; File name : LibraryTests.asm ; Project name : Assembly Library ; Created date : 27.6.2010 ; Last update : 15.9.2010 ; Author : Tomi Tilli ; Description : Tests for Assembly Library. ; This file should not be included when using the library on ; some other project. ; Include .inc files %define INCLUDE_MENU_DIALOGS %include "AssemblyLibrary.inc" ; Assembly Library. Must be included first! ; Section containing code SECTION .text ; Program first instruction. ORG 100h ; Code starts at offset 100h (DOS .COM) Start: jmp LibraryTests_Start ; Include library sources %include "AssemblyLibrary.asm" ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Program start ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN LibraryTests_Start: CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY InitializeDisplayContext CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY ClearScreen call LibraryTests_ForDisplayLibrary ;call LibraryTests_ForKeyboardLibrary call LibraryTests_ForMenuLibrary ; Exit to DOS ;mov ax, CURSOR_XY(1, 1) ;CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SynchronizeDisplayContextToHardware mov ax, 4C00h ; Exit to DOS int 21h ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN LibraryTests_ForMenuLibrary: mov [cs:g_dialogInputOutput+DIALOG_INPUT.fszTitle+2], cs mov [cs:g_dialogInputOutput+DIALOG_INPUT.fszItems+2], cs mov [cs:g_dialogInputOutput+DIALOG_INPUT.fszInfo+2], cs mov bx, .MenuEventHandler call MenuInit_DisplayMenuWithHandlerInBXandUserDataInDXAX ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .MenuEventHandler: jmp [cs:bx+.rgfnMenuEvents] .NotHandled: clc ; Not handled so clear ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .InitializeMenu: mov WORD [si+MENUINIT.wTimeoutTicks], 10000 / 55 ; 10 seconds mov WORD [si+MENUINIT.wItems], 51 mov BYTE [si+MENUINIT.bWidth], 40 mov BYTE [si+MENUINIT.bHeight], 20 mov BYTE [si+MENUINIT.bTitleLines], TEST_MENU_TITLE_LINES mov BYTE [si+MENUINIT.bInfoLines], TEST_MENU_INFO_LINES mov ax, 1 CALL_MENU_LIBRARY HighlightItemFromAX stc ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .RefreshTitle: mov si, .szMenuTitle CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI stc ret .szMenuTitle: db "First line for menu title.",CR,LF, db "This is the second line.",NULL ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .RefreshInformation: push bp mov bp, sp mov si, .szInfoTitle CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI pop bp stc ret .szInfoTitle: db "Information line 1,",CR,LF, db "Information line 2,",CR,LF, db "This is the last information line.",NULL ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .RefreshItemFromCX: cmp cx, TEST_MENU_VALID_ITEMS jb SHORT .PrintKnownItem push bp mov si, .szItem mov bp, sp push cx ; Item index CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI pop bp stc ret .szItem: db "This is item %d.",NULL .PrintKnownItem: mov si, cx shl si, 1 mov si, [cs:si+.rgszItems] CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI stc ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ItemSelectedFromCX: push cs pop ds cmp cx, TEST_MENU_VALID_ITEMS jae SHORT .ReturnWithoutHandling mov bx, cx shl bx, 1 jmp [bx+.rgfnSelectionHandler] .ReturnWithoutHandling: stc ret ALIGN WORD_ALIGN .rgfnSelectionHandler: dw .ExitMenu dw .ToggleTitle dw .ToggleInfo dw .ShowMessageDialogWithUnformattedText dw .AskWordFromUser dw .AskStringFromUser dw .AskSelectionFromUser dw .AskFileFromUser dw .TestProgressBar ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ExitMenu: CALL_MENU_LIBRARY Close stc ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ToggleTitle: mov al, [bp+MENUINIT.bTitleLines] xor al, TEST_MENU_TITLE_LINES CALL_MENU_LIBRARY SetTitleHeightFromAL jmp SHORT .RefreshMenuWindow ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ToggleInfo: mov