; File name : menumsg.asm ; Project name : Menu library ; Created date : 13.11.2009 ; Last update : 10.1.2010 ; Author : Tomi Tilli ; Description : ASM library to menu system. ; Contains functions for displaying messages. ;--------------- Equates ----------------------------- ; Control characters for Menu Message string. ; Normal control characters cannot be used since message string ; will be tokenized and converted to menuitems. %define MNU_NL " |n " ; Menu newline defined as token string W_MNU_NL EQU "|n" ; Menu newline defined as WORD ; Total border chars on left and right side of string menuitem SIZE_MSG_HBRDR EQU 4 ; Horizontal border size ; Message variables. This is an expanded MENUVARS struct. struc MSGVARS .menuVars resb MENUVARS_size .dwStrPtr: ; Far pointer to string to display .wStrOff: resb 2 ; Offset to string to display .wStrSeg: resb 2 ; Segment to string to display endstruc ;-------------- Private global variables ------------- ; Section containing initialized data ;SECTION .data ;-------------- Public functions --------------------- ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Displays message string. ; ; MenuMsg_ShowMessage ; Parameters: ; BL: Dialog width with borders included ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; ES:DI: Ptr to STOP terminated string to display ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuMsg_ShowMessage: ; Create stack frame eENTER MSGVARS_size, 0 sub bp, MSGVARS_size ; Point to MSGVARS ; Initialize menu variables mov [bp+MENUVARS.bWidth], bl ; Menu size mov WORD [bp+MENUVARS.wTopDwnH], 0 ; Title and Info size mov WORD [bp+MENUVARS.fnEvent], MenuMsg_MsgEvent mov [bp+MSGVARS.wStrOff], di ; Store far ptr... mov [bp+MSGVARS.wStrSeg], es ; ...to string to display ; Enter menu call MenuMsg_GetLineCnt ; Get message line count to CX mov ax, CNT_SCRN_ROW-2 ; Load max line rows to AX MIN_U ax, cx ; String lines to display to AX times 2 inc ax ; Include borders for dlg height mov [bp+MENUVARS.bHeight], al ; Store dialog height call MenuCrsr_GetCenter ; Get X and Y coordinates to DX xor ax, ax ; Selection timeout (disable) mov bl, FLG_MNU_NOARRW ; Menu flags call Menu_Init ; Returns only after dlg closed ; Return add bp, MSGVARS_size ; Point to old BP eLEAVE ; Destroy stack frame ret ;-------------- Private functions --------------------- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Calculates number of string lines needed by string to display. ; ; MenuMsg_GetLineCnt ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to MSGVARS ; ES:DI: Ptr to STOP terminated string to display ; Returns: ; CX: Number of lines needed ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuMsg_GetLineCnt: push di ; Get index for last line mov cx, -1 ; Get last possible line call MenuMsg_GetTokenForLine inc cx ; Last index to line count ; Return pop di ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Check if line has space for token. ; ; MenuMsg_HasLineSpace ; Parameters: ; AX: Token length in characters ; DX: Characters left on line ; ES:DI: Ptr to token string (not terminated!) ; Returns: ; DX: Chars left after token + space at the end ; CF: Set if space left for token ; Cleared if not enough space ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuMsg_HasLineSpace: sub dx, ax jl .NoSpace cmp WORD [es:di], W_MNU_NL ; Newline token? je .NoSpace ; If so, end line dec dx ; Decrement for space after token stc ; Set CF since space left ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .NoSpace: xor dx, dx ; Clear space left and CF ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Return pointer to first token for wanted message line. ; ; MenuMsg_GetTokenForLine ; Parameters: ; CX: Line index ; ES:DI: Ptr to STOP terminated string to display ; SS:BP: Ptr to MSGVARS ; Returns: ; AX: Length of first token in characters ; CX: Index of last line found (if wanted line not found) ; ES:DI: Ptr to token ; CF: Set if message line found ; Cleared if message line not found ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuMsg_GetTokenForLine: