1 | ; Project name : Assembly Library
2 | ; Description : Functions for size calculations.
3 |
5 | .B resb 1
6 | .kiB resb 1
7 | .MiB resb 1
8 | .GiB resb 1
9 | .TiB resb 1
10 | endstruc
11 |
12 | ; Section containing code
13 | SECTION .text
14 |
15 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
16 | ; Size_GetSizeToAXAndCharToDLfromBXDXAXwithMagnitudeInCX
17 | ; Parameters:
18 | ; BX:DX:AX: Size in magnitude
19 | ; CX: Magnitude in BYTE_MULTIPLES
20 | ; Returns:
21 | ; AX: Size in magnitude
22 | ; CX: Tenths
23 | ; DL: Magnitude character:
24 | ; 'k' = *1024 B = kiB
25 | ; 'M' = *1024 kiB = MiB
26 | ; 'G' = *1024 MiB = GiB
27 | ; 'T' = *1024 GiB = TiB
28 | ; 'P' = *1024 TiB = PiB
29 | ; Corrupts registers:
30 | ; BX, DH
31 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
33 | Size_GetSizeToAXAndCharToDLfromBXDXAXwithMagnitudeInCX:
34 | push si
35 |
37 | .MagnitudeConversionLoop:
38 | ePUSH_T si, .MagnitudeConversionLoop
39 | test bx, bx ; Bits 32...47 in use?
40 | jnz SHORT Size_DivideSizeInBXDXAXby1024andIncrementMagnitudeInCX
41 | test dx, dx ; Bits 16...31 in use?
42 | jnz SHORT Size_DivideSizeInBXDXAXby1024andIncrementMagnitudeInCX
43 | cmp ax, 10000 ; 5 digits needed?
44 | jae SHORT Size_DivideSizeInBXDXAXby1024andIncrementMagnitudeInCX
45 | add sp, BYTE 2 ; Clean return address from stack
46 | xchg si, cx ; CX = Remainder (0...1023), SI = Magnitude
47 |
48 | ; Convert remainder to tenths
49 | xchg bx, ax ; Store AX
50 | mov ax, 10
51 | mul cx ; DX:AX = remainder * 10
52 | eSHR_IM ax, 10 ; Divide AX by 1024
53 | xchg cx, ax ; CX = tenths
54 | xchg ax, bx
55 |
56 | ; Convert magnitude to character
57 | mov dl, [cs:si+.rgbMagnitudeToChar]
58 |
59 | pop si
60 | ret
61 | .rgbMagnitudeToChar: db " kMGTP"
62 |
63 |
64 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
65 | ; Size_DivideSizeInBXDXAXby1024andIncrementMagnitudeInCX
66 | ; Parameters:
67 | ; BX:DX:AX: Size
68 | ; CX: Magnitude in BYTE_MULTIPLES
69 | ; Returns:
70 | ; BX:DX:AX: Size in magnitude
71 | ; SI: Remainder (0...1023)
72 | ; CX: Magnitude in BYTE_MULTIPLES
73 | ; Corrupts registers:
74 | ; Nothing
75 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
77 | Size_DivideSizeInBXDXAXby1024andIncrementMagnitudeInCX:
78 | push cx
79 | xor si, si ; Zero remainder
80 | mov cl, 10 ; Divide by 1024
82 | .ShiftLoop:
83 | call Size_DivideBXDXAXbyTwo
84 | rcr si, 1 ; Update remainder
85 | loop .ShiftLoop
86 | eSHR_IM si, 6 ; Remainder to SI beginning
87 | pop cx
88 | inc cx ; Increment magnitude
89 | ret
90 |
91 |
92 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
93 | ; Size_ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoKiB
94 | ; Size_DivideBXDXAXbyTwo
95 | ; Parameters:
96 | ; BX:DX:AX: Total sector count
97 | ; Returns:
98 | ; BX:DX:AX: Total size in kiB
99 | ; CF: Remainder from division
100 | ; Corrupts registers:
101 | ; Nothing
102 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
104 | Size_ConvertSectorCountInBXDXAXtoKiB:
105 | Size_DivideBXDXAXbyTwo:
106 | shr bx, 1 ; Divide sector count by 2...
107 | rcr dx, 1 ; ...to get disk size in...
108 | rcr ax, 1 ; ...kiB
109 | ret