al, [bp+MENUINIT.bInfoLines] xor al, TEST_MENU_INFO_LINES CALL_MENU_LIBRARY SetInformationHeightFromAL .RefreshMenuWindow: CALL_MENU_LIBRARY RestartTimeout CALL_MENU_LIBRARY RefreshWindow stc ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ShowMessageDialogWithUnformattedText: mov di, g_szVeryLongString jmp .ShowDialogWithStringInCSDI ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .AskWordFromUser: mov si, g_dialogInputOutput mov BYTE [si+WORD_DIALOG_IO.bNumericBase], 10 mov WORD [si+WORD_DIALOG_IO.wMin], 10 mov WORD [si+WORD_DIALOG_IO.wMax], 20 CALL_MENU_LIBRARY GetWordWithIoInDSSI mov ax, [si+WORD_DIALOG_IO.wReturnWord] mov di, g_szBuffer call .FormatWordFromAXtoStringBufferInCSDI call .ShowDialogWithStringInCSDI stc ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .AskStringFromUser: mov si, g_dialogInputOutput mov WORD [si+STRING_DIALOG_IO.fnCharFilter], NULL mov WORD [si+STRING_DIALOG_IO.wBufferSize], 17 mov WORD [si+STRING_DIALOG_IO.fpReturnBuffer], g_szBuffer mov [si+STRING_DIALOG_IO.fpReturnBuffer+2], cs CALL_MENU_LIBRARY GetStringWithIoInDSSI mov di, g_szBuffer call .ShowDialogWithStringInCSDI stc ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .AskSelectionFromUser: mov si, g_dialogInputOutput mov WORD [si+DIALOG_INPUT.fszItems], .szSelections CALL_MENU_LIBRARY GetSelectionToAXwithInputInDSSI mov di, g_szBuffer call .FormatWordFromAXtoStringBufferInCSDI call .ShowDialogWithStringInCSDI stc ret .szSelections: db "Cancel",LF db "Yes",LF db "No",NULL ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .AskFileFromUser: mov si, g_dialogInputOutput mov WORD [si+DIALOG_INPUT.fszItems], g_szBuffer mov BYTE [si+FILE_DIALOG_IO.bDialogFlags], FLG_FILEDIALOG_DIRECTORY | FLG_FILEDIALOG_NEW | FLG_FILEDIALOG_DRIVES mov BYTE [si+FILE_DIALOG_IO.bFileAttributes], FLG_FILEATTR_DIRECTORY | FLG_FILEATTR_ARCHIVE mov WORD [si+FILE_DIALOG_IO.fpFileFilterString], .szAllFiles mov [si+FILE_DIALOG_IO.fpFileFilterString+2], cs mov [si+STRING_DIALOG_IO.fpReturnBuffer+2], cs CALL_MENU_LIBRARY GetFileNameWithIoInDSSI cmp BYTE [g_dialogInputOutput+FILE_DIALOG_IO.bUserCancellation], TRUE je SHORT .FileSelectionCancelled mov di, g_dialogInputOutput + FILE_DIALOG_IO.szFile call .ShowDialogWithStringInCSDI .FileSelectionCancelled: stc ret .szAllFiles: db "*.*",NULL ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .FormatWordFromAXtoStringBufferInCSDI: push bp push di mov si, di xchg cx, ax CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PushDisplayContext mov bx, cs mov ax, si CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCharacterPointerFromBXAX mov ax, BUFFER_OUTPUT_WITH_CHAR_ONLY CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCharacterOutputFunctionFromAX lea ax, [si+STRING_BUFFER_SIZE] CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCharacterOutputParameterFromAX mov si, .szFormatWord mov bp, sp push cx CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI mov al, NULL CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintCharacterFromAL ; Terminate buffer with NULL CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PopDisplayContext pop di pop bp ret .szFormatWord: db "Integer %d selected!",NULL ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ShowDialogWithStringInCSDI: push cs pop ds mov si, g_dialogInputOutput mov WORD [si+DIALOG_INPUT.fszItems], di CALL_MENU_LIBRARY DisplayMessageWithInputInDSSI stc ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .TestProgressBar: push cs pop ds mov si, g_dialogInputOutput mov WORD [si+PROGRESS_DIALOG_IO.wCurrentProgressValue], 0 mov WORD [si+PROGRESS_DIALOG_IO.wMaxProgressValue], 500 mov WORD [si+PROGRESS_DIALOG_IO.wMinProgressValue], 0 mov WORD [si+PROGRESS_DIALOG_IO.fnTaskWithParamInDSSI], .ProgressTaskWithParamInDSSI mov ax, 500 ; Counter for progress task CALL_MENU_LIBRARY StartProgressTaskWithIoInDSSIandParamInDXAX