers:
87 | ; Nothing
88 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
89 | %ifdef USE_STR_ISCHAR
91 | String_IsAlphaNum:
92 | call String_IsAlpha ; Is alphabetic letter?
93 | jnc .CheckDigit ; If not, jump to check if digit
94 | ret
95 | .CheckDigit:
96 | call String_IsDigit ; Is dec digit?
97 | ret
98 |
100 | String_IsAlpha:
101 | call String_IsLower ; Is lower case letter?
102 | jnc .CheckUpper ; If not, jump to check if upper
103 | ret
104 | .CheckUpper:
105 | call String_IsUpper ; Is upper case letter?
106 | ret
107 |
109 | String_IsDigit:
110 | cmp al, '0' ; At least first dec digit?
111 | jb _String_IsRetFalse ; If not, return FALSE
112 | cmp al, '9'+1 ; At most last dec digit?
113 | ret
114 |
116 | String_IsLower:
117 | cmp al, 'a' ; At least first lower case letter?
118 | jb _String_IsRetFalse ; If not, return FALSE
119 | cmp al, 'z'+1 ; At most last lower case letter?
120 | ret
121 |
123 | String_IsSpace:
124 | cmp al, ' '+1 ; Space or non-visible character?
125 | ret
126 |
128 | String_IsUpper:
129 | cmp al, 'A' ; At least first upper case letter?
130 | jb _String_IsRetFalse ; If not, return FALSE
131 | cmp al, 'Z'+1 ; At most last upper case letter?
132 | ret
133 |
135 | String_IsHexDigit:
136 | call String_IsAlphaNum ; Is alphabetic letter or digit?
137 | jc .CheckHex ; If so, jump to check A...F
138 | ret
139 | .CheckHex:
140 | push ax ; Store character
141 | call String_ToLower ; Convert to lower case letter
142 | cmp al, 'f'+1 ; Last valid hex alphanumeric?
143 | pop ax ; Restore character
144 | ret
145 |
147 | _String_IsRetFalse:
148 | clc ; Clear CF since false
149 | ret
150 | %endif ; USE_STR_ISCHAR
151 |
152 |
153 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
154 | ; Checks if character belongs to specified numeric base.
155 | ;
156 | ; String_IsBaseChar
157 | ; Parameters:
158 | ; AL: Character to check
159 | ; CL: Numeric base (10=dec, 16=hex etc.)
160 | ; Returns:
161 | ; AH: Integer value for character
162 | ; CF: Set if character belongs to base
163 | ; Set if character does not belong to base
164 | ; Corrupts registers:
165 | ; Nothing
166 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
169 | String_IsBaseChar:
170 | mov ah, al ; Copy char to AH
171 | call String_IsDigit ; Is '0'...'9'?
172 | jc .ConvertDigit ; If so, jump to convert
173 | call String_IsAlpha ; Is alphabetic letter?
174 | jnc .RetFalse ; If not, return FALSE
175 | call String_ToLower ; Convert to lower case
176 | xchg al, ah ; Converted char to AH
177 | sub ah, 'a'-10 ; From char to integer: a=10, b=11...
178 | cmp ah, cl ; Belongs to base?
179 | jae .RetFalse ; If not, return FALSE
180 | stc ; Set CF since belongs to base
181 | ret
183 | .ConvertDigit:
184 | sub ah, '0' ; Convert char to integer
185 | cmp ah, cl ; Belongs to base?
186 | jae .RetFalse ; If not, return FALSE
187 | stc ; Set CF since belongs to base
188 | ret
190 | .RetFalse:
191 | clc ; Clear CF since char doesn't belong to b
192 | ret
193 | %endif
194 |
195 |
196 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
197 | ; Finds first occurrence of character from buffer (memchr on C).
198 | ;
199 | ; String_BuffHasChar
200 | ; Parameters:
201 | ; AL: Character to check
202 | ; CX: Buffer length in bytes (1...65535, 0 clears CF)
203 | ; ES:DI: Pointer to buffer
204 | ; Returns:
205 | ; AX: Index of character in buffer (if char found)
206 | ; ES:BX: Pointer to character location (if char found)
207 | ; CF: Set if character found
208 | ; Cleared if character not found
209 | ; Corrupts registers:
210 | ; Nothing
211 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
214 | String_BuffHasChar:
215 | jcxz .Return ; Check length so no need to initialise ZF
216 | push di ; Store offset to buffer
217 | times 2 push cx ; Store CX
218 | cld ; Set SCASB to increment DI
219 | repne scasb ; Compare bytes to AL until found or CX=0
220 | jne .CharNotFound ; Character not found, return FALSE
221 |
222 | ; Character found
223 | pop ax ; Pop buffer length
224 | sub ax, cx ; Subtract number of chars left
225 | dec ax ; Number of chars scanned to found index
226 | lea bx, [di-1] ; Load character offset to BX
227 | pop cx ; Restore CX
228 | pop di ; Restore DI
229 | stc ; Set CF since char found
230 | ret
231 | .CharNotFound:
232 | times 2 pop cx ; Restore CX
233 | pop di ; Restore DI
234 | .Return:
235 | clc ; Clear CF since char not found
236 | ret
237 | %endif
238 |
239 |
240 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
241 | ; Compares two buffers (memcmp on C).
242 | ;
243 | ; String_BuffCmp
244 | ; Parameters:
245 | ; CX: Buffer length in bytes (1...65535, 0 clears ZF)
246 | ; DS:SI: Pointer to buffer 1
247 | ; ES:DI: Pointer to buffer 2
248 | ; Returns:
249 | ; AX: Index of unequal character (if buffers are not equal)
250 | ; ZF: Set if buffers are equal
251 | ; Cleared if buffers are not equal
252 | ; Corrupts registers:
253 | ; Nothing
254 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
255 | %ifdef USE_STR_BUFFCMP
257 | String_BuffCmp:
258 | jcxz .ReturnUnequal ; Check length so no need to initialise ZF
259 | push di ; Store offset to buffer 2
260 | push si ; Store offset to buffer 1
261 | times 2 push cx ; Store CX
262 | cld ; Set CMPSB to increment SI and DI
263 | repe cmpsb ; Compare bytes until not equal or CX=0
264 | jne .BuffersUnequal ; Unequal byte found, return FALSE
265 | times 2 pop cx ; Restore CX
266 | pop si ; Restore SI
267 | pop di ; Restore DI
268 | ret
269 | .BuffersUnequal:
270 | pop ax ; Pop buffer length
271 | sub ax, cx ; Subtrack number of chars left
272 | dec ax ; Number of chars compared to unequal idx
273 | xor cx, cx ; Zero CX
274 | dec cx ; ZF=0
275 | pop cx ; Restore CX
276 | pop si ; Restore SI
277 | pop di ; Restore DI
278 | ret
279 | .ReturnUnequal:
280 | xor ax, ax ; Zero AX
281 | dec ax ; AX = FFFFh, ZF=0
282 | ret
283 | %endif
284 |
285 |
286 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
287 | ; Converts a string buffer to unsigned 32-bit integer.
288 | ;
289 | ; String_BuffToUInt
290 | ; Parameters:
291 | ; ES:DI: Pointer to string buffer to convert
292 | ; CX: Base (10=dec, 16=hex etc.)
