; File name : menu.asm ; Project name : Menu library ; Created date : 9.11.2009 ; Last update : 21.1.2010 ; Author : Tomi Tilli ; Description : ASM library to menu system. ; ; Menu.asm contains function to be called from ; user code. Functions in other menu source files ; are only to be called by menu library itself! ; Optional features. %define USE_MENU_DIALOGS ; All dialogs ;%define USE_MENU_SETSEL ; Menu_SetSel %define USE_MENU_TOGGLEINFO ; Menu_ToggleInfo %define USE_MENU_INVITEMCNT ; Menu_InvItemCnt ; Include other menu source files. %include "menudraw.asm" %include "menucrsr.asm" %include "menuloop.asm" %ifdef USE_MENU_DIALOGS %include "menumsg.asm" %include "menudlg.asm" %include "menuprog.asm" %include "menufile.asm" %endif ;--------------- Equates ----------------------------- ; Menu Initialization Variables. ; Menu must always be initialized to stack. struc MENUVARS ; Menu size set by user .wSize: .bWidth resb 1 ; Menu full width in chars (borders included) .bHeight resb 1 ; Menu full height in chars (borders included) .wTopDwnH: .bTitleH resb 1 ; Title height in chars (borders not included, 0=disabled) .bInfoH resb 1 ; Info height in chars (borders not included, 0=disabled) ; Menu callback system set by user .fnEvent resb 2 ; Offset to event callback function ; Menu library internal variables. ; Do not modify from outside menu library! .wTimeInit resb 2 ; System time ticks for autoselect (0=disabled) .wTimeout resb 2 ; System time ticks left for autoselect .wTimeLast resb 2 ; System time ticks when last read .wInitCrsr: ; Initial cursor coordinates .bInitX resb 1 .bInitY resb 1 ; Item related variables .wItemCnt resb 2 ; Total number of items in menu .wItemSel resb 2 ; Index of currently selected (pointed) menuitem .wItemTop resb 2 ; Index of first visible menuitem .bVisCnt resb 1 ; Maximum number of visible menuitems .bFlags resb 1 ; Menu flags ; User specific variables start here. ; 4-byte user pointer is stored here if menu created with Menu_Enter. ; Data is user specific if menu was created directly with Menu_Init. .user resb 0 endstruc ; Screen row count (can be used to limit max menu height) CNT_SCRN_ROW EQU 25 ; Number of rows on screen ; Menu flags FLG_MNU_EXIT EQU (1<<0) ; Set when menu operation is to be stopped FLG_MNU_NOARRW EQU (1<<1) ; Do not draw item selection arrow FLG_MNU_HIDENFO EQU (1<<2) ; Hide menu information ; Menu update and invalidate flags MFL_UPD_TITLE EQU (1<<0) ; Update title string(s) MFL_UPD_NFO EQU (1<<1) ; Update info string(s) MFL_UPD_ITEM EQU (1<<2) ; Update item string(s) MFL_UPD_NOCLEAR EQU (1<<4) ; Do not clear old chars (prevents flickering) ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Event callback function prototype. ; ; MENUVARS.fnEvent ; Parameters: ; BX: Callback event ; CX: Menuitem index (usually index of selected Menuitem) ; DX: Event parameter (event specific) ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; Other regs: Undefined ; Returns: ; AH: Event specific or unused. Set to 0 if unused. ; AL: 1=Event processed ; 0=Event not processed (default action if any) ; Other regs: Event specific or unused. ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- EVNT_MNU_EXIT EQU 0 ; Menu will quit ; Ret AH: 1 to cancel exit ; 0 to allow menu exit EVNT_MMU_SELCHG EQU 1 ; Menuitem selection changed (with arrows) EVNT_MNU_SELSET EQU 2 ; Menuitem selected (with Enter) EVNT_MNU_KEY EQU 3 ; Keyboard key pressed ; DH: BIOS Scan Code ; DL: ASCII Char (if any) EVNT_MNU_UPD EQU 4 ; Menu needs to be updated (use currect cursor position) ; DL: MFL_UPD_TITLE set to update title string ; MFL_UPD_NFO set to update info string ; MFL_UPD_ITEM Set to update menuitem string ; CX: Index of Menuitem to update EVNT_MNU_GETDEF EQU 5 ; Request menuitem to be selected by default ; Ret CX: Index of menuitem to select EVNT_MNU_INITDONE EQU 6 ; Menu has been initialized (created) but not yet drawn ;-------------- Private global variables ------------- ; Section containing initialized data ;SECTION .data ;-------------- Public functions --------------------- ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Enters menu or submenu. Menu_Init does not have to be called ; if this function is used to enter menu or submenu. ; Menu_Init need to be called only when creating stack frame manually. ; Manual creation allows custom menu position and user defined variables. ; ; Menu_Enter ; Parameters: ; AL: Menu width with borders included ; AH: Menu height with borders included ; BL: Title line count (0=disable title) ; BH: Info line count (0=disable info) ; CL: Number of menuitems in top menu ; CH: Menu flags ; DX: Selection timeout in milliseconds (0=timeout disabled) ; DS:SI: User specific far pointer (will be stored to MENUVARS.user) ; CS:DI: Pointer to menu event handler function ; Returns: ; CX: Index of last pointed Menuitem (not necessary selected with ENTER) ; FFFFh if cancelled with ESC ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_Enter: ; Create stack frame eENTER MENUVARS_size+4, 0 sub bp, MENUVARS_size+4 ; Point to MENUVARS ; Initialize menu variables mov [bp+MENUVARS.wSize], ax mov [bp+MENUVARS.wTopDwnH], bx mov [bp+MENUVARS.fnEvent], di mov [bp+MENUVARS.user], si mov [bp+MENUVARS.user+2], ds ; Prepare to call Menu_Init push dx ; Store timeout call MenuCrsr_GetCenter ; Get centered coordinates to DX pop ax ; Restore timeout to AX xor bx, bx ; Zero BX xchg bl, ch ; Menu flags to BL, Item count to CX call Menu_Init ; Destroy stack frame add bp, MENUVARS_size+4 ; Point to old BP eLEAVE ; Destroy stack frame ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Initialize Menu. ; This function returns only after Menu_Exit has been called from ; event callback function (MENUVARS.fnEvent). ; Caller must clean MENUVARS from stack once this function returns! ; ; Multiple menus can be created to implement submenus. ; ; Menu_Init ; Parameters: ; AX: Selection timeout (ms, 0=timeout disabled) ; BL: Menu flags ; CX: Number of menuitems in top menu ; DX: Top left coordinate for menu ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; Returns: ; CX: Index of last pointed Menuitem (not necessary selected with ENTER) ; FFFFh if cancelled with ESC ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_Init: ; Initialize internal variables call Menu_StartTimeout xor ax, ax ; Zero AX mov [bp+MENUVARS.wInitCrsr], dx mov [bp+MENUVARS.wItemCnt], cx mov [bp+MENUVARS.wItemSel], ax mov [bp+MENUVARS.wItemTop], ax mov [bp+MENUVARS.bFlags], bl ; Calculate number of visible menuitems eMOVZX ax, [bp+MENUVARS.bHeight] ; Load menu total height times 2 dec ax ; Decrement top and borders or ah, [bp+MENUVARS.bTitleH] ; Load title height jz .CheckInfo ; If no title, check if info sub al, ah ; Subtract title lines dec ax ; Decrement item border ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .CheckInfo: xor ah, ah ; Zero AH or ah, [bp+MENUVARS.bInfoH] ; Load info height jz .StoreVisible ; If no info, jump to store sub al, ah ; Subtract info lines dec ax ; Decrement item border ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .StoreVisible: mov [bp+MENUVARS.bVisCnt], al ; Store max visible menuitems ; Get default menuitem mov bx, EVNT_MNU_GETDEF call MenuLoop_SendEvent test al, al ; Default menuitem returned? jz .InitDone ; If not, continue mov [bp+MENUVARS.wItemSel], cx ; Store default eMOVZX ax, [bp+MENUVARS.bVisCnt] ; Load one past last to be displayed cmp cx, ax ; Visible selection? jb .InitDone ; If so, continue mov [bp+MENUVARS.wItemTop], cx ; Set selected to topmost ; Send EVNT_MNU_INITDONE event ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .InitDone: mov bx, EVNT_MNU_INITDONE call MenuLoop_SendEvent ; Draw menu call MenuCrsr_Hide ; Hide cursor mov cx, -1 ; Invalidate all menuitems mov dl, MFL_UPD_TITLE | MFL_UPD_ITEM | MFL_UPD_NFO