stc ret ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN .ProgressTaskWithParamInDSSI: mov ax, 50000 ; 50 millisec delay call Delay_MicrosecondsFromAX dec si CALL_MENU_LIBRARY SetUserDataFromDSSI mov ax, 500 sub ax, si push si CALL_MENU_LIBRARY SetProgressValueFromAX pop si test si, si jnz .ProgressTaskWithParamInDSSI ret ALIGN WORD_ALIGN .rgfnMenuEvents: dw .InitializeMenu ; .InitializeMenuinitToDSSI dw .NotHandled ; .ExitMenu dw .NotHandled ; .IdleProcessing dw .NotHandled ; .ItemHighlightedFromCX dw .ItemSelectedFromCX ; .ItemSelectedFromCX dw .NotHandled ; .KeyStrokeInDX dw .RefreshTitle ; .RefreshTitle dw .RefreshInformation ; .RefreshInformation dw .RefreshItemFromCX ; .RefreshItemFromCX .rgszItems: dw .szExitMenu dw .szToggleTitle dw .szToggleInfo dw .szShowMessage dw .szAskWord dw .szAskString dw .szAskSelection dw .szAskFile dw .szTestProgress .szExitMenu: db "Exit menu",NULL .szToggleTitle: db "Toggle title",NULL .szToggleInfo: db "Toggle information",NULL .szShowMessage: db "Display unformatted message",NULL .szAskWord: db "Input word",NULL .szAskString: db "Input string",NULL .szAskSelection:db "Display selection dialog",NULL .szAskFile: db "Display file dialog",NULL .szTestProgress:db "Display progress bar",NULL TEST_MENU_VALID_ITEMS EQU 9 TEST_MENU_TITLE_LINES EQU 2 TEST_MENU_INFO_LINES EQU 3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN LibraryTests_ForKeyboardLibrary: mov ax, CURSOR_XY(0, 6) CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX call ReadUnsignedDecimalInteger call ReadHexadecimalWord ret ReadUnsignedDecimalInteger: mov si, .szEnterUnsignedWord CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SynchronizeDisplayContextToHardware ; Move hardware cursor mov bx, 10 ; Numeric base call Keyboard_ReadUserInputtedWordWhilePrinting mov si, .szWordEntered mov bp, sp push ax CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI ret .szWordEntered: db ". Word entered: %u",LF,CR,NULL .szEnterUnsignedWord: db "Enter unsigned word: ",NULL ReadHexadecimalWord: mov si, .szEnterHexadecimalWord CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SynchronizeDisplayContextToHardware ; Move hardware cursor mov bx, 16 ; Numeric base call Keyboard_ReadUserInputtedWordWhilePrinting mov si, .szWordEntered mov bp, sp push ax CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI ret .szWordEntered: db ". Word entered: %x",LF,CR,NULL .szEnterHexadecimalWord: db "Enter hexadecimal word: ",NULL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN LibraryTests_ForDisplayLibrary: CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PushDisplayContext call PrintHorizontalRuler call PrintVerticalRuler mov ax, CURSOR_XY(0, 1) CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX mov al, COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_BRIGHT_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCharacterAttributeFromAL call PrintFormattedStrings CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PopDisplayContext ret PrintHorizontalRuler: mov ax, CURSOR_XY(0, 0) CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY GetColumnsToALandRowsToAH eMOVZX cx, al mov bx, 10<<8 ; Divider 10 to BH .ColumnNumberLoop: eMOVZX ax, bl ; Column index to AX (0...79) div bh ; AH = 0...9, AL = attribute mov dx, ax inc ax ; Increment attribute for non-black foreground CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCharacterAttributeFromAL xchg ax, dx mov al, '0' add al, ah ; AL = '0'...'9' CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY PrintCharacterFromAL inc bx ; Increment column index loop .ColumnNumberLoop ret PrintVerticalRuler: CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY GetColumnsToALandRowsToAH eMOVZX cx, ah ; Number of rows to CX dec ax ; Last column xor ah, ah CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY SetCursorCoordinatesFromAX dec cx ; Decrement rows to print last row outside loop mov bx, 10<<8 ; BH = 10 (divider), BL = 0 (row index) mov si, .szVerticalRulerCharacter .RowNumberLoop: call .PrintRowNumberFromBL inc bx ; Increment row index loop .RowNumberLoop ; Last row mov si, .szLastVerticalRulerCharacter .PrintRowNumberFromBL: eMOVZX ax, bl ; Row index to AX (0...24) div bh ; AH = 0...9, AL = attribute add al, COLOR_GRAY ; Start from color GRAY mov bp, sp ; Prepare BP for string formatting push ax ; Push attribute eMOVZX ax, ah push ax ; Push row index CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI ret .szVerticalRulerCharacter: db "%A%u",LF,NULL .szLastVerticalRulerCharacter: db "%A%u",NULL PrintFormattedStrings: call .PrintIntegers call .PrintHexadecimals call .PrintCharacters call .PrintStrings call .RepeatChar ret .PrintIntegers: mov si, .szIntegers mov bp, sp ePUSH_T ax, COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK) ePUSH_T ax, -32768 ePUSH_T ax, -1 ePUSH_T ax, 0 ePUSH_T ax, 1 ePUSH_T ax, 65535 CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI ret .szIntegers: db "Integers -32768, -1, 0, 1, 65535: %A|%6d|%6d|%6d|%6d|%6u|",LF,CR,NULL .PrintHexadecimals: mov si, .szHexadecimals mov bp, sp ePUSH_T ax, COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK) ePUSH_T ax, 0CACAh ePUSH_T ax, 0FFFFh ePUSH_T ax, 0 ePUSH_T ax, 5A5Ah ePUSH_T ax, 0A5A5h CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI ret .szHexadecimals: db "Hexadecimals CACAh, FFFFh, 0, 5A5Ah, A5A5h:%A|%6x|%6x|%6x|%6x|%6x|",LF,CR,NULL .PrintCharacters: mov si, .szCharacters mov bp, sp ePUSH_T ax, COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK) ePUSH_T ax, 'a' ePUSH_T ax, 'B' ePUSH_T ax, 'c' ePUSH_T ax, 'D' CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI ret .szCharacters: db "Characters a, B, c, D, percent: %A|%6c|%6c|%6c|%6c|%6%|",LF,CR,NULL .PrintStrings: mov si, .szStrings mov bp, sp ePUSH_T ax, COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK) ePUSH_T ax, .szCSSI ePUSH_T ax, .szFar push cs CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI ret .szStrings: db "Strings ",'"',"Hello CSSI",'"'," and ",'"',"Far",'"',": %A|%20s|%13S|",LF,CR,NULL .szCSSI: db "Hello CSSI",NULL .szFar: db "Far",NULL .RepeatChar: mov si, .szRepeat mov bp, sp ePUSH_T ax, COLOR_ATTRIBUTE(COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK) ePUSH_T ax, '-' ePUSH_T ax, 36 CALL_DISPLAY_LIBRARY FormatNullTerminatedStringFromCSSI ret .szRepeat: db "Repeating character '-': %A%t",LF,CR,NULL ; Section containing initialized data ;SECTION .data g_szDialogTitle: db "This is a generic title for all dialogs.",NULL g_szDialogInfo: db "This is a generic information for all dialogs.",NULL g_szVeryLongString: db "This is a very long string containing multiple lines of text. This is needed " db "so scroll bars and message dialog can be tested. This string does not use " db "formatting so it should be simple to display this correctly. This string " db "does, however, use newline characters. Lets change line right now!",CR,LF, db "Well did it work? Let's try line feed alone",LF,"Well? " db "We could also see what two spaces does _ _. There was two spaces between " db "underscores. Lets try three this time _ _. Well, did they work correctly? " db "What next, I guess that was all, no wait. Let's see what TAB does! Here it " db "goes:",TAB,"Well did it work? Just one more time:",TAB,"Well are we good? " db "No since LF is the only supported control character, unfortunately. " db "This is the last sentence of this long string!",NULL g_dialogInputOutput: istruc DIALOG_INPUT at DIALOG_INPUT.fszTitle, dw g_szDialogTitle at DIALOG_INPUT.fszInfo, dw g_szDialogInfo iend times 20 db 0 ; Section containing uninitialized data SECTION .bss STRING_BUFFER_SIZE EQU 100 g_szBuffer: