; Project name : AssemblyLibrary ; Description : Defines for MS-DOS functions. %ifndef DOS_FUNCTIONS_INC %define DOS_FUNCTIONS_INC ; DOS interrupts DOS_INTERRUPT_21h EQU 21h DOS_CRITICAL_ERROR_HANDLER_24h EQU 24h DOS_TSR_MULTIPLEX_INTERRUPT_2Fh EQU 2Fh ; DOS functions WRITE_CHARACTER_TO_STANDARD_OUTPUT EQU 02h ; DOS 1+ WRITE_STRING_TO_STANDARD_OUTPUT EQU 09h ; DOS 1+ SELECT_DEFAULT_DRIVE EQU 0Eh ; DOS 1+ GET_CURRENT_DEFAULT_DRIVE EQU 19h ; DOS 1+ SET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR EQU 25h ; DOS 1+ GET_DISK_TRANSFER_AREA_ADDRESS EQU 2Fh ; DOS 2+ GET_DOS_VERSION EQU 30h ; DOS 2+ GET_DOS_DRIVE_PARAMETER_BLOCK_FOR_SPECIFIC_DRIVE EQU 32h ; DOS 2+ GET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR EQU 35h ; DOS 2+ SET_CURRENT_DIRECTORY EQU 3Bh ; DOS 2+ CREATE_OR_TRUNCATE_FILE EQU 3Ch ; DOS 2+ OPEN_EXISTING_FILE EQU 3Dh ; DOS 2+ CLOSE_FILE EQU 3Eh ; DOS 2+ READ_FROM_FILE_OR_DEVICE EQU 3Fh ; DOS 2+ WRITE_TO_FILE_OR_DEVICE EQU 40h ; DOS 2+ SET_CURRENT_FILE_POSITION EQU 42h ; DOS 2+ CHECK_IF_BLOCK_DEVICE_REMOTE EQU 4409h ; DOS 3.1+ GET_CURRENT_DIRECTORY EQU 47h ; DOS 2+ TERMINATE_WITH_RETURN_CODE EQU 4Ch ; DOS 2+ FIND_FIRST_MATCHING_FILE EQU 4Eh ; DOS 2+ FIND_NEXT_MATCHING_FILE EQU 4Fh ; DOS 2+ ; DOS errors ERR_DOS_FUNCTION_NUMBER_INVALID EQU 01h ERR_DOS_INVALID_DRIVE EQU 0Fh ERR_DOS_DRIVE_NOT_READY EQU 15h ; DOS Program Segment Prefix (PSP, first 256 (100h) bytes on top of program) struc PSP .int20hInstruction resb 2 .wSizeOfMemoryInParagraphs resb 2 .reservedAt4h resb 1 .callToDosFunctionDispatcher resb 5 .fpInt22hTerminate resb 4 .fpInt23hCtrlC resb 4 .fpInt24hCriticalError resb 4 .reservedAt16h resb 22 .wEnvironmentSegment resb 2 .reservedAt2Eh resb 34 .int21hAndRetfInstructions resb 3 .reservedAt53h resb 9 .FCB1 resb 16 .FCB2 resb 20 .DiskTransferArea: .bCommandLineLength resb 1 .szCommandLine resb 127 endstruc ; DOS DTA (Disk Transfer Area) struc DTA ; Undocumented fields .reservedAt0h resb 21 ; Documented fields .bFileAttributes resb 1 ; 15h, Attribute of matching file .wFileTime resb 2 ; 16h, File time .wFileDate resb 2 ; 18h, File date .dwFileSize resb 4 ; 1Ah, File size in bytes .szFile resb 13 ; 1Eh, ASCIZ filename + extension endstruc %endif ; DOS_FUNCTIONS_INC