call Menu_Invalidate ; Enter menu loop until Menu_Exit is called call MenuLoop_Enter call MenuCrsr_Show ; Show cursor again mov cx, [bp+MENUVARS.wItemSel] ; Load return value ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Below functions are called only from event callback function ; ; (MENUVARS.fnEvent) ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Sets wanted menuitem selected and draws changes. ; ; Menu_SetSel ; Parameters: ; CX: Index of menuitem to set selected ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS for menu to refresh ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %ifdef USE_MENU_SETSEL ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_SetSel: cmp cx, [bp+MENUVARS.wItemCnt] ; Valid menuitem index? jae .Return ; If not, return mov [bp+MENUVARS.wItemSel], cx ; Store new selected index ; Scroll if necessary mov ax, [bp+MENUVARS.wItemTop] ; Load index of topmost visible MIN_U ax, cx ; AX = new topmost visible mov [bp+MENUVARS.wItemTop], ax ; Store new topmost add al, [bp+MENUVARS.bVisCnt] ; AX to one past... adc ah, 0 ; ...last visible cmp cx, ax ; After last visible? jb .SendSelChg ; If not, continue mov [bp+MENUVARS.wItemTop], cx ; New selection to topmost ; Send EVNT_MMU_SELCHG message ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .SendSelChg: mov bx, EVNT_MMU_SELCHG call MenuLoop_SendEvent ; Redraw changes mov cx, -1 ; Invalidate all menuitems mov dl, MFL_UPD_ITEM call Menu_Invalidate .Return: ret %endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Shows or hides menu information at the bottom of menu. ; ; Menu_ShowInfo Enables menu information ; Menu_HideInfo Disables menu information ; Menu_ToggleInfo Enables or disables menu information ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS for menu ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %ifdef USE_MENU_TOGGLEINFO ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_ShowInfo: test BYTE [bp+MENUVARS.bFlags], FLG_MNU_HIDENFO jnz Menu_ToggleInfo ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_HideInfo: test BYTE [bp+MENUVARS.bFlags], FLG_MNU_HIDENFO jz Menu_ToggleInfo ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_ToggleInfo: xor BYTE [bp+MENUVARS.bFlags], FLG_MNU_HIDENFO ; Fall to Menu_RefreshMenu %endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Refreshes menu. This function must be called when ; call to submenu Menu_Enter (or Menu_Init) returns. ; ; Menu_RefreshMenu ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS for menu to refresh ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_RefreshMenu: push cx call MenuCrsr_Hide ; Hide cursor call Menu_RestartTimeout ; Restart selection timeout call Menu_GetTime ; Get system time ticks to CX:DX mov [bp+MENUVARS.wTimeLast], dx ; Store last time updated call Keys_ClrBuffer ; Clear keyboard buffer call MenuDraw_ClrScr ; Clear screen mov cx, -1 ; Invalidate all menuitems mov dl, MFL_UPD_TITLE | MFL_UPD_NFO | MFL_UPD_ITEM call Menu_Invalidate ; Redraw everything pop cx ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Destroy menu by causing Menu_Init to return. ; ; Menu_Exit ; Parameters: ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; Returns: ; CF: Set if user cancelled exit ; Cleared if user allowed exit ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_Exit: mov bx, EVNT_MNU_EXIT call MenuLoop_SendEvent rcr ah, 1 ; AH bit 0 to CF jc .Return ; Do not exit if AH non-zero or BYTE [bp+MENUVARS.bFlags], FLG_MNU_EXIT ; (Clear CF) ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .Return: ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Invalidate any menu string. ; Menu then sends EVNT_MNU_UPD events when necessary. ; ; Menu_InvItemCnt Changes total item count and invalidates ; Parameters: (in addition to Menu_Invalidate) ; CX: New Total item count ; Menu_Invalidate ; Parameters: ; DL: Invalidate flags (any combination is