; Project name : XTIDE Universal BIOS ; Description : Int 13h function AH=Ch, Seek. ; Section containing code SECTION .text ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Int 13h function AH=Ch, Seek. ; ; AHCh_HandlerForSeek ; Parameters: ; CX, DH: Same as in INTPACK ; DL: Translated Drive number ; DS:DI: Ptr to DPT (in RAMVARS segment) ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEREGS_AND_INTPACK ; Parameters on INTPACK: ; CH: Cylinder number, bits 7...0 ; CL: Bits 7...6: Cylinder number bits 9 and 8 ; Bits 5...0: Starting sector number (1...63) ; DH: Starting head number (0...255) ; Returns with INTPACK: ; AH: BIOS Error code ; CF: 0 if succesfull, 1 if error ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIGN JUMP_ALIGN AHCh_HandlerForSeek: %ifndef USE_186 call AHCh_SeekToCylinder jmp Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH %else push Int13h_ReturnFromHandlerAfterStoringErrorCodeFromAH ; Fall through to AHCh_SeekToCylinder %endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AHCh_SeekToCylinder ; Parameters: ; CH: Cylinder number, bits 7...0 ; CL: Bits 7...6: Cylinder number bits 9 and 8 ; Bits 5...0: Starting sector number (1...63) ; DH: Starting head number (0...255) ; DS:DI: Ptr to DPT (in RAMVARS segment) ; SS:BP: Ptr to IDEREGS_AND_INTPACK ; Returns: ; AH: BIOS Error code ; CF: 0 if succesfull, 1 if error ; Corrupts registers: ; AL, BX, CX, DX ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- AHCh_SeekToCylinder: mov ah, COMMAND_SEEK mov bx, TIMEOUT_AND_STATUS_TO_WAIT(TIMEOUT_DRQ, FLG_STATUS_DRDY) jmp Idepack_TranslateOldInt13hAddressAndIssueCommandFromAH