293 | ; SI: Buffer length in characters
294 | ; Returns:
295 | ; DX:AX: 32-bit unsigned integer
296 | ; CF: Set if converted successfully
297 | ; Cleared if error
298 | ; Corrupts registers:
299 | ; Nothing
300 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
301 | %ifdef USE_STR_TOUINT
303 | String_BuffToUInt:
304 | ; Copy ES:DI to DS:SI
305 | push ds ; Store DS
306 | push si ; Store SI
307 | push di ; Store DI
308 | push bx ; Store BX
309 | xchg si, di ; Offset to SI, lenght to DI
310 | push es
311 | pop ds
312 |
313 | ; Prepare to read chars
314 | xor dx, dx ; Zero DX (HIWORD)
315 | xor bx, bx ; Zero BX (LOWORD)
317 | .CharLoop:
318 | lodsb ; Load char to AL
319 | call String_IsBaseChar ; Is valid character? (AH=digit)
320 | jnc .RetFalse ; If not, return FALSE
321 | xchg ax, bx ; AX=LOWORD, BX=digit and char
322 | call Math_MulDWbyW ; DX:AX *= CX
323 | xchg ax, bx ; AX=digit and char, BX=LOWORD
324 | mov al, ah ; Copy digit to AL
325 | xor ah, ah ; Zero AH, AX=digit
326 | add bx, ax ; Add digit to LOWORD
327 | adc dx, 0 ; Add carry to HIWORD
328 | dec di ; Decrement characters left
329 | jnz .CharLoop ; Loop while characters left
330 |
331 | mov ax, bx ; Copy loword to AX
332 | pop bx ; Restore BX
333 | pop di ; Restore DI
334 | pop si ; Restore SI
335 | pop ds ; Restore DS
336 | stc ; Set CF since success
337 | ret
339 | .RetFalse:
340 | mov ax, bx ; Copy (likely incomplete) loword to AX
341 | pop bx ; Restore BX
342 | pop di ; Restore DI
343 | pop si ; Restore SI
344 | pop ds ; Restore DS
345 | clc ; Clear CF since error
346 | ret
347 | %endif
348 |
349 |
350 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
351 | ; Returns string lenght. Strings must end to STOP character (strlen on C).
352 | ;
353 | ; String_StrLen
354 | ; Parameters:
355 | ; ES:DI: Pointer to string
356 | ; Returns:
357 | ; AX: String length in characters excluding STOP char
358 | ; CF: Set if STOP character was found
359 | ; Cleared if STOP character was not found
360 | ; Corrupts registers:
361 | ; Nothing
362 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
363 | %ifdef USE_STR_LEN
365 | String_StrLen:
366 | push cx ; Store CX
367 | mov al, STOP ; Load string end char to AL
368 | mov cx, -1 ; Scan for maximum string length
369 | call String_BuffHasChar ; Find offset for string ending char
370 | pop cx ; Restore CX
371 | ret
372 | %endif
373 |
374 |
375 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
376 | ; Returns length for token string. Token strings ends to any whitespace
377 | ; character or to STOP.
378 | ;
379 | ; String_TokenLen
380 | ; Parameters:
381 | ; ES:DI: Pointer to token string
382 | ; Returns:
383 | ; AX: Token length in characters
384 | ; Corrupts registers:
385 | ; Nothing
386 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
387 | %ifdef USE_STR_TOKEN
389 | String_TokenLen:
390 | push bx ; Store BX
391 | xor bx, bx ; Zero BX for token length
393 | .CharLoop:
394 | mov al, [es:di+bx] ; Load character to AL
395 | cmp al, STOP ; End of token?
396 | je .Return ; If so, return
397 | call String_IsSpace ; End of token?
398 | jc .Return ; If so, return
399 | inc bx ; Increment token length
400 | jmp .CharLoop ; Loop while characters left
402 | .Return:
403 | mov ax, bx ; Copy string length to AX
404 | pop bx ; Restore BX
405 | ret
406 | %endif
407 |
408 |
409 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
410 | ; Returns index and ptr to first occurrence of
411 | ; string 2 in string 1 (strstr on C).
412 | ; Strings must be STOP terminated strings.
413 | ;
414 | ; String_StrWithin
415 | ; Parameters:
416 | ; DS:SI: Pointer to string 1
417 | ; ES:DI: Pointer to string 2
418 | ; Returns:
419 | ; AX: Index to first occurrence of string 2 in string 1
420 | ; DS:BX: Pointer to first occurrence of string 2 in string 1
421 | ; CF: Set if string 2 was found in string 1
422 | ; Cleared if string 2 was not found
423 | ; Corrupts registers:
424 | ; Nothing
425 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
426 | %ifdef USE_STR_WITHIN
428 | String_StrWithin:
429 | push cx ; Store CX
430 | push si ; Store SI
431 | call String_StrLen ; Load str2 length to AX
432 | mov cx, ax ; Copy str2 length to CX
433 |
435 | .Str1CharLoop:
436 | cmp BYTE [si], STOP ; End of string?
437 | je .Str2NotFound ; If so, return FALSE
438 | call String_BuffCmp ; str2 found in str1?
439 | je .Str2Found ; If so, break loop
440 | add si, ax ; Add index to first unmatching char
441 | inc si ; Increment str1 ptr
442 | jmp .Str1CharLoop ; Loop while characters left
443 |
445 | .Str2Found:
446 | mov bx, si ; Copy ptr to BX
447 | mov ax, si ; Copy ptr to AX
448 | pop si ; Restore SI
449 | pop cx ; Restore CX
450 | sub ax, si ; Calculate index to str2 in str1
451 | stc ; Set CF since str2 found
452 | ret
454 | .Str2NotFound:
455 | xor bx, bx ; Zero BX
456 | pop si ; Restore SI
457 | pop cx ; Restore CX
458 | clc ; Clear CF since str2 was not found
459 | ret
460 | %endif
461 |
462 |
463 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
464 | ; Returns pointer to wanted token inside STOP terminated string.
465 | ; Tokens are separated by any white space characters.
466 | ;
467 | ; String_StrToken
468 | ; Parameters:
469 | ; CX: Index of token to return
470 | ; ES:DI: Pointer to string
471 | ; Returns:
472 | ; AX: Token string length (if token found)
473 | ; ES:DI: Pointer to token (if token found)
474 | ; CF: Set if token found
475 | ; Cleared if token not found
476 | ; Corrupts registers:
477 | ; Nothing
478 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
479 | %ifdef USE_STR_TOKEN
481 | String_StrToken:
482 | push cx ; Store CX
483 | push si ; Store SI
484 | push ds ; Store DS
485 | push es ; Copy ES:DI to DS:SI
486 | pop ds
487 | mov si, di
488 | inc cx ; Increment to number of tokens to search
489 | cld ; LODSB to increment SI
491 | .ConsumeWhite:
492 | lodsb ; Load char to AL from [DS:SI]
493 | cmp al, STOP ; End of string?
494 | je .NotFound ; If so, token was not found
495 | call String_IsSpace ; Any whitespace character?
496 | jc .ConsumeWhite ; If so, skip it
497 | dec si ; Decrement SI to point first non-space
498 | mov di, si ; Copy offset to token to DI
500 | .TokenLoop:
501 | lodsb ; Load char to AL
502 | cmp al, STOP ; End of string?
503 | je .EndOfString ; If so, end token
504 | call String_IsSpace ; Any whitespace character?
505 | jnc .TokenLoop ; If not, loop
506 | loop .ConsumeWhite ; Loop until wanted token found
507 | .RetToken:
508 | pop ds ; Restore DS
509 | pop si ; Restore SI
510 | pop cx ; Restore CX
511 | call String_TokenLen ; Get token length to AX
512 | stc ; Set CF since token found
513 | ret
515 | .EndOfString:
516 | dec si ; Offset to STOP
517 | cmp di, si ; STOP only char in token?
518 | je .NotFound ; If so, then it is not valid token
519 | loop .NotFound ; If last token was not wanted
520 | jmp .RetToken
522 | .NotFound:
523 | pop ds ; Restore DS
524 | pop si ; Restore SI
525 | pop cx ; Restore CX
526 | clc ; Clear CF since token not found
527 | ret
528 | %endif
529 |
530 |
531 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
532 | ; Converts a STOP terminated string to unsigned 32-bit integer.