valid): ; MFL_UPD_NOCLEAR Set to prevent clearing old chars ; MFL_UPD_TITLE Invalidate menu title string ; MFL_UPD_NFO Invalidate menu info string ; MFL_UPD_ITEM Invalidate menuitem strings ; CX: Index of Menuitem to update ; -1 to update all menuitems ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- %ifdef USE_MENU_INVITEMCNT ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_InvItemCnt: xor ax, ax mov [bp+MENUVARS.wItemCnt], cx mov [bp+MENUVARS.wItemSel], ax mov [bp+MENUVARS.wItemTop], ax mov cx, -1 ; Invalidate all items or dl, MFL_UPD_ITEM %endif ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_Invalidate: push di mov di, dx test di, MFL_UPD_ITEM ; Invalidate Menuitems? jz .InvTitle ; If not, jump to invalidate Title cmp cx, -1 ; Redraw all menuitems? je .InvAllItems ; If so, jump to draw call MenuCrsr_PointNthItem ; Set cursor position call MenuDraw_Item ; Draw single menuitem jmp .InvTitle ; Jump to invalidate Title ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .InvAllItems: test di, MFL_UPD_NOCLEAR ; Keep background? jnz .DrawAllItems ; If not, jump to draw call MenuDraw_ItemBorders ; Draw item borders ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .DrawAllItems: call MenuDraw_AllItemsNoBord ; Draw items without borders ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .InvTitle: test di, MFL_UPD_TITLE ; Invalidate Title? jz .InvInfo ; If not, jump to invalidate Info test di, MFL_UPD_NOCLEAR ; Keep background? jnz .DrawTitle ; If not, jump to draw call MenuDraw_TitleBorders ; Draw borders ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .DrawTitle: call MenuDraw_TitleNoBord ; Draw title without borders ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .InvInfo: test di, MFL_UPD_NFO ; Invalidate Info? jz .Return ; If not, return test di, MFL_UPD_NOCLEAR ; Keep background? jnz .DrawInfo ; If not, jump to draw call MenuDraw_InfoBorders ; Draw borders ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .DrawInfo: call MenuDraw_InfoNoBord ; Draw info without borders ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .Return: pop di ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Starts or stops menu selection timeout. ; ; Menu_StopTimeout ; Stops timeout ; Menu_StartTimeout ; Starts timeout with new value ; Menu_RestartTimeout ; Restarts timeout with previous value ; Parameters: ; AX: New timeout value in ms (for Menu_StartTimeout only) ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_StopTimeout: xor ax, ax ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_StartTimeout: push dx push bx xor dx, dx mov bx, 55 ; 1 timer tick = 54.945ms div bx ; DX:AX / 55 mov [bp+MENUVARS.wTimeInit], ax ; Store timer tick count mov [bp+MENUVARS.wTimeout], ax pop bx pop dx ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_RestartTimeout: mov ax, [bp+MENUVARS.wTimeInit] mov [bp+MENUVARS.wTimeout], ax ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Returns system time in clock ticks. One tick is 54.95ms. ; ; Menu_GetTime ; Parameters: ; Nothing ; Returns: ; AL: Midnight flag, set if midnight passed since last read ; CX:DX: Number of clock ticks since midnight ; Corrupts registers: ; AH ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_GetTime: xor ah, ah ; Get System Time int 1Ah ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Checks if Menuitem is currently visible. ; ; Menu_IsItemVisible ; Parameters: ; AX: Menuitem index ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; Returns: ; CF: Set if Menuitem is visible ; Cleared if Menuitem is not visible ; Corrupts registers: ; Nothing ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_IsItemVisible: push dx mov dx, [bp+MENUVARS.wItemTop] ; Load index of first visible cmp ax, dx ; First visible menuitem? jb .RetFalse ; If below, return false add dl, [bp+MENUVARS.bVisCnt] ; Inc to one past... adc dh, 0 ; ...last visible menuitem cmp