test cx, cx ; Line 0 wanted? jz .GetFirst ; If so, just get token length push bp push si ; Prepare to scan tokens eMOVZX si, [bp+MENUVARS.bWidth] sub si, SIZE_MSG_HBRDR ; Max number of chars per line mov dx, si ; Initialize chars left on line mov bp, cx ; Copy line index to BP xor bx, bx ; Zero line index counter xor ax, ax ; Zero token length ; Scan all tokens to calculate lines needed ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .TokenLoop: ; Get token and length xor cx, cx ; Always read token at index 0 add di, ax ; Increment offset for next token call String_StrToken ; Get token length to AX, ptr to ES:DI jnc .Return ; Return if no more tokens (CF cleared) ; Check does line have space left for token call MenuMsg_HasLineSpace jc .TokenLoop ; Space left, check next token ; Change to next line mov dx, si ; Copy max chars on line call MenuMsg_HasLineSpace; Update chars left inc bx ; Increment line index cmp bx, bp ; Correct line found? jne .TokenLoop ; If not, check more tokens stc ; Set CF since line found ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .Return: mov cx, bx ; Copy idx of last line found to CX pop si pop bp ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .GetFirst: jmp String_StrToken ; Get token length to AX, ptr to ES:DI ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Message dialog menu event handler. ; ; MenuMsg_WriteLine ; Parameters: ; CX: Index of line to display ; ES:DI: Ptr to STOP terminated string to display ; SS:BP: Ptr to MSGVARS ; Returns: ; CF: Set if end of string ; Cleared if string has unwritten tokens ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuMsg_WriteLine: push di call MenuMsg_GetTokenForLine ; Get ptr to first token, length to AX jnc .EndOfString ; Return if no tokens eMOVZX dx, BYTE [bp+MENUVARS.bWidth] ; Menu width sub dl, SIZE_MSG_HBRDR ; To line length mov bl, ' ' ; Space character ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .PrintToken: ; Check if space for token call MenuMsg_HasLineSpace ; Space left on line? jnc .PrintDone ; If not, all done ; Print token push ax ; Store token length mov cx, ax ; Copy token length to CX call Print_CharBuffer ; Print token xchg dx, bx ; Space char to DL PRINT_CHAR xchg dx, bx ; Restore DX pop ax ; Pop token length ; Get next token add di, ax ; Point to next token xor cx, cx ; Get token at index 0 call String_StrToken ; Get next token to ES:DI, len to AX jc .PrintToken ; Print while tokens left ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .EndOfString: ; Last token written stc ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .PrintDone: ; End of line but tokens left pop di ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Message dialog menu event handler. ; ; MenuMsg_MsgEvent ; Parameters: ; BX: Callback event ; CX: Selected menuitem index ; DX: Event parameter (event specific) ; SS:BP: Ptr to MSGVARS ; Returns: ; AH: Event specific or unused ; AL: 1=Event processed ; 0=Event not processed (default action if any) ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN MenuMsg_MsgEvent: cmp bx, EVNT_MMU_SELCHG ; Selection changed? je .RetProcessed ; If so, return cmp bx, EVNT_MNU_SELSET ; Enter to close dialog? je .CloseDialog ; If so, jump to close dialog cmp bx, EVNT_MNU_UPD ; Draw menuitem string? je .DrawLine ; If so, jump to draw cmp bx, EVNT_MNU_KEY ; Any key pressed to close dialog? jne .RetUnhandled ; If not, ignore message ; Close dialog since key pressed ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .CloseDialog: or BYTE [bp+MENUVARS.bFlags], FLG_MNU_EXIT ; Any key, exit ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .RetUnhandled: xor ax, ax ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .DrawLine: push es push di ; Print string line mov di, [bp+MSGVARS.wStrOff]; Load string offset mov es, [bp+MSGVARS.wStrSeg]; Load string segment call MenuMsg_WriteLine pop di pop es ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .RetProcessed: mov ax, 1 ; Event processed ret