533 | ;
534 | ; String_StrToUInt
535 | ; Parameters:
536 | ; ES:DI: Pointer to string to convert
537 | ; CX: Base (10=dec, 16=hex etc.)
538 | ; Returns:
539 | ; DX:AX: 32-bit unsigned integer
540 | ; CF: Set if converted successfully
541 | ; Cleared if error
542 | ; Corrupts registers:
543 | ; Nothing
544 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
545 | %ifdef USE_STR_TOUINT
547 | String_StrToUInt:
548 | push si
549 | call String_StrLen ; Get string length to AX
550 | mov si, ax ; Copy length to SI
551 | call String_BuffToUInt ; Convert to integer in DX:AX
552 | pop si
553 | ret
554 | %endif
555 | %if 0
556 | String_StrToUInt: ; Faster but we want to minimize size
557 | ; Copy ES:DI to DS:SI
558 | push ds ; Store DS
559 | push si ; Store SI
560 | push bx ; Store BX
561 | mov si, di ; Copy ES:DI to DS:SI
562 | push es
563 | pop ds
564 |
565 | ; Prepare to read chars
566 | xor dx, dx ; Zero DX (HIWORD)
567 | xor bx, bx ; Zero BX (LOWORD)
569 | .CharLoop:
570 | lodsb ; Load char to AL
571 | cmp al, STOP ; End of string?
572 | je .ConvComplete ; If so, break loop
573 | call String_IsBaseChar ; Is valid character? (AH=digit)
574 | jnc .RetFalse ; If not, return FALSE
575 | xchg ax, bx ; AX=LOWORD, BX=digit and char
576 | call Math_MulDWbyW ; DX:AX *= CX
577 | xchg ax, bx ; AX=digit and char, BX=LOWORD
578 | mov al, ah ; Copy digit to AL
579 | xor ah, ah ; Zero AH, AX=digit
580 | add bx, ax ; Add digit to LOWORD
581 | adc dx, 0 ; Add carry to HIWORD
582 | jmp .CharLoop ; Loop while valid characters
584 | .ConvComplete:
585 | mov ax, bx ; Copy loword to AX
586 | pop bx ; Restore BX
587 | pop si ; Restore SI
588 | pop ds ; Restore DS
589 | stc ; Set CF since success
590 | ret
592 | .RetFalse:
593 | mov ax, bx ; Copy (likely incomplete) loword to AX
594 | pop bx ; Restore BX
595 | pop si ; Restore SI
596 | pop ds ; Restore DS
597 | clc ; Clear CF since error
598 | ret
599 | %endif
600 |
601 |
602 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
603 | ; Converts upper case character to lower case character.
604 | ;
605 | ; String_ToLower
606 | ; Parameters:
607 | ; AL: Character to convert
608 | ; Returns:
609 | ; AL: Character with possible conversion
610 | ; Corrupts registers:
611 | ; Nothing
612 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
613 | %ifdef USE_STR_TOLOWER
615 | String_ToLower:
616 | call String_IsUpper ; Is upper case character?
617 | jnc .Return ; If not, return
618 | add al, 'a'-'A' ; Convert to lower case
619 | .Return:
620 | ret
621 | %endif
622 |
623 |
624 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
625 | ; Converts lower case character to upper case character.
626 | ;
627 | ; String_ToUpper
628 | ; Parameters:
629 | ; AL: Character to convert
630 | ; Returns:
631 | ; AL: Character with possible conversion
632 | ; Corrupts registers:
633 | ; Nothing
634 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
635 | %ifdef USE_STR_TOUPPER
637 | String_ToUpper:
638 | call String_IsLower ; Is lower case character?
639 | jnc .Return ; If not, return
640 | sub al, 'a'-'A' ; Convert to upper case
641 | .Return:
642 | ret
643 | %endif