ax, dx ; Over last visible? jae .RetFalse ; If so, return false pop dx ret ; Return with CF set ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .RetFalse: pop dx clc ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Optional Dialog functions start here ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; %ifdef USE_MENU_DIALOGS ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Shows message dialog to display string. ; String can be multiple lines but line feeds will be determined ; by menu system. ; ; Menu_ShowMsgDlg ; Parameters: ; BL: Dialog width with borders included ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; ES:DI: Ptr to STOP terminated string to display ; Returns: ; Nothing ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_ShowMsgDlg: call MenuMsg_ShowMessage jmp Menu_RefreshMenu ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Shows dialog that asks unsigned DWORD from user. ; ; Menu_ShowDWDlg ; Parameters: ; BL: Dialog width with borders included ; CX: Numeric base (10=dec, 16=hex...) ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; ES:DI: Ptr to STOP terminated string to display ; Returns: ; DX:AX: User inputted data ; CF: Set if user data inputted successfully ; Cleared is input cancelled ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, CX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_ShowDWDlg: mov dx, MenuDlg_DWEvent ; Offset to event handler call MenuDlg_Show push ax push dx pushf call Menu_RefreshMenu popf pop dx pop ax ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Shows dialog that asks Y/N input from user. ; ; Menu_ShowYNDlg ; Parameters: ; BL: Dialog width with borders included ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; ES:DI: Ptr to STOP terminated string to display ; Returns: ; AX: 'Y' if Y pressed ; 'N' if N pressed ; Zero if ESC pressed ; CF: Set if Y pressed ; Cleared if N or ESC pressed ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_ShowYNDlg: mov dx, MenuDlg_YNEvent ; Offset to event handler call MenuDlg_Show push ax pushf call Menu_RefreshMenu popf pop ax ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Shows dialog that asks any string from user. ; ; Menu_ShowStrDlg ; Parameters: ; BL: Dialog width with borders included ; CX: Buffer length with STOP included ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; ES:DI: Ptr to STOP terminated string to display ; DS:SI: Prt to buffer to receive string ; Returns: ; AX: String length in characters without STOP ; CF: Set if string inputted successfully ; Cleared if user cancellation ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_ShowStrDlg: mov dx, MenuDlg_StrEvent ; Offset to event handler call MenuDlg_Show push ax pushf call Menu_RefreshMenu popf pop ax ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Shows progress bar dialog. ; ; Menu_ShowProgDlg ; Parameters: ; BL: Dialog width with borders included ; BH: Dialog height with borders included ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; ES:DI: Far ptr to user specified task function ; DS:SI: User specified far pointer ; Returns: ; AX: User specified return code ; Corrupts registers: ; BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_ShowProgDlg: call MenuProg_Show push ax call Menu_RefreshMenu pop ax ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Shows dialog that user can use to select file. ; ; Menu_ShowFileDlg ; Parameters: ; BL: Dialog width with borders included ; SS:BP: Ptr to MENUVARS ; ES:DI: Ptr to STOP terminated info string ; DS:SI: Ptr to file search string (* and ? wildcards supported) ; Returns: ; DS:SI: Ptr to DTA for selected file ; CF: Set if file selected successfully ; Cleared if user cancellation ; Corrupts registers: ; AX, BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN Menu_ShowFileDlg: call MenuFile_ShowDlg pushf call Menu_RefreshMenu popf ret %endif ; USE_MENU